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Sunday, September 18, 2016


"Do you trust me?"....

An adult: "For what?"

a kid: "Oh yes!" (he/she , being a kid... would 'reconsider that commitment of 'Oh yes' only if needed)...

Financial-trust is quite understandable... (and kids don't deal in 'finance-portfolio' as yet... )..

Other trust-forms (mostly, those seeking a specific name , in response to 'for-what?' )... are the ones, that keeps us away from trust as the very quality of our being ...
psychological trust,
ethical trust,
domestic trust, (I don't have to give examples-even :-)) }
office trust , (cashiers are trusted for 'free'... clerks are trusted helplessly, by the boss)
civilian trust,
political trust..
common-sense trust (may be even Intellectual trust)

We like to test, the other, before we trust... And then, if we don't trust our-tests enough, the trust on the other keeps oscillating..

Trust in its bare form, doesn't try to make any appeal into us .. ...

That is exactly where this intangible abstract thing poses itself as a great hurdle when we smash our head against hectic practices, and yet nothing-serious seems to happen :-))

Oops! I forgot to mention ... I betrayed the reader's trust , probably, when I said 'hectic-practices', without its prefix, spiritual-related :-))

But, for most of us, even getting started with basics presents a great problem...
Yep! It only 'presents' a problem... and like most presents we receive, it either gathers dust in the attic, or it finds its way to a better victim's location... the receiver hardly bothers... we are so-used to our positioning-of-self with, “Your problem, not mine, to evoke my-trust in you!” Somebody 'posing' to be a spiritual guru, would readily accept this unspoken positioning... and the other, would simply wait...

The 'operational' part of relationship, usually the practices, evidence the presence or absence of such 'unconditional-trust', quite often... Only that, its subtlety is itself becomes a reason, to escape it's-being-noticed... The non-subtle or a little manifest forms are 'doubts' that arise, without a 'proper-foundation'...

Examples are a bit risky :-))
I would prefer to deviate from my usual weakness to add that humor, satire, or whatever..

testily yours,
psn(18th September, 2016)

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