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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Deduce, explore, invent & discover


Deduce, explore, invent & discover

I was fascinated by these 4 concepts right from my kid age !

I didn’t consciously club these together. It just got clustered in me by itself.

Probably, as I try to deduce it now, it could be because of the one-out-of possible many commonalities that these four have----namely, they engage the element of ‘wonder’ (a trait that most of us fail to preserve while growing into our adulthood.)

these ideas are mine. My mind cannot claim infallibility.

Whereas, I can claim the sanctity of my purpose. To share what I consider to be good.

I intend to start with a very brief real life example. These 4 are a bit distinct from each other.

I leave it to the readers to deduce the difference. I needed a discovery, to reach the deduction, traveling via exploration, and then I invented a crazy excuse to deliver what I deduced.


Deduce (first)

one of the persons close to me, reminded me of ‘something’ that can be done with a 2month-old baby, by way of an experiment. The aim of this experiment was to explore the possibility of waking up the potential in that nascent-life(the baby) to become receptive to discovering the basics of life..... embedded in that ‘new-fresh-lease of life’ :) For this, I had thought of a very simplistic experiment. In a way, I had to devise this process (though, the process is pretty ancient in its bare-form. Only the possibility had to be explored, using the discovery about it, and inventing a technique new to me too!)

this person could have deduced it by oneself !!!!

I try to look at the-how?

The baby knows very little about our-world. Everything will be a discovery for that kid. The tool to discover is at its best of sharpness, simply because the mind is quiet (what does a baby think? Possibly, nothing :) then? Well all it can-do all its waking hours is just-to-wonder :) isn’t it?)

the source of inputs for a baby is its 5 sense organs.

It doesnt even know how to use these 5 at-its-best. Too innocent (actually, ignorant).  Nature takes care of providing tools of discovery to every life-form, and therefore to the baby as well.

This person could-have deduced as to “what possibly could I have suggested as an experiment?” (I intent to request this person to go through this. Exactly why, I avoided any personal references, so that the other-reader’s mind is left-free to focus on the correctness of my ideas :))

Among the 5 senses of perception, I guess the subtlest is probably the sense of hearing.
The kid doesn’t pay too much attention to the sounds, as compared to the eyes, that ‘see’ (but yet-to look, behold, perceive, observe... etc)

So the person could-have deduced that I might be using something to promote the use of ‘sound’

Now, it so happens----this person had been exploring for quite-a-while, as to what the ‘vibes-of-sounds, (the primordial forms, which permeate even through the vast emptiness of space in the universe, using a prescribed tool of chanting a well-formulated, structured, and tested form of these three basic-sounds in the universe) The A, U, M ,.... popularly known as Om, or aum... in the hindu culture since 5k years :)

so, the experiment ought-to-be about,.......observing “how the baby responds” to these sound forms while receiving it through perceivable decibels of its ear lobes, ear etc. (as a preparation, it also so-happened that we were educating the kid while it was 5 months plus in the womb. Traditionally, a right time to start a kid’s education, as per the ancient culture of Bharat)

Eliminating all other possibilities, this person could have deduced it by-oneself and awaited for my confirmation, to discover in that person, that the mind was exploring in the right-direction :)) !!!

Reasoning to eliminate other possibilities?

4 other sensory levels are not likely to enhance the levels of perception in the kid. Touch, taste, vision, and smell are carrying the experience of ‘too much of familiarity’ enough to invoke a sense of priority, which dulls the element of wonderment and therefore the craze to explore.

Sound, when it invokes the ‘only-sense of perception whilst in the womb’ happens to urge a sense of ‘continuity’ of exploration, since the flight of knowledge is “from-known-to-unknown”.

doesn’t matter, if this person didn’t happen to deduce. There is still scope to deduce ‘why didn’t it OCCUR to me?”

deducingly yours,
(7th Nov, 2024)

Sunday, November 10, 2024

what can be a debatable thing?


What can be a "debatable" thing?

I learnt a precious lesson, about the "concept" around ..... "what CAN-BE  a debatable thing?"....

When, I too got "trapped" into a "debate, rather a fierce-arguement" about the famous "PF---PENSHUN"( option, compelled on employees of banks, to choose from. A paradox😜.. forced choice/option) choice. ( I stoutly refused to 'pay' ₹25/- for a printout from Trichy---somevwizard in software designed a program to project a future-amount of & pension, for a common basic pay. The union secy got annoyed at my refusal to pay. All others paid in that large branch, including scale-4 manager. I said"i never asked for it....nor do I need it. I am clear🙏...keep that waste paper with you," others unitedly scoffed at me, in 1995 or so...when 1st option came.

2 illiterate substaff defied union dictates and took my advice to take pension. I gave them a பேட்டி கடை கணக்கு ( simpleton's version like petty shop wala's arithmetic. I had to "device" a realistic example. They trusted me, more than they grasped my example. A decade later, they both showered praises....  all that was history)

Lesson was : I need to DEEPEN my perception about  what ought not to be debated  🙏

Topmost item i found was the 4 mahaVakyas----declaratory truths🙏

( this, pushed me onto an insurmountable task of delving into the subtlest of subtle truths🙏... because,  truths aren't debatable😜... 

The very-ardous nature of "delving into subtleties of 4 nahavakyas, turned into my best tool/means for self refinement🙏).

I am not trying to seek any concurrence in the foregoing words🙏.  Just a concluding remark from me, with all-possible sincerity in me🙏

Debatably yours,

psn(10 nov 2024)


To me,

These 4 mahavakya constitute the  true definition itself of "Hinduism"( everything else is its offspring😜....  cosmic truth---works everywhere in universe..... hence, "sanatana dharma"...  I could find "ways" to trace the roots of almost all kinds of ancient scriptures to these 4 vakyas🙏

An experiential-grasp of these 4....becomes a moksha😜... जीवन मुक्ति.... )

Sunday, November 03, 2024

One of the uses of meditation

 A few are allergic to trying a meditative practice ( numerous excuses arise----mind games. Mind turns cunning to devise excuses to repel any kind of meditation 😜)

We don't mind improving our logical & emotional skills ( it helps better-handling of life situations)

Any personal-skill, if subtle.... has its own vulnerabilities.  Susceptibility to extreme/stressful situations. 

Situation  can weaken its strength,  and the same logic/emotion might turn against us, instead of helping us to tide over a stormy situation 😜 ( like a grenade bursting in our hands itself, before we threw it on to the target).

We need a shield, a firewall, which can reduce the possibility of instability of our logic/emotion, due to a situational stress.

Meditation has a historical evidence for its efficacy, in providing a shield to retain the efficiency of our logical/emotional strength🙏

Inherent risks can also be reduced to a sustainable extent!

A practical example.

Suppose we are able to confirm, as to

which of the two faces vulnerability of situational threat ( logic or emotion)


Insurance premium "rating" gives us a motivation, from the way....the rates are decided for  raw-cotton in-transit.

Loose cotton in transit/in-godown  is charged a higher rate. Whereas, fully pressed bales are charged much-lesser😜 ( fully pressed bales means..... a machine compresses it and allows a metallic strip to be strapped around it about 4 times..... 2 straps around its 2 sides, length and breadth. Now, fire burns only the outermost surface of this tight-bundle. The inside is safe😅... oxygen-helps-combustion. No fire hazard in a oxy-starved area. 

Consciously calming the mind, helps logic and emotion to function behind a "firewall"....😜

MeditaShun is not to be shunned, hated, despised etc, if.....we want to safeguard our sensibility in using logic/emotion/both 🙏

Insurably yours,

psn(3rd Nov,  2024)

Saturday, November 02, 2024


 Teacheliness ( can be a crude translation to gurutwam)

It is a concept, not a depiction of functionality of a guru.

In Indian lore, concept-of-concepts were too well developed, and perhaps, formed the “base” of desi spirituality. (Example: wateriness is liberally used to denote the molecular bond between Iron particles of a piece of iron rod, etc. Jala_tatwam is watering. Its functionality stretches to deepening a human potential to become capable of absorbing basic 5 elements (pancha tatwam) to provide water  into one's own body, effortlessly( 😜 this capability may trigger envy in a space-traveler, like astronaut or cosmonaut! )

I liked to look at a real like example.

I had a professor in economics at my college. I used to ask him a few questions, which come closer to core values in a human being, which affects the economics of a society!  Quite a few times he said “let me ‘search’ for an answer and then tell you.” I felt deeply impressed by his mind's courage to say thus in a classroom.

Then one day, the princi told me “do you know….in our 20 years of working together as professors, it is the first time I am seeing Dr.MGB greeting/wishing somebody a “good morning”!😳

I was stunned! Just ½ a minute ago that economist had mumbled a ‘good morning’ at me, which I repeated gracefully too🙏

Then one day, he asked for “psn” ( me), in the class! I used to bunk often to drive my dad's  car out of station,  on his official tours. Professor said"let him come, and then this new chapter”( he didn't  want me to miss that lecture!😰🙏)

Then one day, my dad quipped :”who's this dr.mgb?” ( I felt worried! Dad never bothered about my college life, education, literacy, whatever. He merely gave me my fees for the ensuing terms, nothing more)

I answered “any complaints against me? 🥺…he's my eckonomix/ economics professor “

Dad “don't know why, he sent word through our prof.rao “tell his dad, to ask psn to do a PhD in economics “

I felt inquisitive to know about Dr.mgb now! What a man! Why did he alone bother to treat me as his “blue eyed child?”? 

Over the decades, I got insight about Dr.mgb, in installments.

He authored a globally acclaimed book “Hindu economis”( he was a staunch communist at heart😜).

He retired as a VC of the university ( Nagpur).


The subtle aspect… just struck me🙏

Gurutwam. Teacherliness.

This man had learnt economics at the feet of a staunch Hindu, dattopant thengdi.  Obviously, the “Hindu_ness” would have permeated a “little” into Dr Mgb…. inevitably!😰😭

This hindutwa/hinduness, might have caused a little teacherliness/gurutwam to seep-into Dr.mgb😰🙏😜

( i could decipher no other better-reason, for him to “identify” the “potential-in-me” when I was just 19 yrs old, and a stupid-average-student🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣...  I am confident about the prevalence of this-potential in me, only now, at 70+.... 😰 gurus look for potential, not what a student is, right now! )

I was myself hunting for this gurutwam( the ability to identify a potential candidate, to pass on what I learnt thus-far), so that I don't “miss” my victims for my spiritual bla-bla 😜🙏…  I did acquire a “few” tricks of the trade😜…. 

Blabbering_ly, yours….

psn(2 nov 2024)