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Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Bequeath what?

 Bequeath what?

Only what i consider as worthy of hoarding, holding, possessing, acquiring…etc

We don't think of bequeathing a fatal disease…. 🤣

What decides within us, that something is of "value"???

Perception….isn't it?

( A primitive person who can't identify a mud covered jewel/diamond, cannot be expected to preserve it and bequeath it 😳😢😰)

Today, we hand over via will or intestate….only gross objects….wealth in all known forms!

Our qualities, we dunno… to transfer that technology!

Skills, only when there is lineage, which seeks to evolve further into that_particular specialised skills!

Enough of my bla_bla_bla 🙏

What do ancient spiritual giants bequeath?

A janeudhàri pseudo brahmin ( pappu) chants his lineage 😜… ( gothra, Sutra, etc…) . If willing, this is a suggestive evidence of what we inherited at the subtlest level, humanly possible 🙏…

Moksha cannot be guaranteed or bequeathed 🙏

Tools towards the "ultimate" is what I can think of🙏

I discovered that, i "happened to carry within me" a rare spiritual tool😳….( the discovery was mystic, under a mystic, and in a mystical ambience 😜

This tool enables a person to obviate intake of food, air and water through biologically designed gateways ( mouth and nose)... Obviously, as a natural consequence excretion is also obviated😜…. A person can thus slip into long duration of hybernation. Sleep during such long spells breaks the very purpose, and hence this tool obviates sleep as well, without leaving any trace of tiredness!

Who bequeathed this to me??....i have no way to find out🙏😰😢…i never learnt use of this subtle tool ever , this life time….and i can "see" ….it takes at least 2 decades of intense practices to acquire this tool! Thus, the resultant inference leaves me with no choice about "when" of this acquisition 😜

At least, we bequeath our levels of perception, awareness, alertness to the next generation? Does it make sense? …..( pappu inherits huge weath of 5 generations of loot…. To what end? )

What is the most unmissable aspect of "life"????? ( That which is most worthy, and to decide the highest worthy thing available, we need to deepen our perspective to the deepest possible 🙏)

Miscibly yours,

PSN (14 Dec 2022)

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