will now have 'Practicals' this year!”
was the teacher's clarity voice, giving the clarion call! (Chemistry
we were already 'practical' to some extent, so we knew, ... it means
'eshtra-note-book' (that is how quite a number of my class mates used
to address the 'extra'... Very reasonable, since the word itself
indicates, it is something 'extra' for them, so yet again 'being
marched into the Lab... test tube breakages will be charged 10
paise... (but the lab assistant decided, anyway these kid are 'going
to break it' so he announced, 'everybody cough up 10 paise per head
next time you entarr here!
spatula is never properly cleaned.. the chemicals are corrupt...
results do not match theory! Early lessons in... effects of
'corruption'...! The teacharr says, 'never mind, write the practical
note books, with a rough calculation, of 'what would have been the
practical results'!
practical Dad!” said a kid to his grey-haired dad, in the crowded
train! (There was an arguement about when the train is likely to
reach the destination, day-after-tomorrow!)... I was curious to
know, as to how that 'Dad' ji is going to be now 'practical' about a
is a very practical man”... said a spouse... and clarified, “'he
never argues unnecessarily”.. So, in this case... I concluded...
being practical begins and ends with the
non-argumentative-characteristic of the spouse-Madam!
then I could see....
being 'practical' may not give quality results (It is not usually the
fisher folks who reach the swimming events in Olympics... theory is
a must!.. And theory-based-training too!)
theory did not also work (All new recruits who were
'just-marks-based' were 'practically' christened as
'You-are-being-impossible'... by the boss! (what better judgement
can there be about it!)...
'practicals' with spirituality is too subtle... beyond
physicality... (I was going to learn this a bit late, after years
of slogging, with 'practice-practicals'... !!!)...
then, the theory of spirituality should never be neglected.... here
too 'Olympics-quality' or its just-nothing... (not yet
am being very very practical now... at least here... Theory
should be brief... (this blog, is by no measure, 'a practicals'
I not...?
(15th September, 2013)
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