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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Jaan lo, ke Jaan Jaane doe, ya naheen, Jaane Jaanam

“Dil cheez kya hai, aap meri jaan leejiye” goes the famous song.
But when it comes to calling it an ‘euthenaisa’, the legal technicalities seem to
Stand before us “imposingly” !
This asker ‘coins’ very interesting questions, and I attempt most of them.
More strange it is when the least expected answer gets ‘chosen’.
This is one such!
Psn (4th August, 2009)

Should doctors or friends be allowed to help terminally ill people to die without fear of prosecution?

My Juris-prudence:
Whether "Euthanasia" being permitted legally, is the question.We have to look at Jurisprudence (the law about law).We had a concept that law would work in the long run, only when it bears coherence with 'nature'.
The bulk of 'living' beings die gracefully except for humans. We humans seldom get to see the other being dying 'naturally'. They even 'dispose' their remains almost inconspicuously!

Terminally ill patients would have ceased to feel that 'pain' after initial 'worry' period. It is the on-lookers who try to imagine that enormity of pain, visualizing it with their own limited patience.
We have dumped our ancient capability to just 'walk' out of the body, AT WILL, when it has become unfit to contain us. It is this reason mainly that now we look at permitted 'mercy-killing'.

This debate would ever remain inconclusive, due to lack of ability to get clarity about what constitutes 'life' (we are still busy in defining accurately the 'death', being content with issuing certificates for death only at 'clinical' level!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am hearing of extraordinary suffring by some people. If walking out of a bodoy is that simple, and if people come to know of it, why will they choose euthanasia?
Deepak (Feb.17th 2010; 21:45 hrs)