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Monday, April 07, 2014

भ्रष्ट आचार (corrupt conduct)

I shall do my very best(at all times)...
I shall not seek any personal gain...
I shall not have any ulterior motive...”

I heard it said today... Somebody 'declared' a committment towards this....
(The best part was, this declaration preceded with a 'exclusivity-clause' that these three are said in the 'individual capacity'!... If somebody is interested to look 'positively', then, the obvious derivative 'may be'...
Let others follow suit...”
and not.. that...
it does not apply for others too”...!!!

It felt so nice to even 'get to hear such things'.. ..
(I was even tempted to 'cross-check' it within me... has it found applicability when I lived this far?.. Is is going to guide me/lead-me hereafter?_)...

Good enough, to make a humble beginning...
right 'within', first...
and only then to try to 'clean' the outside...
Fight against corruption” has to be with oneself, first!

My intention of quoting this set of first three sentences of blog was to remind myself of its 'spiritual significance' though the declaration was in a 'political-context'... and so, I may not be able to respond 'satisfactorily' to any criticisms, about the politics involved around the quote!

psn (7th April, 2014)

(I can 'reasonably' trust the person who can declare thus, to absolve me from any 'copy-rights' issue of quoting that person... The implied meaning of what was said is itself a 'guarantee', this time!)

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