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Friday, November 20, 2015

Right versus Rights!

Had it been the other way... :(
That we didn't have to face the 'nature' around , armed the way we are with our right and rights!....
Perhaps, life would have been much easier :)

Not that it is easy with people... Just that it feels easier with people, than with nature.. and that prompts us to keep trying at it!... {We even forget, that the 'people' too are a part of the 'nature' too, with the exception of robotics :)... and at subtle levels, they too are, for sure!}...

Am I right? (am I correct?)...
is this not my right ? {fundamental rights enshrined in constitution... or , by virtue of my brutal power, which is a threat to the other.... like 'the one holding a gun at me is always right :)... etc}

Why at all do these two matter?... the two kinds of rights?... other life forms do not refer to them at all... {But we, ... how often?... Just look at the nature of our thoughts! Yes, in-the-light-of this right/rights :) .... }

The problem doesn't seem to end there!
The 'rights' seem to even dominate the need-even to verify the correctness-wala-right :)
And it begins, and even stays throughout, with the fundamental-right of 'expression'... Vote-bank politics thrives on this 'freedom' of expression, and media business flourishes due to this !

Well, spirituality is supposed to be about 'transcending' nature...
Then obviously, we need to adhere to nature's rules, a little... Nature doesn't recognise our right-&-rights ... Our only 'right' is to align ourselves the 'right-way', that nature allows us, to be natural... (our natural state!.. within).
Maybe, one of the reasons, the ancients never felt the need to look at being-right, and asserting-rights, the way we keep-doing today!... Dunno!

I try to wonder... what if we people, for a while... just 'try' to focus on “is it the really-right thing?” (without interference by our mind, even at its subtlest levels, about asserting our rights about it, in any way or form)... Oh!... it seems to ask for too much, really! Why else would those Nobel prize be awarded later on to an other person who successfully negated the earlier Nobel laureate? Somewhere the right and rights got badly mixed up, pushing the functionality of the intellect's pure form to a little back-ground ! Would it not have been better, if not easier, to start off with the “discoveries” of the subtlest forms that is possible,...... that nothingness!.. Dunno!

I guess, it is a worth-exercise... to try at least... to see if it works... very consciously allowing that 'was it the right thing' to have a say over our-rights to assert that we are invariably-right-always!
(Incidentally, my teacher camouflaged this 'concept' in one of the exercises, and the double-camouflage was ....that he shrouded it even from a discovery that it was the core-element that would even decide the success rate, that we would 'possibly' taste .... at a spiritual program!)

Wrongly.... and-yet, yours,

psn (20th November, 2015)

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