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Saturday, September 07, 2024



(This is a list.... I might be able to add, if oddities occur. So, this blog might warrant a revisit, if a reader solicits those additions)

Tantra based instead of mantra

Abode for brahmaRaakshas inside temple compound only in Kerala!

Tonsure is not a practice

Elder brother and a husband addressed alike with "Jeyshta"

Deepavali not a festival

Bali, though a demon like ravana kamsa etc, worshipped

Gates closed at night only after a call "any hungry stomach out there???"

Strict dress code for temples, rituals according to deity and not desire of devotees

Tuft of hair tied up to the side towards ear lobes, not towards rear of head.

Fireworks specific to temple festivals…

Benedictions sought, not blessings!

Obsequies, 16 days, instead of 13 for rest of India!

Vysya as an exclusive class is not conspicuous among known names of classes/groups! 

No exclusive Vishnu worshippers among Hindus in Kerala. Rest of India has few sects in Hindus, who avoid worshipping Shiva!

A priest in a temple is called "shaantiKaaran"( one who induces peace, shaanti), unlike in rest of Bharat, a poojaari . Was it due to taantrik styled consecration? 😜

A keralite in-me, yours

psn(7th Sept., 2024)

Silly questions

 I might keep adding my sillyness, through questions  here. So revisiting this blog is a subject-matter of solicitation ( not a compulsive-syndrome)

Silly questions

1)Why do we learn? ( How to learn? is a vital question ❓)

2)Why do humans need parenting?

3)why do we miss our sense of discrimination while inside our dream?( we are unable to ask that dead person we knew "hey! You were dead, then how did you appear now?". We also don't know, it is our dream, not real)

4) garbha gruha in a temple is ill_ventilated, and priest further spoils the ventilation burning camphor, incense & oil lamps, and keeps the door shut most of the time….. and yet, he looks fresh? Over years he has no ventilation probs 🙏

5)human death anniversary on moon phases of that month each year, whereas God's birthdays are on moon phases instead of Star birthday like us???

6)festivals related to god's birthdays are usually with junk food ( even as prasadam), whereas food on death anniversary is damn healthy and easily digestible even if we overeat 😜

7)I used to quiz....those who are unlikely to get angry suddenly " can you tell me why......Godji in his different avatar, dashaavataar, etc....give moksha to main villains, the raakshasaas, and leave the poor victims in a lurch??? . Does it not look odd? Not an injustice?" They stare 🫣 no answer😜)

8) who between two is more prone to get angry, a coward or a brave person?( A coward may be even strong, and a brave one weak )

9) Did you mention factually inside your dream to somebody " hey ...I had a dream last night"

Meaning.....was there a dream within a dream????

🙏 i ain't gonna embarass you asking for the "reasons" etc.  🙏 ( that needs a genuine qualification in psychiatry 😜....not just a paper degree. A yogi is enough to explain 🙏)

10) what does the emotion of vismaya/wonder do to us? We dropped it, like we get rid of our appendix, when it is unwell, merely because medical science doesn't know it's purpose 😜

11) are you able to switch off logic and still think, by choice, consciously? 

12) Do you agree with my baseless wild guess.....???

I guess that among all nations globally, even today, Bharat has the biggest ratio/percentage of people, for whom money is not everything. We hold on to values, that are very basic to life, though of  no commercial worth or value . are able to agree, then your own priorities about those values, over and above wealth? 😜

13)Whenever you meet any acquainted person, 

do you view him with your outdated & fixed opinion?( or with an open mind ready to update the opinion with present reality?😜)

I have this problem : when I meet Valmiki today, I have no way to recognise him as a transformed Rishi, and my perception is outdated by just 3 days, when he was "😫Ratnakar_Bandit". So I was curious about others😜🙏

14) can you describe a thought ( or a sentence), which is not a judgement of any kind? Not a conclusion of any kind?

15) do you know through 'experience' the difference between empty stomach and a hungry stomach. If yes, how do you know you are hungry, if your body is trying to tell you? ( we "feel" very thirsty, and therefore we know, we want water to drink, urgently…..hunger?)

16) I asked my spouse " can you make out if the soiled appearance is gone from a dark coloured saree? You prefer a dark coloured dress, because it hides the soiled_colour, and therefore makes washing easy+lazy 😜

( I won't reveal her answer…. because it deals with deeper_perception to say "yes!"...

17) is humility a cultivable quality, or….is it a mere consequence of 'something/s else? 😜🙏🙏… like, we can cultivate honesty, by speaking truth always, by not taking bribe etc… humility? Is it an exclusive quality like honesty, stealing, looting, donating etc? 

18) kids are taught to respect & revere elders.

Is it sensible to revere and respect mere age, instead of elderliness which is not dependent on age, but probably used to sync with age often in ancient times?

19) do you consciously, and by yourself, voluntarily try to look to see, if you are also a part of the problem, whenever you are confronted by a problem? ( why should I look into? is not my problem. I and pappu are often a problem for others😂( though for diagonally opposite reasons 🙏), and so seldom we find an occasion for this kind of problematic introspection.

20) which one is a choice, positivity or negativity? 😜

First sip, taste, snort of nervous stimulants( drugs, liquor, etc) was a conscious choice. Once addicted, there is no more any choice 😜

Can positivity ever become an addiction? Can negativity be a choice?

21) why are we unable to become very intense in whatever we do, during our waking hours?  All other life forms are quite intense in living. ( What might happen, if we ‘try’ being intense at very routine, mundane and boring jobs?

22) what will you choose between blessings and benediction if there is an offer of any one item from a very powerful giver? ( in my view , there cannot exist anything beyond these two ). 

23) how would you sight wisdom in otther person?   ( relevance.?.. my teacher asked an all_the_more_tough koschan…. “How would you recognise, if the fellow seated next to you in a crowded bus is an enlightened being?”...they don't brag about it)

24) “no response” says the doctor, when he checks a patient in deep coma. But, when we are okay, and interact with our life situations all our waking hours, how often do we respond, instead of reacting ??? ( now, do you feel a reaction to this silly koschan, or does a response surge ?)

25) can wonder/വിസ്മയം/विस्मय be cultivated as a habit/capability, independent of any other emotion ( exclusively)?

Kids used to “wonder” …. Or, is wonder also, a consequence like, innocence,  humility etc? ( darkness & cold are a consequence of absence_of_xyz science)

26) are you having the ability to notice the latent “qualities” in any person, who is largely available within your proximity?( simplified form: if, N.D.Modi had continued to be a chaiwala/teaServer near you for 10 yrs, would have “listed” out several qualities in him? ( so_called andhBhakht, can list good, whereas haters can list bad qualities, though neither of them ever met him in person 😜). My colleages"discovered"me afresh after I turned ex-colleague😜🙏

27) Exceptionally good at which one, othe two , emotions and logic, is going to help becoming good at the other one????

( simplified version....

Excellent emotions enable dexterity at flawless logic?


Exceptionally accurate logical prowess enables deepest emotional capabilities??)

28) Between logic(reasoning) and emotions, which one can we afford to forego in a situation, of worldly material life?

( even to answer this sensibly, we may need to keep aside for a moment, our  emotion and use logical reasoning ? Dunno 🙄)

29) you may be a slave or a master/boss of your logic and/or emotions… 

But, between  logic and emotions inside us, which is the boss or slave of the other? Or, are they merely interdependent?  Or are they complementary and/or supplementary to each other? 

30) why is it that mother nature chose bleeding ( blood) to cleanse a female after her puberty ( till 55)?  And, we haven't heard of such bleeding-for-cleansing in other life forms, why? ( a very deep understanding of this process might-offer a gift of release from psychosomatic disorders that a woman( working ones….err…actually, earning ones) face as stress, tenShun etc in the present day). If we never noticed this aspect hitherto, at least I am not to be blamed😜… menstruating females do-use sweat, urine, etc like any of us, to cleanse their inner physiology,  then why bleeding?  🙏😜😂😂😂( no 2 women bleeding alike, why?)

31) this koschan only for fun🙏 ( let those, who call themselves “scientific tempered”, fathom it)

Why did ancients ask very differently from today's scientists, a basic question? ( ancientquestion was “ why did it rain?”  Instead of today's “how can it rain?” ….  And ancients brought rains using chants and fire worship. Toady “param computer” isn't able to match the ability of ants to predict-a-rain… dr.Yashpal kapoor quotes his true experience when tribals showed him, ants predicting rains🙂🙏)

32) we heard of powerful ascetic, using their powers (acquired through rigorous penances) to pronounce curses on erring people! My question is, was there any instance of an ascetic begetting a curse, because he cursed somebody wrongfully?  Abuse of power, warrants a punishment too, isn't it?🤣😜😜😜😜 ( yes or no…..why?)

33)Why did ancients make a very-conspicuous absence of psychiatry( modern format of psychology, I mean) for “living” humans, when…..they evolved a WHOLE-SCIENCE to counsel the bodyless-minds, stuck in the “past”? BhootAatma refers to a soul stuck into the past. Several complex rituals are available, to evidence their-expertise i reaching+counseling them. 

34) why are we not able to use certain life-specific concepts without needing to consciously invoke them mentally, when it is needed urgently+crucially?  ( the “gravity” concept, for instance, is into our muscle memory. A good motorist pushes the brake-pedal instinctively, while sighting an obstacle, not needing a mind's-effort to tell himself, “hey! Apply brakes”) ROM-and RAM concept.  We use softwares specific to the file-formats, without “invoking” them. Why not certain concepts we learnt?

35) why aren't we able to use the tools to evaluate the analytical-skills of others?( HR  guys, engaged into recruitment will appreciate this “silly” question better 🙏)

( might be continued.... my silliness, being perpetual 😜)

just silly, yours,

psn(7th Sept., 2024)

1 oct 2024 ...

36)when all our “modern” and scientifically-advanced gadgets are essentially time-saving-devices, why is it that we find ourselves in a “no time for anything “ situation, compared to our great-grandpas of 200 years ago? 

Evaluating our testing-tools, used to assess the analytical skills of others!

 Evaluating our testing-tools, used to assess the analytical skills of others!

Vinayaka_birthday today ( moons phase occurring on this lunar month each year. Chaturthi, 7 sept, 2024)

He is supposed to be the dean of department of analytical-skills, in the university of DakshinaMoorthy.

Very seldom, we try to even look at the analytical skills of others. HR people engaged into recruitment of people for “key” posts, are grappled with this problem ( of evaluating the analytical skills of potential candidates).

Only thereafter, we may even think-of looking at our tools-of-evaluation( of analytical skills in others). And then comes the testing skills needed for updating of these tools.

The-why, of my delving into “analytical-skills’’ related problems, at this age, when retirement tires us of analysis of minds…….

I bumped into a bizarre situation very recently.

I met a person, whose “being” drew my attention in a very unique-manner. The preliminary “routine” that I go through, didn't yield any sensible results/reasons about “why is this person so-close to me in my ‘innermost-feel”???? ( mind boggling question 🙏)

When a  “positive approach” failed to light up its answers, i tried the “eliminating process”( negation…. नेती-नेती method, न-इती, not-this, not-this).

And I ended up deducing the last remnant possibility—-😜👍🤣—past birth relationship 🙏…. Soulmate/whatever.

I was compelled to re-visit all my skills related to my spiritual tools 🙏…. I am looking towards analyzing the “bonds” of my spirit's past with that of this-person's past life/lives. 

Despite several gross-mismatches of personal values we hold, I found myself inextricably stuck….to this-person's-being….. in a very strange way, that eludes a description, and evades an analysis!  I couldn't analyze this bond. My analyticalskills failed. The tools I use, to evaluate analytical skills failed to tell me the inadequacy, or shortcomings. There were no testing tools at all, to test my tools. Conceptualization skills seemed to reach a dead-end🤣

I decided to think-aloud.

Some reader might feel inspired to look/reLook at one's own analytical skills, tools, testing tools, whatever!

Lord Vinayaka is propitiated on this day, because the cosmic energies support our efforts to revamp our “analytical skills “ on this day, each year!🙏

Analytically yours,

psn(7th Sept  2024)

Monday, September 02, 2024

Our values & Set theory

Set theory 

Leaving aside the jargon, we can use the most simple samples to understand

How our values that we hold on to, presents a problem in our interaction with others.

2  circles on the extreme left & right are used to represent "values" held by two people "A" & "B" .

Destiny decided that they need to co-exist. May be as spouses, friends, close relatives, neighbours, or as enemies 😜

They have a set of values they hold on to, while going through "life" as it happens with them. The circles represent their values respectively. The circle in the middle with a question mark, is the area of uncertainties ( of values), during the interaction of A & B with each other. 

Taking a live example,

In the year 2011( census year) tamilnadu had some 60,000 ration cards of "no commodities"( these card holders do not want any subsidy on any consumable, from the tax-payer's money. Simple. Zero freebies. They refuse to be social PARASITES... This number dropped dramatically during 2019 or so to just 41,106 such non-parasitical card holders( with a family in each card). Percentage wise,, these 41000 odd cardholders constitute a tiny number among 1,96,00,000 total  (       for exact numbers)

Those who "hold on" to the values called "zero freebies" are becoming extinct...😜🙏🙏

If a person from "freebie lovers" is going to become a co-dweller with "zero freebie" fellow, the "zero freebie" value-holder is destined to live MISERABLY 😜  ( CLASHES, conflicts, quarrels, emotional tantrums etc are going to be perpetual.  )

Suppose 2 people have total mismatch of values? And these mismatches are in direct-conflict? ( I wont take bribe-----versus------i shall live by bribery).... ill-fated minority-fellow who says " no bribes"....

We inherit values from 

own far-past( karma)

Our ancestors,

Our society of upbringing.

And then, we do our own concoction of permutation and combination.

Our emotions play a vital role, in deciding our mutual "tolerance" levels😜🙏🙏🙏

Ancient Bharat  transcended these problems associated with set-theory. They simply decided to turn reverential.  Inner evolvement was smooth, fast and with a fair degree of certainty. That's why, Bharat  used to be the spiritual destination.  

Ironically, the most advanced tech-city, Bengaluru, faces highest rate of divorces. Courts have to conduct "evening"sessions to manage conflicts of sets-of-values.

Just yours,

psn (2 sept, 2024)


Sunday, September 01, 2024

Getting Noticed

 Getting Noticed

I detested limelight even as a kid. I got into trouble, whenever I got-noticed for something “good” in me!

The problem arose, only when a conflicting desire arose in me :((

I liked others to “notice” something of value to them as-well. And when I had to convey it, it had to accompany credibility. For credibility, it need an authenticity of my personal experience, and that …..involved allowing myself to be noticed. Sad thing for me!

Well, the track record was like this ……

As a kid, I made sure that I remained a mediocre in eggJams/exams. Average kids are ignored!

I discovered a “concept” 

There are teachers( of all 6 kinds—-1. The teacher who gives you information is called: Adhyapak.

2. The one who imparts knowledge combined with information is called: Upadhyaya.

3. The one who imparts skills is called: Acharya.

4. The one who is able to give a deep insight into a subject is called: Pandit.

5. The one who has a visionary view on a subject and teaches you to think in that manner is called: Dhrishta.

6. The one who is able to awaken the wisdom in you, leading you from darkness to light, is called: Guru.

Sanskrit is perhaps the only language that has such a refined vocabulary to distinguish the different kinds of teachers.)

…… there are teachers of all kinds, among whom….

……there are those…..who matter, and those who don't!. 

I discovered….


I couldn't  EVER escape the notice of those who mattered :))

School….. a teacher/male_Sir, noticed me, and nicknamed me “genius”( much to my embarrassment. CR_sir.  

Another, gave me  “good” in my homework book saying “1st time, I am giving a good” ( I considered it as a PhD 🙏, since he was mathematics, every cell of his being😰)

At college, a prof declined to take a “new” chapter, if I was absent. He later became a VC, at Nagpur univ. ( princi noticed that this-prof said a pre-empting “good_morning"to me first, ….while he merely nodded to greetings of others. A distinction-of-sorts ….

At law  college, a legendary practicing advocate gave me an unprecedented privilege, causing a huge revolt among students union etc, but “of no avail”.... 

At workplace too, a few did-notice….but they were helpless in elevating me since the institution was a govt_undertaking where “merit had zero value” 😜 ( I remained a clerk, effortlessly).

A dean of dept of neurological sciences, at an Australian university of medical sciences, “noticed” me SIGNIFICANTLY, when he remarked at the end of a 4 hour chat “India is perhaps the only-place, where people like you are ALLOWED to maintain a low-profile!” 

Paradox :

Gurus, ensured that they NEVER-MISS-TO-NOTICE a potential candidate for spiritual evolvement ….

I failed here…. 🙏…. I invariably bumped-into too many of them.

Spirituality, being a “mystic-bijness” by its_very_nature, wasn't going to oblige me from escaping un-noticed .    it dawned on me much later, that I was almost being-chased ….by unearthly-beings 😜…

And, the tragedy was, …quite unwittingly……I ended up into a FIRM RESOLVE…in my teens saying unto myself “no point searching-for-a-Guru….just keep refining myself incessantly, such that, I dont escape their notice!”( I still don't know……which one worked… efforts or their range-of-vision!)

Anticlimax (😜)

A road sweeper, old, decrepit,  ugly looking, aged, hunchbacked,  was “noticed” by me ! ( his eyes pleaded “please, 🙏….don't  reveal me”... and I used my eyes to say a “okay, yes/done!”...). But, I had the freedom to tell my sister to “keep an eye on him” when that group was dusting the road in front of my home….  He responded to my sister's stare, quietly blessed her and walked off, hunchbacked…. That evening my sister just asked “hey! How did you know, ( that he is an evolved being?)????”( I celebrated my sister's choice… it was not “was he worth looking at?”... instead, she acknowledged my visibility, and merely asked “how is-it-done”?)

That was about getting noticed 🙏


psn (1st sept., 2024)

PostScript: all those names of those who noticed me ….are all dead, including my sister . So no “issues” of infringement-rights, copyrights, patent rights, etc ….. from them 😜😜😜