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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Woman's Health

Whenever I encounter an argument about woman being inherently weak, I pose a regular question “ In the entire animal kingdom, in almost all the species, which is more stronger, a male or a female? Ask any experienced animal hunter, he would deal more cautiously when he has to deal with a female, and especially when is trying to pick up its kids! Even those animals which have the young ones of other species for food are extra cautious when their mother is around”.

True, this seems totally out of context when we try to compare human women. That is because we have got ourselves adapted to various kinds of lifestyles since times immemorial, and have lost many of our inherent potentials thereby. A small monkey, which lives barely on just fruits (bananas mostly), can grip our arm, and we might not be able to wriggle out of its grip! Physiologically, the monkey has many similarities, and our size is far better, so also our food intake. But we drain our energy elsewhere unlike the monkey. Even the monkey-clap of hands we see in zoo is indicative of how conservatively it spends energy, for the same sound-produce! Its hands hang loosely while clapping, where as we hold our palms rigid even when idle.

Anyway, there was a very pertinent question about health perils of a woman. And I decided to stay confined to the question, while looking at the suggestive answer.

Psn(19th October, 2010)
What are the health perils a woman faces in today's world? What can she do to stay healthy?
Changing life-styles, stressful relationships, improper diet, lack of exercise - there are many things that cause a woman's health to suffer, particularly, in today's world. As we spread awareness on breast cancer on Answers, we would also like Answerers to consider other illnesses that might be equally life-threatening. What can a woman do to stay healthy in spite of her circumstances? Let's celebrate womanhood this October.

My answer:
Yes! The clue is in the question itself! Changing life styles (additional portfolios), stressful relationships (lack of mutual trust, due to heavy contribution by situation), improper diet (no time to cook, pick the right kind of food), lack of exercise (multitasker mask snatching away precious time space for self)!
The family that benefits from the woman who takes up these additional tasks, has to consciously share the task of minimizing health perils
The woman herself has to take into trust her family and extend the first step towards mutual sharing. Frank discussion must take place giving priority to seemingly small factors, which affect the health over a period of time. The woman must acknowledge the enormity of additional loads involved in terms of stress, health etc, and explore areas where there can be massive support from family members, colleagues at work, friends and relatives near and far too. The traditional outlook, viewpoint, opinion, inclination, etc has to become flexible to suit the needs around, without compromising the intrinsic values
Staying healthy for present day woman is not 'just exclusively' her own concern, her own task, her own responsibility. It has to be recognized as a family's joint and team effort. The benefits are reciprocal, and always towards a win-win situation. Physiologically, the present day stressful situation targets the very strong point(traditionally held as strength) of a woman, emotions.

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