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Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Mosquito versus meditation

 Mosquito versus meditation 

Mosquito suddenly became a teacher+yardstick for me,

During 1992.


By parameters "known" to me then
I had preconcluded
That I "relax" sufficiently well, ( especially with sufficient practice of that guided meditation where conscious 'tensing and relaxing' of each part of body is prescribed!  Initially, we use voluntary muscles etc, to create tension & then let-go.... relaxation 'happens'  involuntarily 😜)

The teacher said "Mosquito is an intelligent creature.
It won't waste its venom. It pokes the needle a "little" to check the stiffness of your skin. If soft, it gently pushes the needle further, draws a drop of blood, departs!
Only it's venom causes 'pain' to you. We have had 'butterfly-needles' for baby's injections? Mosquito has better ones🙏
So, if you are keen to avoid pain, just relax a little more. Compromise. 1 drop blood-donation isn't going to deplete you. Alternatively,  sit inside a Mosquito net. Still worse, use those toxic cream, fumes etc"

Choice was mine.
1) learn to relax deep enough ( even the 7 layers of skin gets 😌 relaxed ---to atleast Mosquito-standards, if not better😭)
2) spend money and health on expensive defence-procurement.

I too was capable of stubbornity at-will 😜
I decided to learn that cursed thing called skin-level-relaxation to meet my co-habitants called Mosquitoes😡.

It took hell of a
Lot of time to learn.  Humble beginning was extra painful.  Sitting not-meditating, I notice an uninvited guest, Mosquito landing on my forearm
He is busy & focused . He pokes the needle. I get "alert" I too focus.
Dammit....pain is double? 🤔
( lesson : mere focusing increases my skin-tension!!! That lady nurse "knows" . A wise nurse says "look away". Atleast the incremental tensing due to focus is reduced.  Cellular-level intelligence will "naturally resist".  The distinction became quite-clear.  A scientist looking at a phenomenon 'affects the effects' a little 😳)

Anyway, mind-over-matter wala-concept was needed to be deployed😭
My mind had to gather enough power to instruct my neuro-network, to tell the skin-cells "allow the enemy to get inside your fortress!" ( easy to write it here in a few lines. "Project" took time!😜😜

Now, the definition of "relaxing" is still undergoing refinement in me.
Perhaps, only in a GRAVE-situation, that is....I reach my body's final destination ( burial or cremation---let alive ones choose🙏) tension about "how deep to relax" will pause-to-tense 😜

Metabolic activity dropping dramatically,  I was-to-discover, is a short-cut to relax via a by-pass-surgery of stressfull-physical efforts! Confused? ( that's the-mosquito in me😜... injecting kaanfusion/confusion👍

Pokingly yours,

psn (4 March, 2025)

Monday, March 03, 2025

Being Good

 Being Good!

Who suffers more? Good ones or the bad ones?” Asked the teacher!

It was a yoga program.

Of course “good ones”( my mind prompted out of “real-life” experience 🙏😭

I chided my mind “okay, dammit😡… now don't repeat my stories related to this….. I paid for this class. Can't miss the next few sentences, getting drowned into your re-telecast of those tragic episodes! Just shut up and listen

I didn't miss the recipe. Teacher narrated a short story. A cobra took an advice of a saint too-seriouly 😜 ( be good unto others)

A kid accidentally threw a ball, and it hurt this snake “a little only” ( my mind “tries” to divert me with “yep! You too thought, little-help to colleagues and they got addicted to exploiting your goodness…remember? “ I had to stop my mind again “buddy, didn't I tell you to shut-up. I don't want to miss the-lesson in that story! I can't even throw you OUT…. YOU ARE MY-MIND😭… P-L-E-A-S-E  Shut up”

I didn't miss the “continuity”.

The kid was surprised. That ‘stupid’ snake didn’t hisssss!😳

Soon kids got the news( this cobra is an idiot. Doesn't react 😜)

They had fun, throwing pebbles, then stones at this ‘good’ snake!

Badly bruised…the cobra once again…went to that saint, complained.

The saint laughed,”fool….you didn't listen CAREFULLY, I told you “BE good, not LOOK-good.”... who told you not to hissssss? “ the snake got the teachings! 1)pay attention when taught 2)’good’ is relevant to ‘self, not for advertisements etc! 


My tragic sample-story ( of being “good” like that STUPID snake).

I don't want to be tooo-good, telling too many of my tragic-stories, lest you will be bored😜

A colleague used to ‘tease’ me “PSN…you are just-lucky, you appeared for bank job at north( nagpur). Here, you would have flopped😂. Competitors are better here!”( I was supposed to be “good”! I didn't react with “dammit, I topped the list there!😡… combined list of graduates, and non-graduates, and I was a non graduate! “ ……actually this guy used to ask me to explain circulars in english/hindi--bi-lingual)

One day, he requested “hey, psn….draft a 2-minute welcome speech. Make it good! Delegates from all over India “ 

I wrote.

He read it on Mike.

Next day, he asks me “psn,  what did you write? I just read it mechanically. Normally,  only a 2-second feeble claps for welcome speeches. But, yesterday they clapped for 5 minutes, that too STANDING😳”

I didn't know what to say😭

I tried “looking good”, by saying “oh! Did they applause? Maybe they call it ‘standing ovation’…. Sorry-yaar, I forgot what wrote, in those 10 sentences🙏… anyway,  nothing harmful isnt it?  Let's forget👍”

I don't think I can learn to “hissssss” during this-life-time😰😭

But I thank Gawd, I didn’t have to learn afresh “how to hissssss at my mind, by  asking it to shut-up😜”( meditations seemed a “bit” easier, sooner in me🙏🙏🙏)

Badly yours,

psn(3rd March, 2025)

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Placebo effect

 Placebo effect

We know what that means 🙏

( a typical example is : my classmate at school….now an eminent surgeon,  used to tell me 4 decades ago “ some patients insist on having an non-existent ailment. I inject plain water, and tell them ‘very powerful injection’. And they get rid of their symptoms “.....  )

Enough research is going on on placebo effect. Mind, when positive, seems to discharge curative material abundantly enough in the body, hastening the “healing” process…

One instance where a training in placebo effect works, and I came across it was….  Coast guards are trained to chant “i must swim” and use it 15 minutes before hypothermiasets in them…..  It seems when hypothermia sets in while trying to rescue people drowned in near-zero degrees Celsius sea water( Coasts of U.K. etc).... icy water numbs the brain. Body can do only the last-few instructions of the brain, of 15 minutes ago. So, “I must swim” increases the chances of survival. An example of “placebo “ of mind.

But ancient Bharat innovated this placebo very scientifically, and structured it to “function” extremely well,  consciously ( not like a “numbed brain”😜)

Certain meditative practices deepens into extremely relaxed state of physiology,  while maitining razor-sharp alertness and awareness.  Once this is within ‘a reach’ the person can actualize his strong visualizations at very-very subtle levels too! Seemingly super-human tasks become possible.  Siddhi, is one popular branch of spirituality where this “sophisticated “ format of placebo-meditations are deployed to acquire such tough capabilities.  Synthesis with past karma ( prarabhda, inherited & acquired) helps karma get dissolved, using these deep meditative states!

Not quite a convincing blog this one🙏 ( especially the description of ancient sophistication-part of placebo! ).  Research, using ailments and ways to cure, basically differs from research using “health” and ways to enhance it to peak levels of performance 🙏.  Results/findings differ dimensionally🙏. Utilitarian aspects depend on “findings” as presented by that-mind🙏

Plainly yours,

psn(2nd march 2025)

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Imposing ideas

 Imposing ideas

Advertisement world survives on imposing ideas on its victims.

And the ‘disclaimer’ in fine print survives on our laziness to read it.

I am not good at imposing ideas.

And……somehow, by some strange luck, it so happened that for all these 7 decades, I never succumbed to any imposition by others🤣 ( not even an instruction like “pray” ( at a temple) really impressed me. I used to join palms, and make-a-show, so that they( elders) focus on their-prayer, instead of wasting  their precious visit on me🙏😰. I assumed-the, “ maybe it works for them” 

Is it not a “desire” surmounted by a huge expectation, of that desire to get-fulfilled, which provides a vulnerability to become victimized to “ideas” that may not suit_us, work_for_us?

I told my son “brush your teeth the first thing, early morning”. He obeyed. It worked for_him_too. But I didn’t try to tell my toothless grandpa “hey! You don't brush ….then why are you IMPOSING that idea on me?” 

Teachers find it hard, to impose on certain kids the idea “sit quietly while in the class!”( now, doctors found it a lucrative source to siphon money from loving parents, by selling the idea that “restlessness in certain kids is a disorder”...  ADHD--ATTENTION-DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER).

 Unless, a kid sits calm and focused,  how to thrust the lessons into its head?  Can we call it imposing ideas….. that A,B,C,D….1,2,3,4? The kid is yet to learn politics of language_imposition, NEP, anti_hindi protest, etc😜

I see a speeding truck about to crush a deaf person, looking away. Do I appeal to him “sir, I dont want to impose my idea ‘you better step aside, to escape a fatal accident” and leave it to his choice to contemplate_deep, before succumbing to my_idea.. I just push him hard. He sustains minor abrasions on his forearms, falling suddenly! But he is alive🙏. I thank God, I saved him! 

When do I end up, imposing my_ideas? 

Should I wait till the other person realises that I have victimized him into accepting my ideas? 

Can I not use my ‘brains’ to distinguish between what is common and can be conveyed versus what is not going to work for others, just because it did for me? ( a guru noticed his deciple, copypasting an idea “if my guru can drink liquors,  I too can” and was buying a drink, and drank it. That guru stopped at a blacksmiths workshop, picked a cubicle of molten iron, gulped it. Then the Guru turned to look at disciple and that look conveyed “your turn now…. Copypaste this too dammit😡”... the disciple hung his head down)

Apart from being honest in sharing my experiences ( clearly distinguishing….what worked, and what did not…for me) I learnt that my ideas need to be workable for the others. A phrase,  “Value-addition” seems a useful reminder, till I find a better phrase, a comprehensive one🙏.

Experience of having_shared ideas( experience based) also educates me on what seemingly suits others, but doesn't appeal_enough to invoke their passion to fuel an effort to try it.

Capitalists, socialists, communists, fundamentalists, extremists, radicals….and now paid tool-kits experts, are not/never going to subscribe to this idea of “do not impose ideas on others for personal ego-satisfaction”...  Inadvertently,  certain propagationists of certain religions use unfair means( within the loopholes of law😜) to impose their “beliefs” on forced-converts!  

A color-blind, yet to get tested for it, might recognise different shades of “grey” and even convince me “look this is what you call as blue, in your language, isn't it?” And I agree👍 … indeed it is blue for me, I can see colours! ( and I don't know really, if the bandwidth of waves i call as “blue” is actually a “green” for the other fellow, but he calls my_blue as his_blue, though, the colour he sees is “green”. Labels of colors don't matter, as long as we are consistent in identifying it the same way, each time🙏).

How about trying to make the other, find an appeal to pursue his_spirit? 🤣 can't impose even a pursuit ( only thereafter, a “question” can arise about which_of the 4 paths, and tools of each one!🙏😰😰😰).

Insurance,  is a subject-matter of solicitation ( so is spirituality. ) . Even law prohibits imposing “insurance “ policy🤣.

Habit-forming negatives shouldn't be made available even as visual temptations ( forget about imposing such temptations).


Did I impose this blog to be read? ( anyway,  seldom do my blogs touch readers deep enough!🙏… quite harmless)

Harmlessly yours,

psn(1 March, 2025)

Monday, February 17, 2025


 We do many things with our lives! We do things, with or without boredom( in all its varieties and types, known by its distinct names of boredom).  An aspirant happened to ask me a "small question" to know, what I would suggest, to deepen the breathing-technique, as a part of coming closer to the "being" in us, that source-of-life in us, the soul, the spirit, aatmaa, whatever.  Of course,  the popular name, to suit our convenience is "spirituality"

My response was....... ""What shall I do?"

It is asked in "all innocence"( as far as I am concerned)

As far as you are concerned, it is asked, relating to what I said "about" breath, nose, nostrils, etc. etc.....

I can answer out of a) my concern & b) your concern too!

My concerns a) I should do, whatever I do, at any point of time  _*at my best*_ 🙏

My best, is always going to result into my intensity at its best😜

And if I manage it well I end up, living "life" intensely!  

And consequently,  I avoid a "dull" moment in my life🙏. 

Even if boredom tries to invade me, I live-it ( that boredom _*so intensely*_ that..... its fuel gets expended damn fast and it vanishes out of me!  Note---we can't be "tense" about "boredom"😜.. we can be intense!  So, I deal with "boredom" spending zero energy😜 and drain all its Armour! ( worst case scenario? If boredom can be "dealt" intensely, I can deal with anything intensely! )

b) your concern.  Right now, you can't do-away with breathing! It is a "job" we do 24/7 😰

All we are doing it...... just trying to give "some" due-respect to it, for a little-while, a bit consciously,  a bit alert, a bit aware too!😰

And that fundamental sign of life in us, the breath.....he is responding to us with his richest treasures.  He releases us from the shackles of needless-repetitious thought-processes for a few nano-seconds. Then, if we pursue,  milli-seconds, fractions of 1 seconds, a-second, and couple of seconds.....etc

Probably, when we "gain" consciousness after a deep sleep, we become breath-aware, ....may not be too-consciously.... bekos, "where am I?" hurrys to pester us! 

We shall look at the doing-part of "what to do" as we progress a little further👍 ( time scale is uncertain 🙏....  but yes, time-scale is inversely proportional to my intensity at doing anything.) ..... തപസ്/tapas/तपस्या താപം,ताप, heat. A symbolism to represent intensity. High temperatures can make anything amenable quickly.  Cast iron, steel, etc.   Diamond can't resist even a matchstick flame😜...despite being hardest substance!


Then I thought, am I intense about sharing it?


Unintentionally yours,

psn(17 Feb 2025)

Sunday, February 16, 2025


 “to arrange for something to be given to somebody after you have died”

(Google meaning)

Even as a kid, I used to wonder!

What all, can be that “something“ that we leave behind, when we “go”????

Tangible things were given a distinct name in the ancient days “benedictions/anugraha”

Intangible ones were named “blessings/aasheervada”...

I looked around ( for tell_tale evidences)

Dilapidated structures like old forts and temples only! ( that means, those old guys were more inclined about inclusiveness😰🙏…. If, residences of their-own descendants were a priority, I “could have” noticed a 1500 year old house too! 🙄.

Instead, mostly temples, and a few forts. Both were for ‘society’ not family.

We are bequeathing tons of non-biodegradable litter, garbage 🤣

We didn't spare even the periphery of our planet! Our rockets need-programming to “avoid” collusion with junk of our-own earlier space crafts! 

Anyway,  I thank my “fate” 🙏

My stupid-curiosity led to “discovery” of fascinating intangible things bequethed by my ancestors ( called rishis! I chant their “names” …..a “bit” consciously,  when I perform certain rituals prescribed for descendants of traditional beggars1👍… we beg in sanskrit—-merely because the attached sound-forms of sanskrit are……vouched by modern scientists……to be in CONFORMITY with laws of Quantum physics😜. 

Sounds awesome?  Not really😰. Inheriting such sophisticated software, comes with “conditions apply”!😭. I need to perpetually strive to dedicate this intangible blessings and the derivatives thereof, the tangible benediction thereof, to all the animate-plus-inanimate life-forms of this Universe🙏😰. An insurmountable task! I can only do-my-best! This inclusiveness i inherited is labeled as “vasudeiva kutumbakam”( again, sanskrit 😭—-this universe if my-family!  Functional aspect doesn't prevent me from dealing effectively/appropriately with terrorists 😜.   To misguide us one fool had bequeathed cleverly only-one-half of a vedic quote, “ahimsa parama dharma”. I had to hunt for missing half “dharma himsa thatha-eva cha” ( “non violence is ultimate dharma” first half. Second is “dhaarmic-violence is likewise too”! Dharma means cosmic laws, infallible, foolproof, flawless! Human laws are for “some kind of orderliness in a society” not always a provider of justice🙏

Spiritual concepts( way beyond the sensory levels of perception) are the highest of bequeathed items of my ancients 🙏. They guide me to reach the highest-human-possibility. How-best am I going to “inherit” this bequeathal?  It is entirely upto me!😰🙏

Hindu-way-of-life, is the subtlest among “tangible” bequeathals! 😜… i needed to sharpen my alertness+awareness to “humanly-best” levels to inherit these!  Early symptoms/signs of my having inherited these subtle, tangible items is…..I begin to “sense” the chaitanya, the subtle-energies of the Mega-powerhouses called temples🙏…. If I don't sense it, I merely visit a temple to “shout” my demands, as if the Godji residing therein, has gone deaf over centuries😜🙏… I copy paste this shouting-ritual from my recent ancestors who abstained inheritance of sensitivity! Then, I might genetically-bequeath my negatives to my descendants ( like anger, fear, hate, resistance etc) and thereby script the doom of my posterity 😭🙏… I need to take care! I should produce  a better and an improved-version-only, out of me! 🙏

Inherently inherited,

Ever yours,

psn(16 feb 2025)

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Knowing ( latent things)

 "Many knew"....( something "big" is going to happen! 🤣)


Difficult to "prove" in a court. 

Because, court accepts only_ADMISSIBLE_evidence😰🙏

While, politicians 'depend' on  outsourced info( to know), ....

Knowing something by ourselves is based on deepened perceptional abilities🙏 ( luck_factor is only about our mind becoming "receptive" enough to deduce from available info🙏)

How do we know, what we know? ( is dealt clearly in a book, Ayn Rand "An introduction  to objectivist epistemology". Tough to grasp🙏).

But the "possibility" of knowing things, can be understood,  from real_examples!

A clerk( in a bank) was lamenting "I got punished for no fault" . Story is real, though as old as 1977. He narrated it after an year! I got convinced. I "knew" it, from his narrative. Proving it was a challenge!  Cash was short by ₹ 5000, when he "handed" over keys of safe to regular cashier after 3 days of temporary charge. 

Clue "came" from the extra-question I asked him😜

"Which denomination?" I quizzed.

Half-heartedly, he said, "5's only"

1000 pieces? I "wondered" 😳 ( nobody accepts 1000 pieces of 5's, noiselessly!)

I easily proved his innocence, using the "records" of denomination totals of receipts and payments of 'cash' of those 3 days! ( the culprit confessed when he "knew" that escape was tough😜. The monetary part of punishment was reversed+restored. The innocent victim was exonerated 🙏. I felt grateful to divinity!)

A huge FCNR deposit( foreign currency) got closed. I said " now a big advance(loan) account also will get closed"( no way to prove the "connection", but concerned people who "knew" about that tie-up were surprised by my correct guess😜).

Delhi drafts paying branch informed H.O. reconciliation "hey! Some fellow sitting in coimbatore has correctly "solved" unreconciled entries of our dilli-ddPaying! 😳" ( I didn't have to prove how_I_did it😜. Nobody is keen to learn_concepts after 40+ age😜... learning curve is horizontal by then.

Toughest in "knowing" for me was.... looking at a 3-dozen people sitting eyes closed, for meditation 😜. They all look alike, sitting eyes closed, ZERO  movement & no expression 😰🙏.  "Is meditaShun really happening inside them?" A futile-looking question!  For most of us, "knowing" of own-meditation is a problem😜

Clue is simple, but not easy! And, I remain "loyal" to the spiritual tradition of withholding that "secret". No qualifications are needed. Just perception 🙏

Partially spiritual incident.

At 10 am at main branch(cbe) I told spl.asst. doing signature verification of cheques "sir, just keep a watch, today... even your normally-calm customers will become slightly-abnormal than usual 😜"

At 3 pm, he quizzed me "hey! How did you know???"🤔

I told him humbly "sir celestial bodies influence human minds! Usually, moon_alone, but imperceptibly 🙏.... "

Then I added an "admissible evidence"😜

I said, "on full moon days, tides are higher---fishermen don't  venture into deep seas.  Human body is 70 %  water. Wardens find chronic+acute inmates of mental health homes tougher to handle!  We are aam_aadmi. We too get influenced, a_little! Today is full moon day, and certain larger stars, and positioned_planets in our solar system accelerate moon's influence on all water bodies!".... he "😳😳😳"( a close friend he 'was'... he is no more!🙏😰😰).

We make a difference to ourselves,  our co-habitants & posterity by the DEPTH of our ability of 'knowing' 🙏. 

Sorry for such long narrative🙏

 Knowìngly yours,

psn(15 feb 2025)