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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Experience is what it does to us, when we do with what happens to us

Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.”... said " Aldous Huxley" !!!

I was quite impressed by this 'quote'...
so I tried a...

a crude translation ...

"मानव के साथ जो होता है 
वह अनुभव नहीं कहलाता 
बल्कि जो हुआ उस से क्या करता है "

why not in that 'tough' malayalam too!

മനുà´·്യൻ à´¨േà´°ിà´Ÿുà´¨്à´¨ à´¸ംഭവങ്ങൾ à´…à´²്à´² à´…à´¨ുà´­à´µം 
 à´…വൻ à´† à´¸ംഭവങ്ങൾ à´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿ് à´Žà´¨്à´¤ു  à´šെà´¯്à´¯ുà´¨്à´¨ു à´Žà´¨്à´¨ുà´³്ളതാà´£് !

Very often, we find that a long forgotten 'happening' resurfaces within us as a 'deep experience' only when we 're-live' that event even long after it had really happened! (For instance, we 'understand' why our parents 'scolded us' so severely, only long after they have 'gone'... while we had barely managed with that 'surge-of-hate' that had overpowered us at that event itself, when it was 'live'!)...

This experience, if it is deep enough, tells us how to deal with an event in future...

Only a well-balanced-mind can manage to squeeze the 'most' out of even trifling incidents!

Those who happen to 'settle' down (really) into deep meditative states,
(just sitting quiet, doing nothing, eyes closed......)
even those ... just watching one's own breath ...
among them... those who improve the very quality of watching their breath...
these two....
know too well... no incident is a trifle... every moment of life enriches us in many ways!

(To such people, who are prepared to look at 'happenings' thus.... shall we say, “welcome to spirituality” ?... For a very long time, I found myself trying-hard... to play that dual role... of a host saying 'welcome' ... as also that 'reluctant-guest', struggling to tell myself, “May I come in Sir?”... :)) }...

Experi-mentally yours,

psn (21st November, 2013)   

Monday, November 18, 2013

Silent Mode

That 'mobile' remains all the more noisy, but right within only... when we turn it on 'silent-mode'... it vibrates perhaps.. and if placed on a hard surface, it might even spoil its 'vibrant' nature (the temper that affords the vibration...)...

Very much like our minds....

(I wonder.. 'is it because of that internal vibration, suppressed by outer-situation, on our forced-silent-mode, that we succumb to stress-related-ailments! Dunno!)

We claim to be able to remain silent, for a while (calling it very fancifully as 'meditation' even, at times of course!)... But the internal turbulence is now even greater (and so the drop off rate, relatively, from that wonderful meditative-spiritual-practice!... Some of us who manage to sustain, are in for a bigger surprise... they become 'aware' of the non-verbal thought forms/processes... and this shakes off a lot more, when they try to hang-on holding the steel rods of that speeding bus of spirituality, and fall off soon!.... Only a few manage to stay on... and then, they need not hold-on... “it” holds them, on-and-on!)...

There was a joke! (Long ago, I read it in “Readers' Digest”... That 'Mom' narrated it in first-person!
She insisted to her son “I ask you ... this instant.. SIT down”
The kid,.... sat down, ... but added, “But inside me... I am still standing” (and the mom burst into a laughter!)...
(That was 'standing alone' on a 'silent-mode'!)...

The 'being' makes more noise perhaps... after we are into a 'grave-silence'... and therefore the 'ghost-voices/noises'... thereafter... but the same repetitious tunes only.. until a flexible form is re-acquired!

Silently yours,

psn(18th November, 2013)

I am retired, Don't tag me now!

I am retired, Don't 'Tag' me now!

The 'format' seemed to say...
The format of 'Create-blog' carries a 'default' tag... 'Sachin Tendulkar'....
And the cursor is allowed to 'escape' from that 'tag' box.... (until the 'default' nature of that tag is disabled...!)...
Or else... the tag sticks to anything else said in the name of 'blog'... as a tag of that pure-being-'Sachin'... (He is the 'available-pure' among us... so we need not try to find the available-small-impurities in him, to just find 'some-fault'...

I was looking at post '14 November 2013' blogs... all of them carry that 'Sachin-tag'!... (like our politicians who take the 'tag-credit' for everything good that happens even naturally in our land!)

The Tag...!

The tags we had.... tags along with us! (We carry a lot many of these tags!... The grand-mother is no more 'grand' when she tags around a child, replacing that 'live-mother'.... instead of complementing her functions... the 'mother' tag that remained unfulfilled when it was 'official' now seeks to fulfill it depriving a 'real-mother' to do it 'her-own-way'... and the kid 'announces'... “my daadi gave me the permission”... and the 'daddy' looks puzzled at the kid ! (The daddy-jee had communicated the 'don't allow that kid to tamper with it' only to the 'Mummy' ... the 'grand' in all its grandeur, mummified that mummy into a silence, silently too!)....

Somewhere it is the tags that we carry... that acts like a 'non-stick-tawa'... when we try to cook spirituality into us! (At the hands of a 'genuine' teacher, it pains a little right from day-1, when the teacher surgically removes those tags embedded in us).

(All I try to do is to keep a little distance from tags... and people now use a different tag, yet again... 'humble'... No! There is no humility at all, when we seek to be a bit effortless... it takes so much effort, to move into that 'effortlessness'... Tags!)...

Meanwhile, if possible, please click the 'x' sign on those blogs about which our dear Sachin is genuinely innocent(at   ... He too is 'retired' now.. (like me!........ while the going was still 'good'... there is a saying ... 'stop singing while the humming still-sounds-good'... not when the voice is hoarse!).

Taggedly yours,

psn(18th November, 2013)

Thursday, November 07, 2013


Migration Certificate”....
That is how I got initiated into this concept of 'migration'...
It really did not afford a 'smooth' migration at all! Instead it was 'in essence' a certificate of “Good-riddance” from one set of Masters (yes, at school, they are the Masters of 'our universe'... some elder tried remind it when a lazy cousin of mine overslept, with the dialogue “Quick! Your Master has come, Get up!!!' and that kid scrambled up in the bed only to a 'wide-eyed' discovery that it was the cozy comforts of a home, and not that mid-day-mandatory nap at the school!)... This migration certificate just says that this idiot is good for nothing, and hence we have 'no-objection' to his going elsewhere to continue sleeping in the class-room! (There was even no questions raised, when I needlessly obtained a migration certificate after the graduation also! That certificate is encased inside such ignorant set-of-procedures!)...

Migratory birds, are cheerful perhaps, because they look at the places of dwelling only as 'shelters' (Gharonda), and not as 'homes', 'apart-ments' , or 'f-l-a-t's' (where some of the males are usually a 'sleeping-partner-only' in the family-business, with the women folk, kept busy after-and-before working hours too!... the males find it so tiresome to 'migrate' from one couch to the another, when the spouse requests, 'May I sweep the dust underneath this one... please...?)... But, when somebody teases me with a new found freedom that now he is 'as free as a bird', I retort saying, 'Ah! After all, those high-flying birds can only hop, once they are 'grounded'... they cannot keep flying for ever after all, while I can keep walking at will, all my life, to reach only a bit later to where they can fly apart!'...!!!

At work place, some of my colleagues carry their chair to the new table (rotation of duties), rendering themselves to 'migratory only along with their chair'... ! (They are a bit limp to one side of their shoulder, and the missing rubber shoe of that chair helps maintaining the balance, parallel to table-level, while working!)...
Yet some others simply migrate just their pay-scales, not their work-pattern, when they are automatically-promoted, much to the embarrassment of their new bosses, who find that 'junior-attitude' to be of no use or productivity at enhanced/widened set of responsibilities!

The bride migrates physically to the groom's house, but her 'thoughts' linger around the mother's home yet.... and the adjustment seems to take the whole of youth away, and the onslaughts of old-age to be too-late to migrate-now! (there is another candidate, the daughter-in-law with similar starting-troubles!)

The 'being' often forgets that it has migrated into this physical body, only with a work-Visa, and not a guest-type-visa alone, and is sent back too often to dissolve all the 'specific-work-visa's' acquired during the previous visits! It is much later that we get into 'earn-while-you-learn' mode! When the Visa manifests a 'vision' and we just-begin-to-enjoy... it is already too close to the 'expiry date of the visa and the passport as well!'....

So, better to learn the 'technicalities' of migration at subtle levels, loosening up even, if needed our physical comfort-zones, to afford us into meaning-full migration into any kind of migration! (As if to give an 'indicative reference' to this aspect, that grated-cocoanut, when migrates into a dish yields distinct kind of flavor, taste and fragrance even, depending upon how we crush, chip, roast, grate, grind or even squeeze its milk out.... and then add it to the dishes!.. But, like the cocoanut, we need to first break our head over it!)

Migrantly yours,

psn (7th November, 2013)

Changed Pattern!

Cheeni kitne leti ho chai mei?
(How much sugar do you take in your tea?)
Changed pattern!


I was amused to find, this short documentary ends with the same "tea" item!
Storm in a tea-cup...   !
"Response" to a repetitious pattern of eve-teasing...   made the difference...

We need to respond thus to 'our-own-patterns'...  a bit boldly!  The internal-eve-teasing...   needs the 'purushaarth' in us to wake up and defend/protect the feminine grace in us! (call it  by any name...   in essence, it is spirituality!)

Dunno, how long this link will remain...   the video link!

psn (7th November, 2013)

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Mind Game

I never imagined that our dear Speaking Tree forum would provide such amazing examples of mind game, to give an 'actual' but really 'virtual' demonstration of our mind-game on spiritual path!
How to click the "more" button, on that drop down menu of 'Notifications'?
This is exactly the type of experiences during a spiritual program...    We find the location of 'More' , to share, after the program, when we try to tell, how beautiful the 'inner experience' was!!!  We know, it is somewhere 'down' there inside us...  It does not just 'click'...   and the mind runs about like a 'mouse' trying to reach it...!
If a mouse cannot reach it, who else can?
That Hubby, who ran to hide under the cot, when his stout spouse came menacingly with that proverbial rolling pin, and asked, "Hey! Are you a man or a mouse? come out.."...  and he cheerfully replied, "I am the 'man of the house', and I can remain where ever I like to, in this house!"...   

psn (5th November, 2013)

(Dear Good Karma,  
Please find a way to pardon me....    really, I have no complaints at all with this 'inadvertent' bug... hopefully, it might be a freak instance due to contributory negligence of the operating system/ or the browser.. that I use...  But I was so excited with that rare occurence, that I was tempted to quote it as an example of 'unreachable layers of our mind!'...  Thanks!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Patterns and Us!

'Tea or coffee?'
I was asked, and I tried it thus (once, long ago...): Both!

And I could get to see a 'bewildered look' in the eyes of the host as well as others present! (What I chose, not to tell them was... I even tried mixing both, very privately and it tasted unique... I was not too sure, if it is good to do so often, and hence dropped the idea... not 'my-pattern'...)


It amused me often to look at people around as patterns, with the same basic human-design! While animals derive a pattern according to the situation, plants undergo modification at 'design' levels even retaining hard to retain the basic design (for instance, we are advised to 'try' that cucumber, which looks same, but some are bitter... and if we do not 'test-taste' the whole salad gets spoiled!)...

Men usually go for plain or 'checks', parallel lines etc for shirts, and even pants/trousers at times, while trying to keep the latter ones in dark shades usually... It is the patterns of ladies that calls for 'selection' when they decide upon going in for something 'new'... (I tried a shirt out of a beautiful design called something like 'forest-fire' from a 'saree-material' by a branded name, Garden Vareli .. I had a very tough time, to get the 'permission' from my bossing-spouse, to even buy that piece of cloth! The shirt looked great, and was liked by all the colleagues, not because of its pattern itself... more because I looked very comical in that shirt, and as long as they are not wearing such funny stuff, they do not mind appreciating or applauding it!.. Now it is lying beneath a large heap of old shirts, though not at all worn-out... There is a tension around the house, ... Yes, the moment I name that shirt, our home becomes a house... 'house of commons' like, and sparks are in the offing already! I am 'allowed' to wear it only when I go out to meet 'non-issue' kind of people, that too 'patlee-gali-sey' ... I still am a fan of that design... err... pattern!)...

In general, men are after 'logical-patterns' and women find appeal in 'non-logical' ones (what ever that means!)....

Army changes the pattern of thinking of a fresh recruit, only then he becomes a soldier ....

A bride struggles to fit into the life-pattern of the new house-hold, that she seeks to 'become-one-with'...

The work-pattern of an organisation doesn't 'feel' comfortable, for a fresher, and he is confused, into trying to find out 'what went wrong with my choice of office?' (That is, if he is already not into that blame-game-pattern of thinking as to 'who is to be blamed?'....)

Coffee after dinner is a craving due to acquired craving-pattern of the physical body... (The 'asking' for 'quality-decoction-coffee' and its different 'standards' varies according to the 'craving-pattern', when we look at the two instances: First coffee after brushing of teeth, and last coffee after dinner!).

A kid is consciously en-grooved into a pattern of induced-sleep, by a mom, when she places a specific thing/object like some towel, particular-doll/cloth, and only then the kid sleeps soon... this pattern comes handy to 'boast' that 'only I can make that kid sleep without fuss, and in a very brief time'!)... Somebody makes a 'chance-discovery' of a better pattern, which the kid takes an 'instant' liking for, and the mom is disturbed out of her own mind-pattern, and only manages a 'grim-face'.. not knowing how to 'explain' this pattern-spoil that happened all of a sudden!...

Music-pattern of certain experts finds an instant-liking with the masses, and we find people claiming, “I hear 'a broken piece of tune' and I know at once, it is Naushad Saheb”... signature-pattern!.. Anger pattern, emotion-pattern, waking-pattern... the list is endless!

Spirituality seeks to take our 'being' out of this pattern-web, and then afford us to enjoy all the patterns, choicelessly! (Meanwhile, there are sets of 'life-positive' patterns, and life-negative patterns... and the situation decides better, which of the choices makes our life to crawl, or glide smoothly!)

Patternedly yours,

psn (3rd November, 2013)

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Heavy Mind-set!

The caged Lion in that zoo is a 'picnic' spot for me! That was what I thought ... only till I reached an age where I had to walk right through that zoo to even reach my school every day! (The walk-route was a bit shorter than bus route, and bus route costed bus-ticket, which we couldn't really afford then!)...

The lion grew lean as days passed by... visitors even 'sympathised' that it is ill fed...
It had no 'walking' space... all it did was turn around after a couple of steps (the cage was small!)...
No exercise possible...

After a couple of decades, I found people spending money to 'become-lean'!!! (I did not really dare to quote that deep-embedded memory of that lion who grew lean doing nothing, spending even less on food!)....

Our mindset is perhaps inclined towards anything that makes us heavy... and so the 'heavy-mind-set'.. or 'heavily set mind of ours'... We like to have both, the things that make us heavy, and also to remain lean... Now there is a 'commercially viable' scope for those who can sell the 'make-belief' ideas!

In response to my previous blog (sharing an experience), I was asked specific queries about what I did when I lost nearly 4 kilos, in just about a month... I tried to reply very honestly, though I knew, my answers do not match those famous 'weight-reduction-programs' which carry a heavy price-tag... It was then, I thought, why not remind myself of that lion, who is about 600 pounds ( a guess, from what I heard from a world famous hunter who said about the choice of death.. “I would prefer to die at the hands of a tiger pouncing upon me, with its 700 pounds of weight, which would instantly crush my bones, than an electric chair which is supposed to be the most 'humane' death-sentence-infliction by legal authorities).. That lion does not do any 'exercise' in that small cage. Today, the zoos try to provide 'natural-habitat', and what I got to see was during 1950's, when animals were given little attention in captivity!

We have to see what kind of food this body is designed for... What kind of physical activity this body is designed for... what kind of ambiance this body is designed for (fan, A/C,  apart-ments, etc is what we have... I heard a news-report that somewhere in west, in a very cold country, there was forced-power-shortage due to fuel costs, and people 're-discovered' a healthy way to live, when they willingly allowed the cold-climate to seep in within their homes too, avoiding fuel-power-heated-airconditioning!)... And in India, air-conditioning even today means, make it too severely cold inside, use thick blankets, pollute the entire city outside of homes, and boast about 'having' tonnes of 'costly A/c' (weight reduction programs are already 'within-reach' through internet!)...

A person very close to me, past 60, visited a cousin of his, and having nothing else to do (after that 'hello, how are you' etc..), tried their 'gadget' of walking at the same place, on that machine, and then cycling at the same place... he started sweating profusely... 'good' he must have thought... but the sudden flow of blood caused a heavy stress on the heart, and within a few days, he needed cardiac-related-medical assistance! The body is a wonderful machine with adequate safety-checks in place... when we are engaged in hectic physical activity involving legs, our breath becomes heavy and fast... only then, the sweating starts, as a second level warning.. when the activity is with only the hands, then that panting is very mild, and sweating becomes almost simultaneous... but not suddenly profuse... it is a kind of warning, not to go too hard and hectic on that activity!

What is amazing is, what we call as 'stamina' is delayed panting (rapid breathing), and not the ability to breath faster and yet remain normal! The 'stamina' is never at the cost of early warning signs, the safety-checks! (During school days, I practised slow running when compelled by a 'national-coach', I discovered that I could reduce the breath-rate to near normal and still keep running slowly, thus shifting that 'stamina' increase towards leg's muscular strength, instead of remaining stuck at lung-limitation! That is what exactly drew the attention of that coach to call me and teach me 'track-technique', for free!... He was impressed that my breath did not decide my stamina-limitation!).

I perhaps failed to provide 'healthy-tips' for weight reduction... I wonder what that lion would have done, if pizza, noodles, samosa-kachori, and such costly fast-foods of our style were fed to it forcibly instead of just the raw meat which was meat for its body-design! And then, provide an A/c glass cabin(rain/sun protected), cushioned sofa, a TV, and a drum of Coca-cola, and see if it would say 'Yeh dil maange more!'

Heavily yours,

psn (1st November, 2013)