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Tuesday, June 25, 2013


It was amazing to look at the concept of 'decriminalising'...!

I was reminded of 'jurisprudence' a subject in which I happened to score good marks, and needlessly became a 'criminal' in the view of my fellow classmates, while 'doing' my law! My classmates were keen to become professionals, while I was just having fun, learning law!

The concept of equity, must have occurred to those who decided to relook at:
Indian Lunacy act, 1912
Mental health act 1987 and 1997....

They had sought to broaden the perspective when the Mental health care bill was under consideration!

Sec 309 of IPC was sought to be disengaged from its applicability, while rewiring the connectivity to mental health care!...
What was intriguing was, ECT (electro convulsive therapy) was being re-considered with an anesthesia! Or.. some drugs that treat schizophrenia and depression! This, despite the fact that during the last 10 years, anesthesia was not used (not even adequate number of specialists available, may be that is why)... that shock treatment without it!

For spiritual discussion, it is interesting to look at the concepts of Jurisprudence involved....
Whether the psychiatrists are available to equip themselves with principles of equity, consequences of commission-omission, contributory negligence, and ... if it is not too much to ask for, the ancient karma theory!

I was fascinated by the concept of “decriminalising”.... At home, office, where interpersonal relationships are based on 'renewable-judgment-scheme' also... and more so within ourselves, though a bit rare.... are we available to 'decriminalising' our labels of branding a few attitudes, of ours and our close ones, akin to criminal-like-outlooks? Only then, can we deepen our acceptance way beyond tolerance, forbearance etc!!! That humble story of a saintly person who explained as to why he was insisting on saving a scorpion from getting drowned again and again, when it stung his palm each time, 'It is the nature of a scorpion to sting, and so also, it is in my nature to save it!'

psn (25th June, 2013)

Friday, June 21, 2013

More or less!

We hear this phrase quite often... 'More or less' satisfied with something!....
A fuzzy logic!
I had heard that when Japanese people attempted to further innovate 'accurate' washing of clothes with the automatic washing machine, they deployed a new concept of 'fuzzy-logic'..! Thus the machines started washing clothes a bit more 'thoroughly'!!!

Our mind is sometimes caught in a fix... Whether to settle for contentment, or to strive for more!

This Japanese washing machine seemed to be better than me... it rinses the cloth which is unusually soiled, but does not overdo it so as to tear off or weaken the fibre too badly as to render it useless to wear! So, I am humiliated by that stupid washing machine, when it comes to using a via-media fuzzy logic even! How sad, I thought of myself for a while !

And, when it comes to 'doing something' worth while... ('Naam roshan karo', in Hindi... become an achiever).. there is another competitor... “accomplished person”...!!! Some people do not excel in skills, but manage to do a lot for others, and become 'great', not as an exceptionally skilled person, qualified person or a wise/intelligent person, but just as a humble benefactor of several others, and thus earn a lasting reputation! Some others, excel professionally, intellectually, etc and reach peaks of glory, but they are different from that social-worker-type of great persons... they are great scientists, or business empire-builders, statesmen, politicians, painter, musicians-par-excellence, etc!

A person with great potential, consciously chooses to lead a simple life like a non-entity too... The confusion happens when an eminent scientist like Shri Albert Einstein let out a dialogue during his last days, summing up his life experience, something like this: “If there is a re-birth, as they say,.. I would wish to be born as a humble farmer”!!!

It is indeed a debatable question, and there are no specific right answers too!

I did not quite “expect” that my answer would be picked!

More or less yours,
psn (21st June, 2013)

The details:

One should be satisfied with what they have or they should always want and strive for something more?

Our personal needs are simple, and we can be easily satisfied...
But our capability is more, to produce enough for a family (that is what a father of a family does!)...
That gives others a little more freedom to pursue arts, innovation, exploration etc...
The striving is for more out of natural resources, so that more people can spend time doing something more than for just livelihood!

(A remark, after having chosen the answer, which is more remarkable than my answer!)
Like universe, human mind is also programmed to fill the void. Smart and relevant questions create void that is required to be fulfilled. So, fulfillment of necessities are must, but greed must be avoided. One should be satisfied with what he has and strive for betterment with right conduct.”

The problem of being exploited!

This is a very commonly faced, everyday problem!
The solution is almost situation based. No prescriptions are universal!
For a “typical” example, some nation has chosen to say in its web site itself, to the visa applicants, something to this effect: 'Dear applicants, if we say no to you, please do not even bother to find out what was wrong with the documents you brought for the visa interview... Probably your supporting documents may be flawless! We even happen to say no, even without any apparent reason!' (Here the maxim, 'beggars can't be choosers' seems to apply. The other way of looking at it is, the vulnerability of being exploited with any liberal view while granting a visa is likely to be exploited ruthlessly, and hence the apprehension-based-attitude of 'summary-disposal'!!!

Under such a back-drop a question seems very pertinent, when the asker seeks a 'hint' of how to deal with exploitation! It is not just about preventing exploitation... The precaution renders a person unkind, over a period of time! And then the price is spiritual progress!!!

The question, I suppose is quite simple to understand....
It was:

Yo need atleast some attittude when dealing with people, otherwise they will exploit you?
Jesus says peace, Gandhi says love,Buddha says be patient untill you get the nibbana.But when you think about the practicality, i cant get it.I have been frank and nice to everyone i met and i have to say, sadly they took that for granted.So i have to ask you all of us need some attittude?we cant live without it?the feeling of self importance?


There is a subtle appeal in the question, when the reference is sought to quote spiritual giants like Jesus and Buddha.. (may be the name of Gandhi-ji was added to insulate the probable challenge, 'Did you see... can you prove... that the other two did exist? It was too long ago!!).. Anyway, we are looking at the concept, whether exploitation is going to be a problem if we 'keep' the honesty, outspokeness, frankness, compassion, kindness, peacefulness, love, helping nature etc., as our friend!

I know it is difficult to answer it.... There are bound to be practical difficulties, with situations from ground-realities being quoted pertinently, though it is possible to pary them with 'philosophical discussion purpose only' as the argument... But that doesn't help... I think I managed to keep the suggestion a bit 'open-ended' and directing the pointers only inwards, which is reasonable enough,... if spiritual growth it too big a price to pay, to insulate from being exploited!

My answer was:
Both, Jesus and Buddha (I suppose Buddha too said about Nibbana, Gandhiji's non-violence was political, not spiritual), had addressed people around them, but did not address global audience (even in those days, there were soldiers of the King/Kingdom, etc!
Today, we are far better insulated against such forced and barbaric exploitation... we have democracy, and freedom to choose, to deal with those whom we trust, products that we like to trust, doctors whom we like to trust, cab-drivers who seem trustworthy to us, etc... All we need is the intelligence to guess and judge bogus-advertisements, false pretenses etc... We can be far more peaceful, non-violent than those who lived in those times! ( I too have been exploited by people who dont know me, when I buy certain branded items with fake labels... but I keep learning... it does not deter me from pursuing a peaceful life!)

Explicitly-exploitedly yours,
psn (21st June, 2013)

What is your Nemesis?

Something very basic, if we are to recognise the hurdles that impede our progress on our path.

And when the path is already popular as a 'pathless-path', it is all the more pertinent, all the more relevant, to familarise onself,... and only then..... to proceed to do 'something' about it!

Therefore, when this question caught my attention, I could see a reflection of my own 'concern' in the other's mind...
When the answer found an appeal, my joy knew no bounds!

So here's my answer:

Thought process!
The day it can be consciously switched off at will, there will be no scope for yet another nemesis even!”

If it finds an appeal in us too.... only then the next question about “How to proceed to do 'something' about it!”... And to that, all I can say is a 'welcome' into spiritual path!... There are far better capable people to guide further!

Your-Nemesis-ly yours, (you can't beat me from being 'yours'!)
psn (21st June, 2013)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Why is life so bad for me?

life is a mandatory attendance futility awareness seminar . no one gets out alive .”

Wonderful sense of humor!!!

This was in answer to a question: Why is life so bad for me?

My answer:
Was it bad right from day one?
At some point of time, it started turning bad... !
When we were a baby, a kid, pint sized... the bulk of the people around us used to draw inspiration looking at us, to find their own happiness, find a reason to cheer up, find a reason to be joyous... the bulk of the people could not hold back their smile, as a response to their own 'looking-at-us' (we were often oblivious to their stare... not now... some one gives an innocent stare even, our BP shoots up!)
Those who manage that childhood innocence (not to many big demands from life), manage to find life too good!


I was amused by the humor filled answer so much that I found this blog as an excuse to reach it to the readers.

My answer had to be a bit simple, short and practical... People are so tired of 'rant' !

Psn (20th June, 2013)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

“Good health” a lay person's perspective!

I was very fortunate to come across a wonderful blog by a person of great eminence in the medical world. His blog about good health is almost like a presentation, 'cutting across party-lines'... and therefore, it is only reasonable that readers here will not try to deliberately point any accusing arguement at that benevolent person whose compassion is spiritually-oriented towards his fellow beings, and it is this inclination that would have persuaded him to share the technicalities, in a lucid and 'easy to understand' manner!
It is obvious, that as a humble seeker, I too felt encouraged to respond with my own perspective of 'good health' to that blogger, as a token of gratitude... I felt overwhelmed when he generously showered his encouragement towards my point of view! So now, I felt that, perhaps.... a few of us would find it easy to take a look at a lay-person's view point first, and then if the opinion manages to nudge the inquisitiveness of our mind, the more technically relevant one, the more 'how-to-do-it' one might find a way into our mind's grasp.... the other person's blog is what I meant here!

My response was thus:
It is very rare to find a 'doctor' describing, explaining and substantiating the subtle meaning of 'health'! Medical students seldom get a chance to focus on 'health' in as much detail as they look at dis-ease, and disease too, only in the reverse direction, looking out for symptom, attempting symptomatic relief first, and going to the root only if needed! The medicines usually wipe out the symptoms, and act as dis-ease relievers, rather than curbing the root cause of ailment... The human physiology does the job as a 'self-repair' and so this gap goes un-noticed, till it is some chronic ailment which also becomes acute ( the BP seldom gets cured, and over a period of time, ensures that several organs joins its list of 'affected' areas! Sugar problem includes sweets of all kinds, when it is a diabetes-case! Even fruits are prohibited, except pappaya and its likes! I am no expert on anatomy, but the restrictions baffle me, always! I did try to make an exception where I have ample leg-room, for instance, a very close person, a chronic and acute asthmatic since 9 years of age, cheerfully eats half a dozen bananas each day, if needed... that person used to be like 'any-other-chronic asthmatic who does not 'touch' a banana! Now, even the symptom is not so unbearable, though the puff-inhaler, salbutamol, etc is a must).
My own experience of health is when I find my body improving its responses/receptivity to the outside world, when it finds its own freedom to look after itself well, when it is able to 'decide' what to accept, and what to expel, effortlessly and efficiently, and then offer the body to the spirit to manifest itself in an enhanced form!... Now the spirit is able to find its stability within, is able to vibrate through deep emotions, listen to every vibration as a response from its other-forms outside, and thoroughly rejoice its oneness even through that 'virtual-duality'! On certain days, I simply enjoy going without food, and or without sleep/rest etc even! The respective responses of hunger, tiredness, fatigue etc do happen, but only in its respective pockets, not disturbing the spirit in anyway (thanks to certain spiritual practices which afford an experience where even a full bladder, urgently waiting to empty itself, is being looked-at as a mere psychological barrier rather than an experiential physiological reality!!!... Something, I know, so difficult to look at, leave alone accepting! For example, certain meditative practices, while learning are to be rigidly encased in pre-conditions, like empty stomach, somewhat tired, eyes closed, etc... But when the body is taught and trained to become more amenable, we almost request the stomach, "Hey, dear stomach, I forgot to meditate, so please press your 'pause-button' for a while, and 'resume' after I finish the meditation... hey eyes, please do not look, for a while, go blank... while I mediate clandestinely!... It seems Buddha used to sleep eyes open, sitting, and staring blank!)....
A spiritual forum... and that must have led to make me turn 'topsy-turvy' in my comment, when people are expected to share their ailment-reliefs due to spiritual practices!
A wonderful blog... a rare treat!

The link to that blog:

Healthily yours,
psn (19th June, 2013)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Blog Fixing!

Please make no mistake... I do mean something like that cricket-match-Fixing!


A couple of weeks it is, by now..... the news does not spare even non-viewers of TV news channel... Big money, so it pays good dividends for media to cover it (up) too!

Today, suddenly I thought of that Umpire... One who is supposed to “stand on his own legs” and therefore perhaps the en-titlement to be known as 'Leg-Umpire'... The other umpire must be the one who enjoys better freedom to raise his hands 'at will' and so needs no special mention as a 'hand-umpire'.... We know the monitoring by monitor-umpire, who is suppose to have a third eye, and thus the third-umpire...!

Only the fourth umpire has clandestinely switched places with that match-fixing-procedure... Now the media-charm of that ad-sponsored-4th-Umpire has lost its charm!

The umpire, by whatever prefix of name.... is the unsung hero of this match fixing episode... At least, I did not get to hear about how would/might feel when he comes to know that he was riveting his eyes painstakingly at the ball's course, the bowlers holy-feet (when he has to say a no-ball), etc... for an already fixed match!!!

I turned to my blogs! A recent criticism of the very title cleared my name of any possible blog-fixing! The readers are valid umpires, not just name-sake, when they care to tell me that the title of my blog is as foolish as I can be! (that 'dis-eased' title... of mine!) ...

Now, this blog is not about fixing other blog-fixers... so I will be quite helplessly disappointing a few readers of mine, when I end this theme abruptly here (they might have been looking forward to get to read a few gimmicks of mine about the 'art-of-blog-fixing'!... But Sirs, and Mad·e·moi·selles... I ain't no good at blog-fixing, you see!!!)

psn( 10th June, 2013)

addition: 12th June, 2013)
With deep gratitude to all those who noticed this wonderful comment, and those who made it noticeable with 'like-clicks'..  ...   I request better attention to it than to the blog itself! (I was waiting to say this, and place this here:
"never forget that, u r bought by whatever u buy ! u r taken by whatever u take ! ;-))"
(Tho ugh the comment is far more precious than the blog, its theme, ...  it is very much responsive too, to the theme of the blog  itself!)

Friday, June 07, 2013

The Disease of Spirituality

Spirituality is a communicable dis-ease too!

The lady-receptionist within us has to be a bit gracefully peaceful....
And the 'carrier-courier' out there... has to be well-balanced at ease!

And then, it is just off-the-shelf .... right within! It is not for nothing that the nothingness pervades all over, and therefore all it takes is ...... just 'nothing' ... again, into our within!

There is a little bit of evidence too! The widely popular, erratically accepted, and rarely occurring phenomenon, ....

when ...

that dark coloured one,
wielding just a harmonic bamboo reed,
rendered me into
loss of 'presence of mind' ....
and I lost all my ease and peace”

unceasingly yours,
psn (7th June, 2013)

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

A Learner's Experience!

See! The title... is in itself .... a disclaimer!
A child, was afflicted by a feeling of drudgery, when a primitive exercise was inflicted on her by the maths-tuition-master... That child was to step into 'tenth' class... the parents were visibly anxious... maths is the scoring subject... and so, the tuition master has to be a person who can 'deliver the goods'... the best scores!... And therefore the primitive exercise, he chose to 'inflict'! ...
The child had decided to 'go through it'... The problem was my abrupt presence! I happened to notice her undergoing the inflicted-process... She was writing down the tables of 16 X 20 =320 several times! She was thoroughly embarrassed! To add to her troubles, I suddenly asked her “what is 3 + 4=?”... ... “12” she said inadvertently, and then corrected, “no... no... Oh! ... it is just 7..!!!”
When a bout of emotions get vomited, there is a certain calm.... To me, that seemed precious... I intervened into that significant calm space... the right opportune moment to drive in a concept!!!

'You did so excellently!' I exclaimed... 'both are the right 'kind' of responses from a student! 12 and the 7... !!!.. Only that the answer 7 is correct, just because, the 'sign/symbol' that I had placed between 3 and 4 decided the correct answer, between the two numbers!'
I continued... “please see... you did not actually calculate.... when you uttered 12 or the 7... You were into the 'into-sign' deep enough with those multiplication tables, .... so it took a moment to get into an additional sign of 'addition'... but the mind hurried with the answer in the meanwhile, and the previous program had run the data, inadvertently, and churned out its own answer...
It is the 'functionality of such mind's program' that we seek to refine, when we decide to familiarize ourselves with certain concepts which are acceptable as basics and fundamentals!... And there fore the indispensable process of getting-by-heart of these multiplication tables too!” (Now she seemed to find an increased inquisitiveness in herself!)...
I continued... “Please try to look back... when you were a kid... just in the first standard... the same 3 + 4 is to be calculated each time... I I I (fingers) plus I I I I (fingers of the other hand!)... and the kid starts with 1,2,3.. proceeds... 4,5,6,7... and pauses (did I leave out any upright finger?), and hesitantly announces 7 (the teachers anxiety is ... by the time the answer of the mind '7' reaches the slate/paper, it should not climb on to the '8' that she is so-used-to in the LKG/Oo-KG classes!)...”
“The next stage as a kid is going to be a little smart one.. 3 +4 is handled as ... 3 + IIII .. the counting starts thus... three is already there... now we count.. 4,5,6,7.. a little smarter kids, decide that 4 is already there.... the smaller one is III... so count it as 5,6,7”

“Very soon, we get so familiar with the 81 sets and just 'read-off' the answers! No more arduous counting, or the cal-cu-la-tion.... “
“The multiplication table entails a bit of 'next-level-abstraction'... 'repeated additions' and so, your mind did not manage to master the 'just-read-off' functionality as a 'default-ability' unconsciously... and so the 'now-a-conscious' effort! The infliction on you by that maths teacher!...
There was a giggle, from another corner of that drawing room... The elder sister of this tenth-class-child... She was half way through B.E. Engr.. of a circuit branch (a prized possession, if the college is famous for 'good' placement results!).... I turned to that girl... “You are no way better 'placed'...”... I said.... “if auto-placement what you are hoping for... there are very similar 'read-off' set of highly communicative words, phrases, set-of-choiced words that you need to familiarise yourself thoroughly ... such that the 'interview phase' does not present a problem, soon after the written test... for that .... you need to 'read-off' the minds of those who lecture at the “PPT” (Pre-Placement-Talks)... usually, the HR people blurt out the 'mind-and-theme' of the corporate heads, by sheer reason of 'heavy-dose-of-meetings' aimed at refreshing the team-spirit often!,,, Reading-off those abstract 'corporate philosophies'.. and dishing-out a matching 'reading-off' ... of the quick responses, from our own mind-memory's 'go/down' (ware-house... a unique soft-ware-housing!)... constitutes the job-oriented-communication skills”.... The giggle evaporated! I decided to soften a bit... “Okay.. start with sets of 'deep-meaning' words, with positive impact... and then the idioms and phrases... and make it into a 'default availability' like those 81-sets-of-additions, of single digit combinations, to be just 'read off'... and then have good mock-sessions.... if you mean to deploy your engineering skills, at the right kind of ambiance, by ensuring a good employer to pick you!!!”
The elder girl was not really wise enough to just nod, and leave it at that!
She asked for trouble, when she mumbled,... out of a new-found-admiration, “Uncle.. how did you... think of ... such concept-connectivity....? (the rest of it could not find an articulation..)”

“Spirituality is an uncompromising discipline, which insists on several such mystic concepts to be just 'read off' ... from the 'being' directly... since it strives towards a perception beyond the sensory levels!.... I too am a student, struggling at the mystic-tables of 'karmic-multiplications' lying dormant since... I don't know how long... ! Only that, here the 'reading-off', entails a Dissolution, instead of the conventional 'Solution' that a discipline like maths seeks out of us!”
(She is not going to appear anywhere around where I am ... for quite some time... !!! The heavy academics, leaves them no such luxuries to be easily 'affordable'!!!)

psn (5th June, 2013)

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

“Vain efforts!” ... Whines the veins of brains!

Shall we... or Shall we not... try?

Most possibilities get still born, right within the mind, due to indecisiveness...

When it comes to a spiritual pursuit, the 'dissuading kind of information' is in abundance! Any mild flicker of interest within is abruptly blown out, when we get to hear that a spiritual path is 'a pathless path!'. And then the very basic problems, like finding an 'authentic' source of a teacher, a Guru, a guide at least (a dumb book form..... like ... 'Spirituality-for-dummies!'... Oh! But the writer is not going to be so dumb!!!... the 'awareness' of just this factor can scare the dumb! ).

Even in our routine lives, we confront 'not-possible' situations, 'efforts are likely to be in vain' situations, and yet something pushes us into the situation, and we are a hero-by-accident!

A fellow was drowning in a turbulent river... The whole village was watching... suddenly a fellow was seen jumping into the water, and he happened to save the drowning chap too... The whole crowed applauded the saviour, and echoed a chorus ' Wah! Wah!, Hero...' etc... That frustrated chap yelled, 'To Hell with your appreciation.. But first, somebody please tell me... who pushed me into the river???'

And then, even when there is no turbulent situation... just a dull drudgery job, a dull one waiting, it happens thus: ( )
This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it.
Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did.
Somebody got angry (about that) because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody knew that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realised that Somebody wouldn't do it.
And (/It ended up that) Everybody blamed Somebody because (/when) Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

Alternative last line:
And (/It ended up that) Everybody blamed Somebody because Nobody actually asked Anybody.
(The alternative last line is more appropriate for illustrating principles of responsibility and delegation, whereas the one above it is more appropriate for principles of individuals taking personal responsibility, irrespective of delegation)


Even when we become “achievers” with great efforts....
there is a concept which runs thus:

*in most of the cases ........*

* *'First Class'* students gets technical seats, some becomes Doctors and
some Engineers

* The *'Second Class'* passed, after passing MBA / CA / IAS, becomes
Administrators and controls the *'First Class'*

* The *'Third Class'* passed, enters politics, becomes Ministers and
controls *both*

* Last but not the least, The '*Failures'* joins the underworld and
controls *all* the above.

How�s that ???

To do or not to do.. is thus a perenial question!
(It is under this back-drop that I attempted a vain answer to a whine-like question.... )

Yours nobody,
psn (4th June, 2013)

(The question:)
Should we make an effort even though knowing that our efforts and trials will be in vain?
My answer:
Wonderful question!
Such a question occurs only when there is an inner conflict between logic and reasoning...
Logic says, 'efforts will be vain'
Reasoning says, 'How can you be so sure?... Some luck? Some miscalculation in logic?..' etc...

In that movie, "Terminator, the Judgement day!"... a Robot with Perfect logic says, 'no way' to save the hero's mother... but the hero kid says, 'doesn't matter... obey me!' and then the logic defying factors make the 'vain' as possible, but paying a very heavy price!... It is only a movie... Logic is a robot, with not negative emotions (no emotions in fact!), so ... pushing down the logic aside for a while was easy, and above that , logic(the robot itself) was able to do its very best, despite disagreement about viability of the project!... In our real life, our own logic is "also-fuzzy'!!!

We too ought to expand our 'knowing that efforts and trials will be vain' to
a)recheck if we left out some trustworthy outside help,
b) re-check our own data base of information
c) re-check if we tried all analysis of 'application of our internal resources' (Oh I did not think of that! ... we often discover... example, we are stuck with a tight screw, on a highway, and the vehicle is stranded, till we open that screw... we do not have a screw driver... we did not 'think' that a coin in the purse can act like the blade of a screw driver!)
d) Our trust in people
e) our own intelligence, which might function better only under stress-conditions... when we are lazy, it 'usually' dissuades us from taking strenuous jobs, with a lame excuse that 'efforts will be vain!'
f) and so on..

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Inflow of Influence!

Interdependence engages influence... perhaps ...... to makes its presence 'felt'!

The earliest recognition of this aspect dates back, maybe just around middle of the 18th century, when the influence of stars was believed to be cause for an affliction, a viral one, affecting masses at a time, to beget yet another name for itself, 'Influenza'....

What perhaps started as a word to denote a mass affect on people, by a large mass of a body at a far off place... stayed back to connote the 'star' effect of an individual, when we chose to say, “A very highly influential person”!!!

A diluted form of confession finds an expression thus: “Please forgive me, but I was under the influence of alcohol, when I said those things” (perhaps, a sutble influence of escapism, in fact when we blame the poor achohol, which would not have found its way into us, without our influence on it!... Only that we patronise the best brewers, by way of outsourcing our efforts towards 'influencing'... Thus we aggregately constitute a confluence of influences!

With all these influences, incessantly working on us, I wonder, as to how we are going to re-influence our spirit through a highly influential spiritual quest, on that 'difficult-to-influence pathless path of spirituality, so as to remain 'detached' from all influences!!!

Unless we master the influence, influence of Masters is bound to keep us under the spell of influence, at least here on spiritual forum!

Influentially yours,
psn (2nd June, 2013)