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Friday, October 14, 2016

Seeking Patronage

It had a converse 'theorem' too!

As a kid, I was drawn towards that converse of it... 'assuring patronage'...
We had a system of internal marks at school, which was mostly based on the teachers own choice (within the overall scheme, that it doesn't affect the scores of the school, in the educational market, whereby it doesn't adversely affect the inflow of donations from kids seeking admission )...

My classmates 'advised' me to keep chanting 'namaste' to a teacher who , in the 'eyes' of kids, appeared to love popularity...

I complied with the 'friendly-advise'.... since it was a 'maxim' in those days, that something told in a 'casual-manner' (take it or leave it basis), has the vulnerability of losing its benefits, if neglected :)

The popular version is to 'seek patronage'... When everybody resorts to it, there is no other way but to accept it as a 'social' thing... (Even 'accepting' a bribe ... failed to raise eyebrows, when it became acceptable that unless 'some' bribe is accepted, even a 'decent living' is impossible!)...

At times, it bounces back...
the example abounds in the political arena...
Despite the 'right kind of noises'... the CM of dilli got landed into a popularity-world at a very wrong place :-)) It was the PAK social media which made him too-popular , while his idea was to make his 'presence-felt' every now and then! May be the approach was lacking... 'fighting-corruption' has to become a little modified once a responsible chair is occupied... A sword is okay in the battlefield(election-fight).. but once back into the agricultural field (administration of society), it is the plough that helps to grow a good crop, it is de-weeding that helps increased crop-yield... a sword would only slash,... even-the.... 'little bit of crops' that somehow managed to grow :-))

As I grew, I started noticing that there were several precious things around, which never sought-any-patronage :-(

The apple did not 'seek any patronage' for the appreciations of the gravity laws that it-also happened to obey with any stone that may be thrown upwards :-))
The forest flower can't even 'hope' to get noticed...
For that matter, even the flowers which depended 'heavily' on those bees for its propagation and preservation of species didn't quite 'advertise' itself... It was “in-the-very-nature” of things, that they get attracted at the right time, and life-perpetuates, or continues (whichever way it is)...

The precious diamond, waits for thousands of years, under tons of uncertainty to be discovered by a keen observer!
“Hey!” I felt... Something that I missed, within me?...
Am I not 'noticing' these so-abstract things ?

Why am I the one (yes, me, the-human-being)... to be able to notice it?

Somewhere, it dawned (I am not quite sure if I am 'right' about it)... that , maybe, ... we humans can even transcend this 'transactional-pattern' of getting noticed... seeking/offering patronage...
Oh yes... we can make the life of others a bit easy, by communicating certain crucial information, like “Sir, it looks like , you are new to this place... the last bus for the day has gone an hour ago... please look for some other means of reaching your destination” (No scope for patronage-transactions, where both of us are strangers to each other, and oblivious to individual 'knowledge' of related situation)...

When it comes to a 'spiritual' seeking,
things got murkier :-))
I never sought for a 'teacher' or so... (and at that kid age, even the word, and its spelling 'spirituality' had nothing to do with me )..
but I did bump into several of them (Oh yes, I didn't realise that they were spiritually evolved, until much later-years of my life... just the visuals of very 'odd' occurrences about them stayed deep in my memory-layers)...

When I felt that 'perhaps' what ever I experienced thus far, might be of 'some-use' to others around... the 'format' of a blog, seemed sensible... even that took a long time to be 'decided-upon' (I had to make sure that my own mind is not really-playing-games, seeking that 'patronage' clandestinely... and such other aspects, which ought-not-to matter to me, and more importantly, 'ought-not-to' retard my own-seeking/own-evolvement)..

Then came the brief stint at a better-popular forum “speaking tree”... it had all the inherent defects of 'undue-popularity' and those factors enabled my exit too :-))

In the 'scheme-of-things'... I had to fit-in somewhere, which suits my pursuits :-))

So, while focusing on my own evolvement... which is the only way to ensure a guidance from evolved beings around... I ought to try and notice a potential in others around, nudge them very gently, very carefully, never encroaching into their own-choices, their own right to exist the way they like, etc, and also trying to make available to a genuine seeker, my own experience (but not assume any guide-like-role.. that is the domain of only-evolved-ones!), allowing them to choose for themselves, what to make , of my sharing...
Obviously, ... age or rather aging, ensures the descent of the too-much of 'fluttering' of wings, over a period of time, and then, that.. RIP :-))

Indifferently yours,

psn (14th October, 2016)

1 comment:

Wanderer said...

Lovely blog sir. People do get trapped in the popularity game because of emotions that rule the humans. Only an evolved person can stay out of this trap. My Naman to you.