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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lighten that ‘en’ light-ment

An attempt to answer a question such as this, would be almost asking for trouble.
But, the way I am, I do not even stop with simply answering it. I tend to even market that ‘prone-to-running-into-trouble’!
Very viable for me, irrespective of the feasibility, considering the ‘basic’ inclinations!
I am not sure, if this answer goes as a complement with my blog “evaluation copy”.
Depends upon what value they carry to you.
Psn (17th Sept, 2009)
The question:
Is Enlightenment a natural process...which we forcibly Stop / delay ..?

My (humble fire-fly-lumen) answer:

It is indeed a natural process!
Why it is a natural process, is we cannot do it. We can at the best allow it to happen. The struggle and hurdle is basically the thought process! Any further elaboration would only add to confusion and contradiction.
I could give an indicative example. We, with this body, think and feel that we are naturally heavy, and think of our weight often. We have that 'weight reduction programs' too, and it is a good thriving business for many, globally. Now, if we look at the people in a space craft, we know that for them, while in space, their weight does not matter. If somehow, the earth had managed to hold us the same way, without exerting that gravity, life would have been 'naturally' more blissful. No fuel costs to drive us mad etc! Our very fundamentals of economy would be revamped! We would not be spending our body's energy just to keep fighting the gravity all our life!
This enlightenment too is prevented by a kind of gravity that holds us strongly with the body and mind. (Perhaps that is why as soon as the lucky few 'attain' they quit! They just leave their body and go ---not the conventional type of death, please note. Right now, we have to tamper with this body to leave it, not at will that we can leave it!) A few compassionate ones, who also happen to be good at communication skills, linger around, staying behind redundantly, to make it happen for us! (Please try to find a way, to forgive, for this attempt to put something into words, which is supposed to be beyond the reach of words!)
So, it is indeed THE most natural process. The 'being' within incessantly attempts to communicates to us (our mind), its own agenda, but the message is perceived quite differently and that too contributes to the hurdle! I can boldly talk about this being within, because most of us do talk thus: 'my mind is confused/happy/calm/etc,' and also as 'my body feels heavy/light/stiff/etc' (There should be no dispute about that 'me/my' though it is intangible and mischievously elusive too :) !

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