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Monday, May 30, 2011

Meaning of life

Some time or other, we all face this question from deep within…. …

May be in verbal or non verbal form……

“What is all this about?... this life, my life, the life around?.....” etc…

When I try to answer such questions on the Yahoo Answers forum, I try to re-look at it afresh, each time, and then try to answer. If the answer repeats/replicates/refreshes each time, or if it improves, innovates, invigorates each time, the experience, for me at least, is afresh.

( A cousin of mine, more importantly a co-traveler on the spiritual path, happened to remind me the famous observation by the eminent scientist Dr. Albert Einstein, that during any experiment, the observer, by mere reason of observing, happens to affect the experiment to some extent. That is to say, the subject and the object are bound to be entangled, in some subtle way at least. That gives good reasons for me to believe that my efforts or commitment to look at the answer afresh would justify the attempts and the efforts! The impressive teachers who came along my path, have inspired me by their successes in doing thus!).

All this elaboration so far, has nothing to do with the actual meaning of life. And yet, I had thought of writing it because of the very nature of the concept of the answer that I had thought of offering. This answer is from my own experience, observation, and contemplation so far.

I felt amply rewarded that the asker was impressed.

Psn(30th May, 2011)

What is the meaning of life?Answer carefully..?

I mean 99% of the people do the same thing from birth to death...they find a job,then marry and have children,work and make money,then retire and then finally die..what is the meaning of life if everyone from one generation to another do the same thing ..isn't there any variety??Do you think everyone knows about this?Isn't there any life other than this??
See i'm also following the above rule..but i'm just curious why god created humans in earth??to follow the same path from generation to generation??do you think humans failed to understand the meaning of life??

My answer:

Even that "answering carefully" might not really help. For answering, we use only our power of reasoning, the logic, the mind. Our ideas, our concepts, the reasoning, is just everything that we got from outside, by looking, hearing, listening, etc. And what we look, listen etc is just what "people do the same thing from birth to death".....
Instead, if we look at why this question occurs.... it takes us a bit deeper inside. There is no where else to seek the "why" and "where from" of this question. What makes us search for the "true" purpose of life? Who within us, is so keen to know the purpose of life. The mind, if we care to see logically, is simply not capable of understanding the purpose of life. A robot cannot understand the purpose of creating it.. Maybe it may repeat a program, when we 'feed' the purpose as a data. That is exactly what human mind also does when trying to answer this question "carefully". The "carefulness" makes the search very intense, sincere and the result would also match complexity beyond average level of intelligence!
Instead, we have evidence that it is the "unlettered" ones who constitute the bulk of enlightened people! The reason is simple. They are not even capable of 'complicating' it in a sophisticated manner like the 'literate giants'! Quite ironical. But there can be exceptions. If we choose to be consciously exceptional, then we have to be prepared to take exceptional efforts too. Silencing the mind consciously is the way. When the mind is silent, the first thing that can happen is we come into 'touch' with existence! The whole existence is happening now, here, this moment, and we are always in the past, since our mind CAN ONLY BE in the past.
Many have "experienced" the purpose or meaning of life, when they came into contact with the core of their being (the self which is not the body, mind, etc, but that which holds the body and mind).
Just as we "see" everything around clearly when we switch on the lights, the purpose/meaning of "life" becomes instantly clear when we become consciously aware of our own self. Till then, we have to keep depending on ideas, ideas, ideas, and keep renewing them endlessly(For, they begin to seem stale very soon!).

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