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Sunday, February 16, 2025


 “to arrange for something to be given to somebody after you have died”

(Google meaning)

Even as a kid, I used to wonder!

What all, can be that “something“ that we leave behind, when we “go”????

Tangible things were given a distinct name in the ancient days “benedictions/anugraha”

Intangible ones were named “blessings/aasheervada”...

I looked around ( for tell_tale evidences)

Dilapidated structures like old forts and temples only! ( that means, those old guys were more inclined about inclusiveness😰🙏…. If, residences of their-own descendants were a priority, I “could have” noticed a 1500 year old house too! 🙄.

Instead, mostly temples, and a few forts. Both were for ‘society’ not family.

We are bequeathing tons of non-biodegradable litter, garbage 🤣

We didn't spare even the periphery of our planet! Our rockets need-programming to “avoid” collusion with junk of our-own earlier space crafts! 

Anyway,  I thank my “fate” 🙏

My stupid-curiosity led to “discovery” of fascinating intangible things bequethed by my ancestors ( called rishis! I chant their “names” …..a “bit” consciously,  when I perform certain rituals prescribed for descendants of traditional beggars1👍… we beg in sanskrit—-merely because the attached sound-forms of sanskrit are……vouched by modern scientists……to be in CONFORMITY with laws of Quantum physics😜. 

Sounds awesome?  Not really😰. Inheriting such sophisticated software, comes with “conditions apply”!😭. I need to perpetually strive to dedicate this intangible blessings and the derivatives thereof, the tangible benediction thereof, to all the animate-plus-inanimate life-forms of this Universe🙏😰. An insurmountable task! I can only do-my-best! This inclusiveness i inherited is labeled as “vasudeiva kutumbakam”( again, sanskrit 😭—-this universe if my-family!  Functional aspect doesn't prevent me from dealing effectively/appropriately with terrorists 😜.   To misguide us one fool had bequeathed cleverly only-one-half of a vedic quote, “ahimsa parama dharma”. I had to hunt for missing half “dharma himsa thatha-eva cha” ( “non violence is ultimate dharma” first half. Second is “dhaarmic-violence is likewise too”! Dharma means cosmic laws, infallible, foolproof, flawless! Human laws are for “some kind of orderliness in a society” not always a provider of justice🙏

Spiritual concepts( way beyond the sensory levels of perception) are the highest of bequeathed items of my ancients 🙏. They guide me to reach the highest-human-possibility. How-best am I going to “inherit” this bequeathal?  It is entirely upto me!😰🙏

Hindu-way-of-life, is the subtlest among “tangible” bequeathals! 😜… i needed to sharpen my alertness+awareness to “humanly-best” levels to inherit these!  Early symptoms/signs of my having inherited these subtle, tangible items is…..I begin to “sense” the chaitanya, the subtle-energies of the Mega-powerhouses called temples🙏…. If I don't sense it, I merely visit a temple to “shout” my demands, as if the Godji residing therein, has gone deaf over centuries😜🙏… I copy paste this shouting-ritual from my recent ancestors who abstained inheritance of sensitivity! Then, I might genetically-bequeath my negatives to my descendants ( like anger, fear, hate, resistance etc) and thereby script the doom of my posterity 😭🙏… I need to take care! I should produce  a better and an improved-version-only, out of me! 🙏

Inherently inherited,

Ever yours,

psn(16 feb 2025)

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