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Friday, April 19, 2013


For a change, this blog is to seek help... only...!
(Other blogs are about sharing experience, ideas etc... leaving it to the readers to 'take it or leave it'..)


My doubt is about complexity and complication, and the vulnerability of its relativity to confusion, whether such confusion is a cause or a consequence or both!
I have to use a few examples...
Kids are very simple in their thinking... their mischiefs might seem complicated to elders (bad luck!)... Kids are at once attracted towards any thing that looks complex... be it a complex operation..... like a car mechanic unscrewing the minute components of the carburettor and refitting them carefully, tighting the screws carefully to the right extent, to keep the vents optimally open, etc... Kids watch it with rapt attention... As a contrast, elders just get repelled from that scene... they look at it as 'complicated' (needing special skill, training..), instead of simply looking at it as complex mechanism... So, I hope we can agree that all complexities are not necessarily complicated, and hence not confusion-causing at all!
A Master of the house, gives instructions to a junior-most servant of the large houshold... usually that servant is told 'what-to-do' by a much junior in that house... Now, the servant is asked to repeat that simple instruction to ensure that he got it right... That timid fellow, puts back the words in a very complex way, to make it look so complicated that... the elder, the master is confused (whether to continue to rely on this timid fellow to get the job done?)... The master now beckons a senior, and tells him the problem.. that senior chuckles mildly, and politely tells the Master 'Sir, why did you take the trouble with such minor details... any one of us would have instructed that servant well!,,, .. Now, please watch... he calls another junior's junior... 'Hey! Ask that servant to do this..'... and that sub-junior, simply shouts first at the servant (the master is baffled, thinks...'that shouting was needless'.... keeps the thought pending for verification)... the sub-junior now gives a very crisp, brief, to-the-point instruction, and that fellow find it easy and quite routine to 'follow' or comply with!

Even movies did not miss the opportunity to highlight the tendency of an 'Aam-Aadmi' in trying to complicate things....
please try this video clip (hindi)..
Shri Asit Sen complains of ... an-other complication in his health... 'Shifting pain'!!!

It was a Yoga program...
(This story is real please... I was a witness and a volunteer, with participants... )
The teacher asked the participants to “close your eyes... “
“You there...” the teacher points out to a person in the fourth row... “Please close your eyes”... and... and.. that person is turning back to find out ... as to whom the teacher is addressing as “you there..”!!! (Complication?... No confusion what so ever! That person is so sure, that it is “anybody-else” but not him.... !!!)

I remember another movie scene... where a person tries to appreciate
the 'simplicity' of a south Indian... He says most politely “I like YOUR simplicity very much”.. That south Indian belonged to Madras... He got visibly annoyed, especially about 'your' city.. He retorted: “So.... you like only SIMPLY-CITY..???... You don't like MY Madras-CITY???...”.. “Whaaaat sir... ???”.. “Okay.. what can I do... if you do not like Madras-city, but like only simbly-city!”

Now, my doubt is...
is this complexity of things confusing us ab-initio... and it repels us, where as it attracts the innocent-kids always?
Is it that we adults understand things only when they are adequately complicated (simple things simply escapes our 'kind-attention'!???

Why I ask thus:
The scriptures have tried to speak only from “spiritual” point of view...
The ancients were well aware that religions can be only time-relevant... whereas, the concepts within the religion (under Ideal situation ) are of eternal value, and hence they have to “contain” an element of flexibility to make the rituals and traditions adaptable to the situation... (for instance, in Hindu-way-of-life, having a bath with water is prescribed before certain ritualistic ceremonies, propitiations etc... But, when water is scarce, there are chants that can allow a 'deemed-bath' (like our deemed Universities, whose degrees are of value, though not exactly like original Universities)...
The complication, the confusion, etc related to religious prescriptions, interpretations etc can arise out of the nature of our mind, that tends to make complex things as well as simple things,..... complicated enough ..... to confuse anybody!
So, if we are a bit clear about our complex complications, confounded confusions, .... may be, spiritual simplicity might appeal to us... and might even persuade our 'lesser-believing' friends, motiviating them, inspiring them thus : “hey, if this idiot can evolve, even this much.... why not me.. and much more than him?” (I am that lone person being pointed out, as an example!)
simply yours,
psn(19th April, 2013)

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