See! The title... is in itself .... a
A child, was afflicted by a feeling of
drudgery, when a primitive exercise was inflicted on her by the
maths-tuition-master... That child was to step into 'tenth'
class... the parents were visibly anxious... maths is the scoring
subject... and so, the tuition master has to be a person who can
'deliver the goods'... the best scores!... And therefore the
primitive exercise, he chose to 'inflict'! ...
The child had decided to 'go through
it'... The problem was my abrupt presence! I happened to notice her
undergoing the inflicted-process... She was writing down the tables
of 16 X 20 =320 several times! She was thoroughly embarrassed! To
add to her troubles, I suddenly asked her “what is 3 + 4=?”...
... “12” she said inadvertently, and then corrected, “no...
no... Oh! ... it is just 7..!!!”
When a bout of emotions get vomited,
there is a certain calm.... To me, that seemed precious... I
intervened into that significant calm space... the right opportune
moment to drive in a concept!!!
'You did so excellently!' I
exclaimed... 'both are the right 'kind' of responses from a
student! 12 and the 7... !!!.. Only that the answer 7 is correct,
just because, the 'sign/symbol' that I had placed between 3 and 4
decided the correct answer, between the two numbers!'
I continued... “please see... you
did not actually calculate.... when you uttered 12 or the 7... You
were into the 'into-sign' deep enough with those multiplication
tables, .... so it took a moment to get into an additional sign of
'addition'... but the mind hurried with the answer in the meanwhile,
and the previous program had run the data, inadvertently, and churned
out its own answer...
It is the 'functionality of such mind's
program' that we seek to refine, when we decide to familiarize
ourselves with certain concepts which are acceptable as basics and
fundamentals!... And there fore the indispensable process of
getting-by-heart of these multiplication tables too!” (Now she
seemed to find an increased inquisitiveness in herself!)...
I continued... “Please try to look
back... when you were a kid... just in the first standard... the
same 3 + 4 is to be calculated each time... I I I (fingers) plus
I I I I (fingers of the other hand!)... and the kid starts with
1,2,3.. proceeds... 4,5,6,7... and pauses (did I leave out any
upright finger?), and hesitantly announces 7 (the teachers anxiety
is ... by the time the answer of the mind '7' reaches the
slate/paper, it should not climb on to the '8' that she is so-used-to
in the LKG/Oo-KG classes!)...”
“The next stage as a kid is going to
be a little smart one.. 3 +4 is handled as ... 3 + IIII .. the
counting starts thus... three is already there... now we count..
4,5,6,7.. a little smarter kids, decide that 4 is already
there.... the smaller one is III... so count it as 5,6,7”
“Very soon, we get so familiar with
the 81 sets and just 'read-off' the answers! No more arduous
counting, or the cal-cu-la-tion.... “
“The multiplication table entails a
bit of 'next-level-abstraction'... 'repeated additions' and so, your
mind did not manage to master the 'just-read-off' functionality as a
'default-ability' unconsciously... and so the 'now-a-conscious'
effort! The infliction on you by that maths teacher!...
There was a giggle, from another corner
of that drawing room... The elder sister of this
tenth-class-child... She was half way through B.E. Engr.. of a
circuit branch (a prized possession, if the college is famous for
'good' placement results!).... I turned to that girl... “You are
no way better 'placed'...”... I said.... “if auto-placement
what you are hoping for... there are very similar 'read-off' set of
highly communicative words, phrases, set-of-choiced words that you
need to familiarise yourself thoroughly ... such that the 'interview
phase' does not present a problem, soon after the written test...
for that .... you need to 'read-off' the minds of those who lecture
at the “PPT” (Pre-Placement-Talks)... usually, the HR people
blurt out the 'mind-and-theme' of the corporate heads, by sheer
reason of 'heavy-dose-of-meetings' aimed at refreshing the
team-spirit often!,,, Reading-off those abstract 'corporate
philosophies'.. and dishing-out a matching 'reading-off' ... of
the quick responses, from our own mind-memory's 'go/down'
(ware-house... a unique soft-ware-housing!)... constitutes the
job-oriented-communication skills”.... The giggle evaporated! I
decided to soften a bit... “Okay.. start with sets of
'deep-meaning' words, with positive impact... and then the idioms
and phrases... and make it into a 'default availability' like those
81-sets-of-additions, of single digit combinations, to be just 'read
off'... and then have good mock-sessions.... if you mean to deploy
your engineering skills, at the right kind of ambiance, by ensuring a
good employer to pick you!!!”
The elder girl was not really wise
enough to just nod, and leave it at that!
She asked for trouble, when she
mumbled,... out of a new-found-admiration, “Uncle.. how did you...
think of ... such concept-connectivity....? (the rest of it could
not find an articulation..)”
“Spirituality is an uncompromising
discipline, which insists on several such mystic concepts to be just
'read off' ... from the 'being' directly... since it strives
towards a perception beyond the sensory levels!.... I too am a
student, struggling at the mystic-tables of 'karmic-multiplications'
lying dormant since... I don't know how long... ! Only that, here
the 'reading-off', entails a Dissolution, instead of the conventional
'Solution' that a discipline like maths seeks out of us!”
(She is not going to appear anywhere
around where I am ... for quite some time... !!! The heavy
academics, leaves them no such luxuries to be easily 'affordable'!!!)
psn (5th June, 2013)