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Monday, October 23, 2006

Love Death & Life ?

the question...
" True or not true?
Those who truly love life;aren't afraid to lose it.tell me why its true or not ... "
This question never fails to fascinate me...
So, once again I attempt to look at it..
Any feedback , after-thought, short falls, comments ?
I quote the answer I gave....
TRUE ! A simple way to understand this would be to just say that a person who lives a contended life, has no expectations from it, and is therefore in a deep state of acceptance to also accept death cheerfully ! For the more inquisitive,......Once a person can experience life in its fullest dimension, he experiences everything around as a part of himself. He experiences the unlimited nature of his 'self' . For such a person there is no death. It looks like a contradiction, but the only way to understand this is through experience ! This person has experienced the true meaning of death.... it is the absence of life, like darkness is just absence of light and cold is just absence of heat etc... The fear of death can go only with the experience of what it is ! There are time-tested traditional practices to teach this. It can happen even casually, unexpectedly, unawares also to anyone who comes close to death like situation, and mind also ceases for a while, but rare and the experience might create more doubts than clarity , since it happened without preparation of mind, and sharing produces less support , being unique and rare, and less acceptable with a vast majority of scientific , logical people around

Sunday, October 08, 2006


I was waiting for the next available bus eager to make the journey !
Such was the eagerness, so I decided to take up the earliest question that even 'just touches' the subject. Please read on, and be sure to give your welcome, awaited comments/feedback, and if desirous, the email id too.

what you think is love marrige is good or arrang marrige is good?
Its true that everywhere is misteks and for that mistake some one shoud be punishid or repay for that.In the arrange marrige where the family mambers take the resposibility to serch the would be new faimly member,they did there best.But if they make any worange desicion then two live, to family compleatly disturbed and a bitterness take place in relation.Being an advocate I myself seen many divorce cases and broaken families.Just a question came in the mind who is resposable to thes thing.Why in socity the person who is going to marry ,why can not take there dicison?but there are also example in society where love marrige too break?thus I want to know what you feel as a society member what the mode of it sould be and why?

My Answer:
Please go to the very basics to understand this. The very early man of ancient days did not need marriage at all ! Reproduction was a natural instinct, and nature allowed it by just satisfying one condition, like in animals, the reproductive age ! Only when self-awareness enhanced, man consciously decided to excercise a choice , now driven by a desire for REFINEMENT !From there on the level of evolvement decided the level of refinement desired, and accordingly more and more selectivity crept in. It reached peaks where, some cultures understood the consciousness, life process, so well, out of deeper perception, that they could clearly perceive the purpose of birth, and very very consciously(much much deeper, than a normal, rational , logical thinking can reach ! ) chose to decide about it far early(even about child marriage) , and so out of tremendous sense of responsibility , prescribed very stringent rules of selectivity criteria for marriage to maximise the possibility of such couples to not only reach peak levels of spirituality, but also to ensure greater progeny of similar types ! In doing so, they could maximise the compatibility of a deeper purpose of life between couples. All this process reduced the original purpose of reproduction to least of importance, though an essentially needed one ! This process not only improved over a period of time, but also sustained for good few centuries !When values were lost, cultural degeneration happened, the capability to understand the intrinsic values of these 'seemingly blind restrictions ' got lessened, the youngsters started questioning the very process ! The questioning is very well justified. The understanding of answers depends upon ability to have deeper level of perception, as well as knowledge of the person giving the answers !Today, those who adhere to traditional methods of 'arranged' marriages do so mostly out of blind faith , this blind faith seeks a consolation from the logical conclusion that "so many ancient people doing it for so long a time could not have gone wrong, or could not have done it without a good reason" ! Such borrowed intelligence is very difficult to LEAN upon when dealing with modern scientific minds !So, if the capability of understanding the purpose of refinement is lost, it is better to go to the basic purpose of just reproduction(like the primitive men), and do not STUPIDLY deprive oneself of ATLEAST the primitive desires and pleasures of mating, according to one's own choice , driven by superficial appearances of beauty ! Any conscious restriction imposed voluntarily on oneself, in any manner, is, to always achieve a refinement in personal characteristics , which ever way you look at it, what ever the situation it is applied to !Choice of birth, the toughest , most complex, most mystic, too was harnessed by intellectual and spiritual excellence by the ancient masters, churning out a well defined methodology ! So, obviously, it also has to be the most difficult of all things to perceive !