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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Well Set!

When we remain for too long in that 'state of being', may be it becomes 'well-settled' meaning, it is too difficult to 'up-set' such a person!

A 'well set' physiology is perhaps on the way to becoming/being 'well settled' .. such a person is an asset as a pillion-rider, for a 'stable ride' on a two wheeler...!!!

I was normal, until some that I read about 'why get upset' turned me upside down (now, that might be my own 'up set' I don't know for sure! ... I had a teacher, who assured us, he would never allow us to settle down well ... “For that is how', he also 'assured' us,.. “you would grow on a spiritual path!”

Just is 'settling' down is often misconstrued as the 'key' to contentment, and happiness... And it often works ... others pamper us, with a frequent observation 'He is not to be 'moved' by small disturbances!' (Well it rhymes too well, with that visuals of a extra-well-set person seated comfortably ... the vehicle in turn , finds itself 'well-managed' when running on a bumpy road!)..

I even tried to look at poetic expressions coming out of a terribly upset person! (I presume “up” is towards anger, and 'down-set' is towards depression, sadness, etc... though 'down-set' is not a phrase in use... may be because it really doesnt settle-when-down.. it keeps sinking further!!!)... Poetry seldom can come out when a person is 'visibly angry'...

A poem can be 'angry' , not the poet... a poem can provoke anger... Krodh-ras (anger-juice!... As a kid, when my Hindi teacher explained, that poems are of Love-juice, embellishment-juice, humor-juice etc... Prem-ras, Shringaar-ras, Haasya-ras... etc..) I tried to visualise that Anger-juice, or Krodh-ras to be something to do with a very heavily concentrated mixture of essence of chillies and pepper mixed together... but then, it only 'burns; the tongue, not the mind! When the mind gets 'burning'... chillie may not even feel hot!.. I was confused! No wonder.. that teacher was trying with a very wrong person, who has nothing to even remotely resemble any thing rhyming in him(me, that is)... and poetry is all about rhyming too well!

People who can be easily 'upset'... are for sure going to be upside down, for a while.. where as 'spiritual' path is on the look out for people who are 'well-set' and who can be 'un-set'... and remain balanced thus! (A person 'set' or settled'.. whichever way it is... is not good(enough) for cricket, since the 'response-time' for meeting the ball .. whether is with a bat ..... or a gloved/ungloved pair of hands for catching it, is going to be 'late'! Very similar is the situation with spiritual path... a person who is 'un-set' remains fairly better-responsive, and here the time-relativity is supposed to be too stringent at even its extremes!)

Get set, go... is what I took some training at, when somebody tried hard to pull out a sprinter out of me... But nature had perhaps other plans and designs about 'what to do with my stamina-potential'..!!!

(I often find people surprised when they exclaim, 'Hey! It is so difficult to see you-and-spirituality together at once!'... and when they fail to 'explain'.. I try to guess... may be their way of looking at 'well-set' perhaps, rhymes with that 'concrete', setting after a day, when 'laid' to set, with Iron, sand, cement and metal in that ratio...!!!... I do not set ever, like that concrete, for I am 'discrete' about it!)

So, that it... set for now!

Unsettlingly yours,

psn (11th September, 2013)

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