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Monday, March 18, 2024

A pilots job

 A pilots job is strenuous.

Somewhere in 1968__1972

I heard a story of a courtcase in Germany. 

Hours of work and wages.

The appellants sought justice " we slog 48 hrs a week and get paid "x" amount.... an airplane pilot works just few hours( single digit hours) per month, gets paid temples times than us πŸ™"

Judges employed experts in psychology & neurology to analyze the stress,  strain, alertness, etc "on job", recording the neuro data as evidence.

It took a few weeks to test, retest....etc 

Finally the reports were submitted to the judges.

Now the judges could apply reasoning, once the subtle, technical plus medical data were translated into layman's figures...

Judges pronounced the verdict.

" the wages of airplane pilots should be increased a few more times! They are "underpaid" for the quality in hours they put in."

( it seems, the medical did a _*thorough*_ job in research πŸ˜†...

Some 200 dials, set on_board ...

Due to space constraints, few dials were on the slanting ceiling of pilots cabin. Looking up often is a "neck pain" figuratively &literally πŸ™‚)..

These 200 + dials, look alike... the needle keeps moving sideways ....mockingly... ( figure me out, you dumb!)

Each meter is very different from the other.... altitude meter, air pressure meter, heat meter, fuel meter ....examples that we can understand. 

Every 5 minutes, that pilot needs to pass his glance quickly, yet thoroughly, and comprehend its relationships mutually. 

The cost of plane is itself too high. Passengers are "cream" of the humans crawling 3000 feet below 😜

This brain, 

Inside the pilot's head...

is a rare kind of 2_in_1 and at its peak level of performance. 

Multi tasking PLUS sharp focusing .... simultaneously,  all the "flying hours"...

Its a myth that "auto pilot" affords "relaxation"....

It adds to the mental stress of the pilot. Its like God has given the humans an "auto-pilot" mode.... and look at the bloody mess we created?????  We destroyed even the periphery of earth, making it difficult to send the next_rocket to avoid the floating debris of previous onesπŸ™ƒ...

God needs to monitor each_stupid_autoPilot on millisecond basis.... nuclear technology is formidable . This fool, called human,  can't create another "earth" ( why so much? This idiot can't pull out a grass from has to grow by itself)... but, he can destroy this planet by pressing just one red button, either in Moscow, or in New York ( etc in future)....

Auto pilot is only adding to the human pilot's tension...

I don't want a God's job.... unenviable response_ability ( responsibility). I dont ever complain about God, to any one, or to God himself. I simply bow with utmost reverence possible in me ( even this ability to "have reverence" for God, is God's copyright software. I feel so stupid, thinking that "ah!!...I can feel gratitude, reverence and thereby claim to be humble??? ".... nonsense πŸ˜†.

Manually yours,

PSN (18 march, 2024)

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