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Sunday, June 09, 2024

Dealing with concepts

 Dealing with concepts

What kind of concepts?

Well, the problem starts here itself 😰

We have concepts related to material life, and those which aren't related to material life !

The second one is what our friends who declare atheism, are negating its very existence 😜

Okay, whichever concepts we are okay-with, ( for whatever reason) …how do we deal with it?

Only humans face this “project” of dealing with concepts ( not even A.I. enabled robotic machines 🀣…. They are just embedded software designed by us, just as all other life forms have an embedded software designed by nature!)

So, our design ( again by nature) is going to decide as to how we “look” at all our concepts ! 

This “looking” itself depends on our 4 tools ( how we learn, perceive, emote and discriminate whatever comes into our eyes & minds vision )

Typically, today's scientifically evolved brains, are excellent at designing a functional version of any concept.  ( a mech-expert designs a nuclear power plant and “purifies” uranium rods using rings of the same material.  A techie, designs an interactive networking system which learns and restructures itself to suit the ever-varying situation in the network of interlinked artificial brains πŸ˜œπŸ™).

What about the  concepts related to our lives itself?  ( the problem starts with identification of the subtle energy called “life” which keeps ticking in us 😜.) Modern Medical science has, through an unspoken mutual understanding,  confined its learning to the physicality of life's functional design, which has a gross form and is within the sensory level of perception. Whereas, ancient medical science, being primarily spearheaded by spiritual giants( rishis, saints or any other name by which they were known) happened to “design” the concepts in an inalienable manner from concepts related that evasive/elusive “life” energy 🀣. The evidence for this preceding sentence is seen in the diverse approach to the very basics of these sciences, and the mutual “untouchability” practiced by the experts in these respective sciences😜

If the foregoing has not yet induced any boredom, mind-fatigue etc up-till this point,

Then….. a question.  “ any concept, we like to “deal”... needs to be understood, primarily, isn't it? And only thereafter, the designing of its “functional” structure to be conceived? “

Next question : “ the concepts related to materialistic aspects need not be understood by the designer of its functional structure, though not an ideal thing,  whereas, the concepts related to non-materialistic aspects, cannot function at all, unless its concepts are grasped😜. Even ready-made structures like meditation, elude its grasp, and evade its results, as per my observations of 5000 plus seekers for whom I happened to volunteer over 7 years as a part of backup-support team πŸ™….

Those who never had to deal with perplexing concepts, will bother to learn only few “life-saving” and absolutely essential concepts like laws of gravity, and that too, when they slip too often by stepping on a banana-peel πŸ˜‰ 

Rudimentarily yours,

psn ( 9th June, 2024)

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