The best use of 'means of
communication' perhaps, is in sharing an inner experience! It at once
'speaks' about the very perception levels of that individual!... The
details of the outside situation which might necessitate the
'cohesive-binding' (like that maida-flour, crushed bread-crumbs of
outer lining of a bread, or the rusk-powder... used to bind together
the potato-cutlet, ... only then it roasts well on a tawa, the iron
pan, and absorbs good amount of oil meaningfully, to give us the
unique combination of crispiness at the outside, and the
soft-tasty-inside together!... and yes, the sauce, if it is also
'khatta-meetha'... then 'yeh dil maange more' of it!)... that
cohesive binding is what the trivial details of outside situation
should ideally do, and should not 'take away' too much of the
I am just-fresh... out of
an amazing experience! I got 'entangled' into volunteering yet
again, at this wrong age (60+), and the two others were very close
people to me, who gladly agreed to 'try-out' , for a
'let-us-see-what-happens' kind of experiment...
What we did was on a
20-hours per day basis. (With me around, the waking time is more or
less fixed, but not the 'getting-into-bed' hour!).
I was in for a unique
experience! Just two others, and myself-the-experiment-steerer, ....
We experimented with natural herbs at 4.30 am or so... followed by
hectic physical acrobatics (to the extent that the body affords at
this age!)... the body limitations were sought to be countered with
deeper-states of infused relaxations! It worked wonderfully well!
Only that the demonstration of a few 'gimmicks' triggered a heavy
dose of 'edema' in me, and it caused a little discomfort and lots of
pain-sensation , when I inadvertently 'got-lost' into the memory of
what I used to do 2 decades ago, and pushed my body into such frenzy
styles all-at-once, without even warming it up first! Yes, the pain
subsided no sooner than when I inwardly 'apologised' to my nerves,
and the build-up of fluids around waist decided to leave that place
in a matter of few hours... this itself is a surprising 'response'
from my dear-vehicle, the dear body of mine... which is able to
be-friend me after quite a long spell of stoic-inactivity!
I found myself able to
delve quite deep into the subtle traits of the two others, who had
long-ago cast away their basic traits, which was so easily visible
during childhood, but now camouflaged with 'masks' that the situation
keeps piling on their 'persona' over the years! ( I suppose, eminent
psychiatrists are usually grappled with this very task of 'reaching'
into the deeper levels of minds of their patients, while attempting
to afford a longer-duration-relief. And only then can the
'just-on-surface' symptoms be shaken up, shedded, and stoved away ...
at least temporarily!.. A very very similar pattern to those
'very-intense-spiritual' practices of ancient days, where the Masters
enable the disciples to 'do-it-yourselves' using tailor-made tools,
... of-course, at a proximity!)...
Their part of sharing of
inner-experience is yet to come to me... it is only a matter of
choice, purely theirs! But, I had such a wonderful experience, which
opened up yet a few more doors and windows, to reveal very unique
tools, that I am hardly able to contain the joy! Please see, even
for people to 'stay' with cousins, friends, etc for a month long ...
these days.. is an 'out-dated' concept! My entire child hood was at
least one-and-a-half month stay with cousins/relatives at far away
places, and the school's summer holidays provided very good provision
for such experience (that left the 'tourist-attraction-places' to be
visited as a 'later-on' choice, when I am able to stand on
my-own-two-feet firmly... my dad found the 'economics' to be more
viable to just keep on visiting the ancestral places of his , and the
brother's of his spouse, to deposit the trouble-some kids for a
while, and then to breathe freely for a few days!).. Now, it is
just 2 or 3 days 'max'!
The basic traits surface
when the mind is relatively distanced from a 'routine' and also
relaxed, is what I got to notice... this at once brings in another
problem... that of very frequent and quite-needless reference to
past 'stories'... for which, the simple solution was to visit yet
another set of past stories, push into it a few 'masalaa's' (fresh
spices), make it animated, lively, and keep pouring it incessantly
(my poor throat took the entire brunt of such hectic activity, and it
turned hoarse in a very little while... but it got to understand
that I am in no mood to descend into silence for a while even, and it
churned out noises of all sorts!... much to the amusement of a
listener!).... The only 'indicative' response was a 'wish' that we
had a 'recording' device (a cam-recorder or so), to capture the
eccentricities which were so amusing!
The whole exercise was not
entirely without rewards... They found their physique to be still
capable of responding amazingly... way beyond what the medicines and
pills are 'expected' or 'supposed' to do by way of relief!... The
spirit did soar a little above 'ground-levels', from the visible
cheer all-through!... The gross physical weight got reduced by 2+
kilograms (I lost 4, in the bargain!... I also lost a little bit of
'hope' to become eligible for 'sensible' food, which I also happen to
like very much, relish very much... when the first ever
lipid-profile-test of my life revealed a couple of days ago, that I
am a miserable 'normal' idiot, and it is quite 'okay' to use my
stomach as a garbage can of all the junk-foods that our kitchen is
going to churn out in the name of 'celebrating the in-coming
'diwalaa'... oops... diwaleee , sometime next week!)
Thus, yours,
psn ( 30th october, 2013)