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Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Concepts classified!

Well, despite my 'oops' .. there is really nothing that I can do much about it...
“Classified”... you know!

I was amazed to look at a very few teachers randomly scattered, who do take own 'risk and responsibility' to advocate the 'concept' of something that they teach... It is easier to understand 'concepts', when it is about 'the' concepts related to an operation used as a tool in mathematical measurements (multiplication, division, algebraic terms...etc).. The concepts about languages are a bit hazy... fewer teachers really 'dare to indulge'...

What is quite difficult to 'digest' is that, in the ancient days, the teachers liberally focused on evolving students into developing 'an ear for concepts'! That, I found it quite exciting+amazing!
I seldom talk about it... And even now it is a status quo!

And yet, may I try to present a proposal: 'What if the very classification itself was based on 'concepts' potential , when it came to classifying humans?' Does it not rhyme with the eccentricities that we 'feel-so' with a present-day-mind?... the finer the classified-group, the tougher the grasp about their life-styles!!! Well , no point talking further.. ... In Hindi there is a protective gear, “samajhdaar ko ishaara kaafi hai” (for the wise one, a hint is but quite sufficient!)...

Now, when our teacher asked a very simple, basic and fundamental question, “what is the difference between humans and other living beings?” (yes, the animal kingdom)...
Participants tried-out with several 'aspects'... but none had managed to even touch-upon the 'difference' the distinct factor!
The teacher quietly said, (the style of dialogue delivery was like that of a hefty, stout comedian of black and white movie era, who heavily depends on dialogue-delivery, rather than gesticulations).. he said, “well, if we don't know the difference, then ... .. there is no difference!”
I committed a blunder. I laughed out loud. And all heads turned towards me with the curiosity of witnessing a rare species mating. ( I too, hold back the 'difference' for the same 'obvious' reason: No point, yelling it :) telling it out)...

But, quite a few are blooming out, recently (may be 'of-late' suits better)...! So, a hint.. be it so, I thought! (A few years ago, a small news item did raise my eyebrows: Some where in west, recruiters were trying to look at DNA pattern as a potential for hiring 'good' ones! Nothing 'reached' me further, nor did I 'try' to reach it!... Here I had better things to do with what I had within me!

Conceptually yours,

psn(9th June, 2015)


Baturam Nayak said...

Don't know why, but the idea of 'concept' as a verb (conceive/conceptualise) seems to be more appealing, at least for me, than the noun form of it. Perhaps for me, it isimply appears like that ripe-seed which carries a whole lot of possibilities and yet remains a possibility till it is 'conceived', metaphorically, in the womb of an individuality.

Till every organic process is pooled together, till every necessary ingredients are dynamically arranged together to warm up the 'seed of concept', and then wait with patience to let it sprout, the beauty of its flowering can never be actualised.
Lighting up to a concept or idea & living by that can of course be an everyday affair, but only for him, who can keep that 'receptivity' open in the womb-of-mind & not only that, he ought to have that graceful patience with reverence, to nurture it & make it alive.

Yes Sir, this has been the greatest challenge of spirituality to look out and nurture such 'good' specimen from mankind (hopefully expecting everyone to be like that), who can not only conceive these concepts...all those are good for humanity, but also populate & disseminate them further, for the sake of posterity!
Thank You Sir.


Woh, 'don't know why'....wala 'thought'...
does it not seem to also rhyme with 'dynamic' state of non-doing(silence-wala-meditation, as a 'practice')



Woh, 'don't know why'....wala 'thought'...
does it not seem to also rhyme with 'dynamic' state of non-doing(silence-wala-meditation, as a 'practice')


Baturam Nayak said...

Do not know Sir, but may be, You can light me up, as a revered observer !!


(JK used to say, "now I have to start all over again, when people nod, having understood!)
( I am not even any where near a capability to say like him! And yet!)