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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Core education

 Core education !

Visualisation is not quite easy.

Certain basic words, elude us from its deepest meanings, owing to the kind of "mind" we form for ourselves. Situation decides what we do with our mind.

Core education.  ( Try to visualise it's importance, using an imaginary idea "as if extinction of human race is imminent, if we don't understand core_education"...


If i say, "please visualise the availability of a deep sense of Discrimination" , you would need to know the "deeper meaning" of this word 'discrimination' ( probably, dictionaries would confine to usings those explanatory words, which we already know, and thereby skipping it's deeper meaning 😜

Let me try, using a situation where "sense of Discrimination" is unavailable to you! Suppose, you happen to see your dead ancestor in your dream, you cannot discriminate and be aware of  the fact that this ancestor is already dead! Inside your dream, for you, he/she is very much alive!😜. That might impress you a little better, how deep this word discrimination really means…😂😂😂😂


If you can permit your mind to try an intense visualisation, please think of this small experiment for a couple of minutes!

1).....try to reach the deeper meaning of the following four

suppose, you were taught….these 4…

a)how to learn 

b)how to stabilize emotions

c)how to deepen perception

d)how to use…..that…available 'sense of discrimination' 

2).....once the possible deep level of meaning is grasped

Try to visualise as if these 4 things were taught to you, when you were a kid? How would you have been, when you had been equipped with these 4 as your default embedded software? 

It shouldn't take even ¼th of the time, (visualising these 4 as if you were expert in it),  than the time taken to read this 😜

Visibly yours,

PSN (. 18th April, 2023)

tailpiece ( with apologises 🙏) : these 4 were taught in ancient Bharat in gurukula….that was "all the education needed".... Core education! Rest of it the kids acquire by themselves, like the Nobel laureates do, or even better, …for, those days produced rishis in gurukula, not mere PhDs 😜

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