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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Ghosts भूत-प्रेत



To the extent your trust, faith,beliefs allows you to accept the existence of these bodiless beings....🙏 ( via heresay, experience, fear or..... whatever)

Do ghosts(etc) follow any logic? Are they logical about whatever they say/do?

Or are they driven only by a strong emotional residue of unfulfilled desire/s???

Poll is optional for those who are not strong enough in logic😝

Otherwise, it is logical to respond with what is true with you right now🙏

Why such a question?

If there is indeed a ghost….

Assuredly, we all are going to turn into one, some time…..for sometime at least😜😝😝😝😝

Better know, what tools are available to handle "ghostly problems"? Ain't it?


( Answer is fascinating and i can give a "credible" answer.....but subject to verse 110 of chapter 2, Manu Smriti 🙏)

Ghastly(ghostly) yours

PSN (27 Dec 2022)

Sunday, December 25, 2022

पारम्परिक भिखारी


हूं मैं 😜 ( शपथ ग्रहण करके वो भी 🙏)

फ़र्ज़ करो, आपके चौखट पर दस्तक दे रहा " कुछ दान दीजिए 🙏  कोई "वस्तु" नहीं चाहिए 🙏, खाता पीता हूं, मस्त हूं 🙏  भिखमंगा हूं, इसीलिए मांग रहा हूं 🙏,     इमानदारी से मांगना है, इसीलिए वस्तू/material चीज के अलावा कुछ मांग रहा हूं "

क्या देंगे?

(जवाब मन ही मन, अगर खुलकर कहने में संकोच हो🙏)


I hail from....😝

That too a sworn beggar( under vow)

Suppose i stand at your gate and say " please give me something as charity, not of any material thing......i am well off, and am able to find my own sources for food and livelihood 🙏... I wanted my_begging to be genuine, hence the non_material item🙏"

  What can you give?

(Your response can be confined within yourselves 😝....and to me, if affordable without any embarrassment 🙏)

Until 50 years ago,

A real_life beggar in tamilnadu/Kerala

Will stand at your gate and say " please do some dharma🙏" ( interpretation was "give me something to eat😢"

Deeper meaning got lost, 200 years ago😜 ( British ensured that the values get lost!)

Beggingly yours

PSN (25 Dec 2022)

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Blame Game

 It works damn well 👍

Present day political science, as adopted by humans, globally at large facilitates blame game like never before!

In order to blame, and get away with it, we need some law which calls some act of commission or omission as a cognizable offence.

Offences can even be shifted, if laws are framed cleverly enough. Classic example is trading of unused quota of pollution by underdeveloped nations! 😜

Over developed nations have over-polluted ( we decided a permissible level🙂). They can "trade" it with poor nations who could not pollute even to the permitted levels😢 ( )

Ancient Bharat was stupid, (not clever/cunning enough to think of "blame game" and it's advantages 🙏)

They taught only duties …. consciously omitted about "rights" 😭

Citizens grew learning about duties and performing them meekly.

It worked😰😭 ( my duties are your rights…. So, when I am stupid enough to live, doing my duties dutifully… never need to "fight" for your rights)

This idea …..seemed to synchronise with all other life forms in nature🙏…

Coconut tree is duty bound to bear nuts….whether some fellow takes care of not😜😂… with care, it bears more nuts🙏… otherwise, it dies prematurely,  of starvation 🙏….no complaints against anybody!

I looked at both situations…. Old stupidity ( duties) & modern cleverness( fight for your rights, incessantly 🙏👍)

I noticed….. i can't complain to the incharge of mosquitoes, scorpions, snakes, maleria viruses, cancer viruses….. " your citizen is causing harm🙏…please warn, stop, punish…we should co_exist peacefully "( silly to think of complaining….."fighting for rights".... It is the in-built nature of these parasitical creatures to thrive upon somebody)

Humans aren't all….alike😭🙏

Huge variation between each individual 🙏

The 2 extremes of this variation….( to my tiny brains, as it seems 😰🙏) is….

those who contribute far more than they need, 


those who grab far more than their greed….

( All other qualities of good/bad, hardworking/lazy, honest/cheating, etc are related to where….each individual decides to fix oneself between these two extremes 🙏)


If i am able to look at any parasitical human being……

and i am able to remember that his "qualities" are moulded accordingly ( to suit his loot bijness😂)....

Where is the need to "blame" that fellow for his deeds? ( Mosquito is programmed to suck my blood… instead of blaming…do what is possible 👍 endure what cannot be cured🙏… a Jihadi is programmed to exterminate kaafirs, since it is his religious_duty. Simple👍)

Idiotically yours,

PSN (22 twelve 2023)

Monday, December 19, 2022

Naadi bijness

 [19/12, 08:50] PSN:

Toughest to market is..... probably......naadi vaidyam...😰

Among different streams of medicine ( MBBS, naturopathy, ayurveda, unani, homeopathy, accupuncture accupressure...etc)

Entrance test for naadi-system is a deciding factor for pursuing 😜

If a prospective candidate cannot sense the 3 naadis, holding a wrist, no admission 😂

( I asked my schoolmates who did MBBS... Privately they are honest🙏. They can sense a pulse, not naadi!.... I don't irritate asking "what is a naadi?")

[19/12, 09:02] PSN: #Naadi_Shaastra


has two known branches and a third lesser_known branch😜

1) naadi vaidya ( medicine/treatment based on naadi testing)

2) naadi jyothisha ( astrology based on naadi-system)

3) spiritual practices based on naadi-system ( unlikely to be heard_of)

Naadi is itself a highly elusive thing ( due to its subtle nature🙏)

hence , this one among देशी  sciences faces a near_extinction by its very nature 😰😰😰

( I इspeak only because of इsmall experience 😫😰🙏).  

[19/12, 09:12] PSN: #NaadiVigyan

It is neither a talent, not a be able to sense a naadi 😜

It is sensitivity....and one may call it luck, if somebody is too lazy to deepen his own sensitivity 😂

Spiritual path, bestows a little bit of sensitivity as a by_product of its rigorous practices 🙏 ( I owe my sensitivity to spiritual processes)

I am no master/authority on naadi science…

I know a little, which is enough to persuade me to do my bit, to try to….keep it alive🙏

Sensitively yours,

PSN ( 19 Dec 2022)

Tail_piece 😂

A fellow who is confident of reaching a reasonable meditative state, can himself become a testing gadget to find out a genuine naadi_vaidya 😜

( In fact, they both are mutually a testing tool for each other 👍… can't reveal this bit🙏😰😜)

Sunday, December 18, 2022


 I have a "reasonable basis"( 🙏🙏)

to  assume that.....

Until_Once upon a time.....

Kerala nurtured the sense of Discrimination ( a gift to "humans") and it flourished well.....🤣

( I collected a few bits of evidence, that distinguishes the Hindus in Kerala from the rest of India 🙏)

Today, discrimination got squandered the_most, in Kerala 😜


( Try to find out the "why so?"...of these simple items, easily verifiable🙏.... But no use cursing me, if the sense of Discrimination refuses to befriend, to discover the reason of "why so"....🙏... For sure, the reasons are of more_hindutva...😜😂🤣)


Tantra based instead of mantra

Abode for brahmaRaakshas inside temple compound only in Kerala!

Tonsure is not a practice

Elder brother and a husband addressed alike with "Jeyshta"

Deepavali not a festival

Bali, though a demon like ravana kamsa etc, worshipped

Gates closed at night only after a call "any hungry stomach out there???"

Strict dress code for temples, rituals according to deity and not desire of devotees

Tuft of hair tied up to the side towards ear lobes, not towards rear of head.

Fireworks specific to temple festivals…

Benedictions sought, not blessings!

Obsequies, 16 days, instead of 13 for rest of India!

Vysya as an exclusive class is not conspicuous among known names of classes/groups! 

( for the time being....i pause the list🙏.... I consciously omit mystic distinctions like black magic)

Mallu_ically yours

PSN (18 dec 2022)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Bequeath what?

 Bequeath what?

Only what i consider as worthy of hoarding, holding, possessing, acquiring…etc

We don't think of bequeathing a fatal disease…. 🤣

What decides within us, that something is of "value"???

Perception….isn't it?

( A primitive person who can't identify a mud covered jewel/diamond, cannot be expected to preserve it and bequeath it 😳😢😰)

Today, we hand over via will or intestate….only gross objects….wealth in all known forms!

Our qualities, we dunno… to transfer that technology!

Skills, only when there is lineage, which seeks to evolve further into that_particular specialised skills!

Enough of my bla_bla_bla 🙏

What do ancient spiritual giants bequeath?

A janeudhàri pseudo brahmin ( pappu) chants his lineage 😜… ( gothra, Sutra, etc…) . If willing, this is a suggestive evidence of what we inherited at the subtlest level, humanly possible 🙏…

Moksha cannot be guaranteed or bequeathed 🙏

Tools towards the "ultimate" is what I can think of🙏

I discovered that, i "happened to carry within me" a rare spiritual tool😳….( the discovery was mystic, under a mystic, and in a mystical ambience 😜

This tool enables a person to obviate intake of food, air and water through biologically designed gateways ( mouth and nose)... Obviously, as a natural consequence excretion is also obviated😜…. A person can thus slip into long duration of hybernation. Sleep during such long spells breaks the very purpose, and hence this tool obviates sleep as well, without leaving any trace of tiredness!

Who bequeathed this to me??....i have no way to find out🙏😰😢…i never learnt use of this subtle tool ever , this life time….and i can "see" ….it takes at least 2 decades of intense practices to acquire this tool! Thus, the resultant inference leaves me with no choice about "when" of this acquisition 😜

At least, we bequeath our levels of perception, awareness, alertness to the next generation? Does it make sense? …..( pappu inherits huge weath of 5 generations of loot…. To what end? )

What is the most unmissable aspect of "life"????? ( That which is most worthy, and to decide the highest worthy thing available, we need to deepen our perspective to the deepest possible 🙏)

Miscibly yours,

PSN (14 Dec 2022)

Sunday, December 11, 2022




Interesting concept!

Degrees are rolled out for a tested proficiency in this इskill!

But, ever heard of a teacher trying to create an ambience condusive to learning a subject proposed to be taught???

In any class of 50 students, there will always be a student or two, who are well focused, keenly interested and therefore able to become quite intense to learn, what is being taught. Otherwise bulk of them lean on the teachers skill to thrust it into their head…

Ancient teachers of Gurukul, themselves being spiritually evolved, used certain techniques and tools whereby, the minds of listeners quieten by themselves 🙏….and then, it is….. lab conditions….which ensures a better possibility of a "phenomenon"...

I happened to experiment with myself ( i don't indulge in finding a guinea pig!)....

An expert in his profession ( very tough, rare and difficult expertise) came from RBI as a guest lecturer to deliver a sermon of do's and don'ts while handling currency, and how to be on the lookout for counterfeit…..and how to adjuducate partially mutilated currency in strict accordance with "Refund of notes act, 1921"( 🤣)

I chose a back bench! It was a wide chair, allowing me to sit cross-legged ( beyond notice, being seated in the rear most) and in a particular posture/asana/mudra…

I did a few practices deep within, very inconspicuously, silently and intensely! I wasn't looking towards anything in particular to "happen".... I was in for that unexpected "phenomenon" 

Normal conditions were as bad as possible to facilitate any thing called learning😜…

1)Participants were of 45+ age….past the learning curve.

2) heavy lunch was served by employer_organisation, being a well organised staff_training centre.

3) none of them had in the recent past, adapted themselves to sitting quiet and yet listening very attentively

4) similar negative factors🙏

Therefore, i was able to conclude "safely" that …it was a phenomenon.

At the end of his talk, he liked to "test" if anything worthwhile had entered our heads!

He asked answers for tough questions ( and also asked for questions/references for possible answers…. reverse questions)

He became stupified at the level of accuracy of answers, reeled out effortlessly from all the participants picked randomly to be asked🙏🙏🙏🙏

Then a "formal" feedback ritual….

My level of ability to blabber in English decided that I should propose a vote of thanks to that guest lecturer 🙏

I don't recall the exact words, but i included this much 🙏 '" we had a taste_sample of very ancient teaching technology of our Gurukuls….and evidence of which was undeniably and too_glaringly visible in the "test" conducted by our dear "X" sir! I am not familiar with any standard_manner , adequate to express gratitude for such rare phenomenon of expert_teaching🙏"

I shouldn't have said so much🙏😰….he got trapped into uncontrollable tears😢🙏😰… he apologized, needlessly, since it was obvious that his were….only tears of joy🤣

Anti-climax (😜).... Our faculty who was present, to ensure discipline during a "guest" lecture…..  held my shoulder as we plodded out ….and asked " can you suggest, what our_faculty can do to deserve such admiration for teaching?" I quipped " sir, i don't know 🙏….all i can think of….is pray hard😜"  ( i abided by Manu, in his smriti….110th verse of chapter 2)

Unknowingly yours🙏

PSN (11 Dec 2022) 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Dealing with perception deficiency

 Dealing with perception deficiency 

Depends on who is going to deal with it?

( In my case, i had to deal with my own deficiency.  :((.    quite pathetic, i realised)

In the spiritual arena,

A Guru( highest among 6 varieties of teachers , in the desi lore) deals with this deficiency when he "smells" a potential that can be tapped .

Obviously, i too was fascinated by the queer methodologies adopted by Masters🙏

Zen….. tradition abounds in very scary tools 😜

An easy relatable and with least scope for sceptics to criticize… a "fellow"( master🙏) known as the "mad man of narayaneth"(" narayanathu bhrandan " mallus call him😅)

His fame spread when he toiled to push up a huge rock up to the top of a mountain, reaching there around evening, and then pushing it down suddenly, and letting out a big laughter🤣 . The return journey of that boulder takes less than a minute, while the pushing of it upwards needed the whole day, without a lunch_break. Kids enjoyed it initially. Elders decided to "donate" their attention only when this "stupidity" was repeated for days🙏…. (My guess,🥺🙂🤔🤔…. somewhere, this must have been heard by a few who managed to retain their pristine intellect of kid age, and their attention got caught 🤣😜😜😜… they were the real target of this "mad man"🙏… rest was his_story)

Why he did this ? I need the permission of that master himself to disclose ( meanwhile, several "scholars" have interpreted it, their way….and technology has made "publishing a book" damn easy, unlike engraving on palm leaves with an iron nails' sharp point!)

Somehow catch the attention….

Easiest way is to do something very stupid! 

Once the attention is drawn….. retention of focus is vital. 😜

Today, a mind cannot focus beyond a few seconds on anything ( eyes can keep looking at something that triggers the lust—-lust for wealth, fame, power, carnal desires….just anything 🙏)

Unless focus is qualitative & of reasonable duration, perception cannot hope to deepen! ( Archimedes managed a few more milliseconds 😜 compared to apple_falling_gravity or….steam in tea kettle blowing off its lid, giving birth to locomotive…… and therefore got a bonus of "laaaa of flotaeShun" apart from what he was "searching" to decide the purity of gold in a crown, as relative denCity😜🙏)

On spiritual path….focus is aimed at days , months …at a time 😜 ( only Bharat has that technology, without bothering to reserve any patents/copyright/etc…🤣😜🙏…. No one can steal it without eligibility to inherit it!)

How to persuade a person with some potential for deeper perception, to strive towards tapping his own potential????

( I shall try to hope that the reader doesn't bother to ask " what is there in it for you? Or a so_called master?".... Such questions prove that focus is gone due to diversion of attention 😭 fishplates sabotaged from rail_track!)

Perceptionally yours

PSN(10 Dec 2022)

Friday, December 09, 2022

Something amiss?

 Something amiss?

homogeneity...... in one prominent aspect ,

might have brought us together as close friends among classmates!

Something of prominence need not be important, and not needed to be vital either....😜

For instance,

most humans of today neglect their vital organs in their physiology, and try to replace the important organs with gadgets ..... missing thereby the distinction between important and vital parts😜

We four played a game.....

We tried a reply "that's what you think" anything said by anybody!

And it is "technically true"....😳😳😳🙂

I speak only what ..... I think....isn't it? ( Except that such teasing takes us no_where....😅😫😭)

Three of my friends might have forgotten this game...

But it stayed with me as a warning 🙏..... Am i missing something of huge importance, when i dismiss something casually???

This thought......stayed as a chant.....haunting me often, and i ended up staying as_alert_as_possible, all my waking hours!!! ( Like a kid, eyes wide open all night, staring at the dark sky, to try....not to miss, falling_stars....predicted by some physicist 🙏)

This quality of alertness, when nurtured consciously....turned into a self_sharpening_knife like gadget😜

It sharpened my awareness as well, ..... receptivity, perception and grasping power couldn't avoid itself in me.... Only the memory compromised, selectively, to retain only unsolved mysteries 🙏....

How to learn?????🤔🤔🤔🤔

was a ghost that kept haunting me past my aging process too🙏

Hauntingly yours,

PSN (9 Dec 2022)