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Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Mask

There was a joke.
It seems once, a zookeeper found one of the animals ‘missing’ from its cage. It was a Bear. The cage was at a prominent place in that zoo, and the supervisor would notice it too soon! To avoid any problem till the bear could be located, the zookeeper found a well-built volunteer, offered him a sizeable sum of money, gave him a bear-skin mask, and told him what to do inside the cage. Our ‘dummy’ did a wonderful job, and visitors to the zoo did not notice anything amiss.
Towards night, our dummy felt the need to relieve himself very urgently, and since it was dark, decided no harm in letting himself out of the cage for a while. But while returning, he happened to choose the wrong cage! He did not realize his mistake for a while. It was when he decided to find a cozy corner to sleep, that he looked around, to only find another huge creature sharing his cage! He could make out that it did look like that Lion! The bear skin could not hold the sweat that he started to profusely emit! He was also shivering due to fear! He managed to hold himself still, waiting for day break! Any slight movement might provoke that massive creature waiting so close!
When day light came, he found to his shocking surprise that the “Lion” was also in a similar grip of fear, sweat and shiver! He was also a ‘dummy’ !

When we wear similar masks, trying to be something when we are not really capable of being one, the problem is further complicated! The deep fear, clothed with an ego problem, manifests in the form of even ‘superiority complex’, undue harassment upon others, extra control on others, needless suspicion on juniors, superiors etc and what not!

Those of us who can draw comfort from reconciling to one type of acceptance that we are prepared to take things as it comes, without worrying too much about ‘what four people will think’ also are vulnerable in yet another arena! The vulnerability is not from outside! It is from within, our own selves! A well educated, evolved daughter poured out this ‘helplessness’ in a very magnificent manner, enough to occupy a significant mention in the prominent week end edition of a widely circulated national newspaper! This lady could not forgive herself for having failed to notice the earliest symptoms of a dreaded ailment that had crept into her dearest Mom!
This time, the ‘mask’ is right on her very own eyes! By a different name ‘pre-conditioned’ eyes!

Evaluation is too strong a word. Awareness, in its deeper sense would take care of this. Human being undergoes the consequences of lack of this, to the proportional extent. Awareness would help deepening the perception.

When present day youngsters tend to look down upon the simple lifestyles of our ancient people, they fail to take notice of their perceptional capabilities! A recent Giant, one of the Shankaracharyas, when he was yet to become one, demonstrated this capability right within himself, having observed it through his inner eyes, from ancient Masters. The brief preface about the author in the book ‘Vedic Mathematics’ would give details of ‘how’ and ‘what’ he did.
The sutras that he narrated in the book are too brief, terse, and have the potential to be infallibly interpreted so as to accommodate many of the concepts of our modern mathematics, in a ‘micro-chip’ fashion! Just 16 miniature ‘surtas’ like “Ekadhikena poorvena”(Sanskrit for ‘one more than the previous) etc! (‘Sutra’ literally means a thread, and whatever flower we use to weave, the thread holds the garland well!). Please try to visualize, if these brief 16 formulas are enough to solve almost all mathematical problems under the sun, then are they not giving us sufficient competition to try for a better ‘pen-drive’/lap-top/calculator etc?

Armed with such deep vision, to just look and grasp things around, and then to infallibly ‘apply’ the right formula in its right mixture of derived complexities, are they going to miss anything worth noticing around them! This perception is what I had in mind, when I wrote a fictional post on the blog, using that simple looking equation, 4 x 4 = 16.

The next level of the mask is on our mind itself! A preconditioned mind! The causes are multiple, since the inputs are incessant, and the processor too is racing all the time, unmindful of that pure awareness being deprived of its ‘due’ share of prominence! Most of my blog-post hover around this aspect one way or other, so it is redundant to stretch any further.

Regards,Psn(26th Sept, 2009)

Why truth seems to hurt!

A very brief answer is all that is needed. Thin clothing to give predominance to truth, to the extent possible!
Psn ( 26th Sept, 2009)

Truth is the truth hurts, Don't you agree?

My answer:

I am inclined to say, "may be, yes".When we try to remove a thorn from our feet's sole or so, the needle hurts more (due to the presence of that thorn), than the way the same needle would hurt elsewhere.When the doctor applies that magical liquid on the skin the syringe needle does not hurt at all!
"Truth" by itself is like an invisible person, who can be seen with the clothing that is put on that invisible person(remember......that English movie "Hollow Man"). A heavy clothing obscures the person all the more. A thin clothing gives clear 'idea' but still, it is the clothing that we see, not that invisible person. As long as we have to look at the clothing, truth might hurt.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A desire to create THE desire!

While the bulk lot of us are busy with just trying to fulfil our own desires, chasing them, running after them, pursuing them etc, it was interesting to find somebody who wanted to know how and when would a desire to pursue something woud arise! And when that something was the ultimate goal of a spiritual pursuit, what I felt was ‘gratifying’, way beyond ‘interesting’.
My answer, I know would not have done much help to ‘create’ any such desire. But it looks like he or she got some clarity.

I was wondering if we too did try sometime to create a desire about something first , and then try to pursue that desire. We would have tried it on those innocent children, the sitting ducks at our homes, when we try to create an interest in them to somehow score high marks in the exams! The marketing in-charge tries to create a desire in his sales-team to reach a target. A shop keeper tries to create an interest in us in some new gadget. Brooke Bond, (I was told by an elder from an instance that happened when he was a kid), it seems, came early in the morning with a mobile van unit, and offered Tea to people in the village. Later, they insisted that the free-morning-cup of tea would be given only if they brushed their teeth well, and cleaned their tongue sharp. Once they got addicted, the cost factor came in to stay and rise for ever!
I know from personal experience, how difficult it is to get somebody interested into spirituality. They may settle easily to talk about it a lot. And then drop out inconspicuously, but to get them into it, and retain them so, is an arduous task.
Psn(21st Sept., 2009);_ylt=AoS3ap9jRcJgQHxScprl95qRHQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090919184119AAlD9M2&show=7#profile-info-wBiTZgm1aa

Desire to attain enlightenment comes to a find of full matured mind is that True, then in what sense?
My answer:
True, but the problem is, we do not have that measuring rod to find out if the mind was really a matured one!
Most of the enlightened people in India were unlettered!Enlightenment has happened at all ages to these people.
It has happened to people irrespective of what they did for it in terms of concerted efforts!
At all stages.
'Just like that' cases, and after 'great struggle' cases too!Statistically, enlightenment is about one in ten thousand or even much more.
This maturity of the mind can happen quite early too.
That is what I attempted to 'hint' at when I wrote a 'post' in my blog under the title 'Evaluation Copy'. Seeking a person's attention towards this priority is too difficult. The body has its priorities. The mind has its priorities. The mind has to first tame the body, and then surrender itself unconditionally to the 'subtle' being within! That is what maturity is about. It is too an abstract a concept, to be explained with the help of tangible examples!But the question is excellent. It comes from a genuine urge to 'create' that desire first, and then to work towards it, when there is an 'acceptance', an honest one, that our logic does not right now permit us to view it even, as anything worth one's while!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lighten that ‘en’ light-ment

An attempt to answer a question such as this, would be almost asking for trouble.
But, the way I am, I do not even stop with simply answering it. I tend to even market that ‘prone-to-running-into-trouble’!
Very viable for me, irrespective of the feasibility, considering the ‘basic’ inclinations!
I am not sure, if this answer goes as a complement with my blog “evaluation copy”.
Depends upon what value they carry to you.
Psn (17th Sept, 2009)
The question:
Is Enlightenment a natural process...which we forcibly Stop / delay ..?

My (humble fire-fly-lumen) answer:

It is indeed a natural process!
Why it is a natural process, is we cannot do it. We can at the best allow it to happen. The struggle and hurdle is basically the thought process! Any further elaboration would only add to confusion and contradiction.
I could give an indicative example. We, with this body, think and feel that we are naturally heavy, and think of our weight often. We have that 'weight reduction programs' too, and it is a good thriving business for many, globally. Now, if we look at the people in a space craft, we know that for them, while in space, their weight does not matter. If somehow, the earth had managed to hold us the same way, without exerting that gravity, life would have been 'naturally' more blissful. No fuel costs to drive us mad etc! Our very fundamentals of economy would be revamped! We would not be spending our body's energy just to keep fighting the gravity all our life!
This enlightenment too is prevented by a kind of gravity that holds us strongly with the body and mind. (Perhaps that is why as soon as the lucky few 'attain' they quit! They just leave their body and go ---not the conventional type of death, please note. Right now, we have to tamper with this body to leave it, not at will that we can leave it!) A few compassionate ones, who also happen to be good at communication skills, linger around, staying behind redundantly, to make it happen for us! (Please try to find a way, to forgive, for this attempt to put something into words, which is supposed to be beyond the reach of words!)
So, it is indeed THE most natural process. The 'being' within incessantly attempts to communicates to us (our mind), its own agenda, but the message is perceived quite differently and that too contributes to the hurdle! I can boldly talk about this being within, because most of us do talk thus: 'my mind is confused/happy/calm/etc,' and also as 'my body feels heavy/light/stiff/etc' (There should be no dispute about that 'me/my' though it is intangible and mischievously elusive too :) !

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Potential variation at Post graduate level Programs.

I just attempted to look at the concept of looking for potential to grow, and how it would vary from student to student. Deliberately I chose an over-exaggerated example.

The fiction:
Three grown up students with great potential to grasp mathematics, but were unfortunately deprived of opportunity all along, were given hand outs like they do at reputed Universities where MS programs are undertaken.

One such hand out simply mentioned that “ 4 x 4 = 16. “

The student from earth reported back: Yeah! Got it. What you call as multiplication is just repeated addition. Good that I reached the concept well and fast enough, though a bit late in my life. Thanks dude!

The student from Mars reported back: Cool! I lack that cool at Mars, where it is usually hotter! I notice that 4 units of dissimilar identities, when collectively computed 4 times, it adds up to 16 units (may be, all the sixteen are dissimilar identities, but they nevertheless constitute 16 units, not needed to be laboriously counted 16 times, but can also be counted in clusters of 4 units each, irrespective of dissimilarity within each of the four clusters!) yeah! I can work on it further.

The student from Jupiter: I feel humbled at what this simple looking hand out implies! Even though the number 4 is designated dissimilar functions, one to represent units, and the other to represent the required number of repetition to be done in respect of that cluster of 4 Units, it can be commonly represented together, by a single variable, a non-number called ‘a’ to signify that any value for “a” has to hold good, despite the dissimilarity that such value is expected to represent, as long as the representative value is denoted by an identical number! There ought to be a ‘name’ for such an abstract & subtle concept. It seems to deserve an exclusive study, to deal with complex mathematical problems, in a simpler way, but each time, maintaining a conscious awareness about the limitations of such implications, of using an abstract concept of mathematics(to avoid inadvertently ending up into an impractical fallacy, though logically valid)! Oh! Somewhere at the back of my mind, another concept seems to take shape, a concept to look at mathematics for purely mathematical purposes, and also for practical applications. It seems pure when it is for study of mathematics. But it does not sound ok to call the other one ‘impure’ when it works for practical ‘applications’. Nevertheless, I shall wait patiently, to let the concept ‘soak’ in to sprout at an appropriate time.

The professor ‘evaluates’ these three reports, and smiles! He wonders, if all those ancient astrologers were really right in their claims about influences of planets to a certain extent, upon individuals, though with similar basic potentials!

Psn(10th September, 2009)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Evaluation Copy"

Evaluation copy

Disclaimer: “This is only an evaluation copy, and not the entire version”
(Yeah! Like any commercial ‘evaluation-copy-stuff’ of a software, this too contains only things that are ‘likely’ to appeal. There has to be hidden costs, undisclosed discomforts stored as in-built, for future, and some irrevocable, non-biodegradable, stuff when we get enticed into subscribing for the original version!)

Evaluation copy, about what? That’s your problem to figure it out.

Sitting at the window sill, during my journey in a train, watching the sceneries flying past by me, something came flying past along with the wind, landed on me. I picked it up, and found that it could be of interest to the co-passengers with me, and even perhaps to those who would later journey in the same compartment, and so I decided to ‘pin-it-up’ leaving it to the observers to do what they like, read it, glance it, view it, observe it, delve into it, etc.

The stuff :

We confront lots of ‘matching’ things, as well as conflicting ones, within us. We tend to take notice of only the conflicting ones, since that is what impedes us from realizing our goals.

All of us have that body awareness, we know our minds too, to some extent, and there is that someone else too, the much elusive “we” within us.

When some tasks or situation suits us well, it is the ‘matching’ set of things. When it does not, it is the conflicting area.

Some people are comfortable with driving a vehicle. They do not really mind the busy traffic, even bottle-necks, being caught in traffic jam etc. They cheerfully turn to have a chat with co-passengers, or turn on the audio, or simply enjoy gazing through the windscreen. Some others, cannot even enjoy a lonely road. Worry grips them. A whole set of “what if suddenly…” series would get triggered in their minds, and that would be enough to spoil the entire pleasure of riding.

When we find time, to take a look at ourselves, we clearly see that in some of our “could-not-accomplish” goals, there is a hazy picture of lack of co-ordination, team spirit within us. The mind reminds us at very wrong times, what we should have done! The body refuses to cooperate when needed most! And that elusive “we” like a silent resident virus, causes only discomfort, seldom gives us that much needed consolation, support and revitalizing, rejuvenating elixir.

Perhaps, our body has its own habits, affinity to things, inherent abilities, debilities, etc.

The mind too, has set its own priorities, preferences, attitudes, etc…

The “being” within, that elusive ‘we’ has its own hidden agenda.

Obviously the ‘being’ (the “we”) ought to be the most powerful one. But, it has to suffer a drawback. When it has decided to bestow its trust and power into the body and mind, it has to just sit back and wait, till the body and mind finish their fueling, refueling, in-fighting, etc, and then turn their attention towards their master, to see if the master desires something to be done by them!

The mind says, we have to reduce our body weight. But the stupid body refuses to cooperate at the opportune moment! It does not even realize that reducing weight is in its own self-interest! It is not the mind that carries the weight. It is the body. The mind has an hidden agenda. It seeks to prove, ‘see, I told you so, the body simply does not want to cooperate’. The body says, “why should I forsake the cozy comforts of sofa, the tasty junk food, just to pamper you! I take the entire struggle and strain to ‘reduce’ and you travel light within me! All you like to enjoy is pay me less, and make me work more! Not anymore. I will resist. I will insist on re-booting several times, when you ask me to wake up earlier than my normal comfortable time! I will shut off the alarm, sneak back into the bed, if necessary, hold my bladder’s explosive pressure for a while more, just to show my obstinacy in disobeying, yielding to you”! The mind now shows all its tricks. It creates dreams only about toilets. If the mind wins, we get up, go to toilet and back into bed. Or else…. Oh! that’s the problem of washing machine, who ever it is!

The body craves for luxury items, which it could not get, or which it refuses to drop. The body refuses to perform many a times, and jumps into action when not needed(it accelerates the throttle, when we lose our balance and are about to fall, driving a two-wheeler!).

The mind would have liked to be a doctor, but ended up as a storekeeper. It would have liked to enjoy a retired life, but ended up doing a ‘compromise’ job.
The mind finds that it has to put up with a mismatching spouse, lesser than dreamt-job/qualification/hobby/etc. The mind reminds, ‘I too had that aptitude for painting, music, astrology, yoga, etc, but somehow got caught up with things, and ended up in this mess!’

The planet Sun(or is it a ‘Star’, the only one, in our solar system?.... Bah! forget it, that was not the issue now), which is supposed to be ‘holding’ the solar system in its place, ought to be making lots of noises while it’s burns it fuel explosively all the time. We here, do not seem to hear it at all. Even during the day time, the Sun goes into clouds(not to speak of nights, or brief eclipses)! Like wise, the being, the Sun within (the aatma karaka ), too, starts being heard feebly at times, mostly when it is the eve of our lifetime, and reminds us of the most painful things like “what did I do all along with my life, why the hell is this life, what was my life all about, what were my inner-most-desires, what was the purpose of this life time (even if it were the only one that I believe in)"!

(This is only an evaluation copy, so, that’s it!)

psn(12th Sept, 2009)

Monday, September 07, 2009

The “timings” were timely then, then why not now?

The fast paced life renders the making of compromises with traditions and rituals, into more and more of an arduous task!
There was a time, when the Southern Railway authorities in India had to even change the starting time of a train (the famous GT express), just because people did not like commencement of a long journey at an ‘inappropriate’ time! There were not much of any substantially supporting evidences to show why the starting time was ‘unholy’ or ‘inappropriate’!

New moon day is auspicious amidst southern India dwellers, where as it is a bit inauspicious for most north-Indians! And many of them are supposed to have had common ancestors centuries ago! Mind boggling questions indeed!
The sense of ‘revolt’ (due to pressure of work, lack of mind-space, or quality-mind-time) seems to overtake and suppress the latent desire to know the consequences, or reasons even before doing away with such ‘outdated-looking’ sense of timings, for various day-to-day activities.
While learning law, especially jurisprudence (the law about law), our good teacher narrated a case that went up to the Supreme Court, to adjudicate the dispute about ‘timing’ for tying the holy knot between would-be-couples. The hilarious part was that both the sides (bride’s and the groom’s) were otherwise wise enough to even share their lunch together on the lawns of courtyard! The learned judges gave a wonderful judgement, which demonstrated well enough the prudence in patiently reaching to the root of any tradition, instead of ‘summarily’ disposing off any ‘issue’(lest it may adversely affect our own ‘issues’ coming out/’issuing forth’ of a wedlock)!

Time and again, time has been questioned, irrespective of the timeliness of timing the question about times! I fervently hope, we have the time to look at it!

Even simple errors change the very dimension of time! Somebody asked an Englishman (who are reputed to be very particular about grammar than the timing of the situation) “Sir what is time?”, to which, the reply came, “ Oh! Time is a great concept, which, complements with the only other known dimension called space, and enables us to ‘fix’ events in a sequential, chronological order, for not only historical purposes, but….. “ thus he went on, losing the ‘sense’ of time altogether! The poor asker intended to ask “Sir what is THE time NOW”

Well, that being the given situation at this time, there was a question sent to me to get ‘provoked’ to attempt a reply. Whether it is timely or not is entirely dependent on how well capable we are, to get tuned in, to times of yesterday!

To me it was my favorite past-‘time’ for many of my yesterdays!

Time please!

Psn(7th Sept, 2009)


As per Tamil Panchankam, a day is divided into various parts, what about other religions?
1Tamils especially Hindu Bhramins in Tamil Nadu conduct marriages or start new ventures at Nalla Neram, or Subha muhurtha neram, where as in other parts of India marriages are conducted during nights. Why this is so ?2. Like panchankam for Hindu Tamils, is there anything for other religions? How do they fix the good time for Marriages etc ?3.Why obstructing or bad time is called Raghu Kalam?4. How a particular time is called as Yama Kantam?5.How on what basis these Panchankams are based?ONLY THOSE WHO ARE WELL VERSED IN THESE SUBJECTS PL ENLIGHTEN.Thanks

My way of timing (my answer):

The flight of knowledge is from known to unknown.

Yet, the answers could be just indicative, like a finger that points at the heavenly bodies.

Take a look at major surgeries done by eminent surgeons at reputed private hospitals. Most of it is done in the early hours (4 am or so).

The launch of spacecraft is 'timed' to suit various parameters. A lay man cannot fathom all the reasons, till that person is 'well-versed' in the subject of space technology. Yet we know some of the important things like gravity, fuel efficiency, climatic impact etc.

We have to 'step into the shoes' of those who prescribed those 'time-slots'. We have to know what was their subtle purpose. For that we need that kind of perception. Right now, even an ant knows better when it is going to rain (within up to three days!), better than us, the 'we' so equipped with super computers (the best of computers being engaged to predict weather!). The ancients were striving to evolve higher than 'human' level, a level at which they managed to 'enter' ab-initio, using technology called 'seemantham' with that preparatory launching-pad-technology called 'nuptials'. So they ensured a minimun support level of perception (like our Governments minimum support price for paddy!), right from 'gurukulam' where, a student is thoroughly trained intuitively (emotion is the manifest form of it). Thus equipped with deep perception, the choosing of right time becomes indeed a very complex technology, not easily decipherable to the present day mind!

Yet to satisfy the 'priliminary' curiosity, take the full moon and new moon days. Go to seashore or a mental asyllum, where you can see 'amplified' effects of two-way and one way gravity on the bulk of water body (relatively free state of matter than the gross solid earth), and on the mind (relatively in an uncontrolled state due to mental imbalance, compared to us, the 'normally' abnormal ones!).

When two people are expected to join at spirit-level, not just mating-level (for sheer biological perpetuation reasons!), the purpose does 'seem' a bit nobler, isn't it! Then the subtle factors have to be taken into account to ensure better bonding (we take some extra care when we use 'alerdite' , cleaning the surfaces, in a 'dry' atmosphere, not rain, we mix the resin and fastner only on time, etc).

Oh! elaboration would take out the patience of the reader.

Sorry, if it fails to impress at least by this time / point of narration.

Usko Mirchi Lagi tho Mai kya karoon?

I have given my answer.

I had asked this question very early , early enough to warrant a 'summary-disposal' from my elders with a curt reply, like "Adu appadithaan" (don't try to question our traditions! .... or to that effect.)

Somehow, I was not deterred by such admonitions, and was even 'at home' with such!

I feel fortunate that I do not put down the eager minds thus!

I learned to even put up with people who ask for purposes other than sincerely knowing it!

Psn (7th Sept, 2009)


Why chilli and chilli powder not used when we prepare food in memory of forefathers ?
For hot taste the pepper only used and no green or dry chilli or chilli powder not used generally when we prepare foods in memory of elders we call generaly ''thithi'' or ''srardham''. Do you know any reason for it?

The ‘Hot’ reason(my answer):
Two reasons:1) Chillies came from some other country, just a few centuries ago (they say it is Africa or so, that is why it is not very popular even in USA. At US, it is mostly 'salt 'n' pepper, still!).2) This is a more important reason: Chilli is a 'negative' pranic food. Our fore-fathers looked at spices, food etc, in terms of their "life-energy" contents, rather than 'nutrition' value that we have today, like we look for calories, protiens, vitamins etc. They are concerned with most important aspect of "life" the very life energy itself! Not the physical efficiency . Physical efficiancy was a natural consequence though! Unfortunately for us now, all the items of 'negative' life energy by nature taste superb! Verification of this aspect (or even elaboration, if somebody seeks just an 'entertainment' value from explanations, needs more space and time!)

Eisa kyon hota hai?

When our desires are not fulfilled, and we find that it happens easily for others, this question does come up too often. Our ancient people had evolved a technique to channelise this ‘thought force’ to make it work for us. The ethnic name (nay, scientific name), could be “Chit Shakti”. Right from a ‘simple-looking’ prayer (like “sahanaa vavatu….), to concerted rigorous ritualistic practices, we have a whole range of techniques for the eager ‘minds’!

When this kind of answers of mine appeals to the asker to get picked as the ‘best’ I really feel a sense of surprise at first….. (and then….. , well, it is my private ‘affair’ now!)

I was curious, to know, how you would ‘evaluate’ my answer. The question could have been worded a bit more carefully, still retaining the ‘spice’ of ambiguity!

Psn(7th sept, 2009)


Why does it happen to whom we look for but we don,t get?

Perhaps, the thought force is spent in looking at whom we look, and supports the 'happening' in favour of 'whom we look' instead of helping ourselves, the 'we' that miss to get it.

(And the comments about the answer)
“this could be the best of all.”

Saturday, September 05, 2009


“Power corrupts” , they say.
Corruption is not merely about getting hold of some illegitimate money, unethical earnings of wealth, or even about getting undue control over unmarked territory or domain of activity, etc.
It simply corrupts our mind, initially. That open mind gets corrupted, like a corrupted data storage device, that does not do its designated functions properly when corrupted by virus etc! What we commonly refer to as corruption is that manifested form of corruption that is taken shape due to the decisions implemented by a corrupt mind! If we can only have patience to trace the root of any corruption, we would not hastily cast allegations of ‘corrupt’ on the retail-end-deliverers like police, tax authorities, government departments etc! They simply perpetuate it , helplessly, caught in the chain, inheriting it inadvertently by reasons of being caught up in employment, as a means of livelihood. The real culprits people are the ones behind the scene, who have a far-sighted vision, and lay long-term-usable roads, through the systems they formulate for the society, be it politicians, or even religious preachers who prescribe ‘do’s and don’t’s”. Then remedial measure lies only with the teachers, whether at school or parents at homes, to churn out a fresh set of minds, which would refuse to abide by the dictates of corrupt minds, however ‘remote’ the control hails from! Japan is perhaps a country that uniquely demonstrates this capability, in respecting the teachers, as a culture belonging to a whole nation! We in India have a culture that does not try to meddle with the society’s way of handling its day to day affairs, be it corrupt or fair. When a person is fatigued, tired of leading this kind of life, and turns elsewhere for some kind of solace, after finding that nothing else gives that peace of mind, whether it is wealth or poverty, whether it is power, corruption or its slavery, then, for such ‘individuals’ there are suggestive prescriptions in our “Hindu” way of life, not in the form of rituals alone (if that religious outlook cause aversion), but even by way of techniques formulated by Grand Masters. To such a fatigued mind, the very opening few sentences of a great book do not really look strange, but it would appear very apt, as if customized, or tailor-made, “And now, Yoga” (athah; Yogah!—Patanjali Yoga sutra). Such an entrant does not drop out too soon. And the terse language appears to him, lucid.

(Ancient Kings had a solution for this, the corruption: “Vikatakavi”!)

I did not quite expect my answer to this question to be picked as the asker’s best answer! So, simply inspired by his comments, I felt encouraged to share my views, regarding the way the mind incessantly tries to “regulate others” ! The “others” simply means everybody else but the “me”.

Tax authorities build up all the rules(from ‘acts’) for others, but never in favour of those tax payers against themselves! (keep waiting for refunds!)
Police vehicles need not follow all the rules that are strictly enforceable on public, whatever it takes!
Teachers do not try to create any rules for themselves, but never cease to add their own rules for students! (At school, I often used to ‘day-dream’ of a situation where we kids can give marks for ‘questions’ too! Some set of questions seemed too silly, looking at the depth of the lesson contents, its concept values etc! Later, I guessed, may be the teachers planned to make valuation of papers easy, with simple answers to be checked. “To hell with uplifting of student’s standards” they must have thought!)
Managements take their own time for responding to ‘papers’ of any sort, while time-frames are set, with rigid last dates for submission!
Courts have no time limit to adjudicate cases, while cases could be time-barred, if not lodged in time!
Even the tailors are famed for their hold on customers waiting for their wedding suits till the last minute, the spouse and others full of anxiety due to unfounded fears creeping in with the fast approaching ‘muhurat’ and the bride or groom not reporting!
That tonsuring at places like Tiruppati Temple, makes the waiting for ‘darshan’ less torturous! To get more ‘heads’ he leaves most of them half way, to ‘rope-in’ newer ones faster!
Cricket- 1st,2nd, 3rd, and even Fourth Umpire! (Umpire’s decision is final!)
Mental asylums: wardens are like those cooking-gas-“regulators”, keeping it under ‘pressure’!
Innocent children are now ‘victimized’ in the name of ‘judgments’ upon them in reality shows, whether by judges or ‘SMS’ voters!
(And, you know, too well, who is the “Boss” at our homes, and no rules for them! Anyway, I am the boss at my house, and I have my wife’s permission to say so!)
(The list is endless)
Some places give glimpses of a contrast for a change! I found, some of the Buddhist monasteries, prescribe more rules for ‘self-adherence-voluntarily’ for its inmates, with almost no rules for stray visitors!
I found a small ‘change’ confronting an entirely new set of rules growing around me, ‘post-retirement’!
Psn(5th Sept, 2009)


Are there any laws regarding footpath use.?
2 days ago
Additional Details
if there are can you quote them?

My submission (lawfully yours):
Road laws are for vehicle users, and those who interfere on the road, without a vehicle (the road-crossers). Till the sides of a road was demarcated, everything on either side of a road was a footpath(till we encroach on some private property)!There are guidelines, for foot-walkers (hence it is foot-path). That is so because, unlike vehicles, we are yet to 'maintain' and service our body, foot etc in good condition. Some cannot walk fast, some cannot even walk, some can only drag themselves (when the heart is heavy that day!), etc. The fuel efficiency of the body, the mileage per litre of food, etc varies vastly, and is always out of control! So, the Road Transport authority are just waiting, till they can have a sub-division called "Foot-path" Transport Authority, and then, when people have reasonable capacity to 'regulate' their walking capability at mention-worthy-levels, we would have all the fun with rules, laws, its violation, fines, speed-breakers etc!

Asker’s comments:
Asker's Rating: Asker's Comment: I love these types of answers

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Kaam Chor!

Yes, Literally, I have stolen the secrets from a cross section of the society.
Secrets that most people are least interested in!
Though not in a strict sense, all of it now turns out to be ‘pay-back-time’!
I felt the job to be a wonderful opportunity to get to know the secret ways in which the subtle mind works for various kinds of people! I was hardly interested in the material aspects of life, nor how it was handled deftly. Any knowledge gained regarding handling of commercial aspects of life was purely incidental. Some how, I was very keen to make the best use of the great opportunity I got at the place of work. And as a bonus, I was hardly chosen to be placed at any of the administrative offices, though chances came very close to it. With constant practice and experience, in the later years of service, ‘the deciphering’ of the methodology employed by people for handling material aspect of life became as normal as smelling the aroma from kitchen to find out ‘what’s for dinner’! It came as a very handy tool to accelerate the pace of progress in the main goal of life!

I was almost provoked to ‘spill the beans’, when a question came up.
And my answer did reach the asker. The response was quick. So I thought, why not share it with people who persist lingering around my blog page! No big ideas this time also, as usual, but just to share about how the job experience appeared to me!


What is the best part of your job?
For me it is most of the people I work with.

My(answer) part of the Job:
It was. For 30 years!An opportunity to know at very close quarters, people from all walks of life. A cross-section of the society. And, as a bonus, watching how other colleagues deal with this variety of people.Most of the present day thought-contents are 'commercial' , so the work place constituted to be somewhat like a 'confession' alter, in a fuzzy manner. Thoroughly enjoyed, amazed at how each deals so uniquely with similar sets of real-life-problems!Would not like to miss anything. So handling as many people as possible was real fun, and never a struggle. That way, being busy never resulted in getting tired, but was great joy!

The "HR" factor!

Ironically, the present day youngsters seem to miss the Human relations factor at home, especially at the “in-law” homes!

At work place, especially in successful organizations, there is abundance of that ‘HR’ factor. The bosses undergo even costly refresher courses to ensure that they give that subtle extra-sugar-coated “feel-good” factor to their juniors, subordinates co-workers etc! It does work too well. And it pays too! Very few fortunate people realize at least when it is a bit too late that, all the time, it was a commercially employed ‘technique, and there was never even a bit of emotion value or content in it!

I chanced to come across a youngster who recently got a chance to work under a teacher, but the basic nature of (human)relationship would be like an ‘employer-employee’. It is only then that I realized the distinction! This youngster had the opportunity to work for an organization, where Human Relations are at its best in terms of comparative evaluation in similar organizations. This organization was comfortable about normal anxieties concerning ‘attrition-due-to-lack-of-feel-good-factors”.

Like any other youngster, this person too would have ‘got-used’ to that pampering whether consciously or otherwise, aware or unawares. But, now when the role of ‘employee’ is going to be replicated during a study term, as a sort of apprenticeship or even assistantship for the sake of availing subsidy on the cost of study, I felt that there was going to be some contrast. A professor, is basically inclined towards research-oriented outlook, and the focus of the mind is towards excellence in the pursuit of knowledge. Such a person is naturally inclined to look at how well a student learns, and with what kinds of learning skills the student is equipped, and how well the student employs those tools, even while at work.

Let me take a ‘down-to-floor-level’ example, to make it light. An elderly lady employs a maid servant to get the floor cleaned. To keep the maid in good humour, and to ensure maximum productivity, the lady-employer would use all gimmicks to create that feel-good factor! Like offering a cup of tea in-between, insisting that the maid un-bend her back for a while, sip the tea while it is still warm, and then get back to cleaning the floor of the other room etc. Now, if the same lady, if she were to teach the art of floor-cleaning to her niece, would try to make sure that the would-be-bride-niece of hers learns the art of cleaning, well enough to avoid any ‘fault-finding’ from her in-laws. In this process, the aunt would forgo that ‘feel-good’ factor, and even create a mock-drill of being severe! The primary focus is to ensure that the niece learns perfectly. The emotional attachment due to love for own niece, gives that extra care and inclination towards teaching.

The professor-employer has no mental-leisure, nor is he ‘obliged’ to ensure productivity. He has no ‘attrition’ problems due to that apprentice student. So, I tried to impress upon this youngster, this factor, and asked him to be aware a bit more consciously about this aspect. Now, if situation permits, this student can show due humility towards the professor, for genuine reasons, which may perhaps evoke one extra remark about the student in the final appraisal, in addition to job-dexterity, giving that much needed feel-back to the potential head-hunters. The commercial employers, despite care and effort, would only look towards candidates who cause less drain on their HR effort. The job-dexterity takes a little bit of lesser priority than it deserves. It is this natural tendency, that I tried to impress upon the youth.

When I come to think of it, perhaps this is why the working girls of today find it difficult to allow the parents of the spouse to stay with them after getting married. These parents cannot be expected to play that ‘goody-goody’ role of boss-like-elders! We cannot really find fault with the girl-children, when they are expected to get over suddenly, what they got used to , all the while. And, if the young girl is a bit emotionally vulnerable, she would fall a prey to that ‘commercial-HR-factor’, and end up in undesirable ‘ties’. The problem is , this HR factor is an indispensable aspect for the success of the organization.

( In all humility, I have no hesitation whatever, in confessing that, I was unduly fortunate to be blessed with an experience under a spiritual Master, who even demonstrated how it feels to be under the ‘employ’ of a person, who has himself risen well above intellect and emotion! Buddhi is intellect. Buddhoo is below intellect level, and obviously, Buddha is above intellect! I am yet to deserve that blessing-full experience!)

I wonder if, the concept narrated above holds value in the view-point of others too! Only a response/feed-back can tell.
Psn(30th Aug, 2009)