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Monday, April 19, 2021



We ask….

Why do we ask?..... This ought to be asked about each question, that arises from within… but our mind hurries to ask the question first, instead of looking at its source, to know the….. why,  & how etc about it….

Curiosity and concern…..

Curiosity or concern…..

are the broad classification of why we ask….

The intensity of seeking , is the fuel….if intensity is too weak….. whether it is curiosity or concern….. both die :))

Curiosity can turn into a "concern" or vice versa enroute ( seeking of answer)...

A new manager ( boss) arrives…..

The concern is the reason to seek & find out "what type of fellow is this person?"( Can I continue to come late as-usual? Can I work slip-shod? Will he recommend my pay raise/promotion?)

Curiosity is the reason, when concern is no longer an issue… :)) , often to measure how good the other-is? ( person , place or thing…..old definition of a "noun")...

Spirit'uality , coming up as a "concern" ? (to "evoke" questions?).... very unlikely!

As a sharp contrast, a fellow who is just-lucky to taste a glimpse, of spirit'uality….feels an  insuppressible urge to share…. :)) and ends up making a fool-of-himself, trying to provoke his-close ones into "some" curiosity about it :((

Whereas , a genuine master looks for a fellow who has felt the spiritual thirst to be as urgent as a fellow drowning in water, gasping for breath :))

For decades, I was sandwiched between the two…. neither a novice, nor an established teacher….. a concern for fellow beings, and a struggle therefore to create some-curiosity in them for spiritual aspects of "life", knowing too well the consequence of this stupidity… :))

110th verse of 2nd chapter of Manu's smriti….was infallible! Only now, when I am close enough to my grave, I am able to think of adhering to it! Enough failures in trying to instill curiosity! ( Only in one case, I managed to make it a grave-concern and there Maya Madam decided to reward me too! :)) …. good enough to close my shop with satisfaction)

This boring piece was neither out of curiousity nor concern….not even some eagerness to share :))

Just a notice board like "business closed"


April 19, 2021

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