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Monday, January 27, 2025

A nexus in mind

 A Nexus in mind.

Dictionary meaning matches the “general” understanding  and use ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™‚

“ a complicated series of connections between different people or things” )

“A nexus of positive minds, or good-people” …doesn't “rhyme” well. And it shouldn't.  A"deep-bond” between good people, positive minds, healthy minds, rhymes!

A sensible class teacher “identifies” mischief prone kids, and makes them sit separated-from similar kids. Nexus_formations are avoided.

In co-education classrooms,  if-possible, the 'lady' teacher makes the girls sit separated ๐Ÿ™‚. The “nexus-tendency” ( of incessant chatting),which is natural among girls, compared to boys, is avoided. Girls end up doing better than boys, in exams๐Ÿ™            Even in wedding-related gatherings, women folk seldom depart having-finished their mutual conversations.  Men are too brief, in exchanging pleasantries.  (Exceptions exempted)

If, I am a mind fond of cribbing, lamenting etc at any thing & everything…. I am a potential fellow for a nexus_of_blind supporters for a “nexus of corrupt netas/politicians”.  A “tool kit” is a powerful technology to contaminate my mind and turn it into an anti-incumbent voter.  My lack of ability to reason becomes enslaved to this nexus of corrupt netas. They take excellent care to pamper my emotions. I become blind to logic and reasoning. ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

Whenever an honest “team” happens to get together at the helm of affairs, the corrupt nexuses  frantically try to unite amongst them. They keep-breaking often๐Ÿ˜œ ( as is evident, in today's politics of 2025 in Bharat. The “opposition “ is struggling to unite against regime!)  Tool kits are under severe scrutiny by hitherto-sleeping common-man/citizens ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜‚( tool-kit experts are highly advanced. They make sure, that the minds of ignorant voters end up as habitual_grumbling lot, and thereby, disallow voters from identifying an honest neta for their vote! Honest netas HAVE-TO face the challenges posed by toolkit agents of corrupt netas/politicians๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™)

What about a nexus of desires inside us? ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ ( each cluster of nexus is inter-woven seamlessly to make sure, that the basics of life, cosmic laws are unable to pierce the stubborn fortress of these nexuses! Evidence is, our minds are addicted to comfort zones. Whereas, all other life-forms only ‘defend’ a threat to their existence, a threat causing extinction. They don't indulge into addictions, as long as they are not domesticated by a human, who induces addictions into them๐Ÿ˜œ..... De-addicting the minds has become a highly complex procedure/surgery! ).  Shall we try to understand ourselves? ๐Ÿ™

Who will break it? How? When?

Are we willing to trust any outside_help? ( a Guru?)

Possible by myself. A surgeon can operate on himself๐Ÿ‘ he has a pair of hands ✋…. Can he bear the pain. Can he keep his-own BP normal(80/120)? But a sensible surgeon trusts his colleague,  when the patient on that table is himself, or his daughter/son! 

Individually yours,

psn(27 Jan, 2025)

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Key to spirituality

 Key to spirituality 

There is a "key" .....

Handling of any "subtle"(fragile_like) yet, complex  key.....needs a little  understanding about the "nature" of that key. ๐Ÿ™‚

The key is "to ALLOW it to happen"

We cannot PULL out a crop. A good crop has to happen! A "good" farmer only_can set the 'conditions' better๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ™( like tilling the land, adding fertilizer,  removing weeds, irrigating the field as per 'required' periodicity and quantity.)

"Allow" is a mental condition in our case here!  We foreclose over_expectations. Expectations is like pulling out the plant to "see" if roots are growing ๐Ÿ˜…... the growth stunts or fails!  So, just focus on the 'conditions' each time๐Ÿ˜” . This attitude CONSTITUTES into what we call as 'humility'( great ascetics don't bother about 'humility'. We call them humble/unassumimg____whereas, they are only setting the conditions, knowing its value๐Ÿ™

When some unique/uncommon experience dawns, mind would very_naturally begin looking towards it to happen more frequently & intensely! We try to Transcend that 'nature'( resisting, suppressing, or patronizing and pampering is.....merely diverting of our_focus!  Ordinary minds/lack of intensity types....wouldn't grasp this ๐Ÿ™

Man_made objects, human tasks, etc can be intensified with efforts. Different from "allowing it to happen" by itself๐Ÿ™‚. This distinction has to be borne in mind always๐Ÿ™.  ( as we say "love or affection" cannot be forced upon. Greed or desire can feign a love/affection, but the purity is lacking๐Ÿ˜œ. Spiritual growth is allowed to happen, like wise! The benefits are immense and incidental,  for our handling of worldly_life, and therefore not something that 'diverts' our life from routine better living.  When the "spirit" grows stronger, everything that works due to spirit would happen a bit effortlessly,  isn't it? ๐Ÿ™

Are we not too busy with our "routine" life too much? A pre-occupied mind, all our waking hours? We are oblivious to the power, quality and magnitude of the fuel that runs our lives? The spirit? Even to nurture a desire to strengthen our spirit, we don't have a reason that can ''convince" our mind! And, both these ( mind and spirit) are too abstract to allow a grasp. Mind is somewhat familiar to us. Whereas, the source of mind's fuel, that-spirit, feels like a non-existant entity๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜œ. ( spirit .... spirituality..... is a "human" possibility!  A whole society was spiritually_evolved in the ancient times! Please see if this hint 'seems to answer' the doubts about the seemingly paradoxical fact that ancient were simple about their way_of_life, despite a super_intelligence in grasp of subtlest aspects of life! We are, on the other hand getting more and more inextricably-stuck, into our scientific-advancements in our frantic efforts towards comfortable_living!

Appealingly yours,

psn(25 Jan, 2025) 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Freeing the time


Freeing the time

Time binds us in numerous ways!

An adage i saw reads as,

(A meaningful  adage,
Often Understood only after retirement ๐Ÿ˜œ)

"Some people talk to you on their free time, others free their time to talk to you. Learn the difference" 

Work-place experience is credible to learn from....๐Ÿ™

My experiences.

From the date of joining, till I retired, by sheer_freak_luck, I managed to avoid saying "I am busy, please come later" to any customer of the branch of bank, wherever I worked!

However, I set_my_priorities like this....
I am always available for customers who try to "transact" their bijness with me. ( they are my bread and butter)
Sometimes a rigidity in this might land me in trouble( when a boss summons me...๐Ÿ˜ฑ, and a customer is waiting for me)

Once,        I said, "tell him, I have no time right-now, to talk to him".... the General Manager had sent a peon to call me, during his visit.      Manager got up red-faced, to come & shout at me! That GM, gestured to the manager to sit-down. Later at 5 pm, I walked upto the GM and said "sir, I am all-yours, till 10 am tomorrow.... "( he smiled! I am lucky, that a sensible man was a GM there).

I visited a large branch of a city on my holiday.  Curiosity(in me "is there somebody I know?" I spotted my past-boss, in a large cabin, peeping through "cut-glass-window". I quickly withdrew myself. He saw me. Sent an officer to drag me in. I explained, "sir, I hesitated to meet you because, you are now a 'big' man, heading a very large branch.๐Ÿ™... so, you are busy". He barked into the intercom briefly, and it fetched an officer in. He instructed that officer :"don't send anyone in for the next one-hour"... and then that 'big' one turned to me "satisfied?...sit there"( he made time "free" for me ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ™.... I had worked under/with him, for 4 years, a decade ago.....enough to know, he won't be forsaking any customer for my-sake! Frontline staff & officers were there).

Negative incident. A chairman( boss of GMs) tried :"you are the only fellow i didn't find in your seat today"( he visited our very large branch, and asked to be introduced to staff @ 3 seconds each --- name, and a handshake.
I replied "sir, I am not paid to sit-on-this chair๐Ÿ™.... I am running around to protect these cheques, drawn on our borrower customers account, to find out if any credit is likely to flow into the account to meet the cheques if-debited"( sometimes,  paperwork delays a credit from other departments,  when bills etc are "purchased" by the bank, from customers having this facility. Inward remittances need time to verify authentication of papers received)
That chairman converted his look into a blank-face. Too many seniors were looking for his angry-reaction, at my insolence.  But my reply rendered him defenseless๐Ÿ˜œ. And his post( CMD) was too big to victimize a non-entity like me, a mere clerk! ( lady luck .....mayaMadam, as I call her, saved me๐Ÿ™).

Another type of incident:         A school mate, when I met him at his bijness place, seeing him after 35 years, was busy! I sheepishly queried "hope I am not intruding into your busy schedule?"
And he shot-back :" yaar, when you appear, YOU-ARE-MY-PRIORITY"( I became TRANSFIXED , at his logic-defying reply๐Ÿ™..... he defined "friendship" ๐Ÿ˜ญ)

Very recently, a colleague with whom I had worked during 1976---78.... broke all records of my experiences.  I stayed at his "home" for 5 days. He spared me, to be alone..... only when I was in the bath&wash_room( toilets and bathing places got constricted into a common-cubicle, in crowded cities๐Ÿ˜œ). He was 24/7 with me. He freed up his busy-time for 5 days! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ.

I am unfortunate.  Post retirement,  time has removed its tentacles off-me.

Freely yours,
psn(18 Jan 2025)


 A very small blog this time ๐Ÿ™‚

What could possibly be the toughest "commodity" to market?

1.Something that is not a need for common man
2.Something that is too subtle, and intangible, abstract.
3.Something that doesn't become a habit, despite long sustained use or practice.
4.Something that has no commercial value.
5.Something that refuses to pamper our seeking for a comfort_zone.
6.( long list of ONLY negatives)

Inadvertently,  I ended up "trying" to market such an item for 6 long years at an average of 4 hours a day!๐Ÿ˜œ

Result is no surprise!
1.Failure rate was 99.97% ( even now, my blogs don't evoke much response despite a sizable readership!)
2.Unwittingly, I became good at "marketing" almost anything else๐Ÿ˜œ.... ( communication skills do_matter, when dealing with negatively_ inclined minds๐Ÿ™‚)
3. I am now....good at dealing and defending myself against gimmicks from commercial marketeers, who are good at fooling gullible.

I was volunteering for freshers from spiritual programme, providing them with backup support for practices ( yogic practices like pranayams, yogasana, and guided meditations)

Spirituality is the toughest, to "market".

Appealingly yours,

psn(18 Jan, 2025)


My grandmother, during 1960, resisted an electric connection to her house๐Ÿ˜œ
( unless some 10 neighbours apply, coughing out a hefty amount as deposit_caution money, the junior engineer of electricity board's sub-office was not empowered to spend money on planting extra poles, wires etc.... ultimately she yielded for minimum charges of ₹5/- per month, burning only 1 tungsten bulb of 60 watts from 6 to 8 pm only, in that large house, from 1967 ๐Ÿ˜œ
"I have lived for 70 plus years without YOUR-electricity. Why do I buy it now?" was her argument. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Guilt encashment

 Create a guilt feeling,  and then 'encash' it....๐Ÿคฃ

Very old trick.

Old concepts resurface with modifications in functional forms!

When I was in college, I heard an income tax commissioner confess the 'deliberate' insertion of few contradicting clauses at far distant places in 3 inch thick "rules" book ๐Ÿคฃ

No matter however honest I try to be, I would have "flouted" some stupid_rule somewhere in that thick volume! ( media wasn't powerful with a "network" like today. A few intelligent ones who "spot" the contradiction, don't matter in 1969 ๐Ÿ˜œ)... only recently, "some" efforts are seen to instill confidence in tax payers. Trust begets cost-effective compliance! 

A tree, having completed its life time, can serve us with its wood! ( no need to BAN use of wood. Avoid felling of young trees! That's enough๐Ÿ‘) .........St.Xavier's body refuses to rot/decompose despite 400+ years, WITHOUT needing embalming like egyptian mummies. Vyaana_prana( one of the 5 types of praanic the trick, to retard decomposing๐Ÿ™. Snakes shed their skin "whole", and remain "clean" without a bath too!๐Ÿ˜œ)

Are we interested to know? ( the element of "vismaya"/ lost when we grow into teenage ๐Ÿ˜ฐ)

Awareness is the only possible_ insulation๐Ÿ™

O'SINNERS! (is an effective way of keeping the flock together.  Easy to prove too. Causal-mind, gets convinced! )

The opposite of it fails to impress, when it says, "even if you are the worst among sinners, liberation is possible with realization/gyana!)

Guiltless yours,

psn(16 Jan, 2025)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

How much should I eat?

 “Full tank” said my dad to the petrol filling assistant, while we were going on a journey of 350 kms long, in 1970.

In those days, petrol pumps on the highways were few and those would be dry.

The stomach/engine of that car would draw only the amount of food/fuel it needs. Residual petrol in the tank doesn't cause “indigestion”( I heard, even camels can “store” water in its belly like a car's petrol tank ๐Ÿคฃ… enough for 6 months, walking through a desert!). The mechanic used to “look” at the exhaust pipe, (like a pathological lab examines stools-sample to know the stomach) to know the digestion ability of car's engine.

I was wondering…..

Will a non-vegetarian doctor “allow” chilliChicken/fried_mutton, etc for his non-veg patient in the ICU of his hospital? Why only few selected fruit-juices, that too….after that glucose/saline is taken off? ( sorry, I am not a doctor.  Please eat whatever suits you๐Ÿ™…  I am only looking at “how much?”)

After a feast, I feel a bit drowsy.  “Hey!”, I wondered, “food is supposed to be a fuel. Giving energy. Then why feeling sleepy?”.  Only 2 possibilities. I have eaten something “tough” to digest, and my body diverted all its energy to “break” those junk items, reconstitute it into digestible form, push out a huge pile of waste through my-exhaust-pipe, with smoke/farts, if unavoidable ๐Ÿคฃ

Only once, for some 11 months, I experimented eating only-that, which was_not placed on stove.  The waste that came out was too little,  and didn't smell foul like cooked food! I never needed a nap/afternoon siesta…. Felt energetic after eating that uncooked_stuff too. Most surprising thing was-----no issues with “full tank” ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ… ( why i did this stupidity of going “raw” was, it suited for hectic spiritual practices๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ™)

A kid asked his dad “can you help me? Mom said, you know better. What are the veg-items i dislike/hate?” ( true story๐Ÿ™). Dad asked, “why such a query?”.

That kid explained “my classmates named their hated-veg items during our lunch. My turn came. I stared blank๐Ÿ˜ณ. I like to tell them honestly.  Please help.

That dad knew, his kid was trained into a spiritual secret “choicelessness is the only freedom”. At least about eating food. 

So, the dad found a way to help his kid, to make the right_kind_of_noises( socially acceptable stupid responses). He said, “look son, you aren't choosy about veg. That's good. But your classmates might laugh. The in_thing/trend is, to boast about one's narrow choices, by saying aloud, the dislikes….. so, why not you say ‘actually,  i dislike eating food itself. But what to do? I need to live!’ and you will sail through “( it worked for that kid! Now, his kid has also become choiceless about “what to eat?”... he eats anything edible, healthy and meant_for_human physiology ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ™… vegetarian foods)

My experience of “how much”( to eat) is…..I allow my hunger to decide. Mere empty_stomach isn't the deciding factor๐Ÿคฃ.  When I eat junk, I ensure that the quantum is not a load on my stomach,  digestive juices secreted, or the energy left in me.  Result is, I dont need to eat “something” every few hours, like “regular medicine eaters”. I am an aged wolf-bellied fellow. Not comparable to “vrikodhara”( Bhima was known as vrikodhara/wolf_bellied, with insatiable hunger! Emotionally most stable among 5 pandavas! And therefore, no stomach related ailments๐Ÿ˜œ). For my age, I still enjoy the deep_fried items offered to Godji-first, and then given to me as prasad! Healthy food is only during rituals on death anniversary date๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ฐ. Mystic reasons๐Ÿ‘

Hungrily yours,

psn(15 jan 2025)



Well the, abandon this writeup here_itself and try this link:,to%20generate%20conversions%20and%20sales.

"Your blogs are difficult to understand " say a few readers . They are right. Basically,  I don't need to fine tune my skills like a copywriter, since I am not selling any ideas. I am merely "marketing" it and for free๐Ÿ˜œ.

I am not even a "content writer". At best, only a contended-writer. I am already rewarded, when I write something.  If somebody feels it to be of any UTILITARIAN value,  that's a bonus๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ™

Look at how our minds work.

Merely copypasting my so called complex sentences and reading it after inserting blank spaces between my sentences, and/or subordinate_clauses of my longer sentences can make it generate a placebo effect๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ™....  

Patanjali is a classic example,  when his few words are "explained" by great masters, through 20 pages, in their "treatise on Patanjali's yoga sutras" ๐Ÿ˜œ.... and these masters confess, that their explanations are inadequate ๐Ÿ˜ญ

A few are able to "relate" with what I write. Either their visualization abilities are good, or they went through some relatable experience. ( one reader even described his experience of one of my blogs as "magic", when it triggered a coveted state of one of the states of samadhis/trance_like_states๐Ÿ™‚...  I didn't name it, for sanctity sake. I didn't want to block his progress, by admiring his experience ๐Ÿ™. Anyway, he would eventually realise his worth๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™)

Spirituality is a "seeking"( a traditional and proven description of this pursuit/path). Therefore, like any "commercial deal" of an insurance agreement,  Spirituality is also a subject_matter_of_solicitation. 

Unsolicitingly yours,

psn(15 Jan, 2025)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


 Why should I respect somebody?

As a kid, if I don't "find" a sensible answer, I might only end-up going through the socially acceptable gestures & also making the right kind of noises.....๐Ÿ˜œ

This "idea" was presented to me by "clever" kids around. Make a show of respect, and get done-away with it. Avoid avoidable nuisance.

But the question kept haunting me. This 'respecting the elders' is ancient.

Like many other secrets of life, I happened to stumble upon "sensible" reasons for this act of respect. 

One community has a few people who don't respect Sun at all. Their logic is stripped off, its reasoning. ( in computing technology,  if something works only logically, with useless results, they warn the programmer. Concepts in place, are syntaxes and semantics).

The logic they use is "moon" is worth respecting. It lights up during darkness, and hence, useful. Whereas, that stupid sun keeps burning wastefully in broad_daylight. Who needs the light of sun during day_time? ( aren't they missing the "truth"?)

Am I missing any "truth" behind this excercise of "cultivating respect"?

It dawned on me.

Sun is not "looking" towards any respect from earthlings. It shines on everything around it!

Coconut tree doesn't "look" for any respect from me. It bears nuts even when washed onto the shores of ag desolate Island. Only that the nuts are lesser in number and of poor quality, when nature is unable to nourish it. So, if I respect that tree, I am doing it for my sake! I won't harm something that is of UTILITARIAN value to me! I can learn_better,  the VALUE of respect, from tribals. Among humans, they respect most, the nature around us๐Ÿ™...   Slowly, I learnt to respect cleanliness, hygiene, health etc and removed the hurdles that dilute the utility of these items.  Next level was, to respect people who teach me by the way they handle their lives!  It is here that I grasped a deeper concept called reverence!

What to do when a fellow older than me hasn't cleaned up the garbage in himself, to allow intellect to function? ( negative emotions and its consequences do not allow "intellect" to function. Mind cannot quieten when negative emotions are hyperactive.... my own observations.  It works for me๐Ÿ‘)

So, a safe rule, when dealing with strangers, or any unfamiliar situation.  "Everybody is a gentleman until they prove it otherwise " but, take necessary level of precautions while respecting such unknown people. Give them a fair chance to display their goodness. It not-only worked, but it kept my mind open to find out "some of the useful qualities in them, which can be imbibed by me too, for my own good๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™". My actions towards adverse people is independent of my inner respect for them( like, Arjuna sent a few arrows to fall at the feet of Bhishma and Drona, despite his resolve to kill them in a fierce battle of mahabharata.  This "respect" helped him to avoid underestimating their expertise in warfare. They had taught him to fight๐Ÿ˜œ)

Do we "teach" the reason "why" to our children ?( why to respect?). Unless we learn to respect for a scientific reason, this quality of respect is going to serve us only for logical reasons, without the semantics๐Ÿคฃ . In the process, we lose scope for reverence to help us evolve into the highest human possibility,  called moksha/liberation.

Respectfully yours,

psn(14 jan 2025)

Monday, January 13, 2025

Jugad( or, gimmicks?)

Who said, we need to strictly follow prescribed methods only?( for solutions to any problems?)

Out of box thinking



Off/away_from,....the “beaten track”

All these (& “etc” items ) are called as “jugad” in desi slang ๐Ÿ˜œ

I love it ( jugad). And when you “love” doing something,  efforts remain un-noticed, and therefore no feeling like “tiresome” about the efforts.

My example :

I had heard of “lamp gazing” as a useful tool to improve “focus” (quality of focus and time-span)

A friend who decided to implicitly do whatever I suggested ( for self-improvement), was needed to be told of “some” technique to improve his focus(it hastens his rate of learning,  ability to stay-focused, etc)

A jugad occured to me. ๐Ÿ˜œ

Lamp is too cumbersome, and not good-looking when electricity has come๐Ÿ™.

Why not something else? Who said “only a lamp, can help?”

I suggested the “glowing tip of an incense stick( agarbathi), and a dark room. Keep gazing at the glow, and relax, if eyes start watering” was in 1979. He kept doing it. There was no formal request from me, to seek a feedback. I forgot about it.

Last week that friend wrote to me from 1500 kms away “ I am asking my grandson to-do, what you taught me in 1979. Gazing at the tiny glow of agarbathi, setting up pitch darkness around, till eyes shed water!”

I came to know,  that it “worked”! Now, I can tell it to others. This “jugad” is an improvement over an earthen lamp of unelectrified era!๐Ÿ˜œ. Better than a flickering flame, and cost-effective too!

Jugad concept, I drew( squeezed out) from a BOGUS story!

I don't even remember whether it was from Akbar-Birbal, or Tenaliraman stories? For sure, as court-jesters, their profession was too-hazarduous๐Ÿ™

They were burdened to invent a “jugad“ on a daily_basis ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

That story! ( it also….taught me the “use” of sense-of-discrimination and its a absence in the villain.๐Ÿ˜œ)

Hero was asked by the king to face+win a warrior who was expert in one-to-one sword_fight, and had challenged SEVERAL kings, to bring a warrior, better at sword fight. He collected huge amounts as bet money, from many kings!

Our hero ( Birbal or Mr.TenaliRaman) was wise, but zero at swordsman_Ship….. death was imminent against this gambler. No life-insurance policies in those days๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ™

Hero asked for a months time to “prepare”. Villain was given a 5-star home with food, etc.

Villain kept spying the hero stealthily, all the days.

15 days, nothing unusual.  Villain grew impatient ( negative emotion, a deterrent,  for intellect to “function” healthily! ๐Ÿ˜ญ)

16th day, villain noticed the hero creeping into a blacksmiths house, making some secret “deal”. A rich man, our_villain paid a hefty bribe to “find out” from that blacksmith.  Hero hard ordered for a 10 feet long scabbard (in which a sword is kept , and it preserves the sharpness of the sword)

Villain lost no time,  in ordering a 15 feet long scabbard and a sword of matching_length๐Ÿ‘. He paid 5 times the cost. Metal quality, tensile strength etc….Villain knew better, to specify๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘

On the appointed day.

Entire audience stared at both ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Long scabbard! Surely, death is imminent for the loser! 

Timer gave the signal!

Hero wasn't  in a hurry to “draw” out his sword.

Villain struggled to draw his sword. His arm was not long enough to draw his 14 feet long sword COMPLETELY out of the scabbard. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Hero drew out his “normal” sword. ( only the scabbard was 10 feet long. Deceptively long. That sword was old one. Correct size. Came out easily๐Ÿ‘)

Villain “saw” DEFEAT even before the fight began.

End of the story( or joke….whatever)

Jugadi yours,

psn(13 jan 2025)

My tribal brethren of ancient Bharat

 Though I collect such info sometimes(quoted digital_media sources books, or stories from people, etc),

I take care to use my own inherited intelligence to use my discretion,  a bit judiciously, so that my sense-of-discrimination does not get adversely influenced by the inadequate depth of understanding +grasp of immeasurable spiritual wealth of these precious communities of ancient Bharat,  in their "westernized narratives" highly influenced by materialistically oriented logical minds ๐Ÿ˜œ!

I seek to "connect" through my own "spirit"( to the little possible extent I evolved through my own spiritual pursuits, over decades), with their temples, places of dwellings, and their genes inherited (least modified genes are said to be in the organ called appendix.... closer located to anhata-chakra.... a junction of life-energy-channels called naadis, in desi lingua.)

Yesterday,  I got drenched into the power house at the temple in the park at Johnson Square junction, kotagiri. 

A "live" experience of high energy emanating from the temple, right at the entrance( I am not allowed inside the compound of the temple, since I don't belong to that tribe๐Ÿ™. But I received a shower of unbounded-love and affection of its members yesterday,  as they were highly_energised by their week_long austerities and penances๐Ÿ™


It is time, we the inheritors of  irreligious-Hinduism take efforts to wake up our genes, and "realise" our worth! A mere spiritual awareness of our deep_connect with each of the sons_of_soils( children of soil, not just "sons" ๐Ÿ˜œ), can bring out a true one-ness among Hindus! 

Genetically yours,

(Psn 13 jan 2025)

Influences on us

 Ardra star.

What better influence can I think of, if I like to ponder about “what influences my thoughts, the most?” ( thoughts become my words and actions, in_turn influencing my destiny( future karma?). Ardra is supposed to be the most powerful star which influences us most, on this day, annually.

Intense situations  are like heating up an iron rod to influence/make it a little easier for bending/straightening/etc.  Cold rods don't  yield to mere pressures, and may just break. 

Stubborn mind? Unyielding to any kind of appeal, begging, pleading, reasoning, requesting, etc? No influences. 

Extreme-situations influence individuals according to their fear factor related to that situation,  ( powerful minds get badly shaken, by a cocroach thrown at them ๐Ÿ˜œ).....

Why the-hell should I even bother to find out “what, when & how….I get influenced by something? “  ( don't bother ! ๐Ÿ™… the whole eternity is waiting infinitely for you…๐Ÿ‘… no hurry ๐Ÿ˜œ)

( me personally….. tried to even look at it as….. “hey?   Is that god-foresaken damn thing called moksha/liberation/enlightenment/whatever_nonsense/๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก… is, all about….becoming free-from all kinds of possible situational-influences on me? My mind? My “being”???? …  ๐Ÿ˜ฐ… I just ended up adding the-influence of yet another-doubt ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™)

Phases of moon influence water bodies ( human body has some sizable quantity of water in it) 

Brightest star, Ardra, influences earth, annually once….like it does today, 13th jan, 2025. 

Pressure cooker influences that  stubborn daal, pigeon_pea, breaking down its particles …. And I am a fool to misconstrue it as pakwathaa/well-cooked, when merely  “mashed” by higher temperature with water ( gas problems,  the atma of daal….. in stomach tells me “I don't  yield to higher temperature… I just lose my particles… I get cooked only with affectionate warmth of low heat ๐Ÿ˜œ)

If my sense of discrimination is still un_cooked or not properly tamed, am I not a victim of my-own-influences of my imbalanced-mind? ( a youth was mentally ill. The parents were told “get him married. He will become okay “ … parents faced a paradoxical situation: which girl will yield to marry a mad fellow? Unless, he gets married, how can he get qualified enough for an ideal bride? ๐Ÿคฃ)

Influentially yours,

psn(13 jan 2025)

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

How i use the sense of discrimination

 Very safe to talk “about-myself” only, isn't it?

What's true with-me, is my-experience of that( life). Not necessarily others “would have gone through” ……something similar.


I feel that,

Others too might be able to “use” my-experience, I try-to share it, and the others have a “choice” to throw it or use it.

Example 1

( how I explain, using my sense of discrimination)

A middle aged housewife( family friend) asked me : why are we not required to write the amount in words, like we used-to, while drawing cheque?( digital technology—net-banking, unified payments interface, etc…changed the “game rules”)”

I said, :” Madam, several reasons. All of them have a common source! Human intervention, other than me, the power on my-money!

I write a cheque, which is an instruction to my-custodian( trustworthy! ) a bank…. to handover money to the person( not a dog, or a machine) i name. A  certain sum , a specific sum ( to avoid ambiguity PLUS distortion, I NEED to reduce the ambiguity and safeguard the distortion by…..REPEATING the sum in words). On their part BANK makes the cheque leaf vulnerable to alteration, using a paper from “security printing press). A smudge with a drop of sweat distorts the MICRO printing of banks name all over the OBVERSE… Being a THOROUGH professional, whe bank itself writes a cheque on itself( DD….payorder), they further complicate it for the forger by using pin-point typewriter….

Today, we customers are ALONE going to DEAL with OUR money. Zero intervention by another human. Digital technology.  Humans in bank get busy, taking care of machines. Safety ( with “fire walls”),  user-friendly  with innovation…… SECURITY with counter-checks ( OTP, id of user, password, gateway ….prohibiting foreign hackers,  internet-protocol-address….etc)

Basically…….dependence on human-trust is SHIFTED to a machine.  

Now, bankers are struggling to prove their trustworthiness, like never-before ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ”

Example 2 ( within my work place)

I “found” …..thanks to my senses…..that

a)auditors insist on checking a small book, ALWAYS  kept inside the cash-safe. This book is updated EVERY TIME, when cash is kept or taken out, such that the “balance” shown in the book is exactly-same as physical cash! 

What could be the purpose? ๐Ÿค”….

I discovered . Safe manufacturers have indemnified the bank, from any loss of cash ( fire or theft) during the period when cash safe is locked!  Insurance premium can be saved by the bank, when AMOUNT of…cash-in-safe is reduced from total amount requested to-be-insured.

b)staff trying to rejoin duty after any-type of leave( especially on health grounds) can be asked to produce a fitness certificate from a qualified-doctor.  Bank-doctor, is only a matter of mutual trust, communication-ease, fixed-charges, less vulnerability of being bribed by a nefarious staff๐Ÿ˜œ, etc.

When a dilution in leave rules came “one day sick-leave allowed without a medical certificate”.... the addition INVOKED my sense of discrimination ๐Ÿคฃ… bank added “fitness certificate however, is at the discretion of the bank/manager/boss”...   why? 

Then I discovered : health of other staff and customers is also, a MORAL responsibility of bank!!!....  what if, that fellow was sick, and rejoins to SPREAD a disease like corona virus? Communicable contagion?  ( it is quite ANOTHER matter that sending a subordinate to a doctor WHIMSICALLY-also, happens in rare-stray cases ๐Ÿ™… in such cases, inadvertently though, the bank ends up committing in-writing that “you-fellow…. We trust neither you, nor your goddammed doctor ANYMORE ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก…”  

Use of a sense of discrimination, NEEDS a judicious use of sense of discretion.  Choice, used as discretion, involves a sense of judicious essence, or Juris-prudence. Even an illiterate cannot dispense-with these “senses” though he escaped explaining it in an answerpaper, at school. 

Spiritual pursuits demand “abundant” measure of these very senses, and ability to use them best....if the purpose of this pursuit is for own sake, and not for commercial success as a fake-Godman ๐Ÿคฃ( example:  while inside my-dream, i am unable to tell my grandpa "hey, you were dead long ago? How are you appearing before me now?" . He seems real+alive during the dream. Only after I wake up, and narrate my dream, that sense of discrimination WORKS, and I say "I saw our dead grandpa in my dream last night! He was real!".  Why do we lose that sense of discrimination while-inside a dream???? Dunno! Figure it out, reaching your "spirit" with-or-without spirituality๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ™)

Indiscriminately yours,

psn (7 jan 2025)

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Components of mental health


Strength works in different ways, depending on what it accompanies with.

Real life example might help.

I am using example from my life. So please try to look at it objectively, avoiding subjectivity! The "real" part, I hope, might persuade an appeal towards authenticity ๐Ÿ™...

My mom had a strong mind. But lacked intelligence in certain areas. It resulted into stubbornness. Again, her emotional sensitivity( nature's gift to female life forms), guided her to know that, she needs to be stubborn only unto herself! So, she was docile( not flexible) with others. Unfortunately,  me, and my dad were a part of "herself", and so, a partial-victim of her stubbornity๐Ÿคฃ.  She realized all this, but too late, when her body failed her desire to express her realization through actions! ( her example taught me a lot๐Ÿ™).

For 1½ decades, starting past her 60s she cooked 3 meals for some 60 volunteers at isha yoga ashram๐Ÿคฃ, all alone, and tirelessly! Her lack of mental "health" delayed her spiritual growth, whereas her mental strength  helped her to stubbornly pursue the practices๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜œ....  phoreners/foreigners used to put down their suitcases and enquire-first "where is that old lady who does suryanamaskar and other asanaas dexterously in an age-defying manner?"( teacher, during his classes in west, used to quote her example.... "when you come to ashram, look at her doing it"...)

After 10 years, she exclaimed to my sister "only now, I am able to understand what this idiot( me๐Ÿ˜œ) was talking about!" I used to share with my mom, my experience of certain advanced_level spiritual-practices๐Ÿ˜ฐ.... my mom, so a bit in-detail. Uterine consanguity warranted better "disclosures" then usual๐Ÿ™

Strength,  endurance, flexibility, resistance, sustenance,  stability, intelligence etc .....are components of health.... ( used interchangeably and causing confusing-conclusions)

Feebly yours,

psn (5 jan, 2025)

Friday, January 03, 2025

Truth Versus Fact

 I like to try being ‘easy’ on my readers, at the first write up of 2025.

A teacher, asked in the class “hey, you! Name 2 pronouns”

From the “direction “ of that teacher's look, a nervous kid stood up, in all innocence and stammered nervously :“ who???? Me???” ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

Much to his surprise, the teacher said “Good  ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘…. Sit down”

That kid was, unable to understand…… even his-utter-disbelief!!!( how could I be “good” for asking this?)

In my 5th class, my classmates narrated this. Since majority didn't laugh, this narrative couldn't qualify as a joke. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Fact : that kid gave a correct answer ( full marks)

Truth : that kid is still ignorant ( about pronouns in English grammar)

If I were to use concepts of jurisprudence taught to me in LLB, to explain the legal definition between truth and a fact, my readers might get annoyed!

Its a fact that certain people with “siddhis” can easily pass-off as Godmen, and fool ignorant people!  But the truth is such siddhi-experts might be yet to qualify as a spiritually evolved being, since the “quality “ of mind is still impure and corrupt ๐Ÿ˜œ

Humorously yours,

 psn (3 jan 2025)