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Monday, July 30, 2012

Lazying Lazily

It may sound silly, but if it works, what is the problem!!....
We do it with innocent-children! (Yeah!... kids are defying logic too fast, they are clever at an age much earlier than we keep guessing... so we can do it only with 'innocent-children'.... Now... there might be sceptics who insist on defining 'innocent-children'..... well I would say... you asked for it... please see, what they 'actually' mean when they advertise 'innocent-divorcee' seeks a spouse!)...
What we do is before the kid has a change of mind about anything, we hurry up with the first suggested choice.... we do not allow a time-gap to make a 'well-considered-opinion'...
We show something that suits our convenience, and tell that innocent kid... “See, do you like this... like to have it..... yes... yes... you do seem to like it... I knew you would like it... let us pick this one....... good.. good choice.... very good....” (all this is told in rapid succession, disallowing the mind to think any more elaborately...) ... it works only till the kid is innocent.... usually, it works only once or twice!

I suggested something like that for a 'self-healing-treatment'... and it clicked!
Yes... sometime or other, we come to a conclusion.... at least unto myself, let me be a bit genuine.... when such a wisdom dawns... then this trick also might work! Just a question of timing, isn't it? We do hurry about a comment, and repent in leisure.... why not try to hurry. beating the laziness? It is usually the second thought that makes us put off something to a later date... First we realise, 'hey! This is to be done...'... then we tell ourselves “on a second thought.. it can be done later on too... who knows, by then, the need to do might become redundant!'

So the question:
How to get rid of lazyness?
i am very lazy,my career is failing because of this.Hold no interest in completing in tasks given at work

My lazy solution:

Become lazy about becoming lazy... !
Postpone laziness itself!
Hurry with any thought about the work that we get reminded of...
Imagine that this may be our last moment of this life... (any way it is existentially true.... we are the only ones without expiry date... any time!)

(Inspired by a memory of an outdated persuasive way of saying by elders of yester-years... “Do the thing before that laziness catches up with you.....”)

psn(30th July, 2012)

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