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Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Litmus test for Trooo Love?

At the very look of it, it appears to be a contradiction. The title I mean. “Litmus test is a logical, scientific method to have a sort of ‘fool-proof’ result, or atleast a testing methodology (until somebody disproves it)!

When contradiction occurs (to us, at least), check the basic premise, says the logical objectivism.

Well, what if somebody chooses to ‘Love only the logical way’ to ‘deal’ with anything about life? When somebody loves anything too much, defying even logic, there is a saying in hindi “Dil lagi hai Gadhee par, tho pari kya cheez hai!?? (meaning, when the heart has chosen to lean towards a Donkey, what is after all even a fairy, nymph ?)
Ah! Here again, a contradiction. Love to be only logical? Love is emotion, and prone to defy logic itself. (Then, it could be that a person chooses to remain
‘being logical’ …. Or has that person turned into a “logical being” …. Well, only people who like being logical and hence are logical beings only know better!

“Man is a bundle of contradictions” is a saying that gives us some consolation.

I, for my part, am not the first person to create a ‘precedent’ for not correcting myself. Gurudev, too had chosen not to correct it, when an Englishman politely pointed out an error in a placard at Shantiniketan, which read “tea is served on backside” !! Just that Gurudeva liked to preserve the humor, and the truth that even he is not infallible!

Trying to ‘evaluate’ somebody’s love in a logical way seems a bit illogical. But if we ourselves are keen to know if we truly love(or not,) somebody close to us …..? There have been many people, who try to find out what is “true” love, just because they find something inside them nagging “am I capable at all to love truly?”

I came across a small scene in a very routine type of TV serial. Just the scene seemed really good. Perhaps, this well scripted screenplay could be a ‘chance’ occurrence, where a better person (a sub-junior director) was asked to supervise due to the pre-occupation of main director, and also since the scene was very ordinary (so any fool could handle it!). Otherwise, all other scenes would have been really good, making the whole serial good!
Well, the scene was like this: A small girl, about 5 years old, gets up in the middle of the night and keeps watching at her mother’s face. The mother happens to get up suddenly, and noticing the child just sitting and watching, is stupefied, and asks “what are you doing, instead of sleeping?” . This child just puts across the truth… “ I was watching you sleeping”… to which, the mother asks again, this time a more pointed question,” haven’t you seen me before, that you are so keen to watch me as if for the first time ?”
The girl, now says “Every time I look at you, I experience as if I am looking at you for the first time….mom”
I gave full marks to the director (the inadvertent sub-junior, or who ever)! Even the mother was shown ‘gloating’ over this dialogue of the child, grossly missing the truth, like any other mother! Getting stuck in emotions too takes a toll, depriving us from learning what even a child could have taught us so easily! No wonder we humans end up as ‘bundle’ of contradictions…. First we have to un-bundle, and then re-bundle the very same, to be able to balance the burden on both the shoulders equitably (logic and emotion).

Now, the problem is, if we try to straight-away try to apply this ‘test’ our mind refuses to give a straight-forward reply! Of course, I do troooly love that person, or else, why do I struggle so much to put up with all that nonsense by that person, why else do I ‘sacrifice’ all my time, money, even pieces of mind for that person?(logically fragmented pieces, preventing that simple ‘peace’)… .. so says our mind, not ready to succumb that easily. So, why not use a negative test….
When we see our enemy (the person whom we dislike most), how do we see them? Do we take a fresh look? Or our firm strong judgment about them comes first like that loud screaming security siren and the stiff faced commandoes of VVIPS, and then we do not even get a glimpse of that VIP, and are left with an old copy of the past image within us.

Now, any where on a scale of 1 to 10, we have to attempt a honest look within, as to how fresh a look are we capable, when we see our loved ones each time. Okay, some small hints about how to go ‘about it’….
Remember, when waiting for that ‘potential’ beloved, at the bus-stop, when that person arrives, our look was always a fresh look at them!
At least, some time we happen to eat only after we are really hungry (not that fill in the blanks at appointed hours!). When we eat on that hungry stomach, does our image, our memory of the past ever interfere with our experience of eating afresh? Even the food may not be fresh! But we do experience that ‘fresh’ satiation of hunger (the love for food, or whatever name we wish to give!)

Oh, have I raked up a very sensitive issue…. I shall try to avoid a fresh look, when I happen to meet you next, so that I shall be a bit prepared to receive the blows!

The only alternative is to deliver them via mail-response. The blows, I mean for having poked into the soft ego… (what to do, I “failed badly” when I tested myself…. Again a potential contradiction… Oh no.. bye for the time ‘being’)
Psn(23rd April, 2009)


Anonymous said...

The question is how to retain that freshness in all experiences? Perhaps the answer lies in satiating a need only after it is intensely felt. As Sir has pointed about eating when you are truly hungry. But life keeps happening all the time! So How?
Deepak (Feb 16th, 2010)

Anonymous said...

As a beginning stop comparing 'experiences as life keeps happening all the time' with other experiences that have already happened. Then all experiences are fresh! Memory is the culprit - but memory has uses too! Because it serves to help you avoid mistakes.
So a new question arises - How to wisely deal with memory?
Deepak (Sept.20th, 2010)