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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Waist Waste, Grave gravity, Rest in Resistance

Among many funny thoughts that used to occur to me right from childhood days, this one ran a bit deeper that most of the others. 'Still water runs deep' .... (does it happen with thoughts too? Eh? ... well.....).

I could find a 'pattern' amongst most living things (meaning, plants and animals, birds etc—those other than humans are even called 'things'to suit our reference!..... ). Now this pattern helps me to forsee(not actually predict, but just make a reasonable guess), what would happen if I deal in a particular way with that animal/plant/living-thing..... Like, it is safe to go very close to a particular insect, allow it to climb onto our palm, play with it etc..... When somebody knows snakes a bit better, then with that person, the snake remains 'normal'.... Tigers , lions, would never snatch our share of bananas, while monkeys would never leave any banana for us... domesticated dogs are ever loyal to their masters, whether or not, their master is even the most wanted (carrying a prize over his head, dead or alive)...

But when it comes to human beings, predictability, guess-ability, forsee-ability, .... no ability by any name comes to our rescue.... As a kid, I used to be regularly surprised by even my own parents, when their shift in attitude takes me off guard! (I even 'took' it as a hint, that it is 'okay' to be a bit erratic, a bit cranky, a bit nasty, etc, at times!.. But, somehow, I could never really 'use' or put that hint to practice, leave alone to benefit in any way with it... I remained the most predictable idiot around, during my entire childhood, and even invited a few 'well established' nicknames that suit most appropriately to 'idiots', from amidst my elders, relatively-related-relatives, close by proximity).

But that is not the 'main' purpose of this post, though such a narrative as the forgoing one lays a ground-work perhaps, for the possibility that what I propose to suggest hereinafter might possibly make a sense-of-appeal (like that vague 'sense of the house' resolutions in a parliament, when it comes to laws which cause 'self-inflicted-wounds' on the very parliamentarians themselves!!!)...

I feel that

  1. the bulk of the activity of a human being constitutes production of waste... Oh! I am not referring to the great-sounding words, the modern jargons associated with the 'environment' etc.... The human physiology itself... We consume food, air and water and in turn produce 'waste' out of it, through exit channels, which may not be working well always. One channel has to work well. Others can work a bit hap-hazard too, and we have medicines to take care. That sweat glands on our skin, we almost abuse it, we coat it with almost anything , ranging from artificial fragrants to artificially controlled ambiance like Air conditioners, fans etc...

  2. ii)The bulk of human energy is spent in defying gravity, all their life... Please see, just visualise the gravity to be about just 8 % (on moon they say, it is one-sixth of that of earth's)... We wouldn't be protesting so loudly about cost of fuel for transportation, obeisity, etc...

  1. most of our thought processes consists of offering resistance..... Whether it is HR people trying to recruit, or the groom's parents trying to choose a 'hands-on-brooms' (the bride), all they scamble to find out is 'how much resistance is this person likely to offer' or 'how less of it'.... the tolerance-levels decide the suitability of the candidate (since other things of material value out-weigh a lot, now a days!)....

It so happens, (again I feel so... ),

That when a person attempts to turn towards spirituality, the ancient Guru (guide/master) tries to reduce the waste production, reduce the availability to gravity, and also to reduce the resistance, and if we look at the processes/practices/tools, the 'shat-kriya', the asanaas, the meditative practices, these are very effective tools.


Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Mystic Mistake

It feels quite encouraging to find someone asking a question, the importance of which may not have occured to that asker, to of that reaching beyond the scope of the situation refered to in the question!!

Yes, people have been asking this “why” which spans over many lifetimes. Those famous verses of Aadi Shankara “Punarapi Jananam, punarapi maranam...” (Bhaja Govindam), is adequate enough to demonstrate the importance of this question.

Be that as it may, I would find it practical to begin from where we are, right now, and thus, went ahead to give a practical suggestion.

(Incidentally, the timing of this question-answer seems mystic too! I happen to be undergoing a rare process within, which may equip me later to maintain a dynamic equanimity in the face of situations, where actions or inactions do not matter at all!.... I would call it a process, because, the entire experience is beyond the reach of words, and somehow, seems to (me, to) relate to many dimensions.... yes... quite difficult to even believe that such experiences are possible at all! Quite a difficult phase, and hopefully enormously rewarding, if one were to climb over it. The only excuse that I can offer for mentioning this here at all, is that it does relate to the question “why do we repeat the same mistake again and again......” .... this process, hopefully, would afford a 'climbing over' from repetition of a significant mistake!)


Why does a person make a same mistake again and again?

for example-Not studying for a Very difficult exam,when the person know he has failed once by not studying, and STILL doesn't study...and he know the consequences...(and the person is very much capable of passing)And the person wants to do it,even though he finds it boring.I mean this is maddness!!

Is this lack of passon?how does one increase it?
Or some disorder?what can one do to correct it?
Or is it some disorder

Additional Details

it is depressing for that person!


My answer:

It is because we "Mis-take" the priority.
When we become 'addicted' to a life-style, we lose our alertness, awareness, and our mind is completely overtaken by a pattern of response to a situation.
It is not a 'dis-order'. It is a "miss" of the correct order.
The moment we think of this as a disorder, we try to look at it as some 'medical' problem, and get rid of the feeling of 'response-ability' (not even accountability).
To quickly overcome this lack of clarity about worthy priorities, a person should start with food habits, breathing pattern, situation around (healthy, supportive surrounding, people, ambiance, etc.)
If a person is strongly bonded to a negative pattern for too long, the process of reversal is tough and time-consuming, but it is worth the effort... always.


Please see, even a small child, if it learns a wrong spelling, it repeats that wrong spelling first, and then as an 'after-thought' that child 'corrects' oneself. So teachers (good teachers), parents, take care to teach a child the correct way, slowly, firmly , clearly, the first time itself.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Attractive Bad

Children very genuinely get this question quite often into their minds, but seldom take courage to ask this to the people around. They do ask, but only to their friends of like age, and therefore the answers do not find a strong appeal, strong enough to sustain....

Adults get past the need of such questions, for they know pretty well, that it is too late now!

The answer is ridiculously simple, but has never been too easy to put into practice!

The solution takes a lifetime, most of the times, to reach that 'safe' plateau, from where a person does not slip. (Spiritual pursuers know this far better than any others!)


Why do we get attracted towards bad things so easily?

My answer:

Just lack of perception.
For example, a student who has deeper understanding about the purpose of school education, gets the priorities right, and does not get attracted towards any of those 'temporary' pleasure items, which takes away the precious learning/study time. Instead, the student would choose a few healthy games/hobbies, that help to relax the brain/mind, and get back to studies with a stronger/fresher , energetic 'feel'... (that is how we get to hear stories of children who perform well despite being poor, reading under street-lamp, very little food, late night work to pay for fees, books etc. They get the priorities clear and right).
When the priorities are not 'clear', external compulsions cause mind-fatigue very easily on those 'good-non-attractive' things, and indirectly drive us to seek those bad things.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Source of Fear

When I heard about the famous sentence “Let there be light”.... the first question that occured to me was who would have said something like “Let there be Fear”..... I was concerned about 'fear' that seemed to come in the way of many thing that I would 'like to do'... I was also amazed at the way in which fear creeps into many of the thought processes that struggle to break the usual limitations and try to find manifestations. Fear seemed to douse such upsurges.

The sense of 'concern' slowly turned into a kind of inquisitiveness, which did (and still does) pave the way for deeper insight into the 'self'.

So, I was 'naturally' drawn to take up a question like this...


How does fear begins with?

My reply:

Basic instinct of self preservation... That is why baby-child does not 'feel' fear, and adults have to take care of a baby, till it gets a clear idea of 'self' (we can see, kids take some more time to use the pronoun "me", mine, I, etc...)
Fear of death, and then, fear about living "properly"........ that definition and scope of what is "proper" keeps enlarging , expanding, and multiplies into problems, demands, needs, greed, etc. Sense of 'security' accompanies that seeking of 'proper' living. Any threat to sense of security creates that fear.