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Friday, April 24, 2009

Buy one, Get one free!

We are now, more or less, very much used to these types of offer. In fact, we are even not ready to look at ‘straight-forward’ deals! Simple transactions seem insipid! And now with the recession driving away consumerism from people, restoring confidence through stimulus packages, has to contain some kind of offers, freebies, or ‘get-way-with-it’ sort of deals!

When we get ‘one’ free, what do we get in the bargain? Just the free-bee? Is it trouble-free, or is it troubles itself for ‘free’? Because, there is a saying “Nothing comes free in life”… (so, there could be trouble too, accompanying that ‘free’ item, in disguise?!)…

But that “nothing” if taken in a deeper sense is the space for everything (that comes from pioneers/founders of the concept and term “lateral thinking” or that ‘out of box thinking’.

So, if we are not prepared for “everything” and anything, it is perhaps trouble indeed, and for free! Karma?? (winks!)

In a lighter vein, those who like to seek win-win situation, would like to sign of ‘deals’ like this…
(imaginary conversations, fictitious instances)
A prospective Borrower: Sir, I am interested to know about various types of loans you offer.
Banker: What types of loans are you specifically interested in, sir?
Our prospective borrower: Sir, all those types of loans which are covered under your “Loan Waiver Schemes”..
Banker: ? ? ? ? (blinks!)

A would-be bridegroom: Ah! At last, after a lot of girl-seeing, searching, seeking, person-to-person chats, e-chats, etc, I have found out a bride that suits me well!
Our groom’s friend: Oh! That’s great!
Our groom : what’s Great about it?
Friend: you see, you are sooooo gooood at ‘grating’ others, and then blending them to suit you, to then weave them ‘seamlessly’ into your type! A good techie that you are at that!
Our groom: Oh no! This time, it is not about grating you see. So, I am really not that Great! It is just that I found this girl to be good at Logic. So it is very easy to ‘buy’ a divorce, from her,… just in case….. you see….. without much hassles….. you know what I mean….. Oh! Gone are those days, when they stick like those blood sucking leeches, thrust upon us by primitive surgeons. Now it is laparoscopy , a simple key-hole surgery, even leaving no scar at all!
Fiend (Oh! Pl forgive my mis-spelling, it should be ‘friend’ in need, in deed too!): Yeah! I now get it. A perfect match, is just that! A mutual benefit scheme, a win-win situation.
(The friend hums the old song “Kya yahi pyaar hai…”, our groom joins in duet-chorus “Hahn yahi pyaar hai”)….

Now, I wonder, “kya yahi out-of-box thinking hai”……

Logically yours,
Psn (23rd April, 2009)

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