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Tuesday, January 07, 2025

How i use the sense of discrimination

 Very safe to talk “about-myself” only, isn't it?

What's true with-me, is my-experience of that( life). Not necessarily others “would have gone through” ……something similar.


I feel that,

Others too might be able to “use” my-experience, I try-to share it, and the others have a “choice” to throw it or use it.

Example 1

( how I explain, using my sense of discrimination)

A middle aged housewife( family friend) asked me : why are we not required to write the amount in words, like we used-to, while drawing cheque?( digital technology—net-banking, unified payments interface, etc…changed the “game rules”)”

I said, :” Madam, several reasons. All of them have a common source! Human intervention, other than me, the power on my-money!

I write a cheque, which is an instruction to my-custodian( trustworthy! ) a bank…. to handover money to the person( not a dog, or a machine) i name. A  certain sum , a specific sum ( to avoid ambiguity PLUS distortion, I NEED to reduce the ambiguity and safeguard the distortion by…..REPEATING the sum in words). On their part BANK makes the cheque leaf vulnerable to alteration, using a paper from “security printing press). A smudge with a drop of sweat distorts the MICRO printing of banks name all over the OBVERSE… Being a THOROUGH professional, whe bank itself writes a cheque on itself( DD….payorder), they further complicate it for the forger by using pin-point typewriter….

Today, we customers are ALONE going to DEAL with OUR money. Zero intervention by another human. Digital technology.  Humans in bank get busy, taking care of machines. Safety ( with “fire walls”),  user-friendly  with innovation…… SECURITY with counter-checks ( OTP, id of user, password, gateway ….prohibiting foreign hackers,  internet-protocol-address….etc)

Basically…….dependence on human-trust is SHIFTED to a machine.  

Now, bankers are struggling to prove their trustworthiness, like never-before 🙏🙏🙏😜😜😜”

Example 2 ( within my work place)

I “found” …..thanks to my senses…..that

a)auditors insist on checking a small book, ALWAYS  kept inside the cash-safe. This book is updated EVERY TIME, when cash is kept or taken out, such that the “balance” shown in the book is exactly-same as physical cash! 

What could be the purpose? 🤔….

I discovered . Safe manufacturers have indemnified the bank, from any loss of cash ( fire or theft) during the period when cash safe is locked!  Insurance premium can be saved by the bank, when AMOUNT of…cash-in-safe is reduced from total amount requested to-be-insured.

b)staff trying to rejoin duty after any-type of leave( especially on health grounds) can be asked to produce a fitness certificate from a qualified-doctor.  Bank-doctor, is only a matter of mutual trust, communication-ease, fixed-charges, less vulnerability of being bribed by a nefarious staff😜, etc.

When a dilution in leave rules came “one day sick-leave allowed without a medical certificate”.... the addition INVOKED my sense of discrimination 🤣… bank added “fitness certificate however, is at the discretion of the bank/manager/boss”...   why? 

Then I discovered : health of other staff and customers is also, a MORAL responsibility of bank!!!....  what if, that fellow was sick, and rejoins to SPREAD a disease like corona virus? Communicable contagion?  ( it is quite ANOTHER matter that sending a subordinate to a doctor WHIMSICALLY-also, happens in rare-stray cases 🙏… in such cases, inadvertently though, the bank ends up committing in-writing that “you-fellow…. We trust neither you, nor your goddammed doctor ANYMORE 😡😡😡…”  

Use of a sense of discrimination, NEEDS a judicious use of sense of discretion.  Choice, used as discretion, involves a sense of judicious essence, or Juris-prudence. Even an illiterate cannot dispense-with these “senses” though he escaped explaining it in an answerpaper, at school. 

Spiritual pursuits demand “abundant” measure of these very senses, and ability to use them best....if the purpose of this pursuit is for own sake, and not for commercial success as a fake-Godman 🤣( example:  while inside my-dream, i am unable to tell my grandpa "hey, you were dead long ago? How are you appearing before me now?" . He seems real+alive during the dream. Only after I wake up, and narrate my dream, that sense of discrimination WORKS, and I say "I saw our dead grandpa in my dream last night! He was real!".  Why do we lose that sense of discrimination while-inside a dream???? Dunno! Figure it out, reaching your "spirit" with-or-without spirituality😜🙏)

Indiscriminately yours,

psn (7 jan 2025)

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Components of mental health


Strength works in different ways, depending on what it accompanies with.

Real life example might help.

I am using example from my life. So please try to look at it objectively, avoiding subjectivity! The "real" part, I hope, might persuade an appeal towards authenticity 🙏...

My mom had a strong mind. But lacked intelligence in certain areas. It resulted into stubbornness. Again, her emotional sensitivity( nature's gift to female life forms), guided her to know that, she needs to be stubborn only unto herself! So, she was docile( not flexible) with others. Unfortunately,  me, and my dad were a part of "herself", and so, a partial-victim of her stubbornity🤣.  She realized all this, but too late, when her body failed her desire to express her realization through actions! ( her example taught me a lot🙏).

For 1½ decades, starting past her 60s she cooked 3 meals for some 60 volunteers at isha yoga ashram🤣, all alone, and tirelessly! Her lack of mental "health" delayed her spiritual growth, whereas her mental strength  helped her to stubbornly pursue the practices🙏😜....  phoreners/foreigners used to put down their suitcases and enquire-first "where is that old lady who does suryanamaskar and other asanaas dexterously in an age-defying manner?"( teacher, during his classes in west, used to quote her example.... "when you come to ashram, look at her doing it"...)

After 10 years, she exclaimed to my sister "only now, I am able to understand what this idiot( me😜) was talking about!" I used to share with my mom, my experience of certain advanced_level spiritual-practices😰.... my mom, so a bit in-detail. Uterine consanguity warranted better "disclosures" then usual🙏

Strength,  endurance, flexibility, resistance, sustenance,  stability, intelligence etc .....are components of health.... ( used interchangeably and causing confusing-conclusions)

Feebly yours,

psn (5 jan, 2025)

Friday, January 03, 2025

Truth Versus Fact

 I like to try being ‘easy’ on my readers, at the first write up of 2025.

A teacher, asked in the class “hey, you! Name 2 pronouns”

From the “direction “ of that teacher's look, a nervous kid stood up, in all innocence and stammered nervously :“ who???? Me???” 😰😰😰

Much to his surprise, the teacher said “Good  👌👍…. Sit down”

That kid was, unable to understand…… even his-utter-disbelief!!!( how could I be “good” for asking this?)

In my 5th class, my classmates narrated this. Since majority didn't laugh, this narrative couldn't qualify as a joke. 😭

Fact : that kid gave a correct answer ( full marks)

Truth : that kid is still ignorant ( about pronouns in English grammar)

If I were to use concepts of jurisprudence taught to me in LLB, to explain the legal definition between truth and a fact, my readers might get annoyed!

Its a fact that certain people with “siddhis” can easily pass-off as Godmen, and fool ignorant people!  But the truth is such siddhi-experts might be yet to qualify as a spiritually evolved being, since the “quality “ of mind is still impure and corrupt 😜

Humorously yours,

 psn (3 jan 2025)

Monday, December 30, 2024

Tiny karmas

 "Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will....take care of themselves"

Goes the saying 😜

Quite encouraging isn't it? 

"I CANNOT wake up before_sunrise"

Somebody says stoutly...🤣

It's a sample of a tiny_karma.

Is that person willing to break that karma?
Or, does he call it "मेरी मर्ज़ी,  मेरा freedom,  when to wake up... तू कोण है  बोलने वाला? "( my wish, my freedom....who the_hell are you, to advice me?)

I appeal 🙏 " गुरु,  इसको freedom नही,  मजबूरी कहते हैं 😰"( boss, this is helplessness,  not freedom)

If he yields,
I suggest "सिर्फ एक मिनट जल्दी उठो,  कुछ  दिनों के लिए " ( just try waking up 1 minute earlier, for a few days)
And then, he himself increments it to 5 minutes earlier than his kaarmic-bondage-timing of waking up 🙏

Before long, he might wake up 5 minutes earlier than the alarm in smartphone to "dismiss" the message "alarm in 5 minutes"😳

What i found as a challenge, during 2006 was, a question from a phoren_Madam from USA "how to get sleep? ( doctors please don't reply, sleeping pills don't work for me)"
I tried. ( yahoo answers forum. Any one can try an answer , and the asker picks  "best" answer in 3 days or extended 6 days.
Six days later that Madam picked mine, as best. But sent me a private message "hey! I had asked for only_sleep, but your answer gave me peace_of_mind too, god bless you" . Whether our Godji is going to pay any attention to such trifles or not.... my reward was she could break a tougher "karma" of hers, and she now has the freedom to sleep, and become peaceful at-will 😜

I earned my freedom of choice to help even_others, if they are "willing" to dissolve their mini_ karma.

Big ones, "not my job" says my limitations/my_karma, right now👍

Freely yours,

(psn, 3o dec, 2024)

Tail piece 

Imagine my shocking_surprise, when I discovered that "begging for their food was not a helplessness,  but a choice, for ancient mendicants of Bharath mahan 😳 ( I tried a combo of 2 mudras plus 1 kriya, taking 4 hours, and did it 3 times a day. Means? 12 hours a day. The "need" for conventional uploading of edible food via mouth, got OBVIATED 🙏😳😳😳. "Oops, " I told myself,"it means man can go without food for any long. Not even hunger, forget starvation, going to nag him😜... that explains, the "how" of deep hibernation of 6 months by ancient ascetics was possible, transcending biological limitatins/a _karma too!😜)

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Knowing self

 A beautiful question came up from one of my acquaintances. 

Who the person is,      doesn't matter.

The mind, that COULD-COME-UP,  to asking such-a-question is.....for me..... is precious.....a reward in itself🙏

Question :"Having known me via my thoughts only could you please tell me how wide is the knotty circle of karma around me ? …. Desires have dripped for material things but emotional attachment and seeking comfort in it are still there and that makes me wonder did I really manage to break free even one knot or not."

( i don't even have to mention the reference of a blog of mine, which persuaded the "rise" of this question.)

My response:

The "genuineNess" of this question
the healthy traditional practice followed by 2 prominent plus very ancient experts.

I have been bogged down by these two----genuine quest and established practice( for very strong reasons).

While that_genuineness persuades me with all its strength to disclose( whatever little i know, assuming that my knowing in this aspect is true/correct/flawless) .....the strong reasons( which i delved into, after great labor and steadfastness) for non-disclosure  dissuades me.

I received help from a teacher( who is DAMN GOOD at having "dealt" with very-similar situations) when I pondered over "how he dealt with-me, when .....my_genuineness was mine, and hence strong too.....and the question was also mine (and therefore, well thought out too😜).

2 occasions,  when I asked him. First one was in 1992 too primitive, when I look at the second one, today.
Second one was a tougher one, deep enough to constitute_itself into a kind_of litmus test for any wise plus spiritually evolved being. The reply is too sacred, and so, I shall merely mention here, only the question 🙏 "why is it that ....when I think of asking you a question, the urge to ask disappears as soon as I present myself before you to ask?"( this question had replaced the "set of other questions" singularly😜🤣🤣🤣

"I want to ask you something" preceded this question, and he generously offered "yes! Please ask"

Via thoughts....
Knowing (somebody)this way, is far_more comprehensive than the results of a pair of youngsters(lovers) claiming "we knew each other pretty well, and therefore decided to unite for life, not waiting for any sanction from our parents or anybody"( then, why the hell do majority of your_type of pairs end up quarreling and racing towards a divorce? 🤣🤔🤔🤔.... they "realise" that their tools  to know or  and yardsticks measure that knowing well fell short miserably 😜😰😰😰)

Knowing the "mind" is proportional to knowing the past_karmic_residue of any person. This knowing( as you wonderfully picked it up) differs from an independent observer to the observed.  Standing on  the edge of a wheel spinning fast, affords very little scope or clarity, compared to standing on the hub. Standing a little-away from the wheel affords "needed" clarity.

It is here that....meditative-practices come handy. 🙂
Hub of the mind is itself tough to reach. Standing just beside the mind is great fortune, and a meditative-state🙏

Coming to our-question. "How wide is the knotty circle around me?"
How tightly is each knot? ( more pertinent, isn't it? ).

Large balls of several knots are easier to untie perhaps, when a single knot, with a fragile loosely spun cotton thread, presents a problem like "is it better to cut it? The knot is wet, making it near-impossible to hold the entire thread firmly😳... strands of cotton get pulled out when I try to grip one thread and pull it gently😭"

Let the knots or size of  knotty ball/s, tightness of knots be any thing. Working at each knot is in our hands. Intensity of eagerness to untie it decides the speed of untying. The "range of speed" is between a moment and several lifetimes.

Trust and trust alone decides, as to "how much of external help are we going to allow to that helper?"

A "human" birth is rare and precious----- was the time tested traditional belief🙏.
An opportunity to use "choice"(which is unavailable to unborn minds or other life_forms into which somebody/being gets-born🙏.

If properly utilized, this choice can become our best+reliable guide to "show"us  what needs-to-be known🙏

Unknowingly yours,

psn(29 Dec., 2024)

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Spiritual energy

 Quite a subtle thing to grasp.

Something like, the "bulb" of a torchlight cannot hope to see-by-itself, the brand name of batteries sitting inside its belly. A torch made of transparent material can, we may argue🙏... then, I am forced to counter-argue, quoting about the power inside the batteries, which empowers that bulb to see every object around, except its own intangible "source-of-power". Help the bulb, unscrewing it from its seat and bring it out to see, the "light" is gone now, to see....

If, we can look at everything around as energy ( different forms),

We can find scope to look-at thoughts too as energy.

A 10 horsepower engine can "drive" that vehicle, using complex power transmission mechanism. Same car can be blown away by a powerful stormy wind, or a tsunami wave. So, it is just a question of concentrating plus giving direction to energies. 🙂

Thought energies are quite tough to get bundled up ( very unstable, loose etc😜) and still tougher it is, to "give" it a direction😳

If somebody can take up the task of undergoing rigid penances,  austerity etc, then that person wouldn't be "helpless" against a negative force ( rishi-curses taking shape, whereas, we-commoners, shrieking vocally our curses, and our anguish going 'unheard' by mother 'nature' ..... can it not be due to  the difference in enormity of "thought energy"?  Those rishis, were required to re-work, to rebuild those energies lost in curses)

We come across rare instances, where a person "stares" a little longer at a table-spoon and it "moves" a bit, least shivers slightly😜... ( only fictional stories show the spoon "bending" at its narrowest neck 🤣🙏)

Nature doesn't respond to the way we-like to think-of-it. It merely adheres to "cosmic-laws".  The ancient name is sanatana dharma. The "utility" of this sanatana dharma is to progress towards ultimate liberation, whereby, we are released from the innumerable tightly wound knots of unfulfilled desires and negative acts of our-past .....requiring newer births for each set of karmic-bundles! 🤣

Whilst stuck inside an air-tight knot ( of a karmic bundle), that mind is busy trying to untie/fulfil its own mess.  A choice is there, to loosen up a "little" within that tiny available space, by squeezing the tiny desires a "microscopic-bit" in size... and then use that freedom-of-space, to untie small knots nearby. 
We can start our journey, only from where we are right now.... not where we "like to be" ...  we might "like to stand outside our knotty bundle of karma and untie it from outermost circle first! Not possible, if I am stuck in its center. Probably a guru might help a little! He stands outside and can 'view the SIZE of it.  I am a tiny microbe in the tightest knot at the middle of that huge ball of karma, with no visibility about its outer circle. All I can do is, create a comfort-zone at the core, and imagine that "i am free now!". Sooner or later, I grow, in size, when the cravings for more-comforts spin around me, and the choking noose tightens😜 ...
These examples are only illustrative, and not exact. 

Energizing myself intensely, I can break the knots fast, or untie it "slowly"... a choice.

Energetically yours,

psn(28 dec 2024)

Wednesday, December 25, 2024






Heard of it?

 The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a professional thief who steals information by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets. He is offered a chance to have his criminal history erased as payment for the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.

Do we not find a striking-similarity in the story of the book "initiation"? ( Elisabeth Haich.....Google it)


Ancient rishis are "said-to-have-been" adept at this technology.

Of course , hard to believe.

Futile to "force" somebody to believe, simply because,  beliefs don't work. Experience does.

Only our "intellect"( not the-mind) can say "let me see".
Let-me-see,   keeps the door open for a possibility to know, if-at-all something is worth knowing, really exists 😜

I had sufficient experience to support my acceptance.

The teacher quoted a credible evidence to help me open-my-doors, of "let me see". He said "a teenager girl standing at the  bus stop knows, that someone is staring at her, without needing to look back and see..... youthful boys indulge in staring at the girls from behind them, and that girl might "feel" a strange itch on her bare neck/back! The age is such, the stare is quite intense!"

Now, a coPassenger of mine in the spiritual program suggested (1992 or 1993, perhaps) to me "hey, let's try this thought_business! You send me a thought, and let's see,  if I can respond..... you are the better fellow, between us"
I thought of-him on a Sunday evening( holiday for both of us.  We were bank clerks).
In half an hour, he came to my home. We didn't exchange a single syllable.  He sat quiet for 30 minutes and said "I am going" . I nodded! At the gate, he turned back his head to add "let's not try this again. I was on my way elsewhere,  carrying gold ornaments, and by now, my relatives might have become tense at this delay!" ... I nodded-agreement.

This "type" of occurrences happen in a "freak" manner with many.  But the element of  repititiousness is indispensable for a scientific-mind to look at it as a postulate, then theorise it, and conceptualize it to coin it into a scientific law!🤣 . ( right now.....for is a "yes! It works for me" kind of thing).

"Thoughts are still-physical, though too subtle" , advised my teacher. I accepted it from my experience 🙏

Thoughtfully yours,

psn(25 Dec., 2024)