If there is one word that can be used quite freely, almost anytime, and to our advantage, to invoke a sense of guilt in another, it is ‘manipulation’. And it is quite difficult to refute, without getting engaged into a lengthy debate. It is almost like a double-edged sword.
Intelligent accountants invariably manipulate accounts to their own advantage. Lawyers manipulate cases to win over the mind and heart of the judge, and turn the case on the others. A clever student manipulates just the key words (only which he remembers), and churns out an answer to create an impression of a thorough knowledge about the subject. A crafty astrologer manipulates the ‘subtle’ factors to justify and refute the claim about bad prediction due to his lack of knowledge. And most of the office-goers (the bulk amongst us) need no further reminder as to how to go about with ‘manipulation’ whether we do the task, reach the target, etc or not. There is an inexhaustible list of reasons available for late coming, non-performance, etc. Between spouses, who is it that usually wins an argument, who has the last laugh? When there is too much of it, or an over-manipulation, it is time to implore thus “Please, at least this, don’t politicize” . We know what makes a ‘good’ politician.
Such endless engagement in deceit-game, day-in-and-out, demands quite a heavy price from our very way of being. It corrupts the core being, our very basic attitude. And then our very mind functioning becomes ‘manipulative’. The moment we mention something in a casual talk, the other person responds only with some kind of manipulation! Plain, simple, and straight forward or to-the-point answers seldom come out. The trait gets so deeply embedded that the default acknowledgement-response to even a simple appreciation gets badly mangled with some stupid manipulation! Unwittingly this acknowledgment might make the humble appreciation or the person feel even a bit guilty! (Why the hell did I engage myself into appreciating this fellow?)!
Manipulation, by itself is not bad. Sometimes it comes very handy, as a life saving drug! Only care to be taken is we do it in full awareness, very consciously, each time, otherwise our mind gets manipulated. I am reminded of the joke. There is a tradition amongst ancient Namboodiris, of Kerala (South India), that when food is being served, they do not mention ‘enough-please’ to the person serving. It is upto the person serving to guess accurately and stop when it is enough for the diner. So, every care was taken to assign the task of serving food to only intelligent people. A young inexperienced Namboodiri managed to gain entry into the serving group. The item(dish) he chose to serve was ‘Rasam’ ( a tasty tamarind pulp with spices preparation). The food was served on a banana leaf. Rasam was to be mixed very loosely with plain cooked rice and ‘slurped’ in a hurry, to free the eating-hand, the bare right hand to first gather the flowing rasam first, trying to run away out of the borders of banana leaf, and then scoop the next watery hand-full for the next ‘slurp’. An elderly Namboodiri, being unsure about quick response with aged feeble hands, tried to cup his palm while it was being poured, and slurped the unmanageable excess of plain rasam first. This act was grossly misunderstood by the novice Namboodiri, and he repeated the pouring with another ladle-full, thinking that this elderly took a special liking for this dish! This went on for sometime. The stomach of this elderly was making gurgling noises with the punch of ‘asafoetida’ that would have got polarized inside the stomach with the abnormal dose of rasam. At last some source of respite appeared to the elderly Namboodiri when the youngster quizzed politely “Sir, how many members in your Illam(family)”…. The youngster just meant to become more ‘customer-friendly’ with courtesy enquiries, nothing more. This elderly Namboodiri seized the only available opportunity, MANIPULATED the simple reply and blurted out, “If I happen to survive this overdose of Rasam, that I am helplessly gulping, then including me, there are 17 members in my family”. Needless to add, the novice got his first lessons in serving!
Even in a seemingly inextricable situation, a victim of human-sacrifice happened to escape death, using the manipulation technique to his advantage. He was asked “Who are you”, and if he lied, he would be eaten raw or if he told the truth, he would be roasted and then eaten by the cannibals after their ritualistic sacrifice/offering. This fellow manipulated cleverly and replied “I am a liar”. They had to let him go free, since they could not decide whether he told the truth or lied!
As usual, I too ‘manipulate’ a simple question to my advantage. And to repeat a famous dialogue that I adore, “please try to find a way to forgive me for what I am about to do”
Psn(30th May, 2010)
Can You Manipulate People Into Loving You?
and being your best friend, giving you money, helping you out etc...Can you honestly do that? ... If yes, did it work or fail? If no, what do you think it takes to manipulate others?I dont think manipulating is bad, it depend if your using it for evil or good. Some people can sense others and can get what they want out of manipulation. It doesnt mean its bad, it means they just good at it. Anyways..can you manipulate Anybody? and i mean Anybody!
My answer:
Well, we find this 'manipulation' look like a problem, or, it looks like a 'feeling of guilt' only because we 'manipulated' the use of words like 'evolve'. When a violent person gets 'reformed' by the influence of a spiritual person, this erstwhile-violent person starts loving the spiritual person out of a sense of gratitude and even give one's own life (not just help or money). This spiritual person 'manipulated' the chemistry of this violent person, re-formed him into a 'human' being once again (this time in full awareness of this violent person... he was a cheerful, loving, lovable, wonderful human being once upon a time... when he was a small baby !!!).
Temporary superficial adjustments do happen for some petty gains, and they too look like 'manipulations' but they are only cosmetic. A little nudge, and the original nature would surface too soon. Such manipulations are not worth the name. True manipulations are a complete 'transformation' (not mere change). It is not at all 'bad' if we have one more good human being around us on this planet at least till we are around! The spark of that divinity is there in each one of the living beings. For human beings, it is possible to 'kindle' life, using this spark. If that is liked to be referred by the name 'manipulation', then, long live such manipulation!
You are right, business men manipulate the likes and dislikes of customers to their advantage. They are just good at it, and unless they get what they want out of such manipulation, their business does not survive. That is why there is a popular saying "A good salesman would manage to sell a refrigerator to an eskimo"! (Manipulation at its Best, in the most unfavourable weather conditions, in the most unfavourable terrain!)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I had a wonderful professor for teaching that fuzzy logic/concept about Jurisprudence. Sometimes, I did even feel that we the students of a small district headquarters did not deserve such a powerful lecturer. His lectures would have had a wider reach, if he had been teaching at a larger institution, in some metro-city or so. I had to feel contented by ensuring fullest grasp of what ever he taught, and never missing any of his lectures, not mere attendance-wise, but content-wise even. It fetched me good results. But again, it was a total loss, commercially. I never happened to put it to any ‘gainful’ use. He gave wonderful concepts which contributed to my faster inner growth.
He gave simple examples of how ‘power’ corrupts. A local magistrate, he quoted, normally would award a minimum sentence for petty crimes like theft, but when some theft takes place at the house of this magistrate, then, for the next one week he would hand out ‘maximum’ punishment possible under the law! The accused, his lawyer and even the public prosecutor would be left gaping at this abnormal attitude of the judge(quite helplessly, since it would be futile to incur the time, effort and money for an appeal). This is human psychology, the lecturer explained. We have to live with it, and with such people, and with such possibilities.
A mother-in-law is dreaded simply because she has no other place or scope to assert the little power that she ever enjoys in her life. The situation is most convenient. The son has the ‘natural’ weakness for her. All along, she was just an unpaid domestic help slogging for her family, her own mother-in-law, her husband, her children, her in-laws etc. Now is the time to have that ‘feel’ of some power, that little power, left in her. And by the time she becomes a mother-in-law, the ‘invoking of wisdom’ (or even that ‘common-sense’) takes too long a time (the age takes a toll on the response mechanism, like that last lap of 3rd stage of hypothermal state, where a person’s actions are decided only by the last few thought processes preceding that stage). Only the fortunate mothers-in-law retain the wisdom of putting their experience to better use, the purpose of playing a responsible role of an experienced elderly person in a family to shape the destiny of the family to higher levels.
A person who had to struggle to get a promotion, seeks an easy outlet of his/her frustration by setting about to ‘feel’ the magnitude of power acquired by trying it out on harmless innocent subordinates around. Worse is the case of a politician, who is in a great hurry to first recover the large amount spent to get elected, and then to proceed to ensure perpetuation of self and his ‘own’ people on the seat of power.
Even in the movies, when a villain enters a small-arms-shop, and is shown a new weapon, he is tempted to immediately try it on the only available victim, nearest at that time, the helpless salesman! Such is the nature of power. In those fictional stories/movies, a newly acquired boon or power is frittered away, trying it on helpless victims in the vicinity.
Quite often, I struggle to convince people around me that my purpose of arguing is not to demonstrate my ability to outwit the other by using word-power/logic-power. Very few remember that during the first or better half of my life (the ‘power-full’ youth), I mostly remained a bit inconspicuous though right at the hub of life-activity. Even now, the inclination is more towards moving out of the way of others. I have enough within, to keep myself blissfully happy, and most harmlessly peaceful, to others around.
It takes a lot to harness the power than the efforts to acquire it. Benevolent and compassionate spiritual Masters invariably ‘plug’ even the key-hole-views of such powers surging into their disciples, very cautiously, consciously and compassionately. That, the person who causes hurt invariably feels greater pain than the person who receives it, is the painful truth that outlives the hurt-injury or even the scar itself. It is just a question of time.
Well, a youngster asked a question which triggered some thoughts about how it feels when we are reminded of our power (it is already latent in all of us, awaiting to be discovered)! The epic story tells us that this power was capped in the case of Hanuman, who requires to be reminded of his own power, in times of need, by people around Him. The least misuse of power happens usually, in the cases where the muscle power is built up. Big accomplished ‘pehelwans’ (wrestlers) seldom use it on people who are examples of “a straight-line without thickness”.
(with Power-full) Regards,
psn (29th May, 2010)
Lust for fighting?????
I have practiced boxing and a bit of mma, but never had an actual match (inside the ring, i've had a few outside). Because of this my body aches for a fight. It makes me feel sick how I act, but I can't change it. I will contemplate beating the **** out of people who disrespect me or annoy me. I know its wrong, but I don't know what to do, please help. Thanks
My answer:
The most wonderful part is when you say "I know its wrong". There are yet others who are not so fortunate to even know this, leave alone declaring it courageously! Now, why call it 'wrong', when we can look at it as "it is not needed really, every time". There are many legendary fighters who are adored more for their 'effortless' self-restraint, than their prowess!It is not altogether bad or wrong to feel the 'ache' to fight. It is just that we need to evolve a little more beyond the basic natural instinct of self-preservation/survival. This self-awareness which is quite unique to we humans only, tends to 'overdo' this instinct of self-preservation/survival. It is fortunate that boxers, wrestlers can feel this 'overdoing' much earlier. What about the rich who use money power to harm others needlessly and regret it too late in their life? What about people with high power due to position/designation/authority who misuse the power to satisfy their ego, hurt others, even their country/society/etc and then regret it later (unable to even confess)? That is why the popular saying ""power corrupts".
All we need to do is to look a bit more deeper, when you are reminded (of this 'ache' or this 'wrong'), and reassure that this capability looks better when put to use to defend ourselves, the needy, and the weak against some other 'power-ful' fellow who is yet to realise the correct way to use this power(that is why, even in legendary movies, stories, the hero is portrayed to give many chances to the villain taking a risk of yet another needless confrontation!).
Nice to have you on 'human' side. Thanks. Very best wishes. May you become yet more powerful boxer.
He gave simple examples of how ‘power’ corrupts. A local magistrate, he quoted, normally would award a minimum sentence for petty crimes like theft, but when some theft takes place at the house of this magistrate, then, for the next one week he would hand out ‘maximum’ punishment possible under the law! The accused, his lawyer and even the public prosecutor would be left gaping at this abnormal attitude of the judge(quite helplessly, since it would be futile to incur the time, effort and money for an appeal). This is human psychology, the lecturer explained. We have to live with it, and with such people, and with such possibilities.
A mother-in-law is dreaded simply because she has no other place or scope to assert the little power that she ever enjoys in her life. The situation is most convenient. The son has the ‘natural’ weakness for her. All along, she was just an unpaid domestic help slogging for her family, her own mother-in-law, her husband, her children, her in-laws etc. Now is the time to have that ‘feel’ of some power, that little power, left in her. And by the time she becomes a mother-in-law, the ‘invoking of wisdom’ (or even that ‘common-sense’) takes too long a time (the age takes a toll on the response mechanism, like that last lap of 3rd stage of hypothermal state, where a person’s actions are decided only by the last few thought processes preceding that stage). Only the fortunate mothers-in-law retain the wisdom of putting their experience to better use, the purpose of playing a responsible role of an experienced elderly person in a family to shape the destiny of the family to higher levels.
A person who had to struggle to get a promotion, seeks an easy outlet of his/her frustration by setting about to ‘feel’ the magnitude of power acquired by trying it out on harmless innocent subordinates around. Worse is the case of a politician, who is in a great hurry to first recover the large amount spent to get elected, and then to proceed to ensure perpetuation of self and his ‘own’ people on the seat of power.
Even in the movies, when a villain enters a small-arms-shop, and is shown a new weapon, he is tempted to immediately try it on the only available victim, nearest at that time, the helpless salesman! Such is the nature of power. In those fictional stories/movies, a newly acquired boon or power is frittered away, trying it on helpless victims in the vicinity.
Quite often, I struggle to convince people around me that my purpose of arguing is not to demonstrate my ability to outwit the other by using word-power/logic-power. Very few remember that during the first or better half of my life (the ‘power-full’ youth), I mostly remained a bit inconspicuous though right at the hub of life-activity. Even now, the inclination is more towards moving out of the way of others. I have enough within, to keep myself blissfully happy, and most harmlessly peaceful, to others around.
It takes a lot to harness the power than the efforts to acquire it. Benevolent and compassionate spiritual Masters invariably ‘plug’ even the key-hole-views of such powers surging into their disciples, very cautiously, consciously and compassionately. That, the person who causes hurt invariably feels greater pain than the person who receives it, is the painful truth that outlives the hurt-injury or even the scar itself. It is just a question of time.
Well, a youngster asked a question which triggered some thoughts about how it feels when we are reminded of our power (it is already latent in all of us, awaiting to be discovered)! The epic story tells us that this power was capped in the case of Hanuman, who requires to be reminded of his own power, in times of need, by people around Him. The least misuse of power happens usually, in the cases where the muscle power is built up. Big accomplished ‘pehelwans’ (wrestlers) seldom use it on people who are examples of “a straight-line without thickness”.
(with Power-full) Regards,
psn (29th May, 2010)
Lust for fighting?????
I have practiced boxing and a bit of mma, but never had an actual match (inside the ring, i've had a few outside). Because of this my body aches for a fight. It makes me feel sick how I act, but I can't change it. I will contemplate beating the **** out of people who disrespect me or annoy me. I know its wrong, but I don't know what to do, please help. Thanks
My answer:
The most wonderful part is when you say "I know its wrong". There are yet others who are not so fortunate to even know this, leave alone declaring it courageously! Now, why call it 'wrong', when we can look at it as "it is not needed really, every time". There are many legendary fighters who are adored more for their 'effortless' self-restraint, than their prowess!It is not altogether bad or wrong to feel the 'ache' to fight. It is just that we need to evolve a little more beyond the basic natural instinct of self-preservation/survival. This self-awareness which is quite unique to we humans only, tends to 'overdo' this instinct of self-preservation/survival. It is fortunate that boxers, wrestlers can feel this 'overdoing' much earlier. What about the rich who use money power to harm others needlessly and regret it too late in their life? What about people with high power due to position/designation/authority who misuse the power to satisfy their ego, hurt others, even their country/society/etc and then regret it later (unable to even confess)? That is why the popular saying ""power corrupts".
All we need to do is to look a bit more deeper, when you are reminded (of this 'ache' or this 'wrong'), and reassure that this capability looks better when put to use to defend ourselves, the needy, and the weak against some other 'power-ful' fellow who is yet to realise the correct way to use this power(that is why, even in legendary movies, stories, the hero is portrayed to give many chances to the villain taking a risk of yet another needless confrontation!).
Nice to have you on 'human' side. Thanks. Very best wishes. May you become yet more powerful boxer.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
It is a queer emotion that goes deeper than our physiological structure! I had written some time ago, about a ‘natural urge’ being handled more sensibly with a balanced emotion.
Most of us just look at it a bit casually. We do not consider the urgency to look at urge. Then it simply emerges into an emergency!
There was a joke. A lady found it embarrassing when her kid announced loudly that he needed to go for a ‘pee’, in the presence of other ‘posh’ ladies, when they were at some get-together, or such occasions. She found a simple solution. She got the kid to agree to say, "I want to sing" whenever he felt the urge. Now this kid used this as an excuse to get away from the crowd when ever he felt bored, though the urge was not yet urgency. But the arrangement worked quite well. It so happened that the kid had to stay with his dad, when his mother was away to visit her folks. In the middle of the night, he woke up suddenly and nudged his father, saying "Dad, I want to sing". This dad was not informed of this arrangement, and took it literally, and tried to pacify the kid saying "Look dear, it is middle of the night, and it is inappropriate to disturb the neighbors, please wait till daybreak.". Thus some time was lost in the kid trying to plead the urgency, and the dad trying to pacify the kid. All of a sudden, the kid yelled "Now I want to sing very loudly". The father felt, there is no scope to pacify any further, and very reluctantly conceded, saying "Okay, if you must, then sing into my ears, but gently and slowly, not too loudly".
We adults yield to many kinds of urges. We do not even pay attention to the nature of such urges. In no time they become urgent. And when we are unable to fulfill, they emerge into emergencies! No joke. Please see. Why at all are those adult nappies in great demand? Is it not just that the urge does not take place. The translation of the message into an ‘urge’ does not happen, due to loss or lack of ‘connectivity’. When we are not well connected with a child, we yell at the child "what is the big urgency to open the wrapper now… Can you not wait till we reach home, to look at how the toy works?" Mahatma Gandhi had confessed, having felt an urge at an inappropriate occasion, when there was the body of a close relative waiting funeral rites, and he happened to think of some physical urge towards his spouse. Such honest admissions get applause no doubt, but usually fail to inspire most of the readers, who would dismiss it very casually, distancing oneself from it one way or other. Spirituality does not allow any such privilege. The discipline of this path insists that we look at each and every ‘urge’ very consciously, in full awareness, and deal with it equanimous-ly, not emotionally!
(I even wonder, if that Indian form, "urz suno zara, meri bhi " emanates from the ‘urge’ to be heard! And then there is that "Urjee"(an appeal) being submitted to the Englishman(pre-independence days of India), for his ‘kind’ consideration, when he likes to please a subordinate to ensure his loyalty to the master. Or, quite possibly, it is a sheer coincidence, when the majestic form of delivery of a couplet, "Arz kartaa hoon, Arz Hai,….. "(I hereby render), responded with an equally majestic ‘Irshaad"(please/pleasure is ours to listen, etc…..), got deformed when it was delivered by lesser beings to their master )
One may dismiss with some repugnance towards this ‘urge’ factor, at the very mention of spirituality aspect. But, even for a balanced mind, for avoiding the surge of an emotional imbalance, it is worth looking at the way our emotions evoke some of the non-urgent urges. Anyway, sometime or other, introspection would take over, and keep haunting us needlessly, now with a negative urge. And, it is not just about those socially acceptable actions which are the translated forms of the urges that we are talking about! It is about the very thought processes of those urges. We are quite clever. If only we had not learnt to keep most of our urges under check, we would have shared the condemned cells in those prisons, where hard-core criminals are lodged permanently! The only difference is that those poor fellows were in a great hurry to translate those urges into action. Is there a single crime that we too have not committed in our mind, our thoughts some time or other? Ah! Some people even keep restraint, not exceeding beyond a few ‘pegs’ fearing inadvertent spilling out the innermost urges, thoughts, secrets etc!
(That is exactly why, this spirituality is said to be a pathless path. Most of our paths are made up of urges, desires, result-driven-goals, expectations, anticipations, cravings, etc. Even the ‘urge’ for spiritual growth might be a deterrent at a stage for further growth! We have to handle this urge, shape it into a sublime form, and then pursue it. That is mysticism! The presence of a guide, a spiritual Master, makes the task quite easy, simple, and effortless!).
A tail-piece: Like that famous punch-line by the also famous Shri Navjot Singhjee "Better tighten your belt, or you may lose your pant", I am persuaded to say, "better tighten your urges, or you may lose your cool"!
With Urge-full-regards,
Psn(25th May, 2010)
Most of us just look at it a bit casually. We do not consider the urgency to look at urge. Then it simply emerges into an emergency!
There was a joke. A lady found it embarrassing when her kid announced loudly that he needed to go for a ‘pee’, in the presence of other ‘posh’ ladies, when they were at some get-together, or such occasions. She found a simple solution. She got the kid to agree to say, "I want to sing" whenever he felt the urge. Now this kid used this as an excuse to get away from the crowd when ever he felt bored, though the urge was not yet urgency. But the arrangement worked quite well. It so happened that the kid had to stay with his dad, when his mother was away to visit her folks. In the middle of the night, he woke up suddenly and nudged his father, saying "Dad, I want to sing". This dad was not informed of this arrangement, and took it literally, and tried to pacify the kid saying "Look dear, it is middle of the night, and it is inappropriate to disturb the neighbors, please wait till daybreak.". Thus some time was lost in the kid trying to plead the urgency, and the dad trying to pacify the kid. All of a sudden, the kid yelled "Now I want to sing very loudly". The father felt, there is no scope to pacify any further, and very reluctantly conceded, saying "Okay, if you must, then sing into my ears, but gently and slowly, not too loudly".
We adults yield to many kinds of urges. We do not even pay attention to the nature of such urges. In no time they become urgent. And when we are unable to fulfill, they emerge into emergencies! No joke. Please see. Why at all are those adult nappies in great demand? Is it not just that the urge does not take place. The translation of the message into an ‘urge’ does not happen, due to loss or lack of ‘connectivity’. When we are not well connected with a child, we yell at the child "what is the big urgency to open the wrapper now… Can you not wait till we reach home, to look at how the toy works?" Mahatma Gandhi had confessed, having felt an urge at an inappropriate occasion, when there was the body of a close relative waiting funeral rites, and he happened to think of some physical urge towards his spouse. Such honest admissions get applause no doubt, but usually fail to inspire most of the readers, who would dismiss it very casually, distancing oneself from it one way or other. Spirituality does not allow any such privilege. The discipline of this path insists that we look at each and every ‘urge’ very consciously, in full awareness, and deal with it equanimous-ly, not emotionally!
(I even wonder, if that Indian form, "urz suno zara, meri bhi " emanates from the ‘urge’ to be heard! And then there is that "Urjee"(an appeal) being submitted to the Englishman(pre-independence days of India), for his ‘kind’ consideration, when he likes to please a subordinate to ensure his loyalty to the master. Or, quite possibly, it is a sheer coincidence, when the majestic form of delivery of a couplet, "Arz kartaa hoon, Arz Hai,….. "(I hereby render), responded with an equally majestic ‘Irshaad"(please/pleasure is ours to listen, etc…..), got deformed when it was delivered by lesser beings to their master )
One may dismiss with some repugnance towards this ‘urge’ factor, at the very mention of spirituality aspect. But, even for a balanced mind, for avoiding the surge of an emotional imbalance, it is worth looking at the way our emotions evoke some of the non-urgent urges. Anyway, sometime or other, introspection would take over, and keep haunting us needlessly, now with a negative urge. And, it is not just about those socially acceptable actions which are the translated forms of the urges that we are talking about! It is about the very thought processes of those urges. We are quite clever. If only we had not learnt to keep most of our urges under check, we would have shared the condemned cells in those prisons, where hard-core criminals are lodged permanently! The only difference is that those poor fellows were in a great hurry to translate those urges into action. Is there a single crime that we too have not committed in our mind, our thoughts some time or other? Ah! Some people even keep restraint, not exceeding beyond a few ‘pegs’ fearing inadvertent spilling out the innermost urges, thoughts, secrets etc!
(That is exactly why, this spirituality is said to be a pathless path. Most of our paths are made up of urges, desires, result-driven-goals, expectations, anticipations, cravings, etc. Even the ‘urge’ for spiritual growth might be a deterrent at a stage for further growth! We have to handle this urge, shape it into a sublime form, and then pursue it. That is mysticism! The presence of a guide, a spiritual Master, makes the task quite easy, simple, and effortless!).
A tail-piece: Like that famous punch-line by the also famous Shri Navjot Singhjee "Better tighten your belt, or you may lose your pant", I am persuaded to say, "better tighten your urges, or you may lose your cool"!
With Urge-full-regards,
Psn(25th May, 2010)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Liberty or Freedom?
Many tourists take a look at that statue of Liberty, capture its glory into their cameras, narrate its splendor, and sometimes, attempt to amplify its inner significance too!
But when it comes to choosing “to be or not to be”, we all seem to be back to square one! The eligible bachelors/spinsters(now-a-days, bachelor is substituted quite acceptably for spinsters of yester days! Maybe, they are not too keen to ‘spin’ now, with the fast paced modern life taking everybody for a ‘spin’!),….. find it difficult to decide whether to give up the freedom that they had before(and become just a ‘statue’ of the liberty), when they are faced with the question of getting married(at the materialistically-right-age!
The ‘guess’ list of questions that should occurring at least at initial stages, while considering whether to get married or not, are quite basic. In fact, these question occur even when we decide to share a bachelor’s apartment with another bachelor to share the prohibitive cost of rent, when we decide to take in a business-partner, when we decide to swap our reserved berth in a train, to a needy person (or just that the other fellow prefers to have better luxury !), etc. The sample questions that occur in our mind is thus:
1) I am comfortably well off, with adequate ‘start-salary/income’ to take care of my basic need, with lots and lots of leisure, a little left-over of the money to indulge in a few of my idiosyncrasies (Sync’d with letting loose the mind for a while by loosening up the body-mind coordination, indulging in nervous stimulants of sorts). How much of this freedom am I going to give up?
2) Nobody lays a claim on my leisure, and sharing it would mean less of ‘peace of mind’!
3) Am I going to feel lonely, some kind of emotional depression, for no reason, if I do not concede to this social pressure and succumb or yield to this ritual of sharing my life?
4) What causes this loneliness actually? Where does it stem from? Is it just an inevitable ‘fallout’ of present day lifestyle, or is it the consequence of suppression of a deep urge, the deep sense of ‘belonging’? Oh! It is not adequate with that possessiveness, to manage a lifetime, since we have to struggle to ‘equip’ ourselves to ‘possess’ what we like to have? Most things can be bought with money. Emotions can be bought with our ability to fulfill the other’s emotional needs (indeed a very big challenge!) Where does this ‘sense of belonging’ pop-up, to pose a formidable threat to our very peace of mind? Is it that unless I feel that I belong to some ‘one’ ( ‘1’… o – n – e… at least), am I going to become vulnerable to that crushing ‘loneliness? What if it gets too late, if I stall the decision of ‘sharing’ life?
5) What if the person with whom I end up sharing, does not ‘provide’ me with that opportunity to feel ‘a sense of belonging’? Is it really in the hands of the other? Am I being stupid, trying to assess, judge, etc whether our mutual ‘chemistry’ sync’s well? Why didn’t the blokes who started this thing called ‘marriage’ also give a fool-proof handout of ‘how to …’ / why to… / where to…./ when to… etc for this concept? Those meaningless (seemingly at least), procedures of match-making, preceded by yet another ordeal of horoscope-matching, etc do not seem to work at all! There is no one trust-worthy around to provide a fool-proof system. And all those oldies just vanish out of the scene, not bothering about ‘after-sales-service’ tying two helpless people into a knotty-problem, gloating about to call it a marriage! It is not even worth that ‘marriage-of-convenience’ !
6) Is that sense of ‘belonging’ more distinct, unique, and quite INDESPENSIBLE, to confront the problem of imminent ‘loneliness’ at some point of time? Oh Hell! (What am I thinking? Inadvertently, am I invoking ‘hell’ even before it is due?.....) Why not practice this sense of ‘belonging’, trying it out a few times, in a safe, harmless way, just giving up ourselves a little bit, for others? (Testing it in ‘safe’ waters?).
7) Oh! Somewhere, a funny, fuzzy thought springs up… the more we feel that we belong to everything and everyone around, we may become less available to that loneliness… Is it so?
A question came up .. or rather, I bumped into it. As usual, I churn out lots of attributes to an innocent, simple question, and then set about to stir a ‘hornets-nest’ and the rest is done by others themselves, to spoil their ‘rest’(well-poised-mental-rest, ‘Rest In Peace, etc)!
By now, the urge to even take a look, at the question might have subdued. Yet, let me be ritualistic once a-gain.
With be-longing-Regards,
Psn (25th May, 2010)
How much liberty should a person have?
How much liberty should a person have? When, if ever, should society restrict individual liberty?
My answer:
Let us try to look at it upside down, for a change!Alone on an uninhabited island, cut off from the rest of the world, but with excellent survival resources to last many generations ahead, what decides the liberty that we should have?Now, if a person drops in after some time, is it not that this new person is most likely to be concerned equally about his/her own survival too? And if so, then the liberty question comes up with just one "equation". How much are we prepared to share and co-exist? How much is our need for mutual emotional dependence? Alone, we enjoy everything, but we lack that sharing of deep emotions. But when we compromise on emotional need, the resources (the material aspect of life) gets diminished to that extent (qualitatively and quantitatively.... please see, EVEN time becomes a material, we share our quality time, forsaking a little of our OWN in favour of the other!
Well the very purpose of this 'upside-down' exercise is to EASILY reach to the very root of the problem, the question, its solution ...... what actually decides the mutual liberties we afford for each other?
But when it comes to choosing “to be or not to be”, we all seem to be back to square one! The eligible bachelors/spinsters(now-a-days, bachelor is substituted quite acceptably for spinsters of yester days! Maybe, they are not too keen to ‘spin’ now, with the fast paced modern life taking everybody for a ‘spin’!),….. find it difficult to decide whether to give up the freedom that they had before(and become just a ‘statue’ of the liberty), when they are faced with the question of getting married(at the materialistically-right-age!
The ‘guess’ list of questions that should occurring at least at initial stages, while considering whether to get married or not, are quite basic. In fact, these question occur even when we decide to share a bachelor’s apartment with another bachelor to share the prohibitive cost of rent, when we decide to take in a business-partner, when we decide to swap our reserved berth in a train, to a needy person (or just that the other fellow prefers to have better luxury !), etc. The sample questions that occur in our mind is thus:
1) I am comfortably well off, with adequate ‘start-salary/income’ to take care of my basic need, with lots and lots of leisure, a little left-over of the money to indulge in a few of my idiosyncrasies (Sync’d with letting loose the mind for a while by loosening up the body-mind coordination, indulging in nervous stimulants of sorts). How much of this freedom am I going to give up?
2) Nobody lays a claim on my leisure, and sharing it would mean less of ‘peace of mind’!
3) Am I going to feel lonely, some kind of emotional depression, for no reason, if I do not concede to this social pressure and succumb or yield to this ritual of sharing my life?
4) What causes this loneliness actually? Where does it stem from? Is it just an inevitable ‘fallout’ of present day lifestyle, or is it the consequence of suppression of a deep urge, the deep sense of ‘belonging’? Oh! It is not adequate with that possessiveness, to manage a lifetime, since we have to struggle to ‘equip’ ourselves to ‘possess’ what we like to have? Most things can be bought with money. Emotions can be bought with our ability to fulfill the other’s emotional needs (indeed a very big challenge!) Where does this ‘sense of belonging’ pop-up, to pose a formidable threat to our very peace of mind? Is it that unless I feel that I belong to some ‘one’ ( ‘1’… o – n – e… at least), am I going to become vulnerable to that crushing ‘loneliness? What if it gets too late, if I stall the decision of ‘sharing’ life?
5) What if the person with whom I end up sharing, does not ‘provide’ me with that opportunity to feel ‘a sense of belonging’? Is it really in the hands of the other? Am I being stupid, trying to assess, judge, etc whether our mutual ‘chemistry’ sync’s well? Why didn’t the blokes who started this thing called ‘marriage’ also give a fool-proof handout of ‘how to …’ / why to… / where to…./ when to… etc for this concept? Those meaningless (seemingly at least), procedures of match-making, preceded by yet another ordeal of horoscope-matching, etc do not seem to work at all! There is no one trust-worthy around to provide a fool-proof system. And all those oldies just vanish out of the scene, not bothering about ‘after-sales-service’ tying two helpless people into a knotty-problem, gloating about to call it a marriage! It is not even worth that ‘marriage-of-convenience’ !
6) Is that sense of ‘belonging’ more distinct, unique, and quite INDESPENSIBLE, to confront the problem of imminent ‘loneliness’ at some point of time? Oh Hell! (What am I thinking? Inadvertently, am I invoking ‘hell’ even before it is due?.....) Why not practice this sense of ‘belonging’, trying it out a few times, in a safe, harmless way, just giving up ourselves a little bit, for others? (Testing it in ‘safe’ waters?).
7) Oh! Somewhere, a funny, fuzzy thought springs up… the more we feel that we belong to everything and everyone around, we may become less available to that loneliness… Is it so?
A question came up .. or rather, I bumped into it. As usual, I churn out lots of attributes to an innocent, simple question, and then set about to stir a ‘hornets-nest’ and the rest is done by others themselves, to spoil their ‘rest’(well-poised-mental-rest, ‘Rest In Peace, etc)!
By now, the urge to even take a look, at the question might have subdued. Yet, let me be ritualistic once a-gain.
With be-longing-Regards,
Psn (25th May, 2010)
How much liberty should a person have?
How much liberty should a person have? When, if ever, should society restrict individual liberty?
My answer:
Let us try to look at it upside down, for a change!Alone on an uninhabited island, cut off from the rest of the world, but with excellent survival resources to last many generations ahead, what decides the liberty that we should have?Now, if a person drops in after some time, is it not that this new person is most likely to be concerned equally about his/her own survival too? And if so, then the liberty question comes up with just one "equation". How much are we prepared to share and co-exist? How much is our need for mutual emotional dependence? Alone, we enjoy everything, but we lack that sharing of deep emotions. But when we compromise on emotional need, the resources (the material aspect of life) gets diminished to that extent (qualitatively and quantitatively.... please see, EVEN time becomes a material, we share our quality time, forsaking a little of our OWN in favour of the other!
Well the very purpose of this 'upside-down' exercise is to EASILY reach to the very root of the problem, the question, its solution ...... what actually decides the mutual liberties we afford for each other?
Passion developer for 'dummies'
During the school days, I was ‘instructed’ to provide ‘security’ services to the elder sister of my very close friend and class-mate. This sister adopted me too as her own brother, but could not get rid of the nuisance value that came as an ‘attachment’ virus, with me, due to the very way of my being. The story is not about her. The movie came as a surprise. It was about a he-ghost, which lingers around the girl during her next birth too, having failed to make it during their earlier life time.
It was the introductory speech, with a deep voice and biblical tone, at the opening scene of the movie, that made a lasting impression on me. “For those who believe in (….), no proof is necessary. For those who do not believe, no proof is ……”
Now, I have an occasion to use a similar dialogue, when I am tempted to offer my answer to a very interesting, deep and basic question that I came across.
My say on it is, “this time, I consciously choose, not to offer any elaboration. Let those who are in need of it, delve into its inner meaning, and then decide its worth, decide to seek further of their own, for their own, and own it then.”
Psn (25th May, 2010)
At which age are we supposed to develop a passion for something in life?
My Answer:
Deep self awareness decides the age. Normal level of self awareness dawns in early childhood, due to some pain/injury, if nothing else precedes. But for that extra depth to happen, support from others, parents especially would be of great help. It is a matter of fortune, for the child, as to how evolved the parents are, and also how much of quality time they can afford to give to their children.
Otherwise, the "passion" which has to happen and develop ONLY within us, has to first show us that we have the ability to feel a deep passion at all. Only a powerful, deep and conscious self awareness can light up this area of passion. Once we can feel this passion, it would naturally bring us close to 'that' for which we are 'made-for'. A close look at the lives of accomplished people, achievers, would tell us how they had their close encounter with for the first time, which later became the passion of their lives.
(A bit 'unbelievable' and 'incredible' piece of information.... There was a whole structured science, methodology, technique evolved in eastern philosophy, Ancient-India, which took the shape of a 'ritual' to ensure development of this passion for 'something' of lasting effect in and after life! When something is made into a ritual, there is an inherent 'risk'--- anywhere, any slackness would bring down the effectiveness drastically. That is how this 'ritual' lost its purpose, glory, and value. The 'process' was to invoke the right person into the capable receptacle, the womb, during the 6th month of pregnancy! Elaboration here and in this answer is quite redundant, but was helplessly 'poured out' due to some mystic sense of it!).
It was the introductory speech, with a deep voice and biblical tone, at the opening scene of the movie, that made a lasting impression on me. “For those who believe in (….), no proof is necessary. For those who do not believe, no proof is ……”
Now, I have an occasion to use a similar dialogue, when I am tempted to offer my answer to a very interesting, deep and basic question that I came across.
My say on it is, “this time, I consciously choose, not to offer any elaboration. Let those who are in need of it, delve into its inner meaning, and then decide its worth, decide to seek further of their own, for their own, and own it then.”
Psn (25th May, 2010)
At which age are we supposed to develop a passion for something in life?
My Answer:
Deep self awareness decides the age. Normal level of self awareness dawns in early childhood, due to some pain/injury, if nothing else precedes. But for that extra depth to happen, support from others, parents especially would be of great help. It is a matter of fortune, for the child, as to how evolved the parents are, and also how much of quality time they can afford to give to their children.
Otherwise, the "passion" which has to happen and develop ONLY within us, has to first show us that we have the ability to feel a deep passion at all. Only a powerful, deep and conscious self awareness can light up this area of passion. Once we can feel this passion, it would naturally bring us close to 'that' for which we are 'made-for'. A close look at the lives of accomplished people, achievers, would tell us how they had their close encounter with for the first time, which later became the passion of their lives.
(A bit 'unbelievable' and 'incredible' piece of information.... There was a whole structured science, methodology, technique evolved in eastern philosophy, Ancient-India, which took the shape of a 'ritual' to ensure development of this passion for 'something' of lasting effect in and after life! When something is made into a ritual, there is an inherent 'risk'--- anywhere, any slackness would bring down the effectiveness drastically. That is how this 'ritual' lost its purpose, glory, and value. The 'process' was to invoke the right person into the capable receptacle, the womb, during the 6th month of pregnancy! Elaboration here and in this answer is quite redundant, but was helplessly 'poured out' due to some mystic sense of it!).
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
At times, mere recognition accorded, to appreciate somebody’s words would invite enough trouble!
Quite understandable!
Like, if we nod too visibly, trying to whole-heartedly agree with someone who says, “It is so embarrassing to keep standing in a bus when there are lots of vacant seats! So I pick up an over-crowded bus to commute”, the whole audience would instantly guess, that the heavily nodding heads commonly share the malady (chronic and acute piles!), and in proportion to the oscillation of the head while nodding! (You guessed it right, I am no exception, but I also look at the ‘silver-lining’ that the extra-shutter affords the exclusive extra ‘golden-period’—we talk of that precious ‘golden period’ within which it is safe, to rush to a hospital in case of a massive heart attack—when others can’t hold long enough for their turn in a queue at a ‘public convenience’).
It is not even this sort of trouble that I looked at when I hesitated so long to write this post. People can read alone, chuckle quietly looking the monitor, in solitude and privacy. It is a deeper kind of trouble. It might turn out to be like ‘opening of the whole Pandora’s box!” It is the period of hesitation that afforded me a chance to feel a deeper appreciation to great ancient Masters, who skillfully chose very brief words to give out the essence of their experience, well assured that each would understand, only and also, according to the shock-absorber that they have, in-built inside them! And so, I would proceed to write about this instance of ‘mind-game’ that I came across, using the same technique of a ‘passing-reference’ in all humility, and effort to retain the nobility of the purpose (of retaining that mystic spice!).
About a month ago, I chanced to visit an elderly person of very familiar acquaintance. He did not wait for formal enquiries of well being to precede his urgent query. His query was thus : “Why is it that I suffer heavy wheezing, when I come back after a very brief visit just up to the toilet for urinating, whereas, when I arm myself well with inhaler, and walk up to the nearby post office, I don’t even have to use the inhaler once?” This gentleman is past 75, an asthmatic, depends quite heavily on inhalers, steroids, and such other medicines constituting a large medical kit. He has seen lots of ups and downs in life, and is well balanced emotionally. He would not engage in frivolous conversations. A very practical person. He prefers to handle his problems by himself, and hesitates to even mention it, leave alone asking for any help. He holds me in great esteem, and hence the query. I knew it was not easy to get away with guess works. It so happened that, I could at once and all so clearly was able to see the reason, but had to pause to find appropriate sequence of logic to communicate it. Though I elaborated the reply, amplifying the abstract concept, out of respect for his age, his genuine anxiety to unravel the mystic reason, etc, I now consciously choose to make a very brief mention of this concept, the reasons for which, I have mentioned in the earlier paragraph. I said, "Sir, it is mind-game. The actions needed and the brief journey up to the toilet precedes ‘virtually’ in the mind, and even concludes before the actualization. Where as, the mind affords more leisure for that short trip to post office, to precede any attempt to foreclose with those visuals about it, knowing too well the uncertainties when we step out of the house”. It is the instance of body getting pushed around too much & too fast, maybe quite unawares, which triggers the wheezing.
I had my share of experience to lean upon, before trying to attempt at a credible reply. I find ‘experienced’ cashiers run into errors of short-receipt rather than first-timers. Another instance of contrast to prove the very same concept is that when there is a shuffle of work, or a person is assigned a change of work at work place, there is an initial period of slackness in terms of out put. The knowledge may be already there, but the physical motions to execute the work, causes that unexplainable time-delay. A classic example would be the thumb rule advocated for trainees during the induction into coast guard duties “be clear about the next set of actions in your mind, when stage-3 of hypothermal condition is about to set in. During the last available 15 minutes of precious life saving swim, it is the last of thought-process prior to those 15 minutes that decides how we act, mechanically, quite unconsciously while drifting fast into physical unconsciousness (Cellular metabolic processes shuts down)”.
( I don’t mind mentioning a story about Buddha, I got from my own spiritual guide. Once Buddha was found repeating the arm motion of driving away a fly that was seated on his nose. When asked, he explained, ‘I missed the experience, so I re-enacted it again’)
I feel a great relief, having attempted to ‘electrify’ this post for the blog (we used to say, ‘penned’ the article, when we used to have manuscripts. Now, it is binary forms of zeroes and ones, so all I do is alter the circuitry, semi-manually still, using keyboard)!
Psn(19th May, 2010)
Quite understandable!
Like, if we nod too visibly, trying to whole-heartedly agree with someone who says, “It is so embarrassing to keep standing in a bus when there are lots of vacant seats! So I pick up an over-crowded bus to commute”, the whole audience would instantly guess, that the heavily nodding heads commonly share the malady (chronic and acute piles!), and in proportion to the oscillation of the head while nodding! (You guessed it right, I am no exception, but I also look at the ‘silver-lining’ that the extra-shutter affords the exclusive extra ‘golden-period’—we talk of that precious ‘golden period’ within which it is safe, to rush to a hospital in case of a massive heart attack—when others can’t hold long enough for their turn in a queue at a ‘public convenience’).
It is not even this sort of trouble that I looked at when I hesitated so long to write this post. People can read alone, chuckle quietly looking the monitor, in solitude and privacy. It is a deeper kind of trouble. It might turn out to be like ‘opening of the whole Pandora’s box!” It is the period of hesitation that afforded me a chance to feel a deeper appreciation to great ancient Masters, who skillfully chose very brief words to give out the essence of their experience, well assured that each would understand, only and also, according to the shock-absorber that they have, in-built inside them! And so, I would proceed to write about this instance of ‘mind-game’ that I came across, using the same technique of a ‘passing-reference’ in all humility, and effort to retain the nobility of the purpose (of retaining that mystic spice!).
About a month ago, I chanced to visit an elderly person of very familiar acquaintance. He did not wait for formal enquiries of well being to precede his urgent query. His query was thus : “Why is it that I suffer heavy wheezing, when I come back after a very brief visit just up to the toilet for urinating, whereas, when I arm myself well with inhaler, and walk up to the nearby post office, I don’t even have to use the inhaler once?” This gentleman is past 75, an asthmatic, depends quite heavily on inhalers, steroids, and such other medicines constituting a large medical kit. He has seen lots of ups and downs in life, and is well balanced emotionally. He would not engage in frivolous conversations. A very practical person. He prefers to handle his problems by himself, and hesitates to even mention it, leave alone asking for any help. He holds me in great esteem, and hence the query. I knew it was not easy to get away with guess works. It so happened that, I could at once and all so clearly was able to see the reason, but had to pause to find appropriate sequence of logic to communicate it. Though I elaborated the reply, amplifying the abstract concept, out of respect for his age, his genuine anxiety to unravel the mystic reason, etc, I now consciously choose to make a very brief mention of this concept, the reasons for which, I have mentioned in the earlier paragraph. I said, "Sir, it is mind-game. The actions needed and the brief journey up to the toilet precedes ‘virtually’ in the mind, and even concludes before the actualization. Where as, the mind affords more leisure for that short trip to post office, to precede any attempt to foreclose with those visuals about it, knowing too well the uncertainties when we step out of the house”. It is the instance of body getting pushed around too much & too fast, maybe quite unawares, which triggers the wheezing.
I had my share of experience to lean upon, before trying to attempt at a credible reply. I find ‘experienced’ cashiers run into errors of short-receipt rather than first-timers. Another instance of contrast to prove the very same concept is that when there is a shuffle of work, or a person is assigned a change of work at work place, there is an initial period of slackness in terms of out put. The knowledge may be already there, but the physical motions to execute the work, causes that unexplainable time-delay. A classic example would be the thumb rule advocated for trainees during the induction into coast guard duties “be clear about the next set of actions in your mind, when stage-3 of hypothermal condition is about to set in. During the last available 15 minutes of precious life saving swim, it is the last of thought-process prior to those 15 minutes that decides how we act, mechanically, quite unconsciously while drifting fast into physical unconsciousness (Cellular metabolic processes shuts down)”.
( I don’t mind mentioning a story about Buddha, I got from my own spiritual guide. Once Buddha was found repeating the arm motion of driving away a fly that was seated on his nose. When asked, he explained, ‘I missed the experience, so I re-enacted it again’)
I feel a great relief, having attempted to ‘electrify’ this post for the blog (we used to say, ‘penned’ the article, when we used to have manuscripts. Now, it is binary forms of zeroes and ones, so all I do is alter the circuitry, semi-manually still, using keyboard)!
Psn(19th May, 2010)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Now, what am I up against?
Yes, that is exactly what happens most of the time, when we step out into this uncertain world!
We stretch out our arms towards a baby lovingly (mostly, only to please its parents). But the baby gives a puzzled, uncertain, hesitant look, unable to decide at what of time it has to spell out its protest with a loud cry.
A girl is facing the visiting viewers from groom’s side for girl seeing. She takes an uncertain look at them, asking within, “what am I going to be up against, if these people happen to ‘approve’ me?”
A new manager takes over from the outgoing one, and the entire staff takes an anxious look at the incoming one, asking themselves, ‘what are we going to be up against this time?’
A new dish is proudly presented by the waiter, taking that extra privilege with regular customer, and unable to ask about it out of embarrassment, the guest takes a look at the dish, thinking “what is my stomach going to face, when I manage to swallow this?” (Okay, …… this could even happen at home… I thought it unwise to embarrass the fair gender)
When a staff, just out of a training session for customer service, in all sincerity, but all of a sudden attempts to greets that regular customer with an unusual broad smile, would end up in actually scaring the customer(same problem, same quiz.. what is this fellow up to now?)! See the point? That is why these reforms in police is unable to take off that fast, these police men are unable to scare us any better than before, when they try that people-friendly approach(we already keep a very safe distance)!
How soon, how well or even if at all we deal with this problem from our within, decides our own mental health, attitude, the traits into which we evolve, the levels of acceptability amidst others that we grow into, etc. Most proverbs try to reassure us, with hope, trust in humanity, etc. Most jokes try to soothe us, teach us to laugh at such ‘taken by surprise situations’. Sales-experts hurry to reassure us and then skin us alive at leisure(those ‘conditions-apply’ clauses in fine print evade our glance, and consequently our own routine check list of ‘what am I up against’).
A highly busy mind, prejudiced mind, angry mind, confused mind, etc… seldom manages to grasp the ‘correct’ picture of what we are up against, and we know the rest of the story. Right from giving out answers in an exam, even up to putting up with a wrong choice for a spouse for the rest of the life, we find that chance to rectify a bit too late.
I don’t know why, but my dad never had thought of ‘preparing’ me to look out for what I am up against. Maybe, he was busy protecting others from me during my childhood. It is not a blind guess. The confirmation came a bit late though. He even announced it during the daughter-in-law selection-session, very much in the same style of that ‘John Rambo’s’ colonel who reassured that he had come to protect the army/policemen from Rambo, and not Rambo from them (the purpose of this girl seeing, my dad clarified, was to make sure if this innocent girl would be able to put up with his son!). Might be, that he compared as to how we both faced the same woman (my Mom) for years! Sympathy pours in favour of my spouse incessantly, but armed with those tiny bullets and pellets, it hardly makes any dent on my hide. And now I know why since ages, spouses try to dissuade their husbands from taking up too much of Yoga, spirituality etc! Not that I am really ‘all-proof’. I am very much busy not only in facing, but even trying to find out more about the most formidable person I can be ever up against, myself!!
Psn(18th May, 2010)
We stretch out our arms towards a baby lovingly (mostly, only to please its parents). But the baby gives a puzzled, uncertain, hesitant look, unable to decide at what of time it has to spell out its protest with a loud cry.
A girl is facing the visiting viewers from groom’s side for girl seeing. She takes an uncertain look at them, asking within, “what am I going to be up against, if these people happen to ‘approve’ me?”
A new manager takes over from the outgoing one, and the entire staff takes an anxious look at the incoming one, asking themselves, ‘what are we going to be up against this time?’
A new dish is proudly presented by the waiter, taking that extra privilege with regular customer, and unable to ask about it out of embarrassment, the guest takes a look at the dish, thinking “what is my stomach going to face, when I manage to swallow this?” (Okay, …… this could even happen at home… I thought it unwise to embarrass the fair gender)
When a staff, just out of a training session for customer service, in all sincerity, but all of a sudden attempts to greets that regular customer with an unusual broad smile, would end up in actually scaring the customer(same problem, same quiz.. what is this fellow up to now?)! See the point? That is why these reforms in police is unable to take off that fast, these police men are unable to scare us any better than before, when they try that people-friendly approach(we already keep a very safe distance)!
How soon, how well or even if at all we deal with this problem from our within, decides our own mental health, attitude, the traits into which we evolve, the levels of acceptability amidst others that we grow into, etc. Most proverbs try to reassure us, with hope, trust in humanity, etc. Most jokes try to soothe us, teach us to laugh at such ‘taken by surprise situations’. Sales-experts hurry to reassure us and then skin us alive at leisure(those ‘conditions-apply’ clauses in fine print evade our glance, and consequently our own routine check list of ‘what am I up against’).
A highly busy mind, prejudiced mind, angry mind, confused mind, etc… seldom manages to grasp the ‘correct’ picture of what we are up against, and we know the rest of the story. Right from giving out answers in an exam, even up to putting up with a wrong choice for a spouse for the rest of the life, we find that chance to rectify a bit too late.
I don’t know why, but my dad never had thought of ‘preparing’ me to look out for what I am up against. Maybe, he was busy protecting others from me during my childhood. It is not a blind guess. The confirmation came a bit late though. He even announced it during the daughter-in-law selection-session, very much in the same style of that ‘John Rambo’s’ colonel who reassured that he had come to protect the army/policemen from Rambo, and not Rambo from them (the purpose of this girl seeing, my dad clarified, was to make sure if this innocent girl would be able to put up with his son!). Might be, that he compared as to how we both faced the same woman (my Mom) for years! Sympathy pours in favour of my spouse incessantly, but armed with those tiny bullets and pellets, it hardly makes any dent on my hide. And now I know why since ages, spouses try to dissuade their husbands from taking up too much of Yoga, spirituality etc! Not that I am really ‘all-proof’. I am very much busy not only in facing, but even trying to find out more about the most formidable person I can be ever up against, myself!!
Psn(18th May, 2010)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Impatiently ‘patient’.
It was touching, when a 17 year old appeals to “elders”, asking for a clue to handle the patience of the mind.
Another wonderful question was about the ‘hearing’ of the words inside us.
People are too impatient to even read, leave alone responding, and so suffice it to give (you) just the ‘web-link’. Even the ancients gave us ‘sutra’s or just the ‘thread’, for us to weave out a garland with flowers of our choice.
Psn (9th May, 2010)
The link:
Another wonderful question was about the ‘hearing’ of the words inside us.
People are too impatient to even read, leave alone responding, and so suffice it to give (you) just the ‘web-link’. Even the ancients gave us ‘sutra’s or just the ‘thread’, for us to weave out a garland with flowers of our choice.
Psn (9th May, 2010)
The link:
Monday, May 10, 2010
A tribute to Nature
I was fortunate that a rare combination of people occurred in the hierarchy who managed to see to it that I found it unwise to continue till my superannuation. Or else, I would have become “indifferently-abled” by then! I was left with enough ‘taste’ for good food.
Mangoes are the tastiest of fruits. That is how I feel. There is a small backyard at the ancestral large house where my spouse hails from. There was a call to inform that fresh-plucked ripe mangoes are waiting. I handed her a large carry bag, with lots of crumpled old news-paper bits to ensure that these mangoes do not sit tight-squeezed when filled in the bag. Each mango was ‘housed’ amidst overstuffed cushion of these loosely-squeezed newspaper bits. Just 3 of them tilted the needle of our domestic spring-balance to indicate 1.25 kilograms. I was thrilled to learn that the seed was quite small. The fragrance from the mangoes laid out with the care that a new born child gets, simply permeated all around the kitchen and its vicinities.
I decided to re-live the memorable taste of “Aam-Ras” (mango-pulp), that I had while in Maharastra(north India).
The largest and most fragrant of the mangoes were chosen, washed, dried, retaining the stem intact. Gently, I proceeded to squeeze the sides of the mango like we do with the rosy tender cheeks of a baby. It takes time, but the fibre and the juice blend right inside the ‘original’ factory and we start feeling the ‘baby’ turn upside down inside the womb. (Yes, the seed is freed from the fibre and rotates within quite freely!). Now, gently nip the stem, squeeze out the pulp into a bowl. Any additions to this to have an enhanced taste of this pulp should never be at the cost of diluting the mangoes original flavour. So the additional ingredients have to be bare minimum, and a carefully measured out dose. We can have a few grains of sugar, a little of thick multi-flower-yielded-honey etc. But the best addition comes from cardamom(just a little). I would love to have that huge truck tyre (like that monster-vehicle of “Terminator-II” carrying tons of nitrogen, with atleast 18 huge tyres) to crush the cardamom seed beneath it carefully placed in a polythene cover. But since it is not feasible, I compromise to roll the rolling pin over it several times to and fro, on the wooden stand that bears the brunt of it. The idea is that each molecule of cardamom seed is freed from its neighbour to liberally let out its fragrance to permeate into the juice when directly sunk right into the middle(to arrest the fragrance within) and then stirred. One more item can be added, but only at the appropriate time.
We now take liberal amount of chakki-fresh-atta (fresh ground wheat flour), spread it on a strong wide steel plate, make a small crater in the middle of the mound of that flour. Add a pinch of salt, a negligible quantity of turmeric powder (to give that faint yellow colour, without allowing any taste of it). Pour little water into the crater, allow the salt to dissolve while the little turmeric simply vanishes. Now gently bring the flour to blend well with water. Water should be added as if we are very miserly to part with it to a fellow traveler while in the middle of Sahara desert. Blending has to give way to tough kneading. The longer it takes, the better. It is helpful if we can remember our worst enemies, and punch the dough occasionally hard enough to ensure excellent molecule-to-molecule bonding. Water added little by little, to that thirsty dough ensures that each molecule gets soaked well, softens to its limits. Leave the kneaded dough aside for a while (say at least 15 minutes). Meanwhile, it is useful to pour out home-melted ghee out of cow’s milk/butter into a small bowl, and gently heat it to a melting point.
Use corn flour or that refined wheat flour called ‘maida’ to spread out the dough after making it into small balls of 1.5 inches diameter. The flattened dough in a circular shape ready to be baked on the iron plate is the primitive stage of chappati/roti. Dry baking it (without oil) is the best type to suit our present side-dish. So, the iron plate (tawa) gets heated up. The thinly spread-out dough is placed on this tawa for just 5 seconds. Turn over this chappati after 5 seconds. The second side heats up to form small blisters of air-pockets all around it uniformly. The second side also gets reddish tint below these blisters. Now use tongs to lift the chappati, remove the tawa aside, flip the chappati and place it on the flame so that the first side faces the wrath of the flame directly. Since the first side retains little extra moisture than the second side, the chappati would bulge out like the stomach of a person who dedicates his life entirely for eating. Within about 5 seconds, the chappati is ready to be placed aside away from the flame, the bulge not to be disturbed if possible. It is the turn of warm fragrant ghee to bathe this warm bulging chappati a liberal bath. So pour the ghee right on the peak of the bulge, allowing it to drip-flow to all sides.
Unless we are alone at home, it is advisable to take turns to prepare chappatis thus, so that everyone gets to eat it while it is still warm.
The mango pulp is waiting. Pour it out into a small bowl, place it in the middle of dining plate, and pour a spoonful of that warm cow-milk-ghee right in the middle of the bowl. Take care not to disturb the mango pulp here after. Take a pinch-sliced bit of that chappati, hold it folded gently between thumb and index finger, dip it where the ghee sank into the mango pulp. People with shaky fingers need not stir the pulp. Otherwise, a small nudge into the pulp would ensure the fresh (just a moment ago) exquisite blend of ghee and pulp to be painted liberally to that chappati bit. The only place this chappati has to go is to the tip of the tongue, where the taste buds have secreted enough saliva to dissolve the pulp-drenched-chappati. (I was initiated into ‘Aam-ras’ when I was 22 years young, so, that little left over of ‘human’ consideration surfaced only after I had at least 12 such chappatis, and I try to squeal out ‘I think I had just enough’ and offer respite to the grand lady who incessantly rolls out chappatis. But that was just the first quarter of my regular meal. Rice and its assorted layers of side dishes, pickles, curds are yet to follow.
Now, the only civility that has happened with age, is reduction in quantum of food intake. The insistence on quality has become barbaric. The only way I can offer tribute to mother-nature for having gifted these wonderful eatables(bring out the fullest flavour, taste, etc out of these fruits, vegetables, spices, grains etc, to the best of my abilities, eat them so leisurely that time seems to stand still).
Psn (10th May, 2010)
Mangoes are the tastiest of fruits. That is how I feel. There is a small backyard at the ancestral large house where my spouse hails from. There was a call to inform that fresh-plucked ripe mangoes are waiting. I handed her a large carry bag, with lots of crumpled old news-paper bits to ensure that these mangoes do not sit tight-squeezed when filled in the bag. Each mango was ‘housed’ amidst overstuffed cushion of these loosely-squeezed newspaper bits. Just 3 of them tilted the needle of our domestic spring-balance to indicate 1.25 kilograms. I was thrilled to learn that the seed was quite small. The fragrance from the mangoes laid out with the care that a new born child gets, simply permeated all around the kitchen and its vicinities.
I decided to re-live the memorable taste of “Aam-Ras” (mango-pulp), that I had while in Maharastra(north India).
The largest and most fragrant of the mangoes were chosen, washed, dried, retaining the stem intact. Gently, I proceeded to squeeze the sides of the mango like we do with the rosy tender cheeks of a baby. It takes time, but the fibre and the juice blend right inside the ‘original’ factory and we start feeling the ‘baby’ turn upside down inside the womb. (Yes, the seed is freed from the fibre and rotates within quite freely!). Now, gently nip the stem, squeeze out the pulp into a bowl. Any additions to this to have an enhanced taste of this pulp should never be at the cost of diluting the mangoes original flavour. So the additional ingredients have to be bare minimum, and a carefully measured out dose. We can have a few grains of sugar, a little of thick multi-flower-yielded-honey etc. But the best addition comes from cardamom(just a little). I would love to have that huge truck tyre (like that monster-vehicle of “Terminator-II” carrying tons of nitrogen, with atleast 18 huge tyres) to crush the cardamom seed beneath it carefully placed in a polythene cover. But since it is not feasible, I compromise to roll the rolling pin over it several times to and fro, on the wooden stand that bears the brunt of it. The idea is that each molecule of cardamom seed is freed from its neighbour to liberally let out its fragrance to permeate into the juice when directly sunk right into the middle(to arrest the fragrance within) and then stirred. One more item can be added, but only at the appropriate time.
We now take liberal amount of chakki-fresh-atta (fresh ground wheat flour), spread it on a strong wide steel plate, make a small crater in the middle of the mound of that flour. Add a pinch of salt, a negligible quantity of turmeric powder (to give that faint yellow colour, without allowing any taste of it). Pour little water into the crater, allow the salt to dissolve while the little turmeric simply vanishes. Now gently bring the flour to blend well with water. Water should be added as if we are very miserly to part with it to a fellow traveler while in the middle of Sahara desert. Blending has to give way to tough kneading. The longer it takes, the better. It is helpful if we can remember our worst enemies, and punch the dough occasionally hard enough to ensure excellent molecule-to-molecule bonding. Water added little by little, to that thirsty dough ensures that each molecule gets soaked well, softens to its limits. Leave the kneaded dough aside for a while (say at least 15 minutes). Meanwhile, it is useful to pour out home-melted ghee out of cow’s milk/butter into a small bowl, and gently heat it to a melting point.
Use corn flour or that refined wheat flour called ‘maida’ to spread out the dough after making it into small balls of 1.5 inches diameter. The flattened dough in a circular shape ready to be baked on the iron plate is the primitive stage of chappati/roti. Dry baking it (without oil) is the best type to suit our present side-dish. So, the iron plate (tawa) gets heated up. The thinly spread-out dough is placed on this tawa for just 5 seconds. Turn over this chappati after 5 seconds. The second side heats up to form small blisters of air-pockets all around it uniformly. The second side also gets reddish tint below these blisters. Now use tongs to lift the chappati, remove the tawa aside, flip the chappati and place it on the flame so that the first side faces the wrath of the flame directly. Since the first side retains little extra moisture than the second side, the chappati would bulge out like the stomach of a person who dedicates his life entirely for eating. Within about 5 seconds, the chappati is ready to be placed aside away from the flame, the bulge not to be disturbed if possible. It is the turn of warm fragrant ghee to bathe this warm bulging chappati a liberal bath. So pour the ghee right on the peak of the bulge, allowing it to drip-flow to all sides.
Unless we are alone at home, it is advisable to take turns to prepare chappatis thus, so that everyone gets to eat it while it is still warm.
The mango pulp is waiting. Pour it out into a small bowl, place it in the middle of dining plate, and pour a spoonful of that warm cow-milk-ghee right in the middle of the bowl. Take care not to disturb the mango pulp here after. Take a pinch-sliced bit of that chappati, hold it folded gently between thumb and index finger, dip it where the ghee sank into the mango pulp. People with shaky fingers need not stir the pulp. Otherwise, a small nudge into the pulp would ensure the fresh (just a moment ago) exquisite blend of ghee and pulp to be painted liberally to that chappati bit. The only place this chappati has to go is to the tip of the tongue, where the taste buds have secreted enough saliva to dissolve the pulp-drenched-chappati. (I was initiated into ‘Aam-ras’ when I was 22 years young, so, that little left over of ‘human’ consideration surfaced only after I had at least 12 such chappatis, and I try to squeal out ‘I think I had just enough’ and offer respite to the grand lady who incessantly rolls out chappatis. But that was just the first quarter of my regular meal. Rice and its assorted layers of side dishes, pickles, curds are yet to follow.
Now, the only civility that has happened with age, is reduction in quantum of food intake. The insistence on quality has become barbaric. The only way I can offer tribute to mother-nature for having gifted these wonderful eatables(bring out the fullest flavour, taste, etc out of these fruits, vegetables, spices, grains etc, to the best of my abilities, eat them so leisurely that time seems to stand still).
Psn (10th May, 2010)
Thinking Herd
The question raised some serious questions ……. In fact they were ‘side-effect-questions’.
The question was innocent looking “Can you hear yourself think?”
I usually look at myself, and the answer pops out, if there is any.
The process of ‘looking’ , this time, refreshed a few memories. During early days of schooling, the thinking language was mostly a mixture of Hindi, Urdu, Malayalified-tamil, a little of telugu and Hinglish. Then good English crept in slowly. The fallout was disinclination to look at Grammar when it was formally taught. The rules got a back bench during the learning, but the marks were full when it came to ‘correct the following sentences” (I used to wonder, why it was not asked thus “what is wrong with these sentences” instead! ‘Correction’ was a teacher’s job, not we kids.) Now with withering age, the thinking has almost blanked out or at best it is a bit abstract or non-verbal!
Anyway, I regard thinking process to be a powerful tool to learning, if properly harnessed, and children should be taught early if possible the tricks of the trade.
I did enjoy answering this question, and the choice of the asker, to pick it up as a satisfying one came as a bonus.
Please try to see if we belong to the same herd.
Psn(10th May, 2010)
Can you hear yourself think?
Is it rare to literally *hear* yourself in your head? Like, when I read, I literally hear my voice, but it's just inside my head. I just started reading about this, I haven't read much but I intend to. Anyway, I decided to test myself to see if I was really "hearing" and I said different words and letters in my head and indeed they sound exactly as I would say them out loud. It's a quiet voice, but it's loud enough for me to hear at all times. The only thing I can't do is scream, I mean I can kinda scream but not really...haha so yeah...:P
My answer:
Unless you take efforts, this voice is the same as yours, of the same gender that we belong to!!! That exactly is the measure of our adamant-ness! We even refuse to change the gender of our imaginative voice. Only when we visualise with a strong effort, we attribute that voice to somebody we know. Children, though quite unawares, listen to the words in their head, using the same voice which taught them those words the first time. That is how the mannerism of pronunciation gets 'aped' with repeated learning. Over a period of time, with concerted efforts, they struggle and manage to pick up that shifted accent, and if they manage this quite well, the scores are better at TOEFL !!!
(We may add to the question, "what about songs, famous songs? Whose voice echoes inside?" and what about deep-engraved-abuses from disliked persons? The hi-fidelity of the voice is closest to 'real' when it echoes too often, and without our own permission!!!!????) A "punch-line" proposed to this answer as an addition is ....: "This noise of the voice inside is just like that "Fart", it is more lethal when it is less noisy or silent. That is why spiritual practices begin with chanting aloud, then chant inside with voice, and then go deeper into silent meditativeness"
The question was innocent looking “Can you hear yourself think?”
I usually look at myself, and the answer pops out, if there is any.
The process of ‘looking’ , this time, refreshed a few memories. During early days of schooling, the thinking language was mostly a mixture of Hindi, Urdu, Malayalified-tamil, a little of telugu and Hinglish. Then good English crept in slowly. The fallout was disinclination to look at Grammar when it was formally taught. The rules got a back bench during the learning, but the marks were full when it came to ‘correct the following sentences” (I used to wonder, why it was not asked thus “what is wrong with these sentences” instead! ‘Correction’ was a teacher’s job, not we kids.) Now with withering age, the thinking has almost blanked out or at best it is a bit abstract or non-verbal!
Anyway, I regard thinking process to be a powerful tool to learning, if properly harnessed, and children should be taught early if possible the tricks of the trade.
I did enjoy answering this question, and the choice of the asker, to pick it up as a satisfying one came as a bonus.
Please try to see if we belong to the same herd.
Psn(10th May, 2010)
Can you hear yourself think?
Is it rare to literally *hear* yourself in your head? Like, when I read, I literally hear my voice, but it's just inside my head. I just started reading about this, I haven't read much but I intend to. Anyway, I decided to test myself to see if I was really "hearing" and I said different words and letters in my head and indeed they sound exactly as I would say them out loud. It's a quiet voice, but it's loud enough for me to hear at all times. The only thing I can't do is scream, I mean I can kinda scream but not really...haha so yeah...:P
My answer:
Unless you take efforts, this voice is the same as yours, of the same gender that we belong to!!! That exactly is the measure of our adamant-ness! We even refuse to change the gender of our imaginative voice. Only when we visualise with a strong effort, we attribute that voice to somebody we know. Children, though quite unawares, listen to the words in their head, using the same voice which taught them those words the first time. That is how the mannerism of pronunciation gets 'aped' with repeated learning. Over a period of time, with concerted efforts, they struggle and manage to pick up that shifted accent, and if they manage this quite well, the scores are better at TOEFL !!!
(We may add to the question, "what about songs, famous songs? Whose voice echoes inside?" and what about deep-engraved-abuses from disliked persons? The hi-fidelity of the voice is closest to 'real' when it echoes too often, and without our own permission!!!!????) A "punch-line" proposed to this answer as an addition is ....: "This noise of the voice inside is just like that "Fart", it is more lethal when it is less noisy or silent. That is why spiritual practices begin with chanting aloud, then chant inside with voice, and then go deeper into silent meditativeness"
Thursday, May 06, 2010
A queer question was asked about something to do with the words we use.
I got the opportunity to ‘spell’ out my observations out of eagerly and curiously watching the shifting attitude that I have been noticing in the youth (especially pursuing study of IT related subjects, circuit branches), when they even find quality time to re-look at deeper concepts of ‘life’ itself(consequently, a look, also at the fundamentals of life).
The bulk of feedbacks that I get out of interactions with these youth is that the ‘essence’ of what we discuss simply passes over the head, at times. Good! ( I rejoice when this happens! Out of deep love, not out of that sadism of having ‘needlessly’ tortured their brains! The need is fuzzily fulfilled. Well, this ‘need’ that I refer to is a bit mystic-need, and stupid-looking from the worldly-ways of looking at it.) What they note a bit later is that the words used for these interactions seldom need any reference to a dictionary. And yet, the essence doesn’t feel ‘chewable’ easily.
Some of the ‘elders’ around seem to ‘feel’ that the present day youth are trying to return to the precious ancient ‘values’ and rich cultural heritage of our country, Bharat. What triggered this turn-around could be various factors. But I can speak of one such factor with ‘logical evidence’.
My answer is about such one of the factors. (Those youngsters who have been fortunate to have been ‘victimized’ by this factor are awed, baffled, and what not, when they find that our ancient scriptures are bug-free, and do not need updating of ‘soft-ware’, OS , do not even need disk-space, etc, and have stood the test of time for centuries!)
Psn(6th May, 2010)
This is an amazing answer. What do you think?
"None of these words really fit -- it's more like synchronicity, but not. I wish there was a better word. I know exactly what you mean, like when you've never heard a word before in your life (you think), until you learn it, then you see in 5 times in the next 2 days, it's following you around!"I love how the web allows children to express themselves! (and gives us an off switch:-) They are the way and we have to hear them, if we do not then there is only one other way.
My answer:
After this computer came in, it has done a very good thing to us.For a long time, we have got away with using words to mean anything, nothing or everything. Now that syntax error, semantic error, bugs etc has forced a change into our attitude. We have learnt to use the exact word for what we mean. The side-benefit is that we learn to look deeper into words. The next level of side benefit is that our perception "tends" to deepen helplessly. We can see the evidence from all sorts of mind-boggling questions being asked in the sections of R&S, philosophy, psychology, etc!
I got the opportunity to ‘spell’ out my observations out of eagerly and curiously watching the shifting attitude that I have been noticing in the youth (especially pursuing study of IT related subjects, circuit branches), when they even find quality time to re-look at deeper concepts of ‘life’ itself(consequently, a look, also at the fundamentals of life).
The bulk of feedbacks that I get out of interactions with these youth is that the ‘essence’ of what we discuss simply passes over the head, at times. Good! ( I rejoice when this happens! Out of deep love, not out of that sadism of having ‘needlessly’ tortured their brains! The need is fuzzily fulfilled. Well, this ‘need’ that I refer to is a bit mystic-need, and stupid-looking from the worldly-ways of looking at it.) What they note a bit later is that the words used for these interactions seldom need any reference to a dictionary. And yet, the essence doesn’t feel ‘chewable’ easily.
Some of the ‘elders’ around seem to ‘feel’ that the present day youth are trying to return to the precious ancient ‘values’ and rich cultural heritage of our country, Bharat. What triggered this turn-around could be various factors. But I can speak of one such factor with ‘logical evidence’.
My answer is about such one of the factors. (Those youngsters who have been fortunate to have been ‘victimized’ by this factor are awed, baffled, and what not, when they find that our ancient scriptures are bug-free, and do not need updating of ‘soft-ware’, OS , do not even need disk-space, etc, and have stood the test of time for centuries!)
Psn(6th May, 2010)
This is an amazing answer. What do you think?
"None of these words really fit -- it's more like synchronicity, but not. I wish there was a better word. I know exactly what you mean, like when you've never heard a word before in your life (you think), until you learn it, then you see in 5 times in the next 2 days, it's following you around!"I love how the web allows children to express themselves! (and gives us an off switch:-) They are the way and we have to hear them, if we do not then there is only one other way.
My answer:
After this computer came in, it has done a very good thing to us.For a long time, we have got away with using words to mean anything, nothing or everything. Now that syntax error, semantic error, bugs etc has forced a change into our attitude. We have learnt to use the exact word for what we mean. The side-benefit is that we learn to look deeper into words. The next level of side benefit is that our perception "tends" to deepen helplessly. We can see the evidence from all sorts of mind-boggling questions being asked in the sections of R&S, philosophy, psychology, etc!
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