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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Appealingly attractive

Appealingly attractive!

There was a video clip .....

Both the toys are quite “attractive”....

But the 'attraction' offered by one is repulsive to the baby, while the other evokes a cheer!

When both are placed together, the sharp-attraction of the repulsive one over-shadows the soft attraction of the other one!

A student seeks an appealing attraction, towards his work/project/submission/whatever, from the evaluators.... The student's judgement about what-might-appeal to an evaluator contributes to the 'presentation' style of what ever is submitted...

There was a movie 'Sindhu Bhairavi'... It was a novice at music, who educated the master of music, into 'how to present' a subtle music in a more appealing form, toning down the complexities at its initial stages!

A few successful salesmen earn their salary more-due-to their appeal finding skills, rather than the quality of product itself....

A spiritual seeker does not bother about any appeal in others towards his own 'seeking' ... If it seems to irritate the others, he moves out of their way! The tools and techniques of Aghori's for instance, evokes a repulsive emotion in 'normal' people, and hence they seek a recluse to pursue their activities of quest...

A spiritual Master, happens to be the best-one at forging an appeal into something that cannot be even “presented” in a perceivable form, to a disciple stuck into just-sensory-levels...
The Mastery of this 'forging an appeal' is almost like a self-evaluating-software, when it is about a spiritual arena, and the indicative yardstick is perhaps the yet-another-subtle capability of the Master to 'sight a potential candidate' when even the candidate himself is unaware of it!

At least about worldly aspects of handling the material-life.... are we going to outsource our own perception, into the hands of somebody who hones his skills into deciding as to what should appeal to us? Ha..! That is what the present day TV commercials seem to be doing! They almost decide what we ought-to-like! The news-media is not to be left behind! They decide our emotional inclinations too! Isolated instances of theft, molestation, insults, abuse etc dominate the priority far above global concerns like environment (which can wipe out the human race, if neglected), or starvation (which topples the balance against other life forms!).. etc..

Sensitivity perhaps decides the direction and force of appeal, as to who wins the tug-o-war!

Yours, Unappealingly unattractive,

psn(24th April, 2015)


Baturam Nayak said...

Oh! Marvellous video !
Dear Sir, as I showed it to my son & wife, and the way they articulated the message, that perfectly rhymes with the tone, tenor, spirit...and of course, the appeal of the write-up !

Thanks a lot :)


Thank you sir,
The video conveys lot better than I can do with words!
A baby's innocence lends authenticity too!

soumyasrajan said...

nice one! I was reminded of story of elias howe-who invented sewing machine. he was poor guy but had just idea that sewing can be done by machine and struggled all his life and finally made it - the basic idea that two strings have to be used one via needle and other coming from down and make what is called a lock stitch is his.

But all the money and name was made by singer - (his name still remains and we all also know it via singer company even in India, while howe's company is now rarely even sighted ) -who modified and commercially marketed it. Singer knew commercial aspects better.
Not that elias gave up-he fought battles in court and got a lot of money as royalty and howe company was also there for quite some time in USA. He used this money to donate during civil war in USA to army people. He was also involved in invention of a zipper.

Even many spiritual gurus in india have been generally more like howe - who enjoyed "brush up" with truth much more rather than keeping their legacy alive. I hope you agree!