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Friday, November 30, 2012


When I was attempting to practice at being silent, and attempting to explain silence,

and yet attempting to maintain silence while explaining about silence, the following

types of silence occurred to me....

Please see if some of these seem 'amusing' to you too !

1. Deafening Silence
2. confusing Silence
3. awesome Silence
4. Frightening Silence
5. eeric Silence
6. mysterious Silence
7. deceptive Silence
8. peaceful Silence
9. serene Silence
10. blissful Silence
11. deep Silence

(From an old email, that I sent to a few friends...  (10th october, 2006)...   Even now, it has amusement value...  so I thought why not 'blog' it!)
Silently yours,
psn(30th November, 2012)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Surrender or Acceptance!

We talk of complete surrender....  (in that spiritual sense!)...

We talk of dynamic-acceptance....   (in that spiritual sense!)...


How to distinguish from the "hands-up" threatened and helpless type of surrender?

To whom...  do we surrender?
The "why" is ....  let us presume that we know...  for that 'freedom".... of course...    
And then, that becoming non-choosy.....    moving towards that 'choice-less-ness'...!!!



The question has to be alive!

(image source: )

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How do you self motivate

The catch is... the 'how' is about automation, not about knowing the mechanics! A person who is really keen to know how to find it 'within' simply looks within.... and finds it.... (how do you know what is within me?..)....
Several problems(of life) find answer in this one query of 'motivation'....
That is the problem.... that is the problem why motivation haunts some people!.... (as a kid, I found it very difficult to find the relevance of that 'moral-science-class' in our 3rd/4th standard... it was a 'problem' that I could not solve .... not the understanding of it... the 'why at all'.... whatever was 'prescribed' in those 'morals' was already well covered under the 'law governing kids'!!! Those days, almost any elder around seemed to have had an 'equal-unquestionable-right' to admonish any kid around! That was when I found this 'motivation' to be also a 'need'!!! I needed the motivation to get the 'wheels-of-learning' to move towards understanding 'moral-science'.... there was a test on it... another problem!)...
Other wise, this motivation really never bothered me.... Nor did others try to remind me... It was already an abstract concept... vague too... Somebody trying to prescribe it to me was almost like inviting trouble for oneself (!!)... And, not even that spiritual teacher!.... it was the other way... when it got too much into me, this teacher was 'prevailed upon' by the balancing half to 'de-motivate' me, at least enough to pay some attention to the family! Now, I got the clue... what that automation is all about!
These abstract concepts.... each has one's own opinion... It is like those traffic laws... we comply with a generally-acceptable-rule only for the sake of uniformity....
it does affect us ... our perception of it.... etc...
Something like this must have happened... otherwise, even I was a bit sceptical about my own answer !!!
psn(27th November, 2012)

How do you self motivate yourself?

If a tiger is chasing us, we do not look for any 'motivation' factor to decide whether to run for our life! The response is faster perhaps than the reaction.... Even on a hungry stomach, the body is 'ready' to run (no laziness problems, no lethargy.... even that minor headache takes a back-bench!)...
The problem is the absence of fear/threat/security-need/etc... When the nature pampers the people, the whole society lacks that motivating factor... Secure government-job, assured pension... no motivation to work sincerely!
The only way is to deepen the perception.... A person with wider and deeper perception has an expanded vision, and finds the priorities getting realigned by themselves deep within... The evolvement happens by itself... That is why the ancient people tried to prescribe a structured pattern of life-style... The present day generation simply threw those values to winds, in the name of 'modernity'!.. Now we keep searching for tools to reinvent the wheel!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


The meaning is not so difficult as the problem of identifying it right within us, especially at its subtle levels....
A sophisticated name given is 'Karma'... (Example, somebody cannot arise before 6 am... it is a karma of that person.... some day, that person wakes a bit earlier, and yet remains cheerful, amenable .... not irritable due to waking 10 minutes earlier.... has really broken a karma... or has broken that 'adamancy' within...)...
The bulk of the people were adamant that earth is flat.... Also about Sun going around earth... About God 'existing' (even the proposal to ask, whether God “Exists” is perhaps irrelavent... Exist is relevant only for perishables/vanishables... ).... The athiests are lesser adamant perhaps, when we look at the 'blind-belief' of security-seeking devotees who foreclose the possibility to experience something and 'knowing' it instead of just 'believing' it! Not all athiests... only those who insist that “let me see, and then agree,... I am open ..... ever open.... infinitely open... to keep looking if it is true..... when so many since so long... have been saying He is ....”....
The teacher was adamant.... kids MUST do some good deed, as a part of class-project.... she had to fill up the report to be submitted to the 'princi'.... The kids 'got-it' right about the teacher.... they reported... “Miss, we did it... Both the three of us together helped the old lady to cross the road!!!”.... “Good,” said the 'Miss'... she 'missed' to see it instantly, but having noted the 'report', she asked again the three kids... “But... why did it take all-the-3 of you to help that old lady cross the street?”... That was too easy for those innocent kids to explain, “Miss (again, a miss!)... that is because she never wanted to go to the other side, but.... we HAD to do some good deed!”... (Like... the transfer of 'insurable-interest' into others, ..... transfer of teacher's adamancy into kids...!!!)... Kids “just” pick up the traits from adults around... The mother doesn't know how to cook that lady's finger without making it sticky/messy/drooling..... so conveniently says “My kids don't like lady's finger.... what to do!... I am unable to do anything about it...”... The kids 'assume'... “if our mom says so.... it must be true... I don't like it...”.... and till somebody does it superbly at some star-hotel, and they are forced to eat it, and then discover “Oh! Have I been missing THIS... all along?”... and now it is the mom's turn to miss the affection,.... to the extent..... of a small fraction of a percentage... (I am omitting father-examples.... too many would get badly hurt!)...
Spirituality insists adamantly that seekers should drop their adamency about perception ONLY through sensory levels..... Take a look at those 'intense' practices, processes prescribed... and good teachers consciously 'plug' any incidental benefits, especially those super-powers, to ensure that it is not going to shift the problem from one leg to another.... (leg/problem?.... yessss! There was a mad-saint... the 'madman of Narayanath'... he slept under a 'possesed' tree... the giant of that tree tried in vain to scare our saint... frustrated, now the giant insisted on giving/granting some boon... the saint brushed it aside, the proposal... the giant saw that there is no point in being 'adamant' with this saint, so pleaded/implored/begged.... 'please sir... if I do not do 'something' about/to/for/concerning you, it affects my image and my 'presence' at this huge tree...'... “Okay...” said our generous saint.. “If you insist.. then please shift the ailment of my right leg to my left leg...” (he was afflicted by that elephant-leg-disease.... one leg was very thick, heavy and had to be dragged... not walked with...!!!)... that was the shifting of problem from one leg to another... Those Asthmatics who also happen to be a little open-minded may happen to agree, when the wheezing is better, there is some other ailment in the 'offing'... (traditionally, it is believed that this astma is nothing but stubbornness manifested/translated into a dis-ease... and that strictly speaking, it is not an ailment at all!.... just psycho...)... Then what about those 'stress', 'tensions'... etc.. the very name hints at some kind of adamancy/stubbornness.... the result may add a few pressure-benefits like bp etc!...
Not a new concept at all.... Just that very few 'Masters' really tampered with the nomenclature... for obvious reasons.... Perhaps, an ancient exception is, that “maiyaa mori..... mai NAHI... maakhan khayo...”... when the adamant mom yielded under emotional stress of being reminded that she was after all a step-mother, and therefore adamant.... she melted... and now the song is... “Mayaa mori... mai NE HI maakhan khayo...” mom has conceded.... what is the point in hanging on to falsehood?
If only we are not adamant about not peeping into our selves, to look, and see, if we have some subtle adamancy dorment within us.... while there is still some time left.... ! (Anyways, if we 'remain' ...... to be too old... this adamancy is going to catch up with us, leaving behind our cohesive thinking, ..... the hither-to-cleverness of clandestinely suppressing our adamant tendencies cleverly... and would reveal it all to all around... till we get disposed to some nearby old-age-home!)...
(and now,... a teaser perhaps... ) Those who are adamant about their 'flexibility'... needlessly if needed, at any time... can try out to distinguish the subtle difference between 'Hatred and Resistance' on one hand, and “Jealousy and intolerance” on the other... it is now upto them to try and fit-in this adamancy into these two pairs, or else, treat it as a 'brain-child' of these two pairs of couples!
I do not insist about any response of any 'kind'.... it can be unkind too! Not necessarily in-kind!
adamantly yours,
psn(25th November, 2012)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Through betrayal, deceit, disappointment etc...

What?...... Through these.....what???
The other side of the coin..... (this phrase would 'warrant' a scrutiny too... 'others-side, same coin? Not another coin?'... so please do take a note).....   
Corporate level HR people too, are grappled with the problem of making their employees aware of the distinction between abstract terms like trust, belief, expectation and the likes... It is not possible to codify the rules to demarcate the distinction, even less possible to 'expect' adherence by enforcement! 'Team spirit' abounds in these, and also ensures minor rivalries to remain contained at tolerable levels!
Spiritual pursuit throws up abrupt hurdles at most 'unlikely' places, demanding greater precision while sifting through the known yardsticks to be used for measuring the ever-new-looking situations (these situations are deep within... not that tangible, material, manage-to-face-it ones that we see on the outside world of ours!)...
As the clarity between Trust, Expectation, belief etc dawns.... the relevance of the 'opposites' being looked at ... also as 'other-side-of-the-coin' would become obvious (those terse texts from ancient scriptures substantiate it, but referringto those is 'frying-pan-to-fire' leap!)...
Back to perception!
Back to intuitive aspect of mind....
Back to basics of 'life'!
Or... keep compounding the mis-understandings, keep struggling to even sustain inter-personal-skills, and enjoy the incidental by-products which affect only the 'ease' of life in an acute and chronic manner!

'Sincerely-sinned'.... and yet, yours,
psn(14thNovember, 2012)

(The brief attention span constitutes the best of deterrents to my erstwhile tendency to elongate a blog!.... Lack of response is an incidental benefit, of course!)