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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Joyousness of an occasion

Ever since the ancient times, the known stories of mankind tells us of conscious efforts towards reviving that feel of joyousness periodically.

The periodicity snowballs and shapes itself into a ritual and tradition that belongs to the race of that region... The commonality of such ritual strives towards perfecting the possibility of its happening... It is thus, that the 'available' technology comes into its play :)

Today, when the symbolism itself is lost, even a very prominent occasion of manifesting our joyousness like 'Deepavali' seems to fail to evoke a genuine inner experience.. ...
We now seem to struggle even with simple acts like greeting others!

This is what I felt, when I saw a spate of copy-pastes pouring into my handset (that 'smart' version of phone), and I found myself gaping at some talent of some unknown techie who lights up the screen to create a make-belief sense of that joy!

Sweets are outsourced.. (But it brings along with it, a lot of uncertainties, in the form of health hazard, when the ingredients are trying to maximise the profit margins!)...

Even those fire crackers , which I saw as a kid being prepared 'then & there' at a remote village of Andhra where my 'well-to-do' aunt and her family generously distributed to the people around to en-Joy in togetherness, has now become a thing of anxiety, when some imported and cheaper version causes more injuries to the health of innocent kids (the 'central' government felt constrained to publicize an advertised 'warning' to be wary of such harmful fire-crackers! So that's the greeting now! Only soldiers in a big war used to be greeted thus, when they prepare to face the 'front' line of a conflict with the other nation!)....

It is not entirely without 'any benefit'... the following few weeks would for sure benefit a lot of hospitals, and doctors, and keep them quite busy :)

On my part, I felt it to be a duty towards my own 'self' to re-examine, whether all those spiritual exercises that I had undertaken this-far, had failed to evoke even a bare minimum of that joyousness that was assured of, when the ancients had 'marked' this phase of moon to become an occasion and an event, taking into account all the factors that are going to contribute positively towards it ?...

Well, even my task becomes a bit-arduous, when I could not manage to relocate myself (that forest hermitage, a Vaanaprastha)....where I ought to belong at this 'stage of life' or at this point of time (age wise), again due to external factors, more so :)
And it is only therefore, that in 'addition' to it, I need to discount the other social factors before affording myself, a 'sense of Justice'... Oh! This very 'approach' seems to afford myself the 'sense of Joy', that I am not quite off-the-track! I can overlook so-easily the inability to feign a reciprocal greeting, matching that of others, since the 'form' of joyousness that I experience evades a description that carries a popular sense!

Wishing for ourselves (all-of-us, so that I get included with you).. the true sense of Joyousness that belongs to our spirit, as enshrined by our ancients who marked this occasion (this annual phase of the moon), to bring forth unto us, ... a very happy Deepavali !

Joyously yours,

psn(10th November, 2015)

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