By ........
a)What are we looking for?
b)Unearned money?
c)Comfort zone?
d)An amenable fool ( today's search for bride/groom, is mostly for an obedient fool, intelligent ones are a nuisance)
e) etcetera….. materialistic, survival oriented
A few look for
1.Purpose of life? ( unless they aren't a starving destitute :)) to improve own perception levels? ( A natural thirst…) to decide upon a wise person to learn from?
4.etcetera….(this person's life energies are focused on to own intellect, hence such questions fundamental to "life_itself")...
We look for water…..we choose greenery to search not a sandy desert.
We look for wisdom and it's byproducts….we try to equip ourselves , in the first place, with some kind of tools, yardstick, parameters…
Nature has provided a tools….
Human being has a "choice" about everything!
Ancient people trusted nature adequately enough….and hence decided to explore into the choice about food… :)) ….can we choose to do away with dependance on food? ( Yep! A combo of 3 things, 2 mudras 1 kriya…. "eating" is obviated…food gets absorbed in its subtlest forms… I tried it & therefore I blabber).
A Guru, a teacher….
Looks at …
What is this fellow trying to look for?????
Filteration process
( Present day yoga programs have a form to be filled & ask this question 'what are you looking for?' in a clever set of words)...
In my case, i had a very unlikely pair of eyes….
A few wise ones, otherwise looking like fools or non-entities, easily sighted me looking at my eyes.
I started looking for….places of energy….( Obviously, in temples mostly….)
Antenna kept on….. surprise_spots start sending their vibes for antenna to pick up. Mostly meditative homes ( mutt of beggar-by-lineage π)... river banks…. meditative people were allowed to erect huts nearby rivers… river shifts it's flow, sand beds reveal consecrated stone idols when excavation happens.
Cloud computing technology….. sit in a secluded forest, meditate….get connected to data available in ethereal template π
Tragically yours
psn(18 March, 2022)