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Monday, February 17, 2025


 We do many things with our lives! We do things, with or without boredom( in all its varieties and types, known by its distinct names of boredom).  An aspirant happened to ask me a "small question" to know, what I would suggest, to deepen the breathing-technique, as a part of coming closer to the "being" in us, that source-of-life in us, the soul, the spirit, aatmaa, whatever.  Of course,  the popular name, to suit our convenience is "spirituality"

My response was....... ""What shall I do?"

It is asked in "all innocence"( as far as I am concerned)

As far as you are concerned, it is asked, relating to what I said "about" breath, nose, nostrils, etc. etc.....

I can answer out of a) my concern & b) your concern too!

My concerns a) I should do, whatever I do, at any point of time  _*at my best*_ 🙏

My best, is always going to result into my intensity at its best😜

And if I manage it well I end up, living "life" intensely!  

And consequently,  I avoid a "dull" moment in my life🙏. 

Even if boredom tries to invade me, I live-it ( that boredom _*so intensely*_ that..... its fuel gets expended damn fast and it vanishes out of me!  Note---we can't be "tense" about "boredom"😜.. we can be intense!  So, I deal with "boredom" spending zero energy😜 and drain all its Armour! ( worst case scenario? If boredom can be "dealt" intensely, I can deal with anything intensely! )

b) your concern.  Right now, you can't do-away with breathing! It is a "job" we do 24/7 😰

All we are doing it...... just trying to give "some" due-respect to it, for a little-while, a bit consciously,  a bit alert, a bit aware too!😰

And that fundamental sign of life in us, the breath.....he is responding to us with his richest treasures.  He releases us from the shackles of needless-repetitious thought-processes for a few nano-seconds. Then, if we pursue,  milli-seconds, fractions of 1 seconds, a-second, and couple of seconds.....etc

Probably, when we "gain" consciousness after a deep sleep, we become breath-aware, ....may not be too-consciously.... bekos, "where am I?" hurrys to pester us! 

We shall look at the doing-part of "what to do" as we progress a little further👍 ( time scale is uncertain 🙏....  but yes, time-scale is inversely proportional to my intensity at doing anything.) ..... തപസ്/tapas/तपस्या താപം,ताप, heat. A symbolism to represent intensity. High temperatures can make anything amenable quickly.  Cast iron, steel, etc.   Diamond can't resist even a matchstick flame😜...despite being hardest substance!


Then I thought, am I intense about sharing it?


Unintentionally yours,

psn(17 Feb 2025)

Sunday, February 16, 2025


 “to arrange for something to be given to somebody after you have died”

(Google meaning)

Even as a kid, I used to wonder!

What all, can be that “something“ that we leave behind, when we “go”????

Tangible things were given a distinct name in the ancient days “benedictions/anugraha”

Intangible ones were named “blessings/aasheervada”...

I looked around ( for tell_tale evidences)

Dilapidated structures like old forts and temples only! ( that means, those old guys were more inclined about inclusiveness😰🙏…. If, residences of their-own descendants were a priority, I “could have” noticed a 1500 year old house too! 🙄.

Instead, mostly temples, and a few forts. Both were for ‘society’ not family.

We are bequeathing tons of non-biodegradable litter, garbage 🤣

We didn't spare even the periphery of our planet! Our rockets need-programming to “avoid” collusion with junk of our-own earlier space crafts! 

Anyway,  I thank my “fate” 🙏

My stupid-curiosity led to “discovery” of fascinating intangible things bequethed by my ancestors ( called rishis! I chant their “names” …..a “bit” consciously,  when I perform certain rituals prescribed for descendants of traditional beggars1👍… we beg in sanskrit—-merely because the attached sound-forms of sanskrit are……vouched by modern scientists……to be in CONFORMITY with laws of Quantum physics😜. 

Sounds awesome?  Not really😰. Inheriting such sophisticated software, comes with “conditions apply”!😭. I need to perpetually strive to dedicate this intangible blessings and the derivatives thereof, the tangible benediction thereof, to all the animate-plus-inanimate life-forms of this Universe🙏😰. An insurmountable task! I can only do-my-best! This inclusiveness i inherited is labeled as “vasudeiva kutumbakam”( again, sanskrit 😭—-this universe if my-family!  Functional aspect doesn't prevent me from dealing effectively/appropriately with terrorists 😜.   To misguide us one fool had bequeathed cleverly only-one-half of a vedic quote, “ahimsa parama dharma”. I had to hunt for missing half “dharma himsa thatha-eva cha” ( “non violence is ultimate dharma” first half. Second is “dhaarmic-violence is likewise too”! Dharma means cosmic laws, infallible, foolproof, flawless! Human laws are for “some kind of orderliness in a society” not always a provider of justice🙏

Spiritual concepts( way beyond the sensory levels of perception) are the highest of bequeathed items of my ancients 🙏. They guide me to reach the highest-human-possibility. How-best am I going to “inherit” this bequeathal?  It is entirely upto me!😰🙏

Hindu-way-of-life, is the subtlest among “tangible” bequeathals! 😜… i needed to sharpen my alertness+awareness to “humanly-best” levels to inherit these!  Early symptoms/signs of my having inherited these subtle, tangible items is…..I begin to “sense” the chaitanya, the subtle-energies of the Mega-powerhouses called temples🙏…. If I don't sense it, I merely visit a temple to “shout” my demands, as if the Godji residing therein, has gone deaf over centuries😜🙏… I copy paste this shouting-ritual from my recent ancestors who abstained inheritance of sensitivity! Then, I might genetically-bequeath my negatives to my descendants ( like anger, fear, hate, resistance etc) and thereby script the doom of my posterity 😭🙏… I need to take care! I should produce  a better and an improved-version-only, out of me! 🙏

Inherently inherited,

Ever yours,

psn(16 feb 2025)

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Knowing ( latent things)

 "Many knew"....( something "big" is going to happen! 🤣)


Difficult to "prove" in a court. 

Because, court accepts only_ADMISSIBLE_evidence😰🙏

While, politicians 'depend' on  outsourced info( to know), ....

Knowing something by ourselves is based on deepened perceptional abilities🙏 ( luck_factor is only about our mind becoming "receptive" enough to deduce from available info🙏)

How do we know, what we know? ( is dealt clearly in a book, Ayn Rand "An introduction  to objectivist epistemology". Tough to grasp🙏).

But the "possibility" of knowing things, can be understood,  from real_examples!

A clerk( in a bank) was lamenting "I got punished for no fault" . Story is real, though as old as 1977. He narrated it after an year! I got convinced. I "knew" it, from his narrative. Proving it was a challenge!  Cash was short by ₹ 5000, when he "handed" over keys of safe to regular cashier after 3 days of temporary charge. 

Clue "came" from the extra-question I asked him😜

"Which denomination?" I quizzed.

Half-heartedly, he said, "5's only"

1000 pieces? I "wondered" 😳 ( nobody accepts 1000 pieces of 5's, noiselessly!)

I easily proved his innocence, using the "records" of denomination totals of receipts and payments of 'cash' of those 3 days! ( the culprit confessed when he "knew" that escape was tough😜. The monetary part of punishment was reversed+restored. The innocent victim was exonerated 🙏. I felt grateful to divinity!)

A huge FCNR deposit( foreign currency) got closed. I said " now a big advance(loan) account also will get closed"( no way to prove the "connection", but concerned people who "knew" about that tie-up were surprised by my correct guess😜).

Delhi drafts paying branch informed H.O. reconciliation "hey! Some fellow sitting in coimbatore has correctly "solved" unreconciled entries of our dilli-ddPaying! 😳" ( I didn't have to prove how_I_did it😜. Nobody is keen to learn_concepts after 40+ age😜... learning curve is horizontal by then.

Toughest in "knowing" for me was.... looking at a 3-dozen people sitting eyes closed, for meditation 😜. They all look alike, sitting eyes closed, ZERO  movement & no expression 😰🙏.  "Is meditaShun really happening inside them?" A futile-looking question!  For most of us, "knowing" of own-meditation is a problem😜

Clue is simple, but not easy! And, I remain "loyal" to the spiritual tradition of withholding that "secret". No qualifications are needed. Just perception 🙏

Partially spiritual incident.

At 10 am at main branch(cbe) I told spl.asst. doing signature verification of cheques "sir, just keep a watch, today... even your normally-calm customers will become slightly-abnormal than usual 😜"

At 3 pm, he quizzed me "hey! How did you know???"🤔

I told him humbly "sir celestial bodies influence human minds! Usually, moon_alone, but imperceptibly 🙏.... "

Then I added an "admissible evidence"😜

I said, "on full moon days, tides are higher---fishermen don't  venture into deep seas.  Human body is 70 %  water. Wardens find chronic+acute inmates of mental health homes tougher to handle!  We are aam_aadmi. We too get influenced, a_little! Today is full moon day, and certain larger stars, and positioned_planets in our solar system accelerate moon's influence on all water bodies!".... he "😳😳😳"( a close friend he 'was'... he is no more!🙏😰😰).

We make a difference to ourselves,  our co-habitants & posterity by the DEPTH of our ability of 'knowing' 🙏. 

Sorry for such long narrative🙏

 Knowìngly yours,

psn(15 feb 2025)

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Thoughtless state

 If we are very sure about what our thoughts are, verbal, non-verbal,  emotional, etc.... it might be easier to know, what a thoughtless state "feels" like! Utility of this seemingly-futile exercise, we can look at, but it needs a little patience😜

Verbal thoughts we know👍 ( babies, don't know. They are yet to learn words 😰🙏)

We are trying to examine the nature of non-verbal thoughts. 

Emotions are itself nonverbal. ( though we assigned names/labels to those emotions, classifying them, based on experiences and occurrences....isn't it?)

"Emotionless" is yet a "name" only 🙂( when actually,  the desire to live is a positive emotion)


What about "labels" for everything we see around , and identify subtly, and yet call it as a thoughtless state? ( तो क्या हुआ?     कुछ नहीं 🙏 ....  ये  भी  एक  thought है  बस 😔)


In our deep sleep

That "bit" of sleep, where the medical term REM(rapid eye movements) is not there.... 

Unawares, we are in a thoughtless-state! 

despite being unaware of /during,,,,, this thoughtless state, are we not getting refreshed? Restored? Rejuvenated? 

( ancients "noticed" the WORTH/VALUE/USEFULNESS of this thoughtless state, for their  well being! 


strove to bring that-state within the realm of self-awareness 🙏....  काफी मुश्किल है,  पर संभावना भी है 🙏...  the process, got sophisticated,  over "times"...😜...... isn't it? We heard of things like dhyaan/chan, meditaShun etc?

daaktarrs/doctors advise nurses "don't wake a patient for any dosage-intake of pills! We don't have a drug yet, for what a sleep can do")

If the foregoing appeals, no words are further-necessary. If it doesn't appeal, any further of, mere-words are going to work🙏

Non-verbally yours,

psn(9 feb 2025)

Friday, February 07, 2025

Non-verbal thoughts

 Non-verbal thoughts 

A mild sample, as a convincing evidence?

Sitting on a sofa, in our drawing room, very calm, very silent, zero thinking_process, 

just visualize oneself, glancing across the hall. 

Only a fleeting glance. No thoughts👍

Eyes glide over each object, _*effortlessly*_ isn't it? ( door, curtain, windows, its frame, chairs across,  fan, teapoy/old name?, table, newspapers, carpet, mat, etc.... no thoughts)

Now, from behind that large easy recliner sofa, "something" pops out....a strange "thing"....😳😳😳

Mind races to "label" it (? What_the_hell? .... alien?  Like those English movies? 😱)

Mind _*cannot permit*_ the eyes to travel any further!  Name that moving object, seemingly a-life-form, before continuing that glancing_across😡

What was happening?

We were "labelling" each tiny object, table chair, fan, carpet, fan, etc. At a supersonic speed--- too fast, to call it a "thought".  😂

What about labels of very abstract concepts? ( here is a space.      Here is a pressurized space.  A crevice. A fragrant breeze. A killer-fart.... etc?)

Then, what-the-hell is that real silence? ( arey.... input devices of info, .....withdraw them consciously  like it happens by itself during a deep sleep👍... not easy?

Ofcourse,  simple aint always not easy! American slang of dabal/double negatives😜....   "not easy" ain't "uneasy" though a consequence.... 😜)

Thoughtlessly yours,

psn(7 jan, 2025)

Monday, February 03, 2025


 Very good 'observation'....

Any observation to be qualitatively 'good',  needs a few subtler components to-be at a higher/better level.

The interweave between breath and observation is funny( mystic factor).  I am reminded of an ancient adage . 

"നായയെ കണ്ടാൽ കല്ല് കാണില്ല.   കല്ല് കണ്ടാൽ നായയെ കാണില്ല!" 

Over a period of time, the meaning got distorted🙏

Distorted meaning : when we sight a dog, we don't find a stone to throw at it, and by the time we see a stone to pick up, the dog escaped.

True meaning : a marvelous sculptor created a dog's statue. It looks "real". When we are lost into admiration for real-like dog, we aren't reminded that it's a mere stone/statue. We miss the skill of sculpture,  when focusing at the quality of "single" hard rock/stone.

Observently yours,

psn(3 Feb,2025)

Monday, January 27, 2025

A nexus in mind

 A Nexus in mind.

Dictionary meaning matches the “general” understanding  and use 🙏🙂

“ a complicated series of connections between different people or things” )

“A nexus of positive minds, or good-people” …doesn't “rhyme” well. And it shouldn't.  A"deep-bond” between good people, positive minds, healthy minds, rhymes!

A sensible class teacher “identifies” mischief prone kids, and makes them sit separated-from similar kids. Nexus_formations are avoided.

In co-education classrooms,  if-possible, the 'lady' teacher makes the girls sit separated 🙂. The “nexus-tendency” ( of incessant chatting),which is natural among girls, compared to boys, is avoided. Girls end up doing better than boys, in exams🙏            Even in wedding-related gatherings, women folk seldom depart having-finished their mutual conversations.  Men are too brief, in exchanging pleasantries.  (Exceptions exempted)

If, I am a mind fond of cribbing, lamenting etc at any thing & everything…. I am a potential fellow for a nexus_of_blind supporters for a “nexus of corrupt netas/politicians”.  A “tool kit” is a powerful technology to contaminate my mind and turn it into an anti-incumbent voter.  My lack of ability to reason becomes enslaved to this nexus of corrupt netas. They take excellent care to pamper my emotions. I become blind to logic and reasoning. 😰

Whenever an honest “team” happens to get together at the helm of affairs, the corrupt nexuses  frantically try to unite amongst them. They keep-breaking often😜 ( as is evident, in today's politics of 2025 in Bharat. The “opposition “ is struggling to unite against regime!)  Tool kits are under severe scrutiny by hitherto-sleeping common-man/citizens 😜😂( tool-kit experts are highly advanced. They make sure, that the minds of ignorant voters end up as habitual_grumbling lot, and thereby, disallow voters from identifying an honest neta for their vote! Honest netas HAVE-TO face the challenges posed by toolkit agents of corrupt netas/politicians😂🙏)

What about a nexus of desires inside us? 😳😳😳 ( each cluster of nexus is inter-woven seamlessly to make sure, that the basics of life, cosmic laws are unable to pierce the stubborn fortress of these nexuses! Evidence is, our minds are addicted to comfort zones. Whereas, all other life-forms only ‘defend’ a threat to their existence, a threat causing extinction. They don't indulge into addictions, as long as they are not domesticated by a human, who induces addictions into them😜..... De-addicting the minds has become a highly complex procedure/surgery! ).  Shall we try to understand ourselves? 🙏

Who will break it? How? When?

Are we willing to trust any outside_help? ( a Guru?)

Possible by myself. A surgeon can operate on himself👍 he has a pair of hands ✋…. Can he bear the pain. Can he keep his-own BP normal(80/120)? But a sensible surgeon trusts his colleague,  when the patient on that table is himself, or his daughter/son! 

Individually yours,

psn(27 Jan, 2025)