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Monday, April 28, 2014


The name itself might raise the eye-brows, in those who are a little familiar 'about me' (though not 'with-me'...!)
Even I did not 'think-of' letting this loose, in the form a blog when I wrote it down, and so I had only shot-it, in the 'email-form', hoping that it would be so convenient to 'invite trouble' from only known adversaries!
But, looking at the poor response from a 'selective-group' of say... some two dozens, I am now tempted to keep the window open, a little wider...
It is the concept, 'built' around the term, that I am interested into more than the 'gimmicks' that ensures its popularity !
I hope readers would enjoy this in equal measure too..
psn(28th April, 2014)

Somewhere I came across a theory which may have only some conceptual relevance.
The dramatized version seems to contribute more towards reducing the credibility of stories, whereby the concept gets diluted or even goes un-noticed! Logic does demand a price!
A leisurely visit to ancient temples of Kerala, would familiarize a person with a place, built with low elevation, appearing like a single large room unfinished during construction, and stopped at plinth level, with that sand filling.
Devotees take a walk around it, with devotion, and a few pick up a pinch of that mud from the elevated place.
The name given to this sacrosanct place is 'BrahmaRakshas'.
Some Brahmins are of the opinion that Brahmins do not 'bow' to this place!
There is a belief that persons who acquired great knowledge, and yet refused to part with it, become such BrahmaRakshas! An abode or resting place is given to them thus! They appear or become perceivable to those vulnerable people who are prone to run into demons or Rakshasas, only during the early morning hours of Brahma-Muhurtham, and are quite harmless!
There is even a joke: It seems a young housewife was decorating the front yard with that 'Rangoli' (the traditional 'KOLAM'), and suddenly felt some presence behind her. Taking a look, she remarked very casually, "Oh! It is only you, a BrahmaRakshas, and I thought it to be my 'Naathanar' (sister-in-law)!". It is a custom to decorate the front yard with that Rangoli during very early hours, and the BrahmaRakshas would have come to 'verify' whether the design of Rangoli was as per prescriptions, free from 'bugs'! There is (or at least used to be) an entire science regarding this Rangoli, which serves among many other purposes, also that of an almanac or calendar!
They (BrahmaRakshas), it seems happen to realize a bit late (after having lost access to the gross body), that distributing knowledge to worthy disciples constitutes to be an integral part of spiritual evolvement. So, they stagnate at a point, and wander aimlessly! Basically they are supposed to be good souls; just that they discovered a bit late that spiritual knowledge is to be treated as 'open-source', 'free-ware' etc, and not to be jealously guarded, at least from non-hackers!
That reminds me, pilferage of knowledge (hacking) is not something new! It seems the Devas requested Kacha, the son of Brihaspati, the preceptor of Devas, to infiltrate into school of the of preceptor of Asuras(Main Server), through online-net-chatting on the 'web' access, with a damsel called Devayani (the daughter of asura-preceptor, Sukracharya). The soft ware to be hacked was known "Sanjivani'! The fall out was interesting.

The story does not seem important. The concept is. The spiritual experience gained by visiting a holy place is to be shared, and not withheld, and this place for "BrahmaRakshas" could serve as a mild reminder towards that responsibility (response-ability!).

Since all this is hearsay stories, I would gratefully acknowledge any additions, corrections to the theory of BrahmaRakshas.

Psn (17th May, 2008)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Trust deployment

Please continue to enjoy trusting my integrity if you wish, but do not extend it to my accuracy!.. I am not infallible, though better than aam-aadmi at counting currency notes, by virtue of my job...”
I used to say often...
(The moment they are able to trust me, their polarisation towards their comfort-zone seeks to invoke their laziness to speed ahead towards it, like we step on the accelerator on a smooth, vast, straight and lonely highway!... This is a 'trait' we find too often when we misconstrue 'reliability' as a 'dependability'.....)

And the other person ... unable to match this 'style of argument' for the time being at least (he is having more important things 'ready-at-hand' than trying to even grasp what I said, only then to conjure a counter-argument!)... he helplessly goes through the motions of 'confirming' my cohesiveness of my mind and fingers, when they matched the target of 99+1 (we cashiers, have a style, of 'claiming' that we count only up to 99... the 100th one is 'there, glaring at me' already! A Sadistic sense of achievement at a 'stupid-dexterity'!)...

The disclaimer on the note-slip, that forms a label of that 100-pieces-packet says, 'Satisfy yourself, that it is okay in every manner... later on don't haggle... no blame game' (effectively, this is what is says, in more-polite words).. The main worry is, about who is the 'holder-in-due-course' of a fake note... more than the loss of money, the 'running around' by that Uniformed personnel, who might have run-out-of pocket money that has to come from 'other sources' , not just-salary... might accelarate that 'needless run for money', sponsored by fake-money, for a change!..

How to deploy trust? (Already it is in short supply within us , right now!)

I guess, that it is this capability to 'deploy' trust is the fulcrum on which the edifice of interpersonal skill rests!

Testily yours,

psn(22 April, 2014)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Impersonal Allegations!

Dosti mei gustaqui karenge hum sirf ek baar....
dost sab paidal chalenge, aur hum janaazey pe sawaar...!

I was reminded of this 'gustaaqui' yet again, when I looked at what I churned out as an 'uninvited' response to a comment made by 'x' at a blog of 'y' (where as, I am not even an 'a/b/c' in the queue!)..

And the response I gave, ....
when I myself tried to look at it ,...
seemed like a 'same side goal'....!

(I am almost a critic of my own very 'religion'!... What a situation!)

this is what I wrote!

"why didn't Krishna told Gita to everyone present on the battlefield?" (the reference portion, used for my response...)

Maybe, they are in the queue!... At the railway enquiry counter, we often find the counter-clerk showing that 'fatigue' (of having answered the same question over and over ,) so visibly.. when the next fellow asks it yet again! Especially the "late running trains, and its 'expected' time of arrival"... People can even read it on a scribbled white/black board nearby, or even that digital scroll (now-a-days), but still 'like to make it doubly-sure' ! 
Why do we "get" a question like, "is it ....'really'... applicable to others too?"... (Now, using the same 'railway counter' as an example... suppose that counter clerk got a 'news' that this 'delayed train' has met with some 'derailment'... details awaited... even that news was a 'spill-over'.. some unconfirmed reports... the scene changes! That 'next to the next' fellow leaning over 2-3 shoulders, would not 're-frame' the question, plus , he would now multiply his 'anxiety' about his family that was 'supposed' to arrive by that-same-train! He does not wait to see, if this information (leak news) really was 'addressed to him'! (Please try to see this 'simplistic' or 'silly-looking' example in the back drop of the entire 'so called religion.... Hinduism' .. it does not even 'compel' a temple visit... it is a 'take-it-or-leave-it' basis! The choices of temples vary (no-two are 'very- alike!.. The deities are same, not the temples! The 'message' almost seems to 'mock-at-my' ... common-sense... almost ridicules with an unsaid punch-dialogue "Hey! You mango-man/aam-aadmi... here are ... so many deities... different 'kinds' of consecration for each of these deities... now, ... you spend a life-time, choosing the 'right one' suited for you! You wouldn't have even visited all the temples available (even, after the quite a few ones that got demolished/etc)... Nor can you 'finish' reading even the bulk of scriptures in one life time... Nor can you grasp the 'full-significance' of even a couple of lines of 'one of those declaratory' verses... Nor can you finish learning all those awkward postures in one life time (number of Yog-aasana are too many).. nor can you 'fully grasp' even one aasana in one life time (Shri BKS Iyengar would vouch this... and he is 'fairly' reliable person... he has nothing to gain 'now' by telling an 'untruth' about something he loves more than his own-life, Yog-aasnas!)... "
Then what is the whole point?

Monday, April 07, 2014

भ्रष्ट आचार (corrupt conduct)

I shall do my very best(at all times)...
I shall not seek any personal gain...
I shall not have any ulterior motive...”

I heard it said today... Somebody 'declared' a committment towards this....
(The best part was, this declaration preceded with a 'exclusivity-clause' that these three are said in the 'individual capacity'!... If somebody is interested to look 'positively', then, the obvious derivative 'may be'...
Let others follow suit...”
and not.. that...
it does not apply for others too”...!!!

It felt so nice to even 'get to hear such things'.. ..
(I was even tempted to 'cross-check' it within me... has it found applicability when I lived this far?.. Is is going to guide me/lead-me hereafter?_)...

Good enough, to make a humble beginning...
right 'within', first...
and only then to try to 'clean' the outside...
Fight against corruption” has to be with oneself, first!

My intention of quoting this set of first three sentences of blog was to remind myself of its 'spiritual significance' though the declaration was in a 'political-context'... and so, I may not be able to respond 'satisfactorily' to any criticisms, about the politics involved around the quote!

psn (7th April, 2014)

(I can 'reasonably' trust the person who can declare thus, to absolve me from any 'copy-rights' issue of quoting that person... The implied meaning of what was said is itself a 'guarantee', this time!)

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Assessment Tools

Devi, Tum hans rahee ho?... Maa bankar dekho,...” The heroine in Mother India tells the idol, which seems to smile 'mockingly' at her, when she is torn apart mentally, between a compromise of starving her kids to death, or to lose her chastity to a greedy financier....

The scene impressed me very much... I was a kid, and the hand-painted posters used to weave 'dreams about that movie' everytime I passed by that road-side-advertisement-poster.. When the movie itself turns far better than that dream-about-movie that I weave within, my mind tells me 'good movie' other wise, it is just a so-so.. etc..

We can assess something, only by using some kind of a 'tool', often resembling a yardstick or a measurement scale, however fuzzy it is...

When it comes to emotions, there is a slight problem! We ourselves become the tool..! Or, is it possible staying out of it, and then measuring?... dunno! Why do people say, 'you won't understand...' to certain actions about which we try to ask, why did-you-do?... Is it that they 'know' ....that I am not going to become-a-tool, adequately enough,.... to understand the emotional reason for it?

Babies... emotion is all that they have!... They simply turn receptive to what ever predominates the ambiance just-outside-of-them! Their inside, at least physiologically is 'least-corrupted' from that emotion-receptivity point of view (though biologically that baby might have inherited even an HIV virus from the mom!)... Now, that baby might not respond/manifest, if the health problem is a 'retardation'... but for sure, the emotions are all that the baby is having, and capable of receiving right now! (it laughs and cries too intensely.. even funny sounds makes the child 'burst-itself' through a laughter!)...

Spirituality... Even to get into it... what kinds of tools are they, that are going to 'allow' us to gain some-kind-of-entry into that 'pathless-path'? Unless the 'mind' says 'go-for-it'... no point in trying it even... like we try out to watch-and-enjoy... an emotion-filled movie or so! Reading a stuff with 'spiritual' related content... or 'reproducing' it from some 'popular source'.. .. is almost like trying out a costly dress at a shop's dressing room!
(I wonder... if that pseudo-theism... plays a trick on our own selves... when it fakes an assessment-tool, that seems to be an emotional appreciation/evaluation, when it uses the feigned-emotions, the way those movie-stars do, when they work in shifts between shifted-roles for different movies!)...
Are logical tools going to work, to 'assess' spirituality?
Are emotional tools going to be 'used' like we use a fishing rod, sitting on a river bank, avoiding to get ourselves wet?
If.... it is all... that emotions “do matter”, for spirituality/theism... what level of emotions? (for sure, we need not 'count' the negative emotions, and add to the confusion...).

Is it the 'assessment-tools' itself... of a person.. that gets assessed by that 'job-giver' in an employment interview?
(Even for some new technology.. like... when 'brains are churning out new concepts of 'cloud-computing'... some other lab-workers are creating 'testing-tools' and asking these very cloudy-people to 'assess' those tools! Now, that does speak about a certain kind of 'trust'... when big money is spent into conferences, where the cloud-makers, and its tool-makers meet regularly!.. I have only spiritual-practices, to think about, when I try to assess as an idler-now... and that tempts me to wonder... how these Masters happen to exchange “even assessment tools” through their own unique 'blue-tooth' technology! When it is Spiritual Masters, the same 'dialogue'... 'Do whatever it takes' ... takes cosmic proportions! Size matters!)..

Are we serious about even taking a look at the kind of 'assessment-tools' that we use, when our mind 'incessantly' churns out conclusions, confusions, in the name of statements/observations, which are actually/effectively, judgements? Dunno!

When it is about blogs... it is so safe to copy-paste! Own stuff, renders our own assessment-tools, vulnerable to its inadequacies getting 'exposed'... But then, how to manage comments/responses? Dunno!

psn (5th April, 2014)