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Monday, December 26, 2005



Saturday, December 17, 2005

Welcome to a Spiritual Discussion

I had Started a discussion with this:
What ever happens around us, are they influenced by(OR due to) our THOUGHTS ! And a good friend gave his 'comments' thus to kickstart the discussion. I give my further comments at the end of this quote.........
"Whatever happens to us is on account of the thought currents constantlyflowing through our minds. One is not in a position to anticipate whatthoughts come . One becomes aware of the thoughts only after theymanifest. However by spiritual practices like meditation, pranayama,asanas, watching the breath etc one can reduce the No of thoughts thatcome. I have experienced a situation where the breathing almost comesto stand still. I have felt a temendous relaxation of the brain duringsuch time akin to a state of bliss. I have also felt that the more youfeel that you are not the doer (Aham Karaka-I am the doer) the moreyouare able to accept anything and less you get irritated about thingshappening in this world. As Jaggi always says "you cannot change theworld". If you want to do some thing worthwile "change yourself". Themisery in this world could be because, today there are more peoplewanting to change others than themselves.Could you throw more insights in this.

Yes, what you say is correct. I wish to supplement...... When youexperientially realise, that your thought materialises into a happeningthe next possibility is to create a thought which if materialised, iswhat is needed in the situation (here I am tempted to quote the famous"Khudi ko kar buland itna ki har tahreer se pahle khuda khud bandey sepooche, bataa tere raza kya hai !)...... the CONVERSE theorem is, due to a very deep level of "acceptance", you blend with 'nature' orprakrti to such an extent that it uses your capability of 'thoughtpower' to induce such a thought that is needed in the situation !!!When one reaches that state thro' constantly practised self-awareness,then one has only to be receptive, to experience bliss, joy or whateverit is! Please do continue your comments on this.