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Sunday, August 09, 2015

Being reminded of ...

“The trouble with narrating a good wit is that it reminds the other fellow of a dull one”!

A hurtful one... (maybe that is why it isn't invoked too often, though reasonably popular!)

But 'being reminded of' is an excellent capability in itself....

The teacher gives a hint, in solving geometry riders, 'extend that a-b to a point c, beyond the line x-y.. and see if you are reminded of that converse-theorem!'

Some are good at telling their sub-conscious, 'please wake me at 4 am tomorrow'... and when the mind is dreaming, the 'sub-mind' does the subordinate-function, to nudge the hormones, which in turn coveys to the neurons, and a sensation shifts the bio-rhythm enough to wake that person!

I noticed that even not-so-literate blue-collared workers 'manage' to be reminded of the concepts of physics, while handling even menial jobs like laying a stone-ware pipe leading to a septic tank.. These pipes are not 'sawing-friendly' (saw blades don't make a dent on that 'glaze' on mud-pipes... they hold it at a particular angle and just make a 'tear' at the skin.. Now, they fill the pipe with wet sand, and then give a gentle tap along that tear.. “concepts of physics”... and the pipe yields with a neat & clean cut, to fit into that partial-gap into the 'collar' placed reversed into that tank (we ease , so easily, and never think of that technology that has gone into those leak-proof pipes!)

“Oh! it is similar to a cornea-transplant!” I would imagine, an eye surgeon to be exclaiming when he 'happens' to notice that the floating skin of the milk can be placed over a steaming dish, which needs to retain its subtle flavour, and gently merge with the floating mass of spices blended chemically, to give that tinge of flavor!

A good teacher presents a lesson, hoping that the kids are reminded of earlier concepts taught...

A pessimist can get reminded only-of own failures, and that of others....

A spiritual teacher, if also dexterous at deployment of technology, can activate 'jammers' , like those near a 'politician's residence' , which keep frustrating techies who depend on mobiles to communicate even within the same-building! (it is a curse, if software companies are located very close to a chief-minister's residence! )...

I was bull-headed...
So like bulls, cows and buffaloes, I had to ruminate what I perceived and heard, in order to be 'reminded' of related concepts, stories, incidents, and then re-assimilate the fresh inputs , stack them afresh at a different memory location, and so on....
It came handy, when I was a toy at the spiritual teacher's hands... He switched off the jammers... We still communicated! That's the joke! (When a mind is jammed, communication is effective!).

Otherwise, we do it the hard way... Learn to switch-off being reminded so-randomly.. irrelevantly, interrupting-ly... etc...
Now, whether we undertake a 'chanting' (which includes this jamming as one of its on-line functionalities, among other major ones too), or we just set-the-conditions, to allow a mind to turn itself into a sleep mode is purely a private-affair, a very personal-choice....

Ruminatively yours,

psn(9th Aug, 2015)

1 comment:

Baturam Nayak said...

Rumination over the concept led me to this link Sir:
Yes, a concept is not complete, till the conception is complete.
Till a whole organic process is involved, with total involvement of the individuality in deep contemplation over it, it can not grant one with the रस, the essence of it, which as such nourishes the individuality, with its bounty.
And it is rumination, which makes it complete.

A strong reminder, to ruminate over it.