My father used to tell us bed-time stories. How well I understood them was not his problem. And I was myself a problematic kid even then, so quite a few of them did work or wove into funny ways, conjuring up funny ideas into my little head. One of such stories stayed within me for too long a time. The reason was the questions it raised.
This story had two characters. One was an aged Namboodiri, belonging to what was regarded as an orthodox, sacred and pious type of people. The other was his very close friend , a Christian priest! I realized later during the adulthood, that this story was quite true, and did happen! But the names of the places, where these two people hailed was too complex, beyond my ability to even repeat, so no way to remember. Names of people and the places they live in, get almost welded like those gas-welding of metals! When I asked about such complexity in names, my father narrated a small joke: It seems there was a Nair, whose first name was Raman. Now there are dozens of “Raman Nair’s” all over the village. So people identified him with a herbal shrub “Kanjhara” beside his house. So he became ‘Kanjhara Raman Nair”. After this name stuck too hard to him, he felt irritated, because it diminished his own grandeur, his family, its house etc, and gave some silly undue importance to a stupid shrub. People even called him for short ‘Kanjhara’ and so on. One day he simply chopped the shrub, at its trunk, leaving just a barren stub. But, the name now simply became “kanjhara-kutti-Raman-Nair” ! ‘Kutti” means a ‘stub’ or a short pole. He now got really annoyed, and uprooted the stub, right from below ground level, not sparing even the roots. Now, his anger, annoyance, and stubbornness was quite visible, when people passed by, noticing a deep hole in the earth where that innocent shrub had once stood. But by now, people had got so much used to addressing him with that ‘Kanjhara’ prefix that, they simply added that pit-hole, to make it as ‘Kanjhara-kutti-kuzhi-Raman-Nair’ !! Yes, you don’t need to be told the meaning for the word ‘kuzhi’!
Sorry, for leaving the main story with just titles. Our Namboodiri friend was once afflicted very badly with some kind of serious skin ailment. No doctor could find a cure. He tried all types of known concoctions in ayurveda! Then he turned to his friend the Christian priest, and asked him if he could do something. Very peculiarly, this Namboodiri maintained a ‘safe’ distance on every aspect from this Christian priest, because of their diverse religious faiths. Yet, this Namboodiri could never pluck out the friendship and love that he ‘naturally’ felt for this priest. The priest in turn, respected the other’s sentiments, understood very deeply the other’s love for him, and never became a cause of concern to ever reduce the heart-level-intimacy, though proximity was always at an arms-length! Namboodiri knew that this priest had medical skills too, but came to him only as a last resort, just because he was very hesitant about physical examination by him! But now the ailment had aggravated and spread around visibly enough. The priest prescribed a medicine, which included some python’s fat as an ingredient. Our Namboodiri was visibly annoyed at such ridiculous suggestion, knowing fully well, that his religion rigidly prescribed strict vegetarianism, this priest had the audacity to suggest a snake-fat for consumption! Namboodiri retorted “to hell with your medicine, your friendship and all. I shall go to my last resort now, my faith in my prayer, my God.” Having said thus, the priest did not turn up for the joint-morning-walk, they usually had together, and the only time they nourished the friendship each day. After a few weeks, the Namboodiri got cured! He now felt his first duty to be to storm into that priest’s place and declare with emphatic proof that his own faith was good enough to cure! The priest smiled calmly. He then humbly and politely asked what exactly the Namboodiri did by way of rituals, to merit this benediction. “Oh!” said the Namboodiri, cutting the story short, ‘nothing much, I used to get into the river water up to waist level, chant incantations, sip holy water several times, in between, and invoke divine blessings. I did this for few hours each day, as a rigorous penance’ he added. There was nothing more to probe into this miracle, felt our Namboodiri. The priest now politely requested ‘do you mind taking me to the very place where you performed this ritual?’. The Namboodiri proudly marched his friend to the very spot along the river banks. The river was small, with some modest flow. The priest took a look, and now suggested that they walk a little further, along the flow, upwards. Very soon, they reached a spot where the water was flowing out of a narrow gap between two huge rocks. Somehow a very large python had got trapped between these two rocks, leaving them to even guess as to how it died. But it was quite visible, that it had remained there for a few weeks, trapped, undisturbed, and the flow of water over its huge and long body ensured that did not rot in dry humid air. Now it was the Priest’s turn to explain. He said ‘My good friend, with due respect to your faith, it was also the very same snake-fat, but in larger and raw doses that did the work!’ The rest of the story does not matter.
This is how concept works sometimes!
Concepts are usually too subtle. So what good could a ‘concept-about-concept’ do to us, to be easily understood first? I found a chapter(‘Concept Formation’) in one of the books by a renowned author, ‘Ayn Rand’ where she describes ‘concept of concepts’ in the book, entitled ‘Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology’. I cannot but help quoting one sentence I loved, in it : “… In this sense and respect, perceptual awareness is the arithmetic, but conceptual awareness is the algebra of cognition”. I would not even venture to go any further about that. But yes. Each is left to one’s own concepts about everything. Some scientific concepts are thrust upon us in school text books, and we are fortunate that nobody challenges us about it at degree level or ever thereafter!
Somehow, I have a feeling that most of us are now very reluctant to look at simple things with the ‘respect’ it deserves! Perhaps that is why those simple rituals, simple traditions, got scoffed at and got lost into oblivion over a period of time. The more complex a gadget is, that we have, more the respect it fetches to us! Complex solutions have some kind of instant magical appeal! That is what made me think about those old-fashioned concepts, the two liners that the ancient simple saints and sages sang for their disciples, what we call as ‘Kabeer’s doha’, Vemmanna’s Padyamu, etc. Oh! Is it that what we ‘perceive’ is going to become what we conceive, and the concept? Then, it is verily our perception levels that decides as to what and how we perceive, and in turn we then ‘conceive’ it. Perhaps exactly, just like it is described in biology text books, only one in million sperms get a chance for human womb to get ‘conceived’ with it! No wonder even that process is made far too complex and costly too, for us now!
Psychiatrists invariably make lot of money, when we love to get addicted to complexities and complications! Oh! It all started when I looked at the ‘best’ answer for a very simple question in ‘Yahoo Answers Forum(How can u memorize easily?), and then I too inadvertently got trapped into forwarding it as a ‘worth’ reading mail to a few of my young recipients! I don’t know whether it was my laziness or what, that I told myself, ‘Oh! Mercifully, it is any way not for me now, at this age!’
My collection of concept says, not to make this too long now, so I give just the web link to the question, only for those who like to take a look at it.;_ylt=AhAODhQRJYXbmc_QEx_iWQaRHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090523001631AAT8ple&show=7#profile-info-3e8fFRCIaa
Conceptually yours,
Psn (25th May, 2009)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The LED, let it remain ON!
Most gadgets that we use today, have those LEDs to tell us the power is on. Including the one to which we run up to when we have doubts if there is a power failure—the “mains” switchboard that ‘houses’ the LEDs.
I have a small weakness or a problem. Right from the childhood. Teachers in my school used to caution us saying “Please close all your physics text books! Please switch off the physics from your mind, that was the previous period…. Now it is Maths!”….
Like all other students, I too obeyed the teacher, about closing the text book. But, switching off the mind from that topic abruptly was a problem. It still is. Then, it used to raise funny questions, like, I ask myself (in my ‘unswitched’ mind, ofcourse), why does not the flame-tongue of a candle go horizontally, if we hold the candle horizontally instead of vertically?
It is only very recently I discovered that there is a small advantage of not switching off!
And then I just refined (or I just fine tuned myself)….
LEDs do not consume much power. Just a very small glow. That is why we have cheaper torches now, that do not eat up battery cells like it used to.
All I did was to look at that “on” position in my little head as an LED , the alertness!
Most of my good friends who used to respond that innocent childhood liveliness during my school days are now busy with long brooding faces! May be they forgot to switch off the main power supply to the incessantly rotating motor of the hard-disk in their brains! They hardly manage to get out one problem out of their heads, while ten more newer problems tend to creep in, and now even their dual-core-processors struggle ! I am left gaping, when I wonder how they forgot to switch off their mind from one problem to attend to another, like they used to when switching off physics, and turning on to Maths!
How I became an odd fellow, too is a funny phenomenon. During the black and white film days, even flash was an ‘use-and-throw’ bulb. During marriage functions, the flash-photographer really used to struggle to get that precious picture on celluloid. The film was too slow. Most importantly, the sanctum area was slightly ‘out-of-bounds’ for him. And many a times, the picture of the ‘crowning’ moment showed only the ‘tuft’ of the priest! That fellow would suddenly lean forward to reach the groom, to hand over the holy water, sprinkle it on his palms, or something like that! This character, the priest was an odd man of sorts! In the whole gathering, he is the only one exempted from ‘code-of-conduct’ (like those election-period code of conduct, switched on after notification of election dates, and switched off after results are ‘formally’ handed over to President). Our priest does not need to wear even a banian, while it is mandatory for all men and women to be in their new, best and only silk dresses! He can shout whenever he pleases, order anybody to do anything! A reverse code of conduct! I don’t know if my funny brain assumed such positions, to get along being an odd fellow!
I do not blame the teachers at all for asking the students to switch off their physics etc. They had their own constraints. I happened to notice that teachers scheduled all their classes to happen within the first three quarters of the day. It was the Saaars—not czars, mind you (male teachers are always ‘Sir’ here!). So, most of the last periods of the day are manned by Sirs, while most first few periods are ‘wommenned’ by teachers. So, there was no need to look at the sequence of classes from the point of view of ‘promoting’ cohesive or progressive sequence, the consequential intelligence for the students. Those who continued to attend the ‘classes’ during their deputation for ‘training’ at work place would at least agree, what happens in the class during the post-lunch sessions!
It is when I learnt of an interesting session (about a methodology at IIMs) that I happened to re-look at my own LED! It seems, the management trainees were asked to solve a tough problem in a group discussion. After some time, they were asked to re-group differently, and spend just about 5 minutes to solve another puzzle, leaving the problem for a while. After ‘failing’ at the puzzle-group, they got back to their original problematic groups, and continued attempting the problem-solving. Then, after a while, the entire class was asked to turn their chairs, leaving the groups, problems and puzzles unsolved, to now face the lecturer. The lecturer explained, that the problem and puzzle, both were deliberately made tough. The idea of the session was to enable the candidates to EXPERIENCE and not just theorize or opinionate the phenomenon that happened in their brains. One set of brain cells were engaged incessantly to solve a problem. When they turned to look at puzzle, another set of brain cells were now engaged, leaving the former problematic-fatigued cells to rest & recoup. When then returned to problem, leaving the puzzle, they were expected to experience of their own, some freshness in their capability to look at the old problem. The theme was that if we refuse to put down the tumbler and hold it in our hands for too long, the hands would ache torturously! I looked at it, also as, not to switch off the LED, the alertness of mind, in the name of taking rest from brain-storming sessions, in our daily life. Perhaps, our mind-LEDs take a lot of time to ‘restart’ like those thermal power stations!
If it will not be too much of a strain, I am tempted to narrate a small ‘session’ I happened to devise for a kid of 8th class. This kid, I felt, might have some rigidities about me, due to age gap, and the ‘template’ in his mind that ‘elders have to be obeyed’ choicelessly. Where as, my aim was to help him to see that it was Okay to keep mathematics ‘on’ while looking at an experiment of physics, to be able to co-relate both cohesively, and also to understand the logic in a deeper way.
This was what I asked him to read, and act ‘as he wished to’, upon it.
Now, read the following sentences, only one at a time. After reading one sentence please wait…….
See if you are able to agree completely.
If “yes” , then, there should be no problem in visualizing it! Try maximum CLARITY, details in the image (the visuals) like we try for more PIXELS & resolution in the Monitor/Printer images.
What is the shortest distance between two points ‘A’ & ‘B’? A straight line. Yes?
Light travels in a straight line. Yes?
Shortest distance between the upper tip of the flame of a candle light and a pin hole in a card board placed a little away vertically.
Now, extend the same straight line through the pin hole till it touches another card board placed similarly, with the same gap of distance, beyond pin hole card board.
Repeat 3 & 4 for another ray of light traveling from lower tip of the flame towards the same pin hole.
The image of the flame HAS TO BE inverted (on the 2nd card board)
Now, what about the Human eye? What about the image that WE see?
(children are FOND of bending down and looking backwards between their knees!) Are they trying to press the “UNDO” button of their brain ? ? ! ! !
There was a joke, I heard from a friend who had returned to India, after a long time. His son, who was brought up in a concrete jungle, in that foreign country was in for a big surprise when they walked out of the airport. Everything was strange for that kid. He happened to see a buffalo being goaded, by the milkman, walking ahead of him. Suddenly, he tugged his father’s hand and said “Babuji , See, it couldn’t wait” !!! My friend turned to look at what the kid was trying to say. He saw that the buffalo was dropping the dung even as it was walking!
Usually, when I happen to conjure up something out of 'my' idiot box, I try it out with somebody around, to see if it was worth mailing. But this time, even I feel, “I couldn’t wait”, like that poor buffalo!
Illuminatingly yours,PSN(20th May, 2009)
I have a small weakness or a problem. Right from the childhood. Teachers in my school used to caution us saying “Please close all your physics text books! Please switch off the physics from your mind, that was the previous period…. Now it is Maths!”….
Like all other students, I too obeyed the teacher, about closing the text book. But, switching off the mind from that topic abruptly was a problem. It still is. Then, it used to raise funny questions, like, I ask myself (in my ‘unswitched’ mind, ofcourse), why does not the flame-tongue of a candle go horizontally, if we hold the candle horizontally instead of vertically?
It is only very recently I discovered that there is a small advantage of not switching off!
And then I just refined (or I just fine tuned myself)….
LEDs do not consume much power. Just a very small glow. That is why we have cheaper torches now, that do not eat up battery cells like it used to.
All I did was to look at that “on” position in my little head as an LED , the alertness!
Most of my good friends who used to respond that innocent childhood liveliness during my school days are now busy with long brooding faces! May be they forgot to switch off the main power supply to the incessantly rotating motor of the hard-disk in their brains! They hardly manage to get out one problem out of their heads, while ten more newer problems tend to creep in, and now even their dual-core-processors struggle ! I am left gaping, when I wonder how they forgot to switch off their mind from one problem to attend to another, like they used to when switching off physics, and turning on to Maths!
How I became an odd fellow, too is a funny phenomenon. During the black and white film days, even flash was an ‘use-and-throw’ bulb. During marriage functions, the flash-photographer really used to struggle to get that precious picture on celluloid. The film was too slow. Most importantly, the sanctum area was slightly ‘out-of-bounds’ for him. And many a times, the picture of the ‘crowning’ moment showed only the ‘tuft’ of the priest! That fellow would suddenly lean forward to reach the groom, to hand over the holy water, sprinkle it on his palms, or something like that! This character, the priest was an odd man of sorts! In the whole gathering, he is the only one exempted from ‘code-of-conduct’ (like those election-period code of conduct, switched on after notification of election dates, and switched off after results are ‘formally’ handed over to President). Our priest does not need to wear even a banian, while it is mandatory for all men and women to be in their new, best and only silk dresses! He can shout whenever he pleases, order anybody to do anything! A reverse code of conduct! I don’t know if my funny brain assumed such positions, to get along being an odd fellow!
I do not blame the teachers at all for asking the students to switch off their physics etc. They had their own constraints. I happened to notice that teachers scheduled all their classes to happen within the first three quarters of the day. It was the Saaars—not czars, mind you (male teachers are always ‘Sir’ here!). So, most of the last periods of the day are manned by Sirs, while most first few periods are ‘wommenned’ by teachers. So, there was no need to look at the sequence of classes from the point of view of ‘promoting’ cohesive or progressive sequence, the consequential intelligence for the students. Those who continued to attend the ‘classes’ during their deputation for ‘training’ at work place would at least agree, what happens in the class during the post-lunch sessions!
It is when I learnt of an interesting session (about a methodology at IIMs) that I happened to re-look at my own LED! It seems, the management trainees were asked to solve a tough problem in a group discussion. After some time, they were asked to re-group differently, and spend just about 5 minutes to solve another puzzle, leaving the problem for a while. After ‘failing’ at the puzzle-group, they got back to their original problematic groups, and continued attempting the problem-solving. Then, after a while, the entire class was asked to turn their chairs, leaving the groups, problems and puzzles unsolved, to now face the lecturer. The lecturer explained, that the problem and puzzle, both were deliberately made tough. The idea of the session was to enable the candidates to EXPERIENCE and not just theorize or opinionate the phenomenon that happened in their brains. One set of brain cells were engaged incessantly to solve a problem. When they turned to look at puzzle, another set of brain cells were now engaged, leaving the former problematic-fatigued cells to rest & recoup. When then returned to problem, leaving the puzzle, they were expected to experience of their own, some freshness in their capability to look at the old problem. The theme was that if we refuse to put down the tumbler and hold it in our hands for too long, the hands would ache torturously! I looked at it, also as, not to switch off the LED, the alertness of mind, in the name of taking rest from brain-storming sessions, in our daily life. Perhaps, our mind-LEDs take a lot of time to ‘restart’ like those thermal power stations!
If it will not be too much of a strain, I am tempted to narrate a small ‘session’ I happened to devise for a kid of 8th class. This kid, I felt, might have some rigidities about me, due to age gap, and the ‘template’ in his mind that ‘elders have to be obeyed’ choicelessly. Where as, my aim was to help him to see that it was Okay to keep mathematics ‘on’ while looking at an experiment of physics, to be able to co-relate both cohesively, and also to understand the logic in a deeper way.
This was what I asked him to read, and act ‘as he wished to’, upon it.
Now, read the following sentences, only one at a time. After reading one sentence please wait…….
See if you are able to agree completely.
If “yes” , then, there should be no problem in visualizing it! Try maximum CLARITY, details in the image (the visuals) like we try for more PIXELS & resolution in the Monitor/Printer images.
What is the shortest distance between two points ‘A’ & ‘B’? A straight line. Yes?
Light travels in a straight line. Yes?
Shortest distance between the upper tip of the flame of a candle light and a pin hole in a card board placed a little away vertically.
Now, extend the same straight line through the pin hole till it touches another card board placed similarly, with the same gap of distance, beyond pin hole card board.
Repeat 3 & 4 for another ray of light traveling from lower tip of the flame towards the same pin hole.
The image of the flame HAS TO BE inverted (on the 2nd card board)
Now, what about the Human eye? What about the image that WE see?
(children are FOND of bending down and looking backwards between their knees!) Are they trying to press the “UNDO” button of their brain ? ? ! ! !
There was a joke, I heard from a friend who had returned to India, after a long time. His son, who was brought up in a concrete jungle, in that foreign country was in for a big surprise when they walked out of the airport. Everything was strange for that kid. He happened to see a buffalo being goaded, by the milkman, walking ahead of him. Suddenly, he tugged his father’s hand and said “Babuji , See, it couldn’t wait” !!! My friend turned to look at what the kid was trying to say. He saw that the buffalo was dropping the dung even as it was walking!
Usually, when I happen to conjure up something out of 'my' idiot box, I try it out with somebody around, to see if it was worth mailing. But this time, even I feel, “I couldn’t wait”, like that poor buffalo!
Illuminatingly yours,PSN(20th May, 2009)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Yes, it is about opinion itself, from me, not just an opinion! Whether it is still an opinion (by me, for you…), though about opinion, is a matter of your opinion, again depending upon how heavily opinionated you are!
We all know why that “Opinion” poll was prohibited until at least all the phases of voting for election was over! Perhaps, the politicians are themselves scared of their own weaponry!
That is the power of Opinion!
People who were very impressed by that “Gandhi-giri” (Lage Raho-MunnaBhai Movie), were even eager to try it out! But they might be too shy to talk about or admitting it if it failed. The reason as to why Gandhi-giri did not happen to work for them is not too far to seek. It works only if it is accompanied by a “public opinion being mobilized”.
Showing another cheek if slapped on one, should be only in full public view ! Policemen actually specialize in trace-less slapping in a closed questioning-room, during investigation, and ‘showing the other cheek’ is no more a matter of choice there! Does it work!
Shaheed Bhagat Singh was not the only one to be hanged during freedom struggle. But he did understand the power of ‘public-opinion’ and it was indeed a Gandhi-giri style (being hanged for just non-violently exploding a bunch of leaflets in full public view, right inside the parliament premises!)
I wonder if those who are staunch followers of non-violence would really show the other cheek to a mosquito which lands upon one cheek to bite, or would they inadvertently slap themselves and then ‘claim’ that it was a part of non-violence too, to slap their own faces!
The present day generation is flooded with opinions of all kinds. Most of the time, we are led by opinion. Even psychiatrists seem to try that “auto-self-suggestion” as a technique, because, may be, when we tell the same thing many times to ourselves, it becomes like a public opinion to us , (public is after all “many”, so many times could be ‘equal to’ public!)
Some time or other we might have wondered, as to why we are unable to ‘hang’ on to a resolution, a decision, a determination, which we feel is needed to improve ourselves! I am tempted to look at that decision as an ‘opinion’, that is why perhaps it did not work. Opinions by themselves do not ‘perform’. The subtle nature of ‘opinion’ reminds me of that cotton-ball type of sweet candy or so which just loses it size when ‘chewed’, though it initially teases our cheeks, trying to stick on! I am voluntarily ready to disclose that the mythological character “Hanuman” gains his power not out of any opinion by onlookers, but by being “reminded” of the truth, that he did possess enormous powers (Hanuman was to remain under a spell/curse, that unless reminded, his powers were to remain latent). So it not a psychiatric ‘suggestion’ to Hanuman that worked. Suppose we lost some heavy amount by way of pick-pocket, when that amount was badly needed to save the life of a near & dear one, then we have learnt a lesson. Now we do not need a resolve, borrowing it as a dependable opinion that “it is good to beware of pick-pockets”. But, not all are depending on such hard lessons. For example intellectuals, scientists, etc can easily foresee the harm of mis-handling a hazardous material, and know of their own wisdom, that abundant care is needed. It we the ‘common’ men who find it convenient to float on opinions, instead of taking the efforts to swim across decisively to a goal!
Spirituality does not support, unfortunately, any kind of dependence on opinion. Even if a spiritual practice is done sincerely, but is ‘driven’ by an opinion, the benefits could be just incidental, physical and quite attractive, but not a lasting one, in spiritual terms.
Marketing techniques are at its best, from results point of view, when an opinion is created first, and then a product is marketed. Day in and out, we are choicelessly showered upon with opinions, and therefore what else would we become, over a period of time… “Man is but a bundle of opinions”?! All the time, we are worried about “what 4 people will say?” (that was the joke, when the Indian-language-version was translated).
Now, it really calls for “own” opinion, “original” opinion, or shall we say, a “well considered” opinion (that brain-storming, nerve-wrecking session), if at all someone is inclined to respond? No problems. I know, what it takes for a response to ‘snow-ball’ into an opinion, if we feel it safe that way, before we attempt to sincerely respond.
Opinionatively yours,
Psn (18th May, 2009)
We all know why that “Opinion” poll was prohibited until at least all the phases of voting for election was over! Perhaps, the politicians are themselves scared of their own weaponry!
That is the power of Opinion!
People who were very impressed by that “Gandhi-giri” (Lage Raho-MunnaBhai Movie), were even eager to try it out! But they might be too shy to talk about or admitting it if it failed. The reason as to why Gandhi-giri did not happen to work for them is not too far to seek. It works only if it is accompanied by a “public opinion being mobilized”.
Showing another cheek if slapped on one, should be only in full public view ! Policemen actually specialize in trace-less slapping in a closed questioning-room, during investigation, and ‘showing the other cheek’ is no more a matter of choice there! Does it work!
Shaheed Bhagat Singh was not the only one to be hanged during freedom struggle. But he did understand the power of ‘public-opinion’ and it was indeed a Gandhi-giri style (being hanged for just non-violently exploding a bunch of leaflets in full public view, right inside the parliament premises!)
I wonder if those who are staunch followers of non-violence would really show the other cheek to a mosquito which lands upon one cheek to bite, or would they inadvertently slap themselves and then ‘claim’ that it was a part of non-violence too, to slap their own faces!
The present day generation is flooded with opinions of all kinds. Most of the time, we are led by opinion. Even psychiatrists seem to try that “auto-self-suggestion” as a technique, because, may be, when we tell the same thing many times to ourselves, it becomes like a public opinion to us , (public is after all “many”, so many times could be ‘equal to’ public!)
Some time or other we might have wondered, as to why we are unable to ‘hang’ on to a resolution, a decision, a determination, which we feel is needed to improve ourselves! I am tempted to look at that decision as an ‘opinion’, that is why perhaps it did not work. Opinions by themselves do not ‘perform’. The subtle nature of ‘opinion’ reminds me of that cotton-ball type of sweet candy or so which just loses it size when ‘chewed’, though it initially teases our cheeks, trying to stick on! I am voluntarily ready to disclose that the mythological character “Hanuman” gains his power not out of any opinion by onlookers, but by being “reminded” of the truth, that he did possess enormous powers (Hanuman was to remain under a spell/curse, that unless reminded, his powers were to remain latent). So it not a psychiatric ‘suggestion’ to Hanuman that worked. Suppose we lost some heavy amount by way of pick-pocket, when that amount was badly needed to save the life of a near & dear one, then we have learnt a lesson. Now we do not need a resolve, borrowing it as a dependable opinion that “it is good to beware of pick-pockets”. But, not all are depending on such hard lessons. For example intellectuals, scientists, etc can easily foresee the harm of mis-handling a hazardous material, and know of their own wisdom, that abundant care is needed. It we the ‘common’ men who find it convenient to float on opinions, instead of taking the efforts to swim across decisively to a goal!
Spirituality does not support, unfortunately, any kind of dependence on opinion. Even if a spiritual practice is done sincerely, but is ‘driven’ by an opinion, the benefits could be just incidental, physical and quite attractive, but not a lasting one, in spiritual terms.
Marketing techniques are at its best, from results point of view, when an opinion is created first, and then a product is marketed. Day in and out, we are choicelessly showered upon with opinions, and therefore what else would we become, over a period of time… “Man is but a bundle of opinions”?! All the time, we are worried about “what 4 people will say?” (that was the joke, when the Indian-language-version was translated).
Now, it really calls for “own” opinion, “original” opinion, or shall we say, a “well considered” opinion (that brain-storming, nerve-wrecking session), if at all someone is inclined to respond? No problems. I know, what it takes for a response to ‘snow-ball’ into an opinion, if we feel it safe that way, before we attempt to sincerely respond.
Opinionatively yours,
Psn (18th May, 2009)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Political awareness
Recently, I was persuaded to join a web-page forum, by a youngster from USA. I was hesitant, initially, being aware of my ignorance about politics, like any other lay person. But he somehow managed to persuade me, with his sincere appeal in his mails.
I was all along wondering as to how I could be of help, in ‘active’ participation, in discussions on that forum. I never had an occasion to focus on ‘discussing’ politics with a concerted effort. Yet, living for so long amidst a society, which is renowned globally for being the largest democracy, with most number of political parties, and those parties with multi-dimensional ideologies, all this emanating from the very nature of fabric of the nation, its culture, heritage, long history, secular nature, multi-religious people etc., I was naturally exposed to observing the unique nature of politics. It is therefore not surprising that even the structure of syllabus for politics taught as a ‘science’ in our Universities seems to evade that comprehensive edifice! The fallout of this phenomenon is that there are more number of less literate people who head politics more successfully than the people who attempted to study it first in a structured manner. Practical real life experience remains the better tutor!
So, I managed to put forth my views on awareness about politics, from a lay person’s view point.
The forum too presents navigational teething-troubles to me, since it is managed by expert youngsters of that highly computer-literate country!
I had to ask very basic questions like:
a). Whether it is worth at all for publishing as a ‘post’ for discussion
b) If it is worthy, then, to which section (topic) does this appropriately fit in
c) Or, regardless of the contents being worth publishing whether the topic “Discussions on Need for improving the level of awareness about politics amongst citizens” warrants a new section (like that “36th (new) Chamber of Shaolin” !).
Before I proceed with the topic, I would like you to know that I would be awaiting your kind comments/views/feedback/response/criticism etc with an open mind!
Now the topic:
Political awareness
An increase of just 2 inches in the ocean’s water level would have a tremendous impact on the ecological balance due to the incalculable quantity of incremental water! Almost similar is the rate of progress of a nation, if the general public, the vast spread citizens of a nation happen to become a little more aware than previously, if they learn about the ingredients of ‘what constitutes to make a good politician/political party’ that would enable the nation to progress well.
I would therefore try to look at it from a ‘lay-man’s’ view point, rather than involve in the ‘scientific’ type of study of politics (for which there are numerous and more competent universities everywhere!).
Basically, a good politician needs to be
1. an all-rounder, a ‘jack of all trades’ as they say, to be able to take political decisions which would not adversely affect any particular section of the society.
2. A person who extends the idea of ‘personal’ integrity, honesty, ethics, values etc beyond oneself, to reach all the sections of the society, to act as a conscience keeper of the society. For example, the vast powers that a political head acquires when elected, would weaken his ability to withstand the temptations to use it for vested interests! The present crisis due to recession is perhaps a typical example. It is a cumulative effect of unbridled ‘liberalization’ accorded to certain vested interests, in the name of ‘free-trade’, democratic freedom to pursue any business in a ‘free-for-all’ open competition, etc. The principles of free trade, liberalization etc, by itself is laudable. It is the implementation allowed ‘legally’ that has suffered lack of foresight! There are very many laws which proclaim social security, health, financial support etc to the very same citizens, who in turn have impliedly submitted to abide by the law-makers, law-keepers and law-administrators (the three main wings of a democracy)! It needs a very shrewd politician who places the welfare of others as a priority, well above self, or a limited section of people, to consider the side-effects of such ‘free-trade’ etc!
3. A person, who is assisted by trusted experts around him/her, who would ‘specialize’ in in-depth study of any and all aspects of events happening around, even globally, and in that nation in particular. For example, scientific progress and industrialization cannot be withheld in any progressive nation. There was a time when means of transportation was using carriages drawn by horses, bulls etc. Now, an automobile gets invented and drastically reduces cost of transportation. It is very good for the nation as a whole. But, overnight, if licenses are issued to a large number of bus-operators, it would throw lots of poor horse-driven carriage owners out of business, and leave their families and dependents on the brink of starvation! It is here that a politician has to take a great ‘risk’ of incurring the wrath of scientists, bus-manufacturers, bus-operators etc, and manage an amicable and healthy compromise, to afford a very smooth transition into industrialization, within the shortest possible period of time!
4. A person who can ‘step out’ of one’s own religious sentiments, sense of loyalty, impact of cultural mannerisms due to environment that has affected the upbringing. To explain this, we can look at an example. Japan is a country, whose agriculture is mainly in sea waters. Its land does not support agriculture to the extent possible in other countries. Its people have to ‘trade to live’. They have to work hard to import raw materials, convert it into finished goods, export it at a competitive profit, and use the earnings to buy, or even import, many of the basic necessities of life. Over a period of time, this kind of life naturally imparts great capabilities like team-spirit, nation-spirit, enduring hard and long hours of labor, etc. Many experts from Japan have now ended up heading giant multi-national corporate firms even in USA. Their presence would naturally have a sizable impact on the market conditions in that country. Now a politician in USA has to ‘visualize’ as to how these decision making chief executives would view any major political decision, or policy, would be viewed by these executives, who hail from a country of diverse culture, and therefore are bound to carry with them their unique sentiments, sense of priority etc.
5. (The list is endless, and requirements do keep changing according to the evolvement in social structure!). So, to make it brief, just one more significant aspect of a good politician, to be mentioned here is that, a person needs to be well evolved emotionally! A good human being is well balanced, with emotions and logic! Emotions are manifest forms or more tangible forms of intuition. Absence of negative emotions like fear, hatred, jealousy, anger is a basic requisite. Otherwise, decisions made out of a mind driven by such negative emotion would adversely or even at times irreversibly affect the nation! It is here that racist tendencies and factors lurk as a suspicion and doubt in the minds of a few sections of the society, when they are unable to ‘decide’ about whether to vote for a particular candidate! Awareness is the only tool available to arrive at a well considered decision. This awareness helps a common citizen to understand the constraints of a honest politician, when a tax is hiked, or levied, due to exigency! For example, a political head of a very small island nation is suddenly faced with a survival problem. Some pirate has tried to park a huge oil container along the coast of this tiny island nation. And accidentally, the vast oil tanker spills on its coast, polluting the marine sea life. And if that nation depends entirely on fishing on its coast for food as the primary occupation, there is a sudden extinction threat to its citizens. The political head cannot plead with any court or sue against that international pirate! And time is against the head-politician. Some harsh decisions have to be taken, restricting the luxuries of rich people, to tax them, to ensure the survival of the majority poor! Recession is somewhat similar to this. The financial markets are like polluted sea waters, suddenly refusing to support fishes and fishing industry! Cleansing the water takes time. It cannot be like blood transfusion. An emotionally unstable politician would perhaps waste efforts in vengeance on wrong-doers, and spend the precious time in wasteful efforts. Improvising the laws to prevent wrong-doers, bringing them to justice etc is equally important, but not at the cost of efforts to ensure survival of innocent victims! Emotional balance ensures optimization of human resources.
Electing a good politician has always been an elusive problem globally all-over. This is simply because of the unique and ironical situation where, non-experts, the common citizens are required to ‘award’ the title of ‘political representative’ to an expert! The solution lies in striving to improve the general awareness about politics and politicians.
I sincerely wish that forums such as this would work towards achieving this goal, and its contributors derive the invaluable self-satisfaction for having selflessly contributed, volunteering their efforts and precious time.
With best wishes,
13th May, 2009, (Incidentally, the final-phase-day of 5-year general elections-2009 to Indian Parliament!!)
I was all along wondering as to how I could be of help, in ‘active’ participation, in discussions on that forum. I never had an occasion to focus on ‘discussing’ politics with a concerted effort. Yet, living for so long amidst a society, which is renowned globally for being the largest democracy, with most number of political parties, and those parties with multi-dimensional ideologies, all this emanating from the very nature of fabric of the nation, its culture, heritage, long history, secular nature, multi-religious people etc., I was naturally exposed to observing the unique nature of politics. It is therefore not surprising that even the structure of syllabus for politics taught as a ‘science’ in our Universities seems to evade that comprehensive edifice! The fallout of this phenomenon is that there are more number of less literate people who head politics more successfully than the people who attempted to study it first in a structured manner. Practical real life experience remains the better tutor!
So, I managed to put forth my views on awareness about politics, from a lay person’s view point.
The forum too presents navigational teething-troubles to me, since it is managed by expert youngsters of that highly computer-literate country!
I had to ask very basic questions like:
a). Whether it is worth at all for publishing as a ‘post’ for discussion
b) If it is worthy, then, to which section (topic) does this appropriately fit in
c) Or, regardless of the contents being worth publishing whether the topic “Discussions on Need for improving the level of awareness about politics amongst citizens” warrants a new section (like that “36th (new) Chamber of Shaolin” !).
Before I proceed with the topic, I would like you to know that I would be awaiting your kind comments/views/feedback/response/criticism etc with an open mind!
Now the topic:
Political awareness
An increase of just 2 inches in the ocean’s water level would have a tremendous impact on the ecological balance due to the incalculable quantity of incremental water! Almost similar is the rate of progress of a nation, if the general public, the vast spread citizens of a nation happen to become a little more aware than previously, if they learn about the ingredients of ‘what constitutes to make a good politician/political party’ that would enable the nation to progress well.
I would therefore try to look at it from a ‘lay-man’s’ view point, rather than involve in the ‘scientific’ type of study of politics (for which there are numerous and more competent universities everywhere!).
Basically, a good politician needs to be
1. an all-rounder, a ‘jack of all trades’ as they say, to be able to take political decisions which would not adversely affect any particular section of the society.
2. A person who extends the idea of ‘personal’ integrity, honesty, ethics, values etc beyond oneself, to reach all the sections of the society, to act as a conscience keeper of the society. For example, the vast powers that a political head acquires when elected, would weaken his ability to withstand the temptations to use it for vested interests! The present crisis due to recession is perhaps a typical example. It is a cumulative effect of unbridled ‘liberalization’ accorded to certain vested interests, in the name of ‘free-trade’, democratic freedom to pursue any business in a ‘free-for-all’ open competition, etc. The principles of free trade, liberalization etc, by itself is laudable. It is the implementation allowed ‘legally’ that has suffered lack of foresight! There are very many laws which proclaim social security, health, financial support etc to the very same citizens, who in turn have impliedly submitted to abide by the law-makers, law-keepers and law-administrators (the three main wings of a democracy)! It needs a very shrewd politician who places the welfare of others as a priority, well above self, or a limited section of people, to consider the side-effects of such ‘free-trade’ etc!
3. A person, who is assisted by trusted experts around him/her, who would ‘specialize’ in in-depth study of any and all aspects of events happening around, even globally, and in that nation in particular. For example, scientific progress and industrialization cannot be withheld in any progressive nation. There was a time when means of transportation was using carriages drawn by horses, bulls etc. Now, an automobile gets invented and drastically reduces cost of transportation. It is very good for the nation as a whole. But, overnight, if licenses are issued to a large number of bus-operators, it would throw lots of poor horse-driven carriage owners out of business, and leave their families and dependents on the brink of starvation! It is here that a politician has to take a great ‘risk’ of incurring the wrath of scientists, bus-manufacturers, bus-operators etc, and manage an amicable and healthy compromise, to afford a very smooth transition into industrialization, within the shortest possible period of time!
4. A person who can ‘step out’ of one’s own religious sentiments, sense of loyalty, impact of cultural mannerisms due to environment that has affected the upbringing. To explain this, we can look at an example. Japan is a country, whose agriculture is mainly in sea waters. Its land does not support agriculture to the extent possible in other countries. Its people have to ‘trade to live’. They have to work hard to import raw materials, convert it into finished goods, export it at a competitive profit, and use the earnings to buy, or even import, many of the basic necessities of life. Over a period of time, this kind of life naturally imparts great capabilities like team-spirit, nation-spirit, enduring hard and long hours of labor, etc. Many experts from Japan have now ended up heading giant multi-national corporate firms even in USA. Their presence would naturally have a sizable impact on the market conditions in that country. Now a politician in USA has to ‘visualize’ as to how these decision making chief executives would view any major political decision, or policy, would be viewed by these executives, who hail from a country of diverse culture, and therefore are bound to carry with them their unique sentiments, sense of priority etc.
5. (The list is endless, and requirements do keep changing according to the evolvement in social structure!). So, to make it brief, just one more significant aspect of a good politician, to be mentioned here is that, a person needs to be well evolved emotionally! A good human being is well balanced, with emotions and logic! Emotions are manifest forms or more tangible forms of intuition. Absence of negative emotions like fear, hatred, jealousy, anger is a basic requisite. Otherwise, decisions made out of a mind driven by such negative emotion would adversely or even at times irreversibly affect the nation! It is here that racist tendencies and factors lurk as a suspicion and doubt in the minds of a few sections of the society, when they are unable to ‘decide’ about whether to vote for a particular candidate! Awareness is the only tool available to arrive at a well considered decision. This awareness helps a common citizen to understand the constraints of a honest politician, when a tax is hiked, or levied, due to exigency! For example, a political head of a very small island nation is suddenly faced with a survival problem. Some pirate has tried to park a huge oil container along the coast of this tiny island nation. And accidentally, the vast oil tanker spills on its coast, polluting the marine sea life. And if that nation depends entirely on fishing on its coast for food as the primary occupation, there is a sudden extinction threat to its citizens. The political head cannot plead with any court or sue against that international pirate! And time is against the head-politician. Some harsh decisions have to be taken, restricting the luxuries of rich people, to tax them, to ensure the survival of the majority poor! Recession is somewhat similar to this. The financial markets are like polluted sea waters, suddenly refusing to support fishes and fishing industry! Cleansing the water takes time. It cannot be like blood transfusion. An emotionally unstable politician would perhaps waste efforts in vengeance on wrong-doers, and spend the precious time in wasteful efforts. Improvising the laws to prevent wrong-doers, bringing them to justice etc is equally important, but not at the cost of efforts to ensure survival of innocent victims! Emotional balance ensures optimization of human resources.
Electing a good politician has always been an elusive problem globally all-over. This is simply because of the unique and ironical situation where, non-experts, the common citizens are required to ‘award’ the title of ‘political representative’ to an expert! The solution lies in striving to improve the general awareness about politics and politicians.
I sincerely wish that forums such as this would work towards achieving this goal, and its contributors derive the invaluable self-satisfaction for having selflessly contributed, volunteering their efforts and precious time.
With best wishes,
13th May, 2009, (Incidentally, the final-phase-day of 5-year general elections-2009 to Indian Parliament!!)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Impact of Global Recession/Meltdown or 'Economic Tsunami' on savings of Individuals.
A very close person, recently asked for my views on how this ‘recession’ would impact on savings of individuals.
This person is close to me in many ways. Just to cite an instance, it is the ‘galaxy’ of close people around him (relatives & true well wishers) that I could see at one place when I too was invited for a religious function in his family. Never had I seen some 150 brilliant people assemble at one place to participate with this much intensity and thorough knowledge of what they were expected to really do, when they were invited to ‘bless’ a child during a religious ceremony! Half of them were leading & renowned chartered accountants and the other half were eminent lawyers. There were some 5 to six Judges, the retired judges remained un-noticed, while two of them were accompanied by ‘security’ personnel, its vehicles, which made their eminence quite ‘visible’. Otherwise, the persons by themselves, had been able to easily keep aside their ‘name-tags’ so effortlessly and mingled with the purpose and people around! I consider myself very fortunate to be able to even ‘witness’ live, such an occasion! I could mentally feel grateful to the practices that I was fortunate to be initiated into, to be able to feel the ‘charge’ of energy these people had created conducive enough to enhance the possibility of the happening of ‘initiation’ of that child at its best!
Needless to add, this person also happens to be a chartered accountant. But, unlike other professionals, who get stuck in the commercial aspect of even relationships, its emotional values etc, he effortlessly is able to apply ‘balancing’ of accounts & review the spiritual aspect of life, beyond the commercial values!
To hasten with the topic, I simply love to quote the ‘audited’ balance-sheet he gave me.
Balance sheet of Past generation:
1.Joint family-Each having 7-8 children.
2.Intangible Assets
-Patent/copy rights(Knowledge & Creativity)
3.Real Assets(Appreciating)-Acres of Land, Gold etc(Next 2 generation can survive)
'Black sheeps' within the family-Head aches only
Net Assets - '+'ve
Balance sheet of the Present generation:
1.Nucleal family-Each having max.2 children.(no external connection, diff. community)
2.Intangible Assets-NIL
3.Real Assets(Depreciating)-Consumer Goods
Diseases requiring Major surgery
Net Assets - '-'ve
When we see individuals bearing the brunt of ‘global’ effect of recession, we look for its reasons, etc.
Why this ‘joint’ family came into focus, when looking at effects of recession on individuals is that, we seldom find such ‘joint-families’ struggle or get affected to dire situations like poverty-death etc like small family.
Why this joint-family system fail/break-down is also a question.
But how did we get into this joint-family system would be a better option to look at first, especially if we are keen to now re-discover the ‘hidden’/ latent / intangible benefits!
Primitive human beings would have life by themselves, and unto themselves obviously, so tells us our common sense.
The evolved ones got themselves clustered for better ‘insulation’ from unforeseen situations like vagaries of nature. Here is the clue. Individual strength does not sustain during massive-effect-situations. In a storm, a group of people holding themselves together would survive better, from being swept away. But, this grouping is not feasible after the storm has ‘commenced’ its business operations!
Please see, when people evolve, their perceptions, judgments, actions etc get deeper and subtler. It takes either similar capabilities to understand, or some TRUST(without bothering about ‘capabilities) to benefit from their knowledge!
We had an ‘evolved’ lot, of generations, who held on to that joint-family concept.
When I attempt to briefly put forth the ‘benefits’ , I am painfully aware of the constraints of limiting myself to only those benefits which would ‘appeal’ to present day ‘logical’ minds, and that too commercially-oriented(if that word ‘commercially’ hurts too much, let us say ‘practical’!).
a) Strength of that sheer number (man-power) for any situation that requires effort.
b) Each individual can focus on ‘specializing’ in fewer aspects and very intensely to derive the productivity at peak levels.
c) Cost effectiveness at basic needs being fulfilled.
d) Okay, the list can go on thus…. Suffice it to give a demonstrable example. A small branch of a Bank can handle only a small crowd of customers, and when it grows into a large branch, the diversified aggregate business that it can handle is not just directly proportional, but many more times over, because of single focused repetitive tasks that specialized individual perform, and their productivity getting enhanced over a period of time.
e) We know, as in a computerized networked environment, a system administrator is better equipped to maintain the network at a ‘proximity’ than when the network is sprawled at distant locations. When an only son of a couple is re-located far away, and needs some help for medical nature, it is impractical for either father or mother to give the physical care and attention, leaving the other spouse alone at that advanced age. Simple kitchen remedies for small ailments go beyond reach(physical and memory resources too) and invariably aggravate over a period of time end up as a chronic-acute & costlier-to-treat-ailments.
f) The list seems endless….
The reasons for ‘how we broke up’ are not too difficult to seek.
It perhaps started with that lure for ‘social-status’ (a concept brought in during British rule… They were liberal in giving attractive titles to individuals, who got tempted to enjoy being looked upon as something ‘better’ than simple looking commoners! Even now it WORKS! Fancy titles are given to lure youngsters for doing simple jobs, like “sales executive” for salesman, health-environment-coordinator for sweepers etc.) Once we take fancy for being looked upon as unique, distinct, class-apart etc, we tend to break away from ordinary-looking-group. It is safer to stay alone, than staying with a brother who is doing ‘nothing’ at home! It takes a lot, to extend the idea beyond our own body to our blood relations, the idea that, when our left hand does nothing much, and our right hand does most of the work, we continue to love both our arms ‘equally’ and that they belong to us! May be, we try to recover faster from any injury to right hand. But we also do not mind ‘taxing’ the right hand more even when it is yet to fully recover from an injury, while, the left hand would have been ‘pampered’ to recover at its ‘leisure’! (I cannot resist the temptation to at least make a mention here that India is the only country where we have a very long history of having given ‘free’ meals to unproductive-LOOKING people, who just sit & meditate , namely the sadhus, Bhikshukas, sanyasis etc! Again it takes a lot, for the present day mind, to really understand & accept that when elderly people are just present physically, there is a ‘dynamic’ but latent/hidden effect of their presence, though they seem dull, idle & unproductive. That is why the present day elders are shunted away to old-age-homes!).
When that commercial ‘concerns’ collapse (due to recession), the lack of ‘insulation’ becomes glaringly evident. A ‘live’ child’s face (so easily seen in a joint-family, because there is always a young couple ), is much more re-assuring, refreshing, promising during gloomy moods. But in isolated small family, even that grown up child is too far way. TV, video-phone, etc do not provide that emotional comfort beyond a point! I need not elaborate the benefits of ‘pooling’ of resources, to survive longer during a crisis. But when it is DISTRUST that has separated us, how do we re-build the mutual trust, to benefit from ‘joint-effort’ ? Creating a deep trust is itself an arduous task. But once it is lost, re-building a trust is much more difficult. Essentially, it is LOSS of trust that has triggered this recession. And the effect is baffling! A whole of country, that ‘Iceland’ is said to have become ‘bankrupt’! The bulk of savings of small individuals there was with three or more major banks in USA, which collapsed. So, for no apparent fault of theirs, the entire nation, all the ‘individual’ citizens, collectively became bankrupt. Can we not at least learn something from it? Individuals amongst us too, found it convenient to TRUST the western modern culture, fashion, ideals, materialistic outlook, social lifestyles etc, and invest our very lifestyle, forsaking our traditional values etc. There is nothing wrong in using modern technologies, but only after careful consideration. Take a look at the lifestyle we had about 8 decades ago. We cannot make out whether a person is rich, brilliant, etc by merely looking at their physical attire. All were similarly simple-dressed. It was a need-based attire. That dress style can survive any type of recession. And thus we can compare endlessly. I can use a simple instance out of one of my own day-dreaming sessions. I was wondering how this world would look like, when archeological experts excavate the earth surface after some 200 years. The present day surface would show lots of ‘junk’ and non-biodegradable garbage pile, to ‘show’ how we lived, and what we considered as wealth! And, we know from our present archeological experts, that they discovered ONLY biodegradable materials plus mineral WEALTH like gold coins etc of eternal value. Perhaps, Mother Nature had decided to “charge-sheet” us! And industrial-labour-law insists that a charge-sheet should be in “a language understood by the employee”! So, since we the present generation, speak only ‘commercial’ language, “economic/financial/materialistic” recession is the only way, a charge sheet can be served on us! If this seems acceptable, then who would volunteer to be the first fool to begin being simple? Maybe, the economic meltdown gives some ‘socially-valid’ excuse to adopt simple lifestyle at least for some time. Let all others around us reform themselves first. We would ‘wisely’ wait, to first see if really works, and then very safely, join the queue in the last, to adopt a simple lifestyle. Less of gadgets, less of consumer use-and-litter goods means more savings(see, already some people are wise, and prices of gold, the only TANGIBLE-TRUSTWORTHY thing left, is soaring so fast) , and safer future. Perhaps a paradigm shift in our basic attitude could help. If we try to ‘act’ as ‘Trustees’ to what we possess, instead of that ‘ownership’ oriented possessive outlook, the rest would happen a bit more effortlessly. All the needed things to minimize the impact of recession on individuals, reducing that ‘burdensome’ feeling, would take shape by itself. We would perform better as responsible ‘trustees’ to hand over what we possessed and improved upon, to the next generation.
There is a ‘silver-lining’ to this crisis. We are forced to now contemplate, about what we did with our lives, and then what we propose to do (of course, in the given situation). There are several instances where dreaded terrorists, get reformed in confinement when isolated in single cell prisons, where they re-look at their past, without that brain-washing-influence of politically oriented fundamentalist-mentors of theirs. We are fortunate that we do not have to carry that negative-tag when we decide to reform. Any reformation from within would culminate into a ‘transformation’ for Good.
We can begin our journey ONLY from where we are at present, and not from where we would like to have been.
Psn (17th April, 2009)
This person is close to me in many ways. Just to cite an instance, it is the ‘galaxy’ of close people around him (relatives & true well wishers) that I could see at one place when I too was invited for a religious function in his family. Never had I seen some 150 brilliant people assemble at one place to participate with this much intensity and thorough knowledge of what they were expected to really do, when they were invited to ‘bless’ a child during a religious ceremony! Half of them were leading & renowned chartered accountants and the other half were eminent lawyers. There were some 5 to six Judges, the retired judges remained un-noticed, while two of them were accompanied by ‘security’ personnel, its vehicles, which made their eminence quite ‘visible’. Otherwise, the persons by themselves, had been able to easily keep aside their ‘name-tags’ so effortlessly and mingled with the purpose and people around! I consider myself very fortunate to be able to even ‘witness’ live, such an occasion! I could mentally feel grateful to the practices that I was fortunate to be initiated into, to be able to feel the ‘charge’ of energy these people had created conducive enough to enhance the possibility of the happening of ‘initiation’ of that child at its best!
Needless to add, this person also happens to be a chartered accountant. But, unlike other professionals, who get stuck in the commercial aspect of even relationships, its emotional values etc, he effortlessly is able to apply ‘balancing’ of accounts & review the spiritual aspect of life, beyond the commercial values!
To hasten with the topic, I simply love to quote the ‘audited’ balance-sheet he gave me.
Balance sheet of Past generation:
1.Joint family-Each having 7-8 children.
2.Intangible Assets
-Patent/copy rights(Knowledge & Creativity)
3.Real Assets(Appreciating)-Acres of Land, Gold etc(Next 2 generation can survive)
'Black sheeps' within the family-Head aches only
Net Assets - '+'ve
Balance sheet of the Present generation:
1.Nucleal family-Each having max.2 children.(no external connection, diff. community)
2.Intangible Assets-NIL
3.Real Assets(Depreciating)-Consumer Goods
Diseases requiring Major surgery
Net Assets - '-'ve
When we see individuals bearing the brunt of ‘global’ effect of recession, we look for its reasons, etc.
Why this ‘joint’ family came into focus, when looking at effects of recession on individuals is that, we seldom find such ‘joint-families’ struggle or get affected to dire situations like poverty-death etc like small family.
Why this joint-family system fail/break-down is also a question.
But how did we get into this joint-family system would be a better option to look at first, especially if we are keen to now re-discover the ‘hidden’/ latent / intangible benefits!
Primitive human beings would have life by themselves, and unto themselves obviously, so tells us our common sense.
The evolved ones got themselves clustered for better ‘insulation’ from unforeseen situations like vagaries of nature. Here is the clue. Individual strength does not sustain during massive-effect-situations. In a storm, a group of people holding themselves together would survive better, from being swept away. But, this grouping is not feasible after the storm has ‘commenced’ its business operations!
Please see, when people evolve, their perceptions, judgments, actions etc get deeper and subtler. It takes either similar capabilities to understand, or some TRUST(without bothering about ‘capabilities) to benefit from their knowledge!
We had an ‘evolved’ lot, of generations, who held on to that joint-family concept.
When I attempt to briefly put forth the ‘benefits’ , I am painfully aware of the constraints of limiting myself to only those benefits which would ‘appeal’ to present day ‘logical’ minds, and that too commercially-oriented(if that word ‘commercially’ hurts too much, let us say ‘practical’!).
a) Strength of that sheer number (man-power) for any situation that requires effort.
b) Each individual can focus on ‘specializing’ in fewer aspects and very intensely to derive the productivity at peak levels.
c) Cost effectiveness at basic needs being fulfilled.
d) Okay, the list can go on thus…. Suffice it to give a demonstrable example. A small branch of a Bank can handle only a small crowd of customers, and when it grows into a large branch, the diversified aggregate business that it can handle is not just directly proportional, but many more times over, because of single focused repetitive tasks that specialized individual perform, and their productivity getting enhanced over a period of time.
e) We know, as in a computerized networked environment, a system administrator is better equipped to maintain the network at a ‘proximity’ than when the network is sprawled at distant locations. When an only son of a couple is re-located far away, and needs some help for medical nature, it is impractical for either father or mother to give the physical care and attention, leaving the other spouse alone at that advanced age. Simple kitchen remedies for small ailments go beyond reach(physical and memory resources too) and invariably aggravate over a period of time end up as a chronic-acute & costlier-to-treat-ailments.
f) The list seems endless….
The reasons for ‘how we broke up’ are not too difficult to seek.
It perhaps started with that lure for ‘social-status’ (a concept brought in during British rule… They were liberal in giving attractive titles to individuals, who got tempted to enjoy being looked upon as something ‘better’ than simple looking commoners! Even now it WORKS! Fancy titles are given to lure youngsters for doing simple jobs, like “sales executive” for salesman, health-environment-coordinator for sweepers etc.) Once we take fancy for being looked upon as unique, distinct, class-apart etc, we tend to break away from ordinary-looking-group. It is safer to stay alone, than staying with a brother who is doing ‘nothing’ at home! It takes a lot, to extend the idea beyond our own body to our blood relations, the idea that, when our left hand does nothing much, and our right hand does most of the work, we continue to love both our arms ‘equally’ and that they belong to us! May be, we try to recover faster from any injury to right hand. But we also do not mind ‘taxing’ the right hand more even when it is yet to fully recover from an injury, while, the left hand would have been ‘pampered’ to recover at its ‘leisure’! (I cannot resist the temptation to at least make a mention here that India is the only country where we have a very long history of having given ‘free’ meals to unproductive-LOOKING people, who just sit & meditate , namely the sadhus, Bhikshukas, sanyasis etc! Again it takes a lot, for the present day mind, to really understand & accept that when elderly people are just present physically, there is a ‘dynamic’ but latent/hidden effect of their presence, though they seem dull, idle & unproductive. That is why the present day elders are shunted away to old-age-homes!).
When that commercial ‘concerns’ collapse (due to recession), the lack of ‘insulation’ becomes glaringly evident. A ‘live’ child’s face (so easily seen in a joint-family, because there is always a young couple ), is much more re-assuring, refreshing, promising during gloomy moods. But in isolated small family, even that grown up child is too far way. TV, video-phone, etc do not provide that emotional comfort beyond a point! I need not elaborate the benefits of ‘pooling’ of resources, to survive longer during a crisis. But when it is DISTRUST that has separated us, how do we re-build the mutual trust, to benefit from ‘joint-effort’ ? Creating a deep trust is itself an arduous task. But once it is lost, re-building a trust is much more difficult. Essentially, it is LOSS of trust that has triggered this recession. And the effect is baffling! A whole of country, that ‘Iceland’ is said to have become ‘bankrupt’! The bulk of savings of small individuals there was with three or more major banks in USA, which collapsed. So, for no apparent fault of theirs, the entire nation, all the ‘individual’ citizens, collectively became bankrupt. Can we not at least learn something from it? Individuals amongst us too, found it convenient to TRUST the western modern culture, fashion, ideals, materialistic outlook, social lifestyles etc, and invest our very lifestyle, forsaking our traditional values etc. There is nothing wrong in using modern technologies, but only after careful consideration. Take a look at the lifestyle we had about 8 decades ago. We cannot make out whether a person is rich, brilliant, etc by merely looking at their physical attire. All were similarly simple-dressed. It was a need-based attire. That dress style can survive any type of recession. And thus we can compare endlessly. I can use a simple instance out of one of my own day-dreaming sessions. I was wondering how this world would look like, when archeological experts excavate the earth surface after some 200 years. The present day surface would show lots of ‘junk’ and non-biodegradable garbage pile, to ‘show’ how we lived, and what we considered as wealth! And, we know from our present archeological experts, that they discovered ONLY biodegradable materials plus mineral WEALTH like gold coins etc of eternal value. Perhaps, Mother Nature had decided to “charge-sheet” us! And industrial-labour-law insists that a charge-sheet should be in “a language understood by the employee”! So, since we the present generation, speak only ‘commercial’ language, “economic/financial/materialistic” recession is the only way, a charge sheet can be served on us! If this seems acceptable, then who would volunteer to be the first fool to begin being simple? Maybe, the economic meltdown gives some ‘socially-valid’ excuse to adopt simple lifestyle at least for some time. Let all others around us reform themselves first. We would ‘wisely’ wait, to first see if really works, and then very safely, join the queue in the last, to adopt a simple lifestyle. Less of gadgets, less of consumer use-and-litter goods means more savings(see, already some people are wise, and prices of gold, the only TANGIBLE-TRUSTWORTHY thing left, is soaring so fast) , and safer future. Perhaps a paradigm shift in our basic attitude could help. If we try to ‘act’ as ‘Trustees’ to what we possess, instead of that ‘ownership’ oriented possessive outlook, the rest would happen a bit more effortlessly. All the needed things to minimize the impact of recession on individuals, reducing that ‘burdensome’ feeling, would take shape by itself. We would perform better as responsible ‘trustees’ to hand over what we possessed and improved upon, to the next generation.
There is a ‘silver-lining’ to this crisis. We are forced to now contemplate, about what we did with our lives, and then what we propose to do (of course, in the given situation). There are several instances where dreaded terrorists, get reformed in confinement when isolated in single cell prisons, where they re-look at their past, without that brain-washing-influence of politically oriented fundamentalist-mentors of theirs. We are fortunate that we do not have to carry that negative-tag when we decide to reform. Any reformation from within would culminate into a ‘transformation’ for Good.
We can begin our journey ONLY from where we are at present, and not from where we would like to have been.
Psn (17th April, 2009)
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Blessing or benediction
I received an invitation to attend a wedding. It was in Hindi language, since the host was from a traditional north Indian community, and steadfast about ancient values.
The words requesting the invitee’s presence was “Aap Saha parivaar upasthith hokar nav-dampathi ko subh Aasheervad pradaan kar hamein anugrahit karein”
I struggled to translate the two words “Aasheervad & Anugrah”. The nearest I found was Blessing & benediction!
Before I delve into details, another sentence in the same invitation card surprised me pleasantly! It was..”Preethibhoj samaaroh (date) raat 8 bajey sey AAP KE AAGAMANTAK” (meaning the gathering for dinner is on (date) , from 8 pm UNTIL YOUR ARRIVAL!!
I instantly called him over long-distance-phone-call, to verify as to how he happened to choose these two set of sentences. He explained that he picked up the best suited one from various ‘proforma-models’ that the printers usually kept in an album for customers.
The translation for the former sentence roughly means “You are requested to bestow a benediction on us (the hosts, the bride’s parents) by your presence and blessing the newly wed couple”.
Benediction is also used to signify that ‘grace’ at the dinner table, before or after meals.
Blessing seems to have a deeper significance. I am not sure whether English language attempts to attribute so much magnitude of difference as the Sanskrit language, when it uses “Aasheervad” and “Anugrah”.. Benediction, seems closer to ‘benefit’. Similarly, “anugrah” seems closer to “anukool” (favourable, beneficial etc).
Curiously enough, in Kerala, ‘anugraham’ is more frequently used than ‘aasheervaadam’ in Malayalam language (which has the maximum number of Sanskrit words, compared to any other language. Hindi too ranks perhaps second to Malayalam, in this aspect, and it is therefore that Malayalees find it easier than other south Indians, within the non-Hindi belt to learn Hindi faster!). Despite such liberal use of Sanskrit words, I was wondering how they happened to use “anugraham” even in places where “asheervadam” would have been appropriate!
To me, things seem to fall in its place! Kerala is known as “God’s Own Country”(so, Blessing ought to be Gross, Whole-sale, and like a benediction)! The spiritual Giants of ancient times in Kerala used ‘Tantra’ as a ‘tool’ of evolving spiritually, whereas towards north, ‘Mantra’ was preferred. Mantra requires mastery over sound form. Whereas Tantra depends on a Yantra (a tantric design, a gross physical object). If we get caught up due to a ‘judgemental-attitude’ we may tend to take sides, forclosing the possibility of further theories percolating into us. A person seeks only what he lacks. For example, we on earth spend most of our energy in trying to ‘get out of’ the clutches of gravity. My spouse, abruptly asked me recently, if I could get up from the floor without placing the palms on the floor, to prop-up my weight. She had started to ‘feel’ the age, when her legs requested the help of arms to get up from squat-seated position on floor.
It then occurred to me, that she would not have ‘challenged’ my agility, if we were on moon (at least until another 6 times our present age. No basis for this “6” times , except that I read somewhere that Moon’s gravity is 1/6th of that on earth, so roughly our wear and tear is delayed by six times…. Please bear with my crude calculations! ). But essentially, if we were dwelling on a ‘zero’ gravity planet, our energy would be to ‘ground’ on the surface of that planet, rather than trying to pull away from the surface like on earth, in most of our routine physical activities. Lifts (if at all needed) would not be compulsory, if the building is more than 4 floors! (the only contrast might be that the phrase ‘Oh Shit! ‘ would be used all-the-more commonly, since it would float everywhere if we do not take care! So like this grave-gravity problem, perhaps, Kerala is ‘blessed’ with capability to pass on, as a benediction, a topography which naturally supports spirituality. Once in a spiritual plane, people tend to float (like at zero gravity atmosphere), and they have to ‘ground’ themselves with efforts. That seems to explain the ‘preference’ of Yantra, and earthly-looking-physical form. Many things seem to support this theory that the topography naturally ‘supports’ spiritual evolvement. The very soil, the porous stones, coming out of ‘belly’ of deep volcanic under-surface, carrying with it rich rare minerals which cause mystic radiations, affecting human brains neurologically a lot! The ancient Namboodiris of Kerala were experts in chess, but with a unique distinction! They used the ‘chess-men’ out of the similar-looking material, the banana-stem, making out the difference between pawns, king, queen, bishop, rook etc, only by the slant-cuts at the top of the banana stem. Everyday, fresh pieces had to be made since banana stem decays overnight! Half the brain of our present-day chess players would be ‘diverted’ to distinguish the pieces ( I admit here, that the rare-breed of blind-chess experts are an exception). The brass-alloy-cooking vessels are sold at an extra- premium, because of certain rare minerals found embedded, when melted. The mud-packs used when these vessels were moulded, after that wax models were emptied, might have contained the mineral wealth from the volcanic soil! Certain mountain tops, also considered as holy, are ‘warning-zones’ for low flying aircrafts, because of some kind of magnetic effect! Such is the terrain, with lots of rare herbs, curative properties, magnet-therapy-oriented mountains etc! Ayurveda system of medicines flourishes most here even today! Certain ayurveda medicines are said to contain high doses of mercury (considered as lethal, by allopathic system, but liberally used by expert physicians, under their direct supervision, very successfully, to cure even cases of ailment ‘abandoned’ by allopathic systems!). Such is the power of other ingredients, out of herbs grown in Kerala! We may have to perhaps wait, till that nano-technology develops adequately, to ‘scientifically’ understand as to how these wonder herbs work miraculously, blending the harmful-looking ingredients as a catalyst, to cure the internal negative-life form, and then quietly disappear, when the parasite-growth is arrested. Something like that ‘Terminator’ getting ‘self-destructed’ after a successful mission!
There are many such ‘mystic-looking’ aspects about Kerala! No wonder people are very particular to ‘hold’ even a bit of land here (fragmentation & sub-division of land is more here, so also is the per-acre population!). I am only attempting to discover if they need the benediction(anugraham) more than blessings(aasheervadam). Literacy rate is high, despite poverty, unemployment etc.
It would be nice, if we could somehow learn how to bless! All we know is to just show the palm over the head of the person bowing to us. What ought to happen while doing so is still very elusive! A few centuries ago, the touch on the head was deeply understood by our people, and it was adapted in a unique way to symbolize the ‘marital-knot’ by ancient Telugu-speaking people in Andhra (again a unique culture that learnt to look at life in a subtle & beyond-sensory-level of perception!). When I look back, I feel very fortunate to have had a glimpse of their ancient rituals, it’s brilliant & highly evolved cultural heritage, when I had my schooling amidst classmates who hailed from traditional families there! Some things that we happened to notice experientially, might look to far-fetched, if I dare to narrate here! I feel ‘blessed’ to have had been amongst a group, that spent our leisure hours to discuss, and experiment with such traditional values, it’s hidden or mystic aspects!
So, I request you to favor me with an ‘anugraha’ by your response, clarifying the difference between “aasheervad” and “anugraha”, while also simplifying with a “how to bless—for dummies” (like those computer books for dummies!). Right now, to me I can only look at it in a very primitive way, like, for example, I think that a being like that Dracula cannot ‘Bless’ somebody, he can at the most grant ‘benefit’(a favor, if anugraha means so,) by sparing a few of his close followers, from his fang bites, for serving him loyally(the only service he might need is ‘supplying’ innocent victims by seducing them, like in those ‘Dracula’ movies.
Yours “favorably”
Psn (5th May, 2009)
The words requesting the invitee’s presence was “Aap Saha parivaar upasthith hokar nav-dampathi ko subh Aasheervad pradaan kar hamein anugrahit karein”
I struggled to translate the two words “Aasheervad & Anugrah”. The nearest I found was Blessing & benediction!
Before I delve into details, another sentence in the same invitation card surprised me pleasantly! It was..”Preethibhoj samaaroh (date) raat 8 bajey sey AAP KE AAGAMANTAK” (meaning the gathering for dinner is on (date) , from 8 pm UNTIL YOUR ARRIVAL!!
I instantly called him over long-distance-phone-call, to verify as to how he happened to choose these two set of sentences. He explained that he picked up the best suited one from various ‘proforma-models’ that the printers usually kept in an album for customers.
The translation for the former sentence roughly means “You are requested to bestow a benediction on us (the hosts, the bride’s parents) by your presence and blessing the newly wed couple”.
Benediction is also used to signify that ‘grace’ at the dinner table, before or after meals.
Blessing seems to have a deeper significance. I am not sure whether English language attempts to attribute so much magnitude of difference as the Sanskrit language, when it uses “Aasheervad” and “Anugrah”.. Benediction, seems closer to ‘benefit’. Similarly, “anugrah” seems closer to “anukool” (favourable, beneficial etc).
Curiously enough, in Kerala, ‘anugraham’ is more frequently used than ‘aasheervaadam’ in Malayalam language (which has the maximum number of Sanskrit words, compared to any other language. Hindi too ranks perhaps second to Malayalam, in this aspect, and it is therefore that Malayalees find it easier than other south Indians, within the non-Hindi belt to learn Hindi faster!). Despite such liberal use of Sanskrit words, I was wondering how they happened to use “anugraham” even in places where “asheervadam” would have been appropriate!
To me, things seem to fall in its place! Kerala is known as “God’s Own Country”(so, Blessing ought to be Gross, Whole-sale, and like a benediction)! The spiritual Giants of ancient times in Kerala used ‘Tantra’ as a ‘tool’ of evolving spiritually, whereas towards north, ‘Mantra’ was preferred. Mantra requires mastery over sound form. Whereas Tantra depends on a Yantra (a tantric design, a gross physical object). If we get caught up due to a ‘judgemental-attitude’ we may tend to take sides, forclosing the possibility of further theories percolating into us. A person seeks only what he lacks. For example, we on earth spend most of our energy in trying to ‘get out of’ the clutches of gravity. My spouse, abruptly asked me recently, if I could get up from the floor without placing the palms on the floor, to prop-up my weight. She had started to ‘feel’ the age, when her legs requested the help of arms to get up from squat-seated position on floor.
It then occurred to me, that she would not have ‘challenged’ my agility, if we were on moon (at least until another 6 times our present age. No basis for this “6” times , except that I read somewhere that Moon’s gravity is 1/6th of that on earth, so roughly our wear and tear is delayed by six times…. Please bear with my crude calculations! ). But essentially, if we were dwelling on a ‘zero’ gravity planet, our energy would be to ‘ground’ on the surface of that planet, rather than trying to pull away from the surface like on earth, in most of our routine physical activities. Lifts (if at all needed) would not be compulsory, if the building is more than 4 floors! (the only contrast might be that the phrase ‘Oh Shit! ‘ would be used all-the-more commonly, since it would float everywhere if we do not take care! So like this grave-gravity problem, perhaps, Kerala is ‘blessed’ with capability to pass on, as a benediction, a topography which naturally supports spirituality. Once in a spiritual plane, people tend to float (like at zero gravity atmosphere), and they have to ‘ground’ themselves with efforts. That seems to explain the ‘preference’ of Yantra, and earthly-looking-physical form. Many things seem to support this theory that the topography naturally ‘supports’ spiritual evolvement. The very soil, the porous stones, coming out of ‘belly’ of deep volcanic under-surface, carrying with it rich rare minerals which cause mystic radiations, affecting human brains neurologically a lot! The ancient Namboodiris of Kerala were experts in chess, but with a unique distinction! They used the ‘chess-men’ out of the similar-looking material, the banana-stem, making out the difference between pawns, king, queen, bishop, rook etc, only by the slant-cuts at the top of the banana stem. Everyday, fresh pieces had to be made since banana stem decays overnight! Half the brain of our present-day chess players would be ‘diverted’ to distinguish the pieces ( I admit here, that the rare-breed of blind-chess experts are an exception). The brass-alloy-cooking vessels are sold at an extra- premium, because of certain rare minerals found embedded, when melted. The mud-packs used when these vessels were moulded, after that wax models were emptied, might have contained the mineral wealth from the volcanic soil! Certain mountain tops, also considered as holy, are ‘warning-zones’ for low flying aircrafts, because of some kind of magnetic effect! Such is the terrain, with lots of rare herbs, curative properties, magnet-therapy-oriented mountains etc! Ayurveda system of medicines flourishes most here even today! Certain ayurveda medicines are said to contain high doses of mercury (considered as lethal, by allopathic system, but liberally used by expert physicians, under their direct supervision, very successfully, to cure even cases of ailment ‘abandoned’ by allopathic systems!). Such is the power of other ingredients, out of herbs grown in Kerala! We may have to perhaps wait, till that nano-technology develops adequately, to ‘scientifically’ understand as to how these wonder herbs work miraculously, blending the harmful-looking ingredients as a catalyst, to cure the internal negative-life form, and then quietly disappear, when the parasite-growth is arrested. Something like that ‘Terminator’ getting ‘self-destructed’ after a successful mission!
There are many such ‘mystic-looking’ aspects about Kerala! No wonder people are very particular to ‘hold’ even a bit of land here (fragmentation & sub-division of land is more here, so also is the per-acre population!). I am only attempting to discover if they need the benediction(anugraham) more than blessings(aasheervadam). Literacy rate is high, despite poverty, unemployment etc.
It would be nice, if we could somehow learn how to bless! All we know is to just show the palm over the head of the person bowing to us. What ought to happen while doing so is still very elusive! A few centuries ago, the touch on the head was deeply understood by our people, and it was adapted in a unique way to symbolize the ‘marital-knot’ by ancient Telugu-speaking people in Andhra (again a unique culture that learnt to look at life in a subtle & beyond-sensory-level of perception!). When I look back, I feel very fortunate to have had a glimpse of their ancient rituals, it’s brilliant & highly evolved cultural heritage, when I had my schooling amidst classmates who hailed from traditional families there! Some things that we happened to notice experientially, might look to far-fetched, if I dare to narrate here! I feel ‘blessed’ to have had been amongst a group, that spent our leisure hours to discuss, and experiment with such traditional values, it’s hidden or mystic aspects!
So, I request you to favor me with an ‘anugraha’ by your response, clarifying the difference between “aasheervad” and “anugraha”, while also simplifying with a “how to bless—for dummies” (like those computer books for dummies!). Right now, to me I can only look at it in a very primitive way, like, for example, I think that a being like that Dracula cannot ‘Bless’ somebody, he can at the most grant ‘benefit’(a favor, if anugraha means so,) by sparing a few of his close followers, from his fang bites, for serving him loyally(the only service he might need is ‘supplying’ innocent victims by seducing them, like in those ‘Dracula’ movies.
Yours “favorably”
Psn (5th May, 2009)
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