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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Conditions 'apply'!

Only we-two-of-us know, that there is not (isn't) any bullet in this gun!” Said the hero to the girl who deceived him by tricking him into a hotel room, surrounded by a posse of policemen to nab him! And very smartly, she found a chance to empty the cylinder of his gun, just in case... (I saw just one version of the movie 'Don'.. it was the Amitabh Bachhan of first few minutes, who was averse to Banarasi paan.. (Hmm... yet another conditioning!).

But, that hero's brains could not be emptied by that girl! And being trained to 'survive' against odds, most of his waking+sleeping hours, the resources of response to life-threat was far more deepened than that, in we-the-common-people. Now this 'deepening of resources' also involved taking a look at the 'conditioning' of his 'usual-adversaries'... the police, and his own competitors, and the spies of these two who upset all conditions of implied-trust that he invests in 'seemingly-loyal' close ones!

During the early days of my struggle to deepen the response to spiritual potential latent in me, I did find a lot of 'conditioning/s' right within me, to be the foremost thing to be tackled, and that too, all-by-myself-only... if I were to counter this 'conditions-apply' clauses,.... that deterred my spiritual progress!

The food! The body was 'conditioned' by the food I take, and a little later on, the food that I can take in, becomes the 'only-food' that I can take.. a typical case of 'reverse-conditions-apply'... reciprocity of conditions! (The mom 'trains' a child, for example... not to 'trust' anybody around... do not take eatables from 'total-strangers', don't tell 'all' the facts to strangers etc.. The kid initially wonders 'where does this list of items under 'total' and 'all' really end, so as to decide who is to be excluded from 'strangers'?... The kid grows, and then 'decides', ... “may be 'this-mom' deserves to be included in a list of 'partial-stranger' when she does not even 'know' my likes/dislikes, why-I-like/like-not..certain things!”.. And as with total-strangers, proportionate distrust with partial-strangers! Mom-included! Hey, I strayed a bit... back to my food!)..

So, I decided to try with food, the way 'nature' has designed me to eat it... All other life forms are so comfortable with 'natural form of food'.. Those with shearing teeth, tear the flesh, pop it in, and the smaller digestive canal throws out the waste soon-enough before that raw meat stinks inside the warmer-than-room temperature of its body.. Those with masticating teeth, go for slightly higher quality food, vegetables, fruits etc, where the life-energy is not 'second-hand', but single-owner vehicle..

Perhaps, I was tempted to try with 'food' more because, the other places of 'conditions-apply' seemed too elaborate (Patanjali's formulas were expounded too elaborately, while ancient scriptures, traditions, rituals looked too difficult to 'fit-into' present day life-style)... 'Let us see', I said to myself, 'if this one 'removal' of 'conditions-apply-clause' goes well with my body, and it becomes a little more receptive to all these 'elaborate' routes through some short-cut (like , some air-routes are far shorter, even-distance-wise, than the related road-routes, which circles around god-made-mountains, or man-made round-about-routes)'.

The second or third of this food-experiment, envisaged newer 'conditions-to-be-applied' with the boss of the kitchen.. I thought out of the briefest possible 'text' that might include most vital details (not necessarily the 'important' ones, though! Vital is often not going to look important, that is the problem with nature! Ecology, is an outside example, and liver is an ''inside' example... Howizzz-life?, and we say 'depends on the liver'.. Life liver, and kidney's neighbour-hood-liver behave alike here!).. The very exercise of 'trying out' for a brief-text, taught me to admire the 'Yoga-sutras' a little better... Of course, Gita had always been beyond my reach, for its encryption-features!... And the text was... 'Nothing placed on a stove' will land on my meals-plate... When something is said very briefly, most people tend to 'agree' (falling for its superficial simplicity).. The boss of my kitchen was no exception! 'Good,' was the first-response, and added, 'that makes my life-span better used, .. a little more of it outside the kitchen'.. I remained as stoic-as-possible, while my joy within knew no-bounds!... It was much later that the con-sequence was I 'looked' skin-&-bones within a month or so! The physical-exercise part of intensifying the aasanas (postures), and a few pranayams drained the flab at an incredible speed.. The movement around seemed like the smooth flow of a river, or the light feel which the driver of a 'volvo' bus gets when he drives the empty bus to the garage for those few kilometeres from the last-stop... The needs of the body to carry itself around felt lesser and lesser with each day of these practices! Within me, I did regret, that simple logic did not occur to me all along!

After a few months, I discovered so many of the 'conditions-apply' clauses collapsing within me, which had all along put hurdles to my perception-levels, in the name of 'putting conditions' and 'getting-conditioned' to the 'life-style' approved by sheer majority-numbers, and sheer-length-of-time for which it was perpetuated by generations who refused stubbornly to 'look' deep-enough! And for the same reason, I saw wisdom in 'trying' not-to-share my deeper experiences (conditions-apply, works too well, for others, against me!)..

The exuberance of this exhilarating experience, of playing with body, now made me turn my attention towards another subtle body of mine... THE mind! (but that is quite another fascinating story... the diet for mind, cooked and uncooked, has lots of complexities... even the pressure of the pressure-cooker is amazingly unique... )..

Yours, (unconditionally-conditioned),

psn(21st May, 2014)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Spurious Emotions!

Even the best speeches by any politician is today, looked at with a suspicison of, that of a one, intended to stoke the emotions of the audience to be turned towards one's own advantage...

With the bulk of the politicians doing the same or similar thing, the safe option 'seems' to be to distrust everyone, indiscriminately... obviating even the need to know, if one of them 'happens' to be a genuine one! And so, we look at these speeches as 'spurious emotions'...

Now, who are the losers, if one of such speeches were really 'genuine', even if the person making such a speech was not genuine or sincere about it? This(theme of the question), at once takes us to the very common question about a 'genuine guru' , when there are too many fakes around!

If the seeker is genuine, he feels the 'need' to know the distinction. I see no other option available.. though, 'outsourcing' the consequences of such a 'subtle or future-need' can actually precede the rising even, of such a need, or the realisation of such a need/want... (This aspect of 'outsourcing' was dealt-with so amazingly, by the ancients, when they made it into a tradition where the parents ensure a good tutelage for the child, either by themselves, or by initiating the child at the hands of a trust-worthy guru/teacher etc.)

We have cases like that of a 'padma-paada' where the deliverer of a 'worthy' message himself lacked adequate faith in it..
We have a joke-story, where a miserably-failed businessman, heavily debt ridden, decides to end himself, but accidentally meets a total stranger who gives him a bearer cheque for one million dollars, 'just-like-that'... and this businessman finds a new hope and inspiration, takes that cheque, and manages to come out of the troubles, but strangely enough without ever encashing that cheque. He now looks out for the person who gave him that cheque, and after haunting that very same place (where he met that benefactor) for few days, does meet him one day, but as he was about to return that un-encashed cheque 'with-thanks', finds a few white-uniformed people 'collecting' this benefactor, and they also asked this businessman, 'Did he give you a cheque for a million dollars?.. well he does that often, whenever he escapes from the mental asylum hoodwinking us!'
Now, the businessman gapes! Who was the 'real-source' of his inspiration?

As I listened to the speech by Shri Narendra Modi addressed to nation, through the audience at Ahmedabad at about 9 pm on 16th May, 2014 soon after the 'victory'... I found a lot of hints in it that a person can make use of, for one's own evolvement, whether a person seeks to be a leader, whether a person seeks to evolve oneself materially, or even whether a person seeks to evolve spiritually! These hints are not direct derivations out of the words spoken, but instead out of my own 'look out to learn something out of anything and everything'.. It is not often that I get to learn a lot from so little! And this at once amused me when I also knew there are bound to be hard-critics all over whose own-suspicions would prevent them from taking/receiving a 'clue' for their own betterment! (We have a sufficiently 'magnified' example, when share market 'attained' a volatility, attributed to the victory of this new-leader for the nation!.. But then, houseflies do get attracted towards carelessly strewn sweets, sugar, blood-stained materials, or at unflushed toilets even... And these flies do not oblige the people around with anything else other than contagious diseases... Perhaps, it is better to keep the place clean than keep-blaming those poor flies! I wonder who created this share-market itself, in the first place? Concept of 'shares' was okay, and very good.. trading too was very good, but over-speculation?)... That is where 'choices' made, often leads a person into a kind of helpless-choicelessness eventually. And we call it fate, destiny, etc!

'Spuriously' yours,

psn(17th May, 2014)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Decision Making (body)!

The moment I became acquainted with the existence of abstract-concepts, this was perhaps the most intriguing question for me, when I was a kid!

The kid seldom 'gets' to make any decision at all... even about oneself!

The elders simply 'assume' the powers to decide anything and everything about a kid!

The joy of having a large place all to oneself gives a strange kind of feeling of freedom to a kid, and they simply find a joy overflowing out of them... A large hall, a vast seashore, a wide playground, etc..! Somewhere, the 'choice' about 'do what you like' here seems to open up a bit wide!

(When the kid realises that his 'decision-making' is usurped, he very consciously evolves into making attempts to make and enforce his own-decisions, and this is seen as 'stubborn-ness' or obstinacy, by the elders around).

With legal entities, we humans call it a 'body' that makes a decision... The committee is the decision-making-body...

When we look at stories, the source of 'decision making' seems to give us precious lessons.. One kid-story that did make an impact on me was about... a mother bird leaving the nest early asking the kids to listen to what the farmer says, about harvesting, since the very life-span of their home, the nest... depended on the harvesting of paddy, in that rice-field.... The farmer says, 'tomorrow, I shall ask my relatives to help me'.. nothing happens. Next day, he says, 'I shall ask friends to help me'... still nothing happens.. next day, 'I shall ask my neighbours to help'... then the next day, 'I shall ask my children to help...'... The mother bird keeps track of it each evening after returning to the nest with food-for-kids. Then the farmer was heard saying, 'tomorrow, I shall start the harvest all-by-myself, not waiting for anybody'... and the mother bird also says, 'Kids... time to leave now!'

When we look at movies... Sholay steals the show! Somebody tells that sober friend, 'Hey, you friend is saying he would jump off that tall water tank!' and this sober friend says, 'Don't worry, when the drink in him wears off, he would climb down!' (He is so sure of the 'decision-making' pattern of his friend!)...
'Did I say too much?' asks the drunkard, and the sober one says, 'Having said it, let us face it together now!' (when the former makes a tall-claim about taking on all the 'enemies' at once!)...
The psychological impact on the audience climaxes, when this friend discovers that decisions were 'decisive' only by his sober friend, whose love was used by this drunkard as 'trust' .. The decisions were adequate to even insure the friend's life!.. the toss of coin was redundant, when both sides of this freak-coin were the same—heads!

Another movie is famous for its punch line, 'Once I make a decision, I never listen even to myself later on!' (the audience is thrilled, but very few give a thought about, 'why ain't I like that?')

This body, is itself a result of some decision-making about what we propose to do with this life time! Once this is made-aware-to-ourselves, the rest of the decisions become so 'clear'!

The spiritual Master 'likes-to-know' ... the 'source' of decision of a disciple, to enable this master to decide upon accepting the role of a teacher for that disciple!

What in us decides, as to whom for we are going cast our vote ? Do we vote in favour of our cravings(physical or mental), our knowledge potential, our common-sense, our emotions, our trust-potential, our 'energies'... and so on! And then, the next few decisions get out-sourced to that 'source in us'!

With that 'Don' in the movie 'Godfather' the style was 'I made a proposal which the other could not refuse'! ( a decisive proposal indeed!).. And when I tried to admire this 'punch-line'.. I at once realised that there were quite a few 'beings' hovering over my head, who decided to just keep chasing me, whatever happens! And the best advantage about them was, perhaps, time was/has-been... always on their-side! And now I could decide about my kid-old puzzle, 'who decided my spiritual quest'...!

Decidedly yours,

psn(11th May, 2014)

Friday, May 02, 2014

Put on Notice!

It was a very casual chat... Most of them were youngsters.. Only two were 'oldies'... Me and an elderly lady, much more senior to me.. We were almost trying to 'kill' the time! It was a gathering of close relatives, to formalise an alliance with a ritualistic ceremony, followed by some sundry events, and the intervening time gap had to be somehow spent.
The topic came up about 'causes' of diabetes... The youngsters felt cheerful to talk about it.. As it turned out at once, this lady was the only one to 'face the music'... She embarked on negating all the causes one-by-one, when these youngsters suggested..
'eating erratically—No!' ,
'lack of exercise—No!'
Then, depression/stress/etc---No-no I am a mere house-wife all along!”.....

I was just observing silently... the youngsters had almost exhausted all known 'causes/reasons' and this lady could manage with a 'no' to all of those.. But the fact remained that she did depend on those medicines for 'sugar-problem' , and her consolation was 'at this age, it is okay now!'
There was a weakening of pressure on her.. Like those police people using water-cannons on a mob, and when water gets exhausted, the slogan-shouting becomes a little vigorous (shouting against a spray of water is cumbersome, we know!)...
I should have continued to keep quiet... But I didn't... I said gently/slowly, 'Maybe telling lies is the cause of diabetes!' (“झूट बोलने से शायद डाईबेटिस होता है " Actually, I had said it in Hindi!)
There was a sudden burst of laughter from all the youngsters! The moment became intensely 'dramatic'.. The laughter of the youngsters was at the 'stupidity' and contrast of the arguement.. when all 'sensible' causes failed, ... then ... why not this 'unconventional' cause of 'telling lies?'.. It amused them (the sense of timing was the 'chief-element' that evoked that burst of laughter... !)
But, that lady at once became a bit 'too-serious'... While the youngsters got lost into their own laughter, I took notice of this 'grim-faced-expression' and knew at once... that I had stepped on a painful-nerve.. (Something they say in hindi close to this... “दुखती राग पर हाथ रखना )...
Obviously, the literal sense of it was not what 'disturbed' her... In fact she was quite insistent about being uprighteous about things... And she had a reputation accruing to her, in the family circle for this quality... She did not mind being a little unpopular among those who were a little factitious/pretentious/etc...
I too was a little taken-aback, and quite unprepared to see, when my 'casual' remark found its mark deep within her! She was having a great struggle, holding on to these 'values' which are cherished traditionally... And it was this 'struggle' that raised a 'big' doubt, as to whether it really ended up into some kind of self-deception? Other wise, why was there such a struggle about it? Must be a very very subtle kind of self deception! The mention of 'lies' seemed to put-her-on-notice, and she was such a generous lady, her entire 'seriousness'/red-faced expression... etc was entirely at her-own-self, and not me, the culprit, who 'put her on-notice'...!
I did regret that inadvertant slip! I knew the vulnerability of certain expressions of mine, especially when the situation was 'just-right' ... but I gave in to the temptation of the 'thought' that these youngsters are 'going-to-laugh' at it... (I had to find an equipoise, within myself, between the joyousness of spurring a laughter in those youngsters, and at the same time, of having stirred a deep painful truth in somebody else...).. While others almost forgot he whole thing, the lady did take notice of it, and I could not keep track of what might have happened thereafter with her, due to this!
We often keep avoiding to be 'put on notice' of something that might not leave us thereafter!
Impersonal allegations are so comfortable to deal with!
'Being put-on-notice' is something that the 'escapists' are ever afraid of!... But, when some weakness of our get pointed out so bluntly, there is an 'after-effect'. We suddenly turn into an 'hitherto-escapist' A yet-another & a painful discovery!

Meditative practices often encounters the problem of 'being put on notice' .. deep within, while on the other hand... we keep wondering as to why we do not evolve 'any-further'.. or why this meditative state refuses to deepen within us!
The teacher of the present day, often has to 'struggle' to make this 'putting on notice' to feel as comfortable as possible, to the seeker-disciple.. or else, the latter would simbly/simply drop off..
Acceptance, at its deepest levels, comes at a price, that everyone has to eventually pay-up, but few can really afford! (Even the 'constructive-notice' served is so painful!)

Noticing-ly yours,

psn(2nd May(be), 2014