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Friday, December 29, 2023

Stories for myself

 Yep πŸ‘

This time, I am my reader and audience πŸ˜œπŸ™

It's time to educate myself a little.

Thinking aloud, can turn into “music for ears” when the listener finds it to a confession 😊 ( a welcome variation from people who make tall claims of their achievements and accomplishments, not bothering to even distinguish between the 2)

So, this blog is for purely entertainment purpose. ( Any relevance to any body, is purely coincidental, unintentional and ….bla bla bla…😜)

Two short stories ( for me to learn from)

A fellow approached a zen master “ teach me spirituality”. zen master caught his neck, dipped his head into a water-tank nearby. Held him gasping for breath, and released his grip. That fellow lifted his head out of water, inhaled deep. Zen master asked “ tell me, while your head was inside water, what was your topmost priority?” That fellow “ to breathe πŸ˜­πŸ™”. Zen said “ come to me, when spirituality becomes like that breath, when you were under water”...

Second story:

Buddha was keen to teach a kid age friend, because of the deep emotional bond of friendship. That friend was a busy shop owner, like Adani and Ambani of those days. Every time Buddha passes by his shop, and requests, that friend says “ next time”. This years passed. Friend rushed to Buddha, when he heard that Buddha is about to die. With great difficulty, the devotees allowed that friend to go near Buddha ( nobody is allowed to disturb a monk awaiting death). Friend “ sorry, I missed your request every time, and I know it is now, too late πŸ˜­πŸ™…. Just tell me, how-to get you, after you are gone?”( It seems Buddha opened his eyes for a brief while, and replied. That “reply” later on became a huge lesson for posterity. I too was taught that lessonπŸ™).

Manu had clearly said in his ( Smriti)...verse 110 of second chapter, and I am struggling to learn that lesson yet πŸ˜­πŸ™… my confession πŸ˜”. These two stories are illustrative format of this verse. ( A rough translation of that verse : "without being asked, one must not speak anything to any person not should he speak if any question is put to him without decorum.  in such cases, the intelligent one shall behave like a dumb person")

Until yours,

PSN (29 Dec 2023)

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Compatibility issues

 Compatibility issues

A familiar term in today's minds.

I am deliberately using it to draw attention towards issues in interpersonal relationships, so that, emotions do not remain a jargon, where compatibility is an issue 🀣

Logic can easily deal with compatibility issues in robotic world, not emotional worlds πŸ™ ( emotions are unavailable to logic, that's why)

A pair of software will be looked into deeply, when there are compatibility issues. 

Interfaces….that need patch ups…. 

Functionality issues, needing a bit of revamping of the basic codes

Concept related clashes ( affecting designs. Bare concepts mean no harm😜)

We can try relating it to the 3 gross layers of our emotional software 🀣

How we manifest our emotions ( mismatch of harmony, sync…etc)

How we respond to situations, due to strong impact of entire bundle of emotional experience thus_far in life)

The core emotional residues, sticking closest to our innermost_being( our basic life_energy, it's vibrating_pateern, wavelength etc πŸ™πŸ˜”πŸ˜³).

I am only going to ‘tickle’ our intellect with a mind_boggling example πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ

We do_come_across couples, who surprise the people around, by sticking together, despite mutual quarrels on an almost daily basis 🀣…. ( Still rare example is, in cases where one of the pair “kicks the bucket” prematurely, the other one collapses mysteriously πŸ™.

I am not going to propound the debugging process of emotional compatibility issues between the close ones of my readers hereπŸ™… ( general prescriptions don't work)

Compatibly yours,

PSN (28 dec 2023)

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Reason Versus Justification

 Reason vs justification

A good reason for something seems to qualify as a justification for that thing.

When rains are heavy, river floods and flows on to even sideways of its bank. Hutments get swept away. Probably lives too. Annual feature of few rivers. Reason remains asa justification for inaction by people for several generations, until some fellow stands before that mighty river and says “I will stop that river πŸ’ͺπŸ‘”... People around laugh and label him as a mad fellow ( the justification of past generations, is being questioned by him 😜… no ‘need’ to tolerate his argument/challenge. He or his descendants build a dam ( earthen dam, later masonry dam, whatever). Then, the same flow which swallowed lives, will light up the nights of lives generating hydro_power πŸ™

Nucleic family is a reason for inadequate parenting of present generation…. Should we use it as a justification for lack of values in kids? 

Interpretation of statutes, case laws, seem to convert reasoning into justification, while the preamble gets grossly ignored in courts. Unsound mind, if it can be proved as a valid reason, using an admissible evidence of doctors certificate from a corrupt doctor, every murder gets a pardon 😜😰 . Money power and cunningness of an unethical lawyer turns a system meant for ‘justice’ into a mockery.

When investigative agencies unearth black money, scam funds, etc from a politicians premises, the culprits shouts “vindictiveness” by the ruling party ( reason is reasonable….. and minds of vote bank nods “yes…. vindictiveness “ forgetting that, this neta never said “ I didn't hold black money, I didn't perpetrate the scam”

The power of reasoning throwing away the bits of justice remaining scantily strewn among isolated politicians, was demonstrated so mightily when a prime minister explained on the floor of the parliament ( documented into perpetuity now😜) the justified-reason of multitudes of mega_scams as “due to coalition compulsions” …. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ Awesome example of mega corruption of minds of those who occupied the highest chair of public responsibility as a civil servant πŸ™

My personal experience…. Spiritual path is well insulated from any kind of misuse, abuse, manipulation, craftiness, slyness, cunningness, connivance, etc of minds, which seeks to justify a reason or cause, for neglecting our spirit, life, being, soul, atma, rooh, whatever 😜 … a department of justice symbolised by a personified deity shanidev, using the characteristics of a planet called Saturn, when its planetary influence to symbolise its functionality, had served the purpose to guide our minds on right path since 5000+ years πŸ™, was a mega contribution by mathematicians of the highest order, of ancient times, who were known as rishis .

Are we interested in cleansing our minds, to some extent? Do we like to avoid self_deception of misusing valid-reasons as justification for our complacency?  

There is a huge risk. Face isolation 😜… get labelled as a fool. Because, the baby_steps starts with accepting responsibility for failures happening very routinely in our mundane lives 😜

Anyway, nature takes its own course( coarse, if we are too complacent about values, basic to life)...

Unreasonably yours,

PSN ( 13 Dec 2023)

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Elbow space/room

  “elbow space/room” is the popular phrase to convey the emotion of utter misery when we face lack of space, at any place/time.

Space constraints……😜

Probably, only person who can afford to maintain that “serene look’ despite severe, acute and chronic space constraints, literally disallowed even a little elbow space……is the one lying six feet below in a coffin πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜œ

Story says, Pushpaka Vimana of Ravana was designed to overcome space shortage, when I heard about this aeroplane that “there's always one vacant seat in it, no matter how many board”( like our gadgets with “expandable memory space” πŸ˜œπŸ™‚)...

Normal life is what I like to talk about…

How our mind looks at space constraints.

A small story.

A poor man's small hut grew crowded when his children grew up, a few got married, had children etc... His wife started grumbling....

This man had a "guru"...πŸ™‚

A village guru, illiterate as well. ( Slightly better than others in common sense πŸ™)

Guru was consulted.

One good thing was the poor ones in the village quietly obey this guru ( however bizzare, crazy, funny, or stupid-looking, are... his prescriptions πŸ˜‚)

Guru said " crowded? Less space? Okay....tie up your 4 legged domesticated animals inside the hut. Come after ten days"

This man felt a bit humiliated, was the practice....obeyed 😜

Wife started shouting and wailing aloud. The droppings and stench of the goat & buffalo made life more miserable. But this time, the man quoted Guru. Can't disobey. 

Ten miserable days.

Very punctually the man stood before that guru/sant/saint.

The guru just looked at his face. It was all written all over the face. No need to ask "how's life?"😜

Guru said, "okay πŸ‘ take those animals outside and tie it at its usual place their shed outside. You may not need to come to report now.

Man heeded.

Everybody in the house (hut) experienced sudden enhancement of moving space. Cheer spread across their faces. Clean , airy.... breathe_easy....after the 4 legged ones were sent out. They forgot their earlier rant of crowding due to expansion of family members πŸ˜‚.

( Story over)

Now my experience…..

At amravati

I used to spend quality time

observing afresh each time

That paanWaala sitting in a tiny cubicle for 12 hrs plus, a day.....

Literally no "elbow space/room"...

Surrounded by countless jars and containers to be able to dig out bits of ingredients for each customised pan/betel leaf... If his elbow extends a millimetre extra, he knocks of 2 to 4 jars with loose lids, ( kept unscrewed for high speed blending of its ingredients)

Most fascinating part comes only if I wait patiently, for an hour or plus.

His stiff body needs to come out of that cubicle for a minute or two at times.

He brings his elbows close to his chest so that the width of his chest matches the *_diagonal length_* of the board that separates the lower half of his body from our view🀣

He bends his knees gently, allowing his upper body to slip down vertically, till it goes below the board , and then he bends his chest between his legs to squeeze himself out onto the road. 

I am *_easily reminded_* of a child birth, though I *_never witnessed one_* 🀣

What baffles me is.....

Once he comes out and stands erect, he doesn't 'stretch' himself ( like the bus drivers do, after climbing a ghat section for 3 hours with loaded passengers, hairpin bends etc, when they get down for a cup of tea. They hop down raise their arms high, bend backwards and s-t-r-e-t-c-h...... Aaaah!

Panwala has kept a minimal customers waiting, and can't afford 'wasting time' to stretch. Revenue πŸ˜‚ he rushes to get relieved, or to do something urgent, some buying from a nearby grocer, and back to go through the *_reversal process_* of re-entry into his orbit πŸ€£πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

I think of him, and then .....I never feel any space constraints anywhere.🀣

Decades later,

a bigger shock awaited me πŸ˜œπŸ™πŸ™

On a 'holy day' at a shiva temple... buses run jam-packed to & fro from town to that temple 10 kms away at the outskirts of the city.

Buses run for 22 hrs that day. Conductors go to&fro the length of that bus, at least 15 to 20 times each trip, to collect fare, give out the correct ticket and balance coins πŸ˜žπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

I often tell my cashier colleagues " try to match him, whenever you feel 'burdened' due to rush of customers.... standing patiently I a queue, clutching bundles of cash, when you sit in a safe grilled cage, with a mini fan, despite A/c...and seldom required to return excess coins/notes tendered with challan/voucher.

They painfully agree, with a bow and namaste πŸ™πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Sympathy, empathy, sync.... whatever,πŸ˜³πŸ™

Helps us to come out of our own created_pain….

Spaciously yours,

PSN (7 Dec 2023)

Friday, December 01, 2023



What is worth inheriting?

If we inherit the proverbial “wheel” (should I be required to “reinvent the wheel”).

How do we inherit it?

1)By retaining the wheel, extending its life as much as possible. For that, using it very sparingly. ( Doesn't look like a “strong” proposal πŸ˜•)

2)By replicating it, storing abundant ‘spares’ ( shelf life decides it longivity)

3) By learning to make one 😳 ( no need to reinvent a wheel. Just learn to make one)

4) by learning the “concept” of a wheel ( the roll, the role of a pin, hub, axle, which allows the roll of the wheel. The role of rolling balls, ball bearing which ensures a smooth interface between non_rolling & rolling parts.)

5)by allowing our focus to dwell upon this concept of wheel, and ‘seek’ a mechanism which can rotate/roll at a different speed, direction etc ___paving way for a “differential” 😜 , a tie-rod, etc.

6) destroy the prototype called wheel ( jihadis are good at it. Now, we can reinvent a wheel, a square, a hexagon, or any non-sense πŸ‘).

Inheriting a property is most common thing today.

Retaining the value of that property, a little uncommon. 

More uncommon is…..adding value to that property. 

This was about physical and material aspects.

Inheriting values, knowledge, retaining it, increasing its use, value etc …

Inheriting “presence” …..🀣

Looks like a bloody joke πŸ˜”πŸ˜­πŸ™

But Bharat has a heritage ( root word ‘heritage’ we inherit heritage 😜…not merely a property πŸ™).

In that order, our ancients evolved into a technology of retaining the “energy/spirit, and it's subtle qualities……to function as a guide to future generations “ …

Example: aadi shankara…..said “my samadhi will be functional for 700 years”( actually, it is still retaining it's energy and can be felt by fellows who bothered to sensitize themselves to its requirement 🀣😜)

Temples carry subtle energies, designed to last….( Invoking it needs some expertise, which is getting extinct when priests chant mantras very ritualistically, without any symbolism πŸ™)

Ancestral homes ( in Kerala it is ‘tharavad’, or a mutt, etc) are consecrated for progeny to benefit from its energies ( certain techniques in yoga/spirituality/etc helps to invoke and imbibe those energies)

Cloud technology 😜😜😜…. Yes, Bharat had this concept of cloud_computing to tap energies. ( On the eve of janeudhariPappu day….a kind of propitiation similar to annual death_anniversary ….is conducted with positive chants.  Energies of evolved ones among a certain Lineage of gotra, are invoked and their ‘presence’ is sought to guide the new initiate into highest ever chant called Gayatri. Once initiated properly, and if the kid learns to invoke properly, this chant undergoes a dynamic change in its very basic structure and becomes something much higher than its usual nature called a mantra. This changed form has a name , ‘chandass’ but it's notice remains ignored by even eminent head priests. Sad 😭…. Inheriting values is a matter of choice, and cannot be adjudicated by a court of law 😜

I personally, govt trapped into a groove which kept rotating me around inheriting of deepest values available in Bharat , at different places, different forms, different formats, varied sources etc…( numerous sources πŸ˜³πŸ˜’πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™).

I thought, a few might care to know about “what other than physical and material property , can be inherited?”

I don't try to prescribe about reinventing or inventing of any wheel . I am merely trying to apply a little grease to rusted wheels in us 😫. 

( I personally engaged myself in keenly observing, learning, and experimenting with various kinds of stuff, worth inheriting 😜… inadvertently, I tripped on things that I seemed to have learnt in a far off time, and there I had a very strange ‘feeling’ of having inherited my own past 😜😜😜… the ‘thing’ I herited from my past is supposed to need 22 years of rigorous practice under stringent supervision of an evolved spiritual teacher, whereas, I seemed to be able to do it with tangible results in a matter of 8 hours this time, in 1994 😳… something unbelievable and astounding πŸ™. I am able to see and witness “live” , a piece of property, being disputed in a legal battle at court, and the litigants oblivious of its inherent and latent value and potential of far higher value, spiritual value that can empower creation of the physical properties at will😜🀣… I could personally experience that subtle presence in that disputed property, since I had proximity by virtue of social customs, to be able to see simultaneously the distinction of ‘fighting for what?’ when, sense of discrimination, depth of perception etc differs from person to person, and confines a person of lesser ability with constricted sense of discrimination.)

Spirituality, very much like insurance…..

Is purely a subject matter of solicitation.

Uninvitedly/unsolicitedly yours,

PSN (1 Dec 2023)