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Friday, June 21, 2024

Demonetisation Versus Civic-sense

 Yes! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Looks odd isn't it?

Demonstration of 86% of total currency in a society( India that is Bharat)?

It shouldn't have succeeded when the “civic sense” is worst, in India, going by the known-modern Parameters/yardsticks of “civic sense” ?????

May I attempt to suggest something more bizarre?

Bharat never had a structured design to teach “civic sense” for thousands of years, though we had a civilization which produced maximum enlightened beings on this globe( something like : 42% of Nobel laureates  hailed from just one tiny community called jews๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‘)

Civic sense was an indispensable “topic” needed to be taught, when there was something basically-deficient in the very fundamentals of a culture. 

Try and teach “independence, liberty & freedom” to a society, and they naturally look towards preservation of these values! Once you think of preserving something, “defense” is an inalienable component๐Ÿ˜œ. How else  do you propose to defend your freedom, liberty and independence, without using rights( and laws to enforce them)?

Bharat thought of delving deep into the purpose of human life! 

This became a “purpose” merely because desi ancients used their sense of discrimination at its best possible levels. Discretion was an inevitable outcome.  Judiciousness in the excercise-of-discretion, was a consequence of deeper perceptional grasp when discrimination became a prioritized functionality of human mind ! ( nature supported, when natural vegetation obviated the need to “toil + struggle” for food-for-survival. ( desert cultures had to struggle to survive,  and resorted to slaughter of moving life forms, when vegetation was absent)

Deep recognition of interdependence with everything & everyone around, must have engrooved the minds into an evolvement in  reverence for these qualities in everything & everyone around, which sustained a quality-life in the humans with volitional consciousness ! ( this volitional consciousness is proportional to the depth of self-awareness that a person seeks in oneself!  Obviously an enlightened being has a peak level of awareness ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‘)

When there are several people who are spiritually evolved, with a good number of enlightened ones among them, will they need a separate tuition in civic sense? Does not the “sense of inclusiveness” generate enough common sense to be civilised-also?

Well, our genetic memory got shaken up when “demonetisation” snatched our purchasing power overnight!.  And we revived our trust for others, in a big  way, though for a very limited period.  Reverence is not going to exist in exclusivity of trust( test this!).  And therefore, the “brilliant economists” who aren't quite familiar with this kind of trust are splitting their hair, being unable to find out how India “survived” demonetisation by PM modi?  ( Gurumurthy, an advisor to Modi, during demonetisation,  lectured abundantly about the rustic trust in Indians which helped tide over shortage of currency during demonetisation!)  Haven't we proved our civic-sense, during extreme shortage of medium of exchange called currency, due to demonetisation? 

Civically yours,

psn (21 june, 2024)

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