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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Earning food itself is now so tough, with recession, Respect… ?

Isn’t it so?
I can see a lots of compromise on that ‘self-respect’ when hitherto harmless bosses are riding ‘rough-shod’ on even slogging employees, simply because of the threat of pink-slips!
When retaining some respect is difficult, earning it a far dream.
Yet, I tried to look at ‘respect’ itself with some respect, ‘respectively’ with ‘respect to love’, as the question demanded its due respect!
psn(13th Aug, 2009)

Respect is earned... What about Love ...?....................(spiri… of course)?
My attempt to “earn” some attention to my answer:

Strictly speaking even that respect is perhaps at least due to a very mild dose of love. Staunch adversaries 'respect' each other's ability, trying not to 'underestimate' the cunning even under heavily guarded captivity.Is it possible for such a respect, without some love for such 'ability'.And, when a 'true' disciple respects every single ability of the master to the utmost possible measure, the body language itself, of the disciple simply reveals, the measure of respect!The adversary keeps a safe distance from the other even in captivity. The disciple too, maintains that alertness , awareness about the Master's greatness and keeps a 'respectable' distance, waiting to be called near for a precious hug or embrace! The 'main' reason for the distances cloud the love hidden beneath. And that love is right now for the 'ability' an abstract thing. Not the person! (Quite contrary to the normal love we see, and even hear thus "Can you not just love me for what I am, other than my beauty, money etc?") Respect looks like 'earned'. But it depends on the others around to know what and how to respect! How can a great singer earn respect from people who tend to look at a song as a nuisance/polluting-noise?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I confess there is a greater respect for your abilities. Now i would respect your ability to generate Divine love. I've felt it often with Sai Baba.
Deepak Feb 17th 2010 1:25 pm

One 'o' is missing!