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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Food?

Hey! Not just that 'healthy-food'.... way beyond... happy food!
No wonder! The nickname of the asker is 'prankster' ( )
It would have been too simple, ordinary, and 'routine' if the query was about healthy food, and the answers might have been just 'bla-bla-bla....' (nothing to do with health, but a lot to do with 'avoidance of dis-ease'!.... that is what our 'modern-medical-science' with all its 'funding' churned out of our hard earnings gets us as its 'high-yield'!!!)
Here is somebody who touched the very core of 'life-science', .... when that question was about happy-food!

psn(27th September., 2012)



What foods are good for happiness?

My (happy) answer:
Energy food! (Not those chemical energy... but life-energy..) Ayurveda looks at food from life-energy point of view, not from calorie/vitamin/protein point of view.. Food recommended by Ayurveda can give happiness (other medical sciences are developed looking at dis-eases, not healthy, happy people!)

Sunday, September 23, 2012


The flexibility that gets enhanced due to intense patriotism is what enables a soldier-spy to offer enormous resistance, in not yielding to torture, when captured by an enemy country!


A candidate who offers resistance to 'additional' work is not preferred for recruitment by employers. That is what they try to find out during a personal interview... knowledge, skill, etc is already evidenced by paper-credentials.... But if an interviewer himself/herself lacks that flexibility, how can they find out whether the candidate is going to be flexible or is going to offer resistance?


Spiritual seekers are 'obliged' to shed all sorts of resistance, if they hope to make 'any' progress at all on the spiritual path..... The master, teacher, guide can only create a situation, where the seeker can find it easier to drop resistance.... or where a person is almost ready, and when nature obliges to create the 'natural' situation, they evolve, and pave way for a debate about the need of a Guru! (Some huge trees have crevices, where dust settles into it over a period of time... some bird drops a seed having eaten the fruit thereof, and the rain provides the moisture, and that seed germinates!)...

Resistance... is a capability, when we have only positive emotions within us...
Resistance .... is a barrier, a block, when we have mostly negative emotions within us...

Aam aadmi oscillates between right orientation, and wrong orientation, and thus finds that flexibility to be a weakness at times, and that resistance to be a 'defense' at times!

psn(23rd September, 2012)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mental health, as important as physical health?

The moment I read the name board 'Psychiatrist'.... I asked that elder, with whom I was 'allowed' to take a walk in the evening ... “Uncle, psychiatrist ... for both?”... “What both?” he asked...
“Humans and animals..” I tried... not quite sure, if I was suppose to broaden the base further...
That uncle burst into laughter! In those days, it was the privilege of those 'uncles' to simply ignore us, and deprive us the taste of that wit, the humour for which, may be we kids even deserved part-payment of royalties/copyrights etc!
Okay, it got 'almost' settled that ..... may be .... the animals never needed it... I could 'see' in fact, that the animals are either in their natural habitat, or under captivity, and so the responsibility is only with the veterinarian when it comes to any health problem for an animal under captivity (physical or mental)... But a new query arose... when we have a psychiatrist, does it make us humans to be superior or inferior in terms of vulnerability to such health care?... Mental health, to be precise?... (Maybe, some where around there, it occured to me, that there was scope to take care of my own mental health too! But, sadly, there was no 'known structure' in place, to nurture and nourish my mental health! Some consolation was that not all the Uncles and Aunts around had similar health condition.... those remarks about each other, percolated into my tiny brain, to reassure me that it was okay to be normally-abnormal, as an adult! Yes... when it comes to parents, till we are dependent, 'boss is always right'... is the first rule... and the second one, 'when in doubt, refer to rule number one'!)...
Compatibility issues made that mental-health a bit complex... that was when we became a bit choosy about our friends... at that kid age, anybody is almost okay...
This compatibility issue chases us only till we decide upon the spouse, and after that, it is about who decides thereafter!

Somebody asked, about importance of mental health, in comparision to physical health...
(I could hardly hold back the flood of memory relating to that 'issue', while answering!)
I quote the brief question-answer, herein, below.
psn(14th September, 2012)

The question:
Why is mental health as important as physical health?
My answer:
Because we have the ability to choose!
Mental health is not a prescription for animals, etc! They are choiceless.... they have to live, they have to survive, they have to 'self-preserve' ... We can go on hunger strike also!..
So, the mind has to be healthy, to be able to make life-positive choices each time... (beyond the ethical right and wrong too!..... For example, it is 'right' to throw the precious cargo overboard a ship to save it from sinking too fast with all the human life on it!)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wrong/Right Label

A few classmates of mine, during our school days, used to boast about their ability to fool their parents/elders at home, when they managed to read 'objectionable' material right under their noses...!

These kids, pick a large size text book, and place the prohibhited one inside it, inconspicously, and enjoy watching the contents of the 'interesting' one inside the dull one acting as their 'cover-agent'!
Some idiots get caught, when the parents are a little alert for a moment (usually, at that parent-age, they are drowned inside their worries, and require a sledge-hammer-hit on their head, to get their attention focused into the 'now')... when they are alert 'by chance' they notice that this kid is unusually focused into this school-text book, and they peep in... that kid gets caught... But smart ones, know this, and take extra care to insert commercial breaks, asking the dullness-evoking-queries to the elders who stray around them!

I was reminded of this incident, when I read about the recent arrest of a cartoonist who was charged with 'sedition'!.... My doubt is... whether the charges are really valid? Or is it that he simply removed the wrong label? A sizable number of politicians are under cloud! A few of the legislators were enjoying those 'pictures and images', while the assembly was in session... Currency notes, bundles of it were displayed in the parliament, as proof of payment for votes!
We have a nameboard of a temple, with some Great Famous deity, and when somebody enters inside this shrine, its occupants are demons, witches, etc (consecration was due long since... that traditional 'kumbhabhishekam' or any ritual similar to that appropriate to that deity, of that temple, that religion, was long over due... and nothing to stop those negative kinds of energies to dominate the place.... is the nameboard valid? Or, is it misleading?.... Maybe the demons inside might use their clout to retain that misleading nameboard to avoid exposure of truth, or to be able to sustain with that wrong label!

Who has the authority to judge ?(irrespective of the competence!)

psn(11th September, 2012)

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Don't know How To Unblock

I blocked a few people who loved to follow me...!

They still follow me perhaps.. but the love(in its various 'forms') that they extend does not reach me...

My anger has blocked the intelligent advices from 'my people' reaching me...
My jealousy has blocked the love that my people emanate towards me....
My hatred has blocked the vibes of the positive actions of my people, from reaching me...
And worst... still...
My fear has blocked that 'sense-of-trust' extended by several people, known and even unknown, seen and even unseen,....  that they send out to me.... keep sending out to me!

I discovered ..... when I uncovered myself.... that it is my own four dear friends, (anger, jealousy, hate and fear...) who effectively blocked the universal networking sites of my deep togetheness with everything and everyone around!

I have to find a way to 'block' these 4 friends...... unless I learn to keep unblocking the 'reach' of those positives from all others , from all over!

(All this, only till I have the 'id' and the 'password' with myself...
That 'focus and sense of discretion' is all that I can use, and hope to 'do something about it'... while it lasts!.....
Hey, now-a-days, they do not 'handle the handed-over-passwords' so well, like they used to during the 'bullock-cart-days'! The traditional rituals of propitiation on behalf of departed ones doesn't happen at that enhanced levels... )
Good that the 'how-to-unblock' at this spiritual networking site reminded me of my own (created) blockades!

The bloke in me,
psn(4th September, 2012)

Sunday, September 02, 2012

My Comments

My comments

I just saw this!
Something very significant....
Even if people are not interested in making use of this new feature!
Just to have an access to 'my comments' in....... our this life....... and our past lives, ....
So many Giant Spiritual Masters have contributed to perfect a few techniques....   
the most prominent of them is known by a name which means (in English )...   "Karma-Synthesis"... (closest to the original sanskrit term.....)
Once we have an access to this, we get to the root of "Main Aisaa Kyon Hoon?" (why am I like this???)
(all the things that went to making of what we are right now....  !  Unless we know the main 'knot' in that confusing bundle of thread, how are we going to untie the whole bundled ball of thread, straighten it up, and make "some" meaningful use of it?)
This feature (My comments...  enabled).... comes too close ....  to  the best of spiritual techniques....
Indeed a great tribute to the very SPIRIT of SPIRITUAL Networking Concept  itself!
My humble pranaams to the 'team at  ..'  who designed this feature !
(right now...  I can even "Block MY OWN SELF..."...    I do not dare to try it....   almost touching what could be a 'live-wire'...  hopefully, they would disable this redundant feature appearing against the name of the user oneself.....   'Blocking myself' is almost like a suicidal act....   anti-spiritual-spirit...)
psn (2nd Sept., 2012)